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Author: batu kikir


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Post time 16-4-2006 10:40 PM | Show all posts
hi, aku pun salah sorang agent from public (dowline kirawang)
just nak share cerita... mengenai salah sorang customer saya
the not so smart people... invest in may 05, about RM11,000
as on friday (14/04/06), fund dia dah grow about 15%, kalau in ringgit, more than RM1500 (realised gain)
TAPI kalau "the not so smart people" ni biar duit tu kat epf, dia cuma akan dapat tak sampai RM600, sama macam the
so called smart people dapat, 5%....

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Post time 17-4-2006 01:18 AM | Show all posts
Lat..aku sebenarnya malas nak comment tulisan yang berbentuk tak berfaedah ni..

Sorry to say..

Only not so smart kat sini ialah pengarang thread ni..

Because..Maksud  ONLY "NOT SO SMART" PEOPLE INVEST IN MUTUAL FUNDS..semua yang invest dengan mana2 company unit trust semuanya tak smart..

Tulisan dia ni, ini mengelirukan orang ramai, kerana ada banyak UTrust company contohnya Public. AM, SBB, MAAKL, OSK, TA, Pacific..dan banyak lagi..

Kalau dia betul2 smart, dia blh identified between the companise yang make money and lose money. kalau dia betul2 smart jugak, dia blh tahu which fund yang tak profit publish kat newspaper..belajar buat research sikit. Dalami ilmu UT..

Tak tahu, apa salahnya belajar..

Tajuk dia ni seolah2 semua org invest dalam semua UT Company tak smart..

Refer kat bawah ni, return Public Mutual. Recognized by Lipper..

Fund Performance Recognition by Lipper

The Edge-Lipper Malaysia Fund Awards 2006:
Total Returns*

Public Mutual Berhad: Best Fund Group (Equity Group) : 3 Years

Public Ittikal Fund
3 Years
Total Returns*
Equity Islamic/Syariah

Public Industry Fund
3 Years
Equity Income
Total Returns*

Public SmallCap Fund
3 Years
Equity Small Companies
Total Returns*

PB Growth Fund
3 Years
Equity Growth
Total Returns*


PB Balanced Fund
3 Years
Mixed Asset Growth
Total Returns*

Public Bond Fund
3 Years
Bond General
Total Returns*

Public Index Fund
5 Years
Equity Index Tracking
Total Returns*

Public SmallCap Fund
5 Years
Equity Small Companies
Total Returns*

Public Ittikal Fund
5 Years
Equity Islamic/Syariah
Total Returns*

PB Balanced Fund
5 Years
Mixed Asset Growth
Total Returns*

Public Bond Fund
5 Years
Bond General
Total Returns*

*Total returns of 3 years and 5 years respectively as at 30 December 2005. Source: The Edge-Lipper, 9 January 2006

So, sapa yang tak smart sekarang?

[ Last edited by  kirawang at 17-4-2006 01:28 AM ]

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onlineshop This user has been deleted
Post time 17-4-2006 09:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LAT at 16-4-2006 10:40 PM
hi, aku pun salah sorang agent from public (dowline kirawang)
just nak share cerita... mengenai salah sorang customer saya
the not so smart people... invest in may 05, about RM11,000
as on frida ...

u mean tht majority malaysian got epf account
so u mean tht majority ppl tht put money in epf is NOT SO SMART
because of the 5% annual diveden?
more over,
wat u call those ppl tht put their money in FD acc?
3.75% annual dividen
lower thn epf

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onlineshop This user has been deleted
Post time 17-4-2006 09:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kirawang at 17-4-2006 01:18 AM
Lat..aku sebenarnya malas nak comment tulisan yang berbentuk tak berfaedah ni..

Sorry to say..

Only not so smart kat sini ialah pengarang thread ni..

Because..Maksud  ONLY "NOT SO SMART" PEOPLE INVEST IN MUTUAL FUNDS..semua yang invest dengan mana2 company unit trust semuanya tak smart..

