salam...nak tanya, bleh x bg baby 5 bln mkn yogurt asli...yg xder perisa tu |
salam semua...
puteri ni dah ada 2 anak tp masih confuse nak start bg bb puree buah dulu or bubur nasi kosong. masa yg sulung dulu bb buah dulu, pisang, betik, epal...
yg no 2 ni esok genap 6 bln, tp masa cuti raya ari tu ada la bancuhkan nestum beras yg without milk tu cair2, suap kat bb buat rasa jer....
weekend ni nak start bg la, tu tgh pikir nak start ngan apa??
sapa2 boleh bantu??? tq |
pakai hand blender. senang je....
saya beli saya punye kat harvey norman.
gwenrocks Post at 22-4-2009 11:51 
brp ratus hand blender kat situ ek
susah nak carik kat kedai biasa |
jenguk la site ni
www.annabelkarmel.com |
dgn site ni
www.wholesomebabyfood.com |
hand blender klu beli online kat littlewhiz RM60++ je.. owen pun ingat nak beli online senang sket.. |
hand blender klu beli online kat littlewhiz RM60++ je.. owen pun ingat nak beli online senang sket..
owencute Post at 7-10-2009 09:20 
ada gak tgk hand blender tu. halus tak hasilnye? |
malaOn, tak tahu lah hasilnya ..tak beli lagi pun...sebab baby baru 3 bulan |
anak cepoi asal cepoi masak benda berasaskan beras dia tak berapa nak makan...so makanan favourite dia labu ngan jagung rebus then blender...atau heinz punya benda2 manis mcm pisang dll atau nestum manis...ada idea tak mcm mana nak kasi dia makan benda berasas beras?
aritu dah tambah ayam, ikan salmon semua kena reject..umur beliau 8 bulan |
brp ratus hand blender kat situ ek
susah nak carik kat kedai biasa
mala0n Post at 1-10-2009 11:07 
tak ingat la yang...sori. tapi rasanya dalam seratus lebih camtu. |
210# sepoibahasa
kalau dia suka benda manis, try la campur baby rice dengan fruit puree.... |
anak cepoi asal cepoi masak benda berasaskan beras dia tak berapa nak makan...so makanan favourite dia labu ngan jagung rebus then blender...atau heinz punya benda2 manis mcm pisang dll atau nestum ma ...
sepoibahasa Post at 14-10-2009 13:45 
boleh juga ditambah kurma @ kismis blend |
thanks 4 sharing everyone..
good info... |
tgk kat annabelkarmel tuh aku yg kecur air liur... |
mmm..9 mo old dah leh kasik cheese n yogurt ker?kalo fresh milk 1 year old kan?sbb ngk website matsalleh nih 8 bln mskannya dah ado cheese bagai...sbb aku nak increase weight bb nih.. |
ari tu, org Nestle bgtau me
klu nak bg baby makan, kena ikut stage dia
cos nnti akan pengaruhi cara pemakanan baby tu kelak
stage 1, memula nak bg solids
kena bg yg beras kosong tu dulu (peket hijau)
pastu br bg yg beras merah (nih manis sket, peket pink)
then masuk stage 2
kena bagi yg sayur-sayuran tu
klu terus skip bg yg manis2 cam buah
nanti baby takmo makan sayur
katanya klu skip aturan ni
maybe baby xsuka makan
cos aturan ni bantu baby kenal dlm proses makan (kunyah telan etc)
ade lg yg dia ckp tp me xbrp ingat |
good info nad.i agree... |
217# cmf_comei
Food To Premiere With
Before the gastronomic world can be a baby's oyster (or fillet orlasagne), the land of bland must be conquered. Which means baby musttake baby steps at the table - steps are listed below in the orderthey're generally suggested (though the times for introduction might belater in a baby with a history or a family history of allergy). thefoods, which can be prepared at home or purchased ready to use, shouldat first be very smooth in texture - strained, pureed or finely mashed,and thinned with liquid if necessary to the consistency of thick cream.The texture should continue to be smooth until the sixth or seventhmonth, becoming progressively thicker as baby becomes a moreexpereienced eater.
Babies usually take less than half a teaspoon at first, but many workup to two to three tablespoons, sometimes more, in a surprisingly shorttime. Food can be served cold or at room temperature (which most babiesprefer) or slightly warmed, though heating is usually done more for theadult's taste than the baby's - and is largely an unnecessary hassle.
4 to 6 months
- Rice cereal
6 month
- Barley cereal
- Oat cereal
- Apples puree
- Banana
- Pear
- Peaches
- Peas
- Carrots
- Green beans
- Sweet potato
- Squash
7 to 8 months
- Chicken
- Turkey
- Lamb
- Beef
- Avocado
- Egg yolk
9 months
- Yoghurt (whole milk)
- Cheese (such as Gruyere, Emmenthal, Cheddar)
- Pasta
- Beans
- Tofu |
ku suka nak tekankan..
bab kasi baby makan masa umur 4 bulan tu kajian lama...
kajian baru adlaah kasi baby makan umur 6 bulan...
stage ni pon sama.. kenalkan nasi kosong ..pastu sayur.. pastu baru buh yg manis2.. yg masin (cam bilis tu)....
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