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Author: twinkystar

~You're Beautiful:A.N.JELL~

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 Author| Post time 9-11-2009 07:40 PM | Show all posts
mod kunci thread tuh..

ni yg buatkan me suka cari..sempoi jer..boleh tulis one liner,boleh quote image sesuka hati..

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Post time 9-11-2009 07:47 PM | Show all posts
preview episod 11 dah ada blm??

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 Author| Post time 9-11-2009 07:50 PM | Show all posts
summary dh kuar preview x tau

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Post time 9-11-2009 07:51 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by twinkystar at 9-11-2009 11:50

jenuh carik,akhirnya album C.N.BLUE yonghwa..dia lead vocal dgn guitarist

download Now or Never

best gakla..sebab dlm english,so fa ...
twinkystar Post at 9-11-2009 11:48

akhirnya dpt gak!:pompom:komawo..

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Post time 9-11-2009 07:56 PM | Show all posts
kat soompi drg asik merempit siangmlm + langgar peraturan, kan dah kne jail...kekeke

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 Author| Post time 9-11-2009 07:58 PM | Show all posts
telefon samsung corby yg A.N.JELL pakai, termasuk yg kaler pink UEE pakai skrg 2pm endorsekan

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Post time 9-11-2009 08:18 PM | Show all posts
telefon samsung corby yg A.N.JELL pakai, termasuk yg kaler pink UEE pakai skrg 2pm endorsekan
twinkystar Post at 9-11-2009 19:58

tu tepon samsung yg barukan?.. comey je tepon diorg nih cam org yg pakai tu gak...

kat mesia dah ade ke?

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Post time 9-11-2009 08:30 PM | Show all posts
dgsnye me nye hp sbijik cam dorg tp rs model yg len kot huhu~
tp me mmg nk bli model camtuh huhu.. harus sapot barang korea

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Post time 9-11-2009 08:38 PM | Show all posts
2183# twinkystar
preview dh kuar...ada kat YT x silap...jap aku search.,,,,

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Post time 10-11-2009 12:35 AM | Show all posts
[2009.11.06] A.N.JELL - High Cut Vol. 16 Behind the Shutter #`1

[2009.11.06] A.N.JELL - High Cut Vol. 16 Behind the Shutter #`2


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 Author| Post time 10-11-2009 03:55 AM | Show all posts
yg bts satu,jgs dok slap hk nyer butt jer..LOL..
BTS2, psh dok main2 dgn YH..pastu dorg dua dgn HK tiru suara TK

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2009 07:28 AM | Show all posts
translation of the High Cut article

Part 1: Topic: "If you have a girlfriend like Go Mi Nam"

Lee Hong Gi (LHG): Go Mi Nam is a pure and innocent girl, though her outer appearance is like a guy.

Jang Geun Suk (JGS): I feel like it's too much pressure, if she's with me, I might always make her nervous.

LHG:Sorry I also agree. If a girl is too nice, even if I'm at fault shewill always forgive me. I like a more unpredictable girl, when we'retogether we'll have lots to talk about and do lots of things that willbe remembered.

JGS: Lee Hong Gi, do you have the model of your perfect girl from the current female stars?

LHG (very seriously): Yes, it's Song Hye Kyo sunbae. And what about Geun Seuk hyung?

JGS (pondering over it): No I don't, ha ha

JungYong Hwa (JYH): I like the nice girls, who doesn't lie, their feelingsare always honestly displayed on their faces...I also like Go Mi Nam,because I am Shin Woo.

JGS (asking JYH): So what if Shin Hye says she wants to date you?

PSH (quickly answers): That won't happen

JYH (smiles): Of course I will agree, because I am Kang Shin Woo

PVHigh Cut: Park Shin Hye, out of the 3 guys Tae Kyung is difficult, ShinWoo is gentle, Jeremy is active, who comes the closest to being yourperfect guy?

PSH: Out of the three who is difficult, gentle, and active? Speaking in a sense of appearance, the most alluring is Tae Kyung

JGS: Ah, Shin Hye is revealing her true inner feelings...It's clear that Shin Hye is different

JYH: Even if I covered her face with a towel, it will be pointless

PSH:Hwang Tae Kyung gradually makes people fall for him more and morebecause of his charms, Kang Shin Woo, with a first look, will make youfall for him instantly, and Jeremy, is a person who will make you feelthe most fun to be around. But if I had to chose my model of a perfectguy out of the three, honestly, I will chose Hwang Tae Kyung'sdifficult personality.

PV High Cut: Do you like the "bad boys"?

PSH: Not exactly bad boys....

JGS:Every time you ask a girl if she likes bad boys, most won't admit it.Even if they do like them, even if they had to die, they won't admit it.

PSH:No, not even if they're dying they won't admit it. (using Go Mi Nam'sway of speaking) Yes, I have fallen for the bad boys, they are veryalluring.

