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Author: hanakikan

Upacara Pengebumian Lee Kuan Yew

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Post time 24-3-2015 06:41 AM | Show all posts
ifanonline replied at 23-3-2015 03:26 PM
i think some singaporeans r waiting for mr lee's comeback from the dead...he said so himself...he wi ...

Tuh yang sampai lewat malam tadi aku diberitahu....rakyat in hundreds berkampung diluar pintu gerbang Sri temasek..........past bed time........,menanti dengan penuh pengharapan....


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Post time 24-3-2015 06:45 AM | Show all posts
Ada org bijaksana kat sini. Powderful brain gituuu ....


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Post time 24-3-2015 06:48 AM | Show all posts
sekngucing replied at 23-3-2015 07:18 PM
kita ambik yg baik la dari dia
yg buruk kita tinggalkan
bagaimana dia menukar negara dunia ke 3  ...

transformation from 3rd world nation to 1st world......


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Post time 24-3-2015 06:50 AM | Show all posts
Ada sorang isteri yang dayuskan laki........ aku dengar semalam kena basuh kaw kaw dengan fellow sporeans kah?


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Post time 24-3-2015 06:57 AM | Show all posts
Edited by stinger_attack at 24-3-2015 06:58 AM
v(T.T)v replied at 23-3-2015 10:28 PM
ko mabuk ke? mana bukti LKY rasis? Adakah beliau mengamalkan "NEP" yg memelihara orang cina yg maj ...

"Orang melayu ISLAM spura, tahap integrasi mereka dgn kaum berbilang bangsa dan agama yang lain is very much to be desired....kerna mereka terlalu mengamalkan amalan agama mereka"

Can you think of any other Racist statement to beat the above?


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Post time 24-3-2015 07:04 AM | Show all posts
stinger_attack replied at 24-3-2015 06:50 AM
Ada sorang isteri yang dayuskan laki........ aku dengar semalam kena basuh kaw kaw dengan fellow spo ...

yes that fellow singaporean sama waktu dgn kau....powderful. but where ever you are around thread jadi sampah & carut...... So prepared with his super sewel powderful words.....layaaaar pak rahim....


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Post time 24-3-2015 07:32 AM | Show all posts

Another area that Lee had to tackle right after independence was Singapore's decrepit housing situation, which the British Housing Committee Report said in 1947 had 'one of the world’s worst slums”.

The PAP pledged to provide low-cost housing for the poor in their 1959 election campaign, and took immediate action upon winning the election, formed the Housing Development Board (HDB) on 1 February 1960. Within five years, the HDB had built 54,430 public flats.


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Post time 24-3-2015 07:33 AM | Show all posts

Lee married his wife Kwa Geok Choo (extreme left) secretly in 1947 when they were both studying in London. When they came back to Singapore, he married her again in a more public ceremony on 30 September 1950. Lee quipped: “I don’t think that’s an offence, to marry a woman twice, the same woman!” They have three children: current Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Wei Ling and Hsien Yang


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Post time 24-3-2015 07:35 AM | Show all posts

Lee’s first electoral win saw him become the Member of Parliament (MP) for the ward of Tanjong Pagar in 1955, a position he holds up to this day.

After a landslide victory where the PAP won 43 of the 51 seats during national elections in 1959, Lee was sworn in as prime minister on 5 June. Lee’s PAP won every seat for four consecutive elections from 1968 to 1980.


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Post time 24-3-2015 07:38 AM | Show all posts
Edited by kak_sue at 24-3-2015 07:54 AM

To gain independence from the British and to battle the threat of pro-Chinese communists in Singapore, Lee recognized the importance and believed that a merger with Malaysia was essential for Singapore’s survival. On his 40th birthday, Lee readily agreed to Malayan Prime Minster Tunku Abdul Rahman's merger proposal and on 16 September 1963 joined the Federation of Malaya alongside North Borneo and Sarawak to form Malaysia.

Above: The end of British rule in Singapore and the merger with Malaysia - Enche Yusok bin Ishak (third from left) signs the Oath of Allegiance and Office as the first Head of State on 14 December 1959. Lee is standing second from left.

The union however was short-lived. Race riots broke out in Singapore in 1964 and both Tunku Abdul Rahman and Lee were unable to see eye-to-eye in seeking answers to the conflict. Lee was for a “Malaysian Malaysia”, where the Chinese and Malays were accorded equal rights which the Malay-dominated federal government could not accept. In the end, the Tunku decided to expel Singapore from the Federation, leading to the independence of the tiny city-state on 9 August 1965.

It was a heavy blow to Lee who truly believed in a merger with Malaysia for Singapore’s survival: “(It) is a moment of anguish because all my life…I have believed in merger and the unity of these two territories.”

Above: Lee talks to newsmen in Singapore shortly after announcing the island's secession from Malaysia, 10 august 1965


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Post time 24-3-2015 07:40 AM | Show all posts

Fully aware that Singapore had no natural resources to depend on, Lee saw a strong economy as the backbone for the island’s survival and was quoted as saying in its early days “(You) cannot have strong defence and strong finance unless you have a strong, unified, well-educated and increasingly cohesive society.” He transformed Singapore into a hardworking, industrialist state by making it a major exporter of goods such as electronics, chemicals and services.