Tulisan dia ni, ini mengelirukan orang ramai, kerana ada banyak UTrust company contohnya Public. AM, SBB, MAAKL, OSK, TA, Pacific..dan banyak lagi..

Kalau dia betul2 smart, dia blh identified between the companise yang make money and lose money. kalau dia betul2 smart jugak, dia blh tahu which fund yang tak profit publish kat newspaper..belajar buat research sikit. Dalami ilmu UT..

Tak tahu, apa salahnya belajar..

Tajuk dia ni seolah2 semua org invest dalam semua UT Company tak smart..

Refer kat bawah ni, return Public Mutual. Recognized by Lipper..

Fund Performance Recognition by Lipper

The Edge-Lipper Malaysia Fund Awards 2006:
Total Returns*

Public Mutual Berhad: Best Fund Group (Equity Group) : 3 Years

Public Ittikal Fund
3 Years
Total Returns*
Equity Islamic/Syariah

Public Industry Fund
3 Years
Equity Income
Total Returns*

Public SmallCap Fund
3 Years
Equity Small Companies
Total Returns*

PB Growth Fund
3 Years
Equity Growth
Total Returns*


PB Balanced Fund
3 Years
Mixed Asset Growth
Total Returns*

Public Bond Fund
3 Years
Bond General
Total Returns*

Public Index Fund
5 Years
Equity Index Tracking
Total Returns*

Public SmallCap Fund
5 Years
Equity Small Companies
Total Returns*

Public Ittikal Fund
5 Years
Equity Islamic/Syariah
Total Returns*

PB Balanced Fund
5 Years
Mixed Asset Growth
Total Returns*

Public Bond Fund
5 Years
Bond General
Total Returns*

*Total returns of 3 years and 5 years respectively as at 30 December 2005. Source: The Edge-Lipper, 9 January 2006

So, sapa yang tak smart sekarang?

UT divieden is not GUARTEEDED
future performance of the UT is not GUARTI same as past  performance

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Post time 17-4-2006 09:27 AM | Show all posts
ini lagi sorang..

org cerita EPF vs UT , dia sibuk dgn FD..

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Post time 17-4-2006 09:37 AM | Show all posts
onlineshop, kau ni dah out of context...he he
focus.. focus..
read between the line...jgn mare..

just nak tambah, untuk masuk dalam ratings/ranking dalam Lipper, Standard & Poor atau Normandy tu , the respective
fund mesti at least 3 years in the market

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Post time 17-4-2006 10:48 AM | Show all posts

secara umum, epf is a compulsory saving dan agak lama dah epf tak bagi dividend macam
yang dia bagi masa tahun 80 an (the highest is 8.5%)
so sbb tu gov. give u option, if u want more, u can take part of your maney and invest in UT.
itu pun yg lebih RM50,000 dan 20% per w/drawal
dlm kata lain u diversify... macam org putih kata..jgn letak semua teluq hang dlm satu raga...

tapi, to diversify, jgn main masuk jeeee...
hang ada lagi option, pilih laa yang terbaik dan menepati citarasa hangg... (kat sini ilmu tu penting)

kita mesti faham nature of epf, about 80% dari total duit dia, di invest dlm govenrment bond/securities
(safe but lower return)
only about 20% in other type of investment (equity, property dll)
so bukan epf tak mau bagi dividend tinggi, tapi susah sbb even yg 20% tu bagi good return pun, tapi
80% tu so so, dapat la average yg kita/korang dpt sekarang.
furthermore, epf guarantee only 2 things
1. minimum Dividend of 2.5%
2. capital u takkan hilang atau no losses laa

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Post time 17-4-2006 11:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LAT at 17-4-2006 10:48 AM

secara umum, epf is a compulsory saving dan agak lama dah epf tak bagi dividend macam
yang dia bagi masa tahun 80 an (the highest is 8.5%)
so sbb tu gov. give u option, if u want more, ...

lat, reserve yr argument dgn more educated punya soalan.otherwise, jgn buang masa..pegi buat sales..:nerd:

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Post time 17-4-2006 11:59 AM | Show all posts
kalau masih ragu2..baca sumber dr the Edge ni..