Part 2: Battle of the titles: "Rena Jang, Avant Hye, Hong Star, Bolmae Jung"

PSH: On filming location, we usually refer to each other as "Rena Jang, Avant Hye, Hong Star, Bolmae Jung"

JGS:"Rena Jang" coined by Shin Hye, "Avan Hye" coined by me. "Rena Jang" isa short for "Renaissance Jang", because I like the type of girls whohas that about them.

PV: What do you mean?

PSH: (Not exactly clear, she just goes on to describe the way Renaissance girls dresses)

LHG: Girls who are very feminine and sophisticated

JGSn reality Shin Hye is very feminine and womanly. Once during the moonfestival season, Some one brought over some nuts and every one wereprying them open with their teeth to eat. Shin Hye came out with aknife and started seeding each one for everybody. When I saw that shewas very modern woman like, so I came up with the "Avant Hye" title forher.

PSH:"Bolmae Jung" means "Jung Yong Hwa, the more you look,the more you fall" (Bolmae is a new slang amongst the younger Koreans).He has a lot of skills in his music talent. He wrote the rap part ofthe song "romise" in our OST. "Hong Star" is because he's very brightand shining like the stars.

JGS (points at Lee Hong Gi): He came up with his own title (ha ha)

LHG:That's because I've always been "Hong Star" since I was young. Hong Gimeans someone who will become a star. Vì that's why Geun Seuk hyungespecially likes me (ha ha)

Part 3: A.N.JELL members talk about being "idols"
(In Korea, the term 'idol' is referred to just singers and not actors)

JGS: Recently what does the term "idol" mean?

LHGeople usually calls the younger singing groups as idols. Though theyare younger, if they decide to go solo, they won't be called "idol" buta singer. Solo singer.

PSH: Before, usually the singing groups from 17 to 20 years of age are called idols. But now the term has broaden

LHG:The term "idol" is actually a very good title, it means all the teenslook up to you. But in order to get that title is very difficult. Thesingers have to be careful about their daily lives. They receive a lotof benefits but it also has its downsides

JGS: Idols are morelike a robot that caters to the fans' wishes rather than their own. Iam not a singer so I'm not exactly clear, but actors aren't like that.The idol are very tightly monitored by their managers, that's not howit is with actors. Personally I like being able to go to the salon bymyself. I don't like it when managers have to make appointments andopening car doors for me, because that's my personal life. Schools andfriends are also my own business. Why does the manager have tointerfere, I don't understand it?

LHG: Because I'm currently an"idol" I agree with your point of view. We really don't like to haveother people interfering in our lives but we have no other choicebecause we're a group as a whole and not just one single person.

PV HIGT CUT: But in return you get the grand stages and thousands of fans screaming for you

LHG: Yes definitely, I almost forgot about that

PSH:To have something, you have to lose something else in return. Eventhough, actors get to have a more personal life, if a rumour happensand people are talking about you, you have to bear it all yourself.

PV HIGH CUT: Currently you are promoting yourself as A.N.JELL.  Do you have any desire to really pursue the singing group?

PSH: We usually are together all the time, if one person is missing you feel like something is missing and it's a little sad.

JGS:Aside from time to shower. Out of 24 hours in a day, we're together forthe other 22 hours. We're really living like a real band.

PSH: In reality our current lives are very much like a boy band

JGS:The scheduling for filming "You're Beautiful" is just like those of theidol groups. We almost don't even have enough time to study ourcharacters. Today you get the script, tomorrow morning you're alreadyfilming. Sometimes you'll feel pressured. But the skills that you'reable achieve within that time constraint will show you're true abilityas an actor. Everyone is performing so well under pressure that itmakes me in awe

LHG: When filming we don't have a lot of time,but we have a lot of fun together. This is really like how the idolgroups are. Geun Seuk hyung is very close with a lot of the idolsingers. And Shin Hye is close with me, but I'm also an idol

PSH (speaking as Go Mi Nam): Yes, you are the only idol that I am close to.

Part 4: The friendship between the 4 actors of "You're Beautiful"

PV HIGH CUT: Jang Geun Suk had written a very personal message on the 'You're Beautiful' forum that caused a lot of discussion

JGS:This is the first time I am a senior on a series. I think that everything I do will also affect the younger guys, that's why I thoughtabout them more than myself. On the topic of ratings, it is somethingthat you can't ignore. I often tells them "Don't pay too much attentionto the numbers. We perform as we see fit" But because they alwaysperform so well, it makes me question that maybe I'm the one who's notperforming well. Thoughts like that always cross my mind.

PSH: We are like four corners.  Each corner comes together to form a square.  But a square can't move as well as we do.

PV HIGH CUT: All four have colorful personalities, the "move" can't be too smoothly?