Lee also had the foresight to bring in multinational companies (MNCs) from America, who were keen to expand and move their factories abroad, establishing the Jurong Town Corporation on 1 June 1968 to develop industrial estates in Singapore. MNCs were attracted by it along with the security of Singapore amidst the regional instability brought upon by the Cultural Revolution happening in China at that time.

By the 1980s, Singapore had become a chief financial center of Southeast Asia


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Post time 24-3-2015 07:41 AM | Show all posts

On 14 March 1967, Lee passed a bill in Parliament for National Service, where all abled-bodied Singaporean males aged 18 and above were required to serve in either the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), Police Force or Civil Defence Force for two years. He tasked then Defence Minister Goh Keng Swee with building up the SAF and also relied on the expertise from countries such as Israel, for advice and training.


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Post time 24-3-2015 07:45 AM | Show all posts
Edited by kak_sue at 24-3-2015 07:55 AM

Enjoy reading....and those yg tak agree atau ada info yg salah boleh tegur tapi jgn maki2 & carut2 ok.....


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Post time 24-3-2015 08:03 AM | Show all posts
stinger_attack replied at 24-3-2015 06:48 AM
transformation from 3rd world nation to 1st world......

he;s not what a leader that singaporean deserved, but a leader singaporean needed


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Post time 24-3-2015 08:05 AM | Show all posts
kak_sue replied at 24-3-2015 07:41 AM
On 14 March 1967, Lee passed a bill in Parliament for National Service, where all abled-bodi ...

pemimpin2 Malaysia patut contohi Mr LKW,

belajar daripada Sg Experience,

apa yg kita mahu bukan pemimpin yg pandai polititaik, main sandiwara, main isu2.........

tahu belanja buat ini itu, Petronas kaya ma,

prioriti pemimpin : gaya mahu dulu, kalah belakang kira,

selalu laung slogan : kita boleh  vs    Sg: Kia Su

self kleim pulak harimau Asia,

kita mahu pemimpin2 yg betul2  wisdom,

bukan asyik dok instill rakyat kita dah berjaya

Malaysia patut belajar sama Singapura,

tengok Tiongkok tiap2 tahun hantar pegawai2 depa

belajar Management, Public Administration di Sg


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Post time 24-3-2015 08:12 AM | Show all posts
Mahathir VS Lee KY

jasa Mahatir ini itu:

Petronas Twin Tower tertinggi seketika di dunia


Jambatan Penang,

PLUS Lebuhraya ,

angkasawan melancung........  ini itu semua infra struktur

LKY: tak banyak satu je,

Singapore nation building


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Post time 24-3-2015 08:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kak_sue replied at 24-3-2015 07:38 AM
To gain independence from the British and to battle the threat of pro-Chinese communists in Si ...

Kenapa lps era yusof ishak dan benjamin sheares dah tkda presiden melayu??

Org melayu tkda capabiliti kah?? Atau sembang kencang tp hasil nan hado jah??

Sampaikan lky bwk msk honky,prc,pinoy sampai tak berani nk angkat muka??

Jasa tetap jasa...kita tahu...lky hanya sambung apa yg british tinggalkan lagipun org semua tahu spore tu crown colony british..

Spore pn memiliki laut yg dalam utk dijadikan dermaga...daripada area selat spore sampaikan ke pulau belakang mati...

Spore mmg strategik..masakan raffles sanggup menukar pusat operasi dari Bengkulu @ Bencoolen ke Temasek...Pujuk Belanda...wallahualam....

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Post time 24-3-2015 09:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sekngucing replied at 23-3-2015 07:20 PM
malaya pun sama
brtitish tinggalkan railway keretapi, sistem pemerintahan, pelabuhan, bla bla bla ...

Income sgpore mmg agak byk brbndg negeri2 lain di msia pd msa tu disbbkan pelabuhannya yg strategik, malah masa di dlm malaysia, ianya mnjadi pusat ekonomi malaysia sebelum kl mengambil alih setelah sgpore kluar msia

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Post time 24-3-2015 09:43 AM | Show all posts
Sepatutnya bila Singapore keluar Malaysia dulu, Malaysia dah dibubarkan dah. Tapi LKY nie pentingkan diri sendiri. Wpun aku rasa LKY byk menyumbang kpd kemajuan Singapore, tp, ada jugak sisi negatif dia. Bab dia pencilkan Melayu tu mmg betul. Melayu, walaupun kadar pertumbuhannya jauh lebih tinggi berbanding Cina dan India, tetapi share populasi tetap menurun setiap tahun. Tapi bagi aku, bukan takat Melayu, malah the whole Singaporean are at stake. Pada asalnya Singaporean ialah negara yg maju dan hampir menunjukkan ciri2 Jepun - dgn disiplinnya, etika dsb. Tapi bila PRC diimport secara besar2an, maka culture yg bagus tu dah reset balik jadi mcm negara membangun. Importlah honky yg sangat smart pun tak guna kalau masih lagi import PRC dan pinoy yg culturenya hado gituh.

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Post time 24-3-2015 09:59 AM | Show all posts
bagus jugak belajar sejarah nik

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