21-02-2006: Public Mutual bags 12 The Edge-Lipper awards
By Surin Murugiah and Allison Lee

Public Mutual Bhd was the biggest winner at The Edge-Lipper Malaysia Funds Awards 2006 with 12 awards covering nine fund categories, including the Best Equity Group.

The awards are in the Bond General, Equity Islamic/Syariah, Equity Small Companies and Mixed Assets Growth category for the three-year and five-year periods. It also garnered awards in the Equity Growth and Equity Income categories for the three-year period, and Equity Index Tracking for the five-year period.

The company smashed last year's tally of nine with the Public Bond, PB Growth, Public Industry, Public Ittikal, Public SmallCap, PB Balanced and Public Index funds taking top prizes at award presentation ceremony on Feb 21.

OSK-UOB Unit Trust Management Bhd and TA Unit Trust Management Bhd bagged two awards each while Prudential Unit Trusts Bhd, RHB Unit Trust Management Bhd, Pacific Mutual Fund Bhd, Amanah SSCM Asset Management Bhd and Asia Unit Trusts Bhd collected one each.

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Post time 17-4-2006 12:01 PM | Show all posts
Jika sebelum ni, last week Public Mutual won Lipper12  award, skrg Standard & Poor.

Utusan Malaysia 1 mac 2006...

KUALA LUMPUR 28 Feb. - Public Mutual Bhd. memenangi anugerah Dana Pelaburan Malaysia 2006 Star/Standard & Poor's (S&P) bagi kategori kumpulan, dan ini mencerminkan prestasinya yang konsisten bagi semua kategori sektor dalam industri dana Malaysia.

Semua anugerah bagi prestasi dalam setahun, tiga tahun dan lima tahun disapu bersih oleh Public Mutual. Anugerah-anugerah tersebut telah disampaikan oleh Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Sekuriti, Tan Sri Md Nor Md Yusof.

Kesemuanya ada 13 pemenang bagi 19 kategori sektor, kata S&P dalam satu kenyataan di sini hari ini.

Anugerah Dana Pelaburan Star/ Standard & Poor's tahun ini mengiktiraf dana yang tertinggi prestasinya serta pengurus dana masing-masing, meliputi beraneka kelas aset.

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onlineshop This user has been deleted
Post time 17-4-2006 12:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LAT at 17-4-2006 09:37 AM
onlineshop, kau ni dah out of context...he he
focus.. focus..
read between the line...jgn mare..

just nak tambah, untuk masuk dalam ratings/ranking dalam Lipper, Standard & Poor atau Norma ...

i know
but i would like to stress tht
UT divieden is not GUARTEEDED
future performance of the UT is not GUARTI same as past  performance

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peace_world This user has been deleted
Post time 17-4-2006 01:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by onlineshop at 17-4-2006 11:42

i know
but i would like to stress tht
UT divieden is not GUARTEEDED
future performance of the UT is not GUARTI same as past  performance

Macamnilah onlineshop...
Kau kan tahu... kalau tinggi risiko sesuatu pelaburan itu... maka tinggilah pulangannya... begitu juga kalau rendah risiko sesuatu pelaburan itu... maka rendahlah pulangannya...

Begitu juga dgn EPF dan UT... EPF rendah risiko pelaburannya....maka pulangannya juga rendah... berbanding dgn UT... tinggi risiko pelaburannya.... maka tinggi jugalah pulangannya....

Dividen EPF guaranteed.... dan dividen UT tidak guaranteed.... ini memang betul....
tapi kau perlu tahu situasi macam ni...