PSH:We each fit together like a puzzle. Today the script comes, tomorrow isfilming, we don't even have time to memorize the script. But if allfour of us rehearse together, it is much quicker. We're like a perfectteam.

LHG: When I was active with FT Island, when we're tiredit's very frustrating. But here if I'm tired, Jung Hwa and Geun Seukhyung will make me laugh. The morning when I came to the filminglocation, Jung Hwa immediately comes up and knock on my car door. Inormally don't interact right away with strangers, but I became closewith him very quickly.

JGS: How close are we? (Suddenly loud): Yah!
The other 3 answered in unison: Yes?!

JGS (Acting superior like Hwang Tae Kyung): We are close like that

PSH: We are as close as when Geun Suk calls "Yah!" we immediately response "Yes!".

Part 5: In our life, "You're Beautiful" is...

PSH: Is the most precious gift to my 20 year old self

LHG: Is a product that signals the beginning of my acting career after I've matured

JYHs a significant product that can't be described in words. This is thefirst time appearing on the small screen that I will never forget.

LHG: With Geun Suk hyung, "You're Beautiful" is "a pleasure to be able to know Hong Gi"

JGS:Hmm...."You're Beautiful" is a fairy tale of idols at their mostperfect age. Now, Jang Geun Seuk, 23 years old, only wants to strive atthe highest quality to portray the character in the most beautifulblooming season.

LHG: Most beautiful blooming season. We arestill blooming blossoms, and Geun Suk hyung is a flower that hasalready passed it's bloom, ha ha

PV HIGH CUT: So it's alright for our interview with all minami to end here?

All four together: Yes, thank you. But everyone watching "IRIS" is not alright, ok? (once again laughter breaks out)

Taken from Baidu
Vtrans: [email protected]

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2009 07:45 AM | Show all posts

[ CAP ] DOWNLOAD (640×352) [ MEDIAFIRE01 ]


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Post time 10-11-2009 08:11 AM | Show all posts

[ CAP ] DOWNLOAD (640×352) [ MEDIAFIRE01 ]

twinkystar Post at 10-11-2009 07:45 AM

yahoooooooooo, dh kuar hs tuk epi 9... blk rumah kang boleh la mula sedut!!  :pompom::pompom:

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Post time 10-11-2009 08:25 AM | Show all posts
2193# twinkystar
Sweet je diaorg ni......harap2 diaorg buat band a.n.jell.gak bila abis citer ni...keeek ..tu mesti best..w/pun mcm impossible....kekkee

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Post time 10-11-2009 09:10 AM | Show all posts
finally abis gak epi 10..copek la ari rabu..thehehhee

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Post time 10-11-2009 09:39 AM | Show all posts
2192# twinkystar

hekehekehkehkk.. aku yang baca ni tersipu2 part jgs ngan psh..
tak payah laa nak flirt sokmo dahh.. kapel je terusssssssss... :pompom:

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Post time 10-11-2009 09:46 AM | Show all posts

tenet umh kong lps kilat kuat hr 2...
nk moyan tk..

tk ai miss u soo muchh

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2009 10:45 AM | Show all posts
2192# twinkystar  

hekehekehkehkk.. aku yang baca ni tersipu2 part jgs ngan psh..
tak payah laa nak flirt sokmo dahh.. kapel je terusssssssss... :pompom:
blankie Post at 10-11-2009 09:39

haha..tapi kat soompi dorg speku PSH dgn JYH ada apa2 sebab tgk bts dorg dua neh cam semacam..muahaha...
nak carik YH senang jer..carikla mana ada PSH adala dia..
tapi me pun rasa off screen, ada sumthing going on..a little crush perhaps?
off screen, JGS sebok dgn hk jer..


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Post time 10-11-2009 11:19 AM | Show all posts
Midnight interview with You’re Beautiful’s sleep-deprived but happy cast
November 9th, 2009 // by javabeans

The following video clip (watch below) and interview caught the cast of You’re Beautiful in a rare spare moment as they filmed busily — time is scarce and it looks like they’re in the thick of live-shooting by this point, with just three more weeks left till the series wraps. The cast also seems unusually close and always in good humor, based on the behind-the-scenes clips that have been released.

(Basically, my principal reaction to the interview was, “Jang Geun-seok and Park Shin-hye, just date already!!” Seriously, it seems like they’re always flirting, and it’s too cute.)

In the clip, Park Shin-hye starts by explaining the cast’s nicknames for each other (which are explained in more detail below), and then starts reciting one of her lines when Lee Hong-ki appears. Hong-ki takes over and imitates one of Mi-nam’s lines from the scene in Episode 1 where she’s drunk at the party, and Shin-hye acts Jeremy’s part. Jung Yong-hwa arrives and Shin-hye recites his line from the Towel Scene. And then everyone imitates Jang Geun-seok.

Read more: Midnight Interview with You're Beautiful's Sleep-deprived but Happy Cast

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