Kalau kau kerja dengan kerajaan...gaji kau GERENTI dapat tiap2 bulan... tapi gaji kau rendah.... berbanding kalau kau kerja berniaga sendiri.... gaji kau TAK GERENTI  tiap2 bulan... tetapi biasanya gaji kau akan lebih daripada org yang kerja tetap dengan kerajaan.... (dengan syarat kau tahu bagaimana STRATEGI berniaga yang betul, kalau berniaga tanpa ilmu.... tu yang melingkup.... gaji kau lebih teruk daripada gaji org yang kerja tetap dengan kerajaan)...

Jadi begitu jugalah sebagaimana yang kau persoalkan tadi.... dividen UT tak gerenti.... memang betul.... tapi kalau kita tahu STRATEGI pelaburan dalam UT... dividen UT yang TAK GERENTI  kita itu akan lebih banyak daripada dividen EPF yang GERENTI...

Yang penting bagi kita ialah menjadi pelabur yang bijak... 3 perkara yang penting untuk menjadi pelabur bijak ialah :

1. Pengetahuan kita tentang pelaburan mesti tinggi...
2. Pilih sykt pelaburan yang mempunyai prestasi kukuh.. dan
3. Pilih agent yang berkualiti... yang boleh memaksimumkan pelaburan investors.... jgn pilih agent yang tahu makan komisyen shj...

Jadi.... bukakanlah minda kau onlineshop....jangan sempitkan fikiran.... kerana kalau kau sempitkan fikiran... kau akan duduk di takuk yang lama sampai bila2... kau takkan maju.... dan kau takkan kaya buat selama-lamanya...

Terpulanglah pada individu...samada nak memilih dividen yang GERENTI TAPI RENDAH... atau dividen yang TAK GERENTI TAPI TINGGI.... kalau nak pilih dividen GERENTI TAPI RENDAH... kita tak perlu tahu langsung tentang ilmu pelaburan.... tapi kalau kita nak DIVIDEN TAK GERENTI TAPI TINGGI....kita perlu tahu STRATEGI2 untuk mendapatkannya.... dan STRATEGI2 ini akan diperolehi bagi mereka yang BERUSAHA MENCARINYA...

Perdana Menteri  kata dalam RMK9.....UBAH CARA PEMIKIRAN....

[ Last edited by  peace_world at 17-4-2006 01:02 PM ]

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Post time 17-4-2006 02:39 PM | Show all posts
Peace world..

Jangan di layan any argument yg kurang  atau tak ilmiah..

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Post time 17-4-2006 04:40 PM | Show all posts
belajar dulu, cakap kemudian

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natezanie This user has been deleted
Post time 17-4-2006 06:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by onlineshop at 17-4-2006 12:42 PM

i know
but i would like to stress tht
UT divieden is not GUARTEEDED
future performance of the UT is not GUARTI same as past  performance
no pain no gain. semua pun tahu more risk, more gain.. kalau nak guarantee yer kena taruk FD ler.. kalau tak nak risau rugi ke tak, don't ever bother with ut, stock, forex, future, etc... there's a lot of info yg u blh cr then decide sendiri apa yg u nak..

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Post time 17-4-2006 08:51 PM | Show all posts
Nate..dah pandai ye...

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natezanie This user has been deleted
Post time 18-4-2006 07:30 AM | Show all posts
bukan pandai kirawang but kalau seribu or sejuta org pun bg pro & kon tp kita tak cuba, kita tak tahu juga apa yg peluang tu blh bg pd kita. kalau nak ckp tentang rugi, ada juga org yg untung.. so plg penting terpulang pd diri sendiri nak cuba atau tak. tp kena ada ilmu jika nak cuba.. sbb tu lah saya selalu masuk forum nih, sbb nak dptkan ilmu. if tak dpt byl, sket mesti ada juga.. semuanya pd diri sendir. takut bermain ombak jgn berumah di tepi pantai.. cewah..he3 saya cuma rasa, tak perlulah kita kutuk apa yg kita tak suka. sekadar beri info dan pengalaman itu mmg membantu.. harap jgn ada yg terasa ler..

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Post time 18-4-2006 09:14 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tauke at 17-4-2006 04:40 PM
belajar dulu, cakap kemudian

Bukan cakap,

Belajar dulu, tulis..kemudian

kalau kita cakap tak pa, habis kat situ saja..

kalau kita tulis contohnya thread ni, blame tak tentu pasal..""mutual fund""

tanpa proper research n study..

semua orang boleh nampak kebodohan kita...

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Post time 18-4-2006 09:32 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by natezanie at 18-4-2006 07:30 AM
bukan pandai kirawang but kalau seribu or sejuta org pun bg pro & kon tp kita tak cuba, kita tak tahu juga apa yg peluang tu blh bg pd kita. kalau nak ckp tentang rugi, ada juga org yg untung.. ...

Betul kau Nate, kalau nak belajar, kita invest dulu. Kalau kita lose money, cari kat mana yang tak betulnya..Silap company kita pilih, silap agent, atau silap kita sendiri..

Kau tengok pengarang thread tulis..  ""Note:Adapted story from a friend of mine""..

Yang kedua, tak perlu kita pertikaikan kekayaan orang lain. Kalau kita nak kaya macam mereka, berusaha, bukannya cari jalan untuk meluahkan perasaan dengki  dengan budak 22 tahun tu.Masih ada lagi org bersikap macam ni ye?.

Bagi aku, aku bangga dgn budak ni, bukan senang dia nak convince org untuk invest tu. Investors bukannya bodoh, kalau tak convincing, dia takan invest..

Nak suruh big co. invest, ingat kerja senang, kena present kat Board of Directors. So depa tu ..not so smart lah ye?

Ini tulisa pengrang thread ni...
So investors, be careful with the sweet tongue unit trust sellers who have neither experience in the world of investment nor the capacity to forecast and advise. The truth is that......they are earning commission nor matter where the market goes. Ultimately they will have the last laugh to the bank. Don't you ever read from recent newspaper article about a young unit trust agent about 22 years old earning Ringgit 100K a month and drive a Jaguar and own a condo. What experience does he have in the world of business and investment? What make it so easy for you to depart your hard earned money to someone who is a perfect stranger to you afterall?

Adapted story from a friend of mine.

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 Author| Post time 18-4-2006 09:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kirawang at 17-4-2006 02:39 PM
Peace world..

Jangan di layan any argument yg kurang  atau tak ilmiah..

Apa yang ilmiahnya?
You mean just based on Edge Lipper punya indicator for local fund dah teruja?
If funds are placed in
1) share market..... tell me whether for the last 5 years KLSE has broke the 1000 CI level?
2) money market ...... what's the best yield for the last 5 years? From my observation nothing more than 3-4%.
3) bond ..... yes this one I agree, bond yield has been quite OK because of the low interest rate.

Unit trust funds are placed in one of those or combination of those instruments.
Meaning that, if you placed funds in Money market where rates was at 3-4%, you mean you can get 10-15% return from this instrument? Most blue chip shares (you think unit trust wants to invest in risky stocks?) in the KLSE are less volatile, each contributing not so much profit as a result.

Have you check this?

This is akin to say when the salesman of Perodua Kancil brag his Kancil can speed to 250km/h and better than BMW in term of performance. Ah ha..... unit trust have over- performed in stock and money market. Miracle ehh?

Have you ever read (in the STAR) where an investor got a negative return from his unit trust using his EPF money (of course he has chosen the high income unit trust based on Edge Lipper)? He placed around 30K and got around 25K upon redemption after how many years dumped his EPF money in the unit trust? If you don't , please check.

Low risk low return, high risk high return ........ this is a standard one lesson in investment school.

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