sorry nk off topik sat.....dah lama tak masuk Cari...arini tgk terpening aku ngn layout baru...... |
lens188 posted on 23-7-2012 01:21 PM 
tak tau la nape ledo ngan JM takde...cume tbace ni kat FB...
ooo....mmg HJ tak gi anta dia ker....agaknya HJ ada urusan lain yg tak dpt dielakkan kot.....jgn plak ni jadi modal nk kondem HJ lagi....sian HJ..... 
lens188 posted on 23-7-2012 01:29 PM 
HJ - 'Heat' party - Japan
kesian adek aku neh....tak semenggah dah ruper dia aku tgk.....harap agensi dia bg dia rest secukopnya....
melia_star posted on 23-7-2012 03:43 PM 
aku duk wonder camner Justin Bieber leh send munga kt Hj neh....adakah JB admire HJ? adakah drg fr ...
kannn....aku pun tertanya2 gak.....hehehe.....tak pernah dengar plak justin bieber ni syiok kat our HJ tuh....ntah2 selena gomez pun syiok kat HJ tak.... ...tp siyesla...mmg bangga weh.... |
melia_star posted on 23-7-2012 03:52 PM 
ooo....mmg HJ tak gi anta dia ker....agaknya HJ ada urusan lain yg tak dpt dielakkan kot.....jgn p ...
HJ penat lagi kot....baru blk dr jepang kan....tgk mase promote Heat tu nmpk sgt muka dia yg keletihan tu....HJ ni klau pi sane mesti penat giler kan....padat tul schedule dia....promote album lagi, blakon drama lagi.....ish....x dapek nk bygkan betapa lotihnye dia..... |
nzhass79 posted on 23-7-2012 03:57 PM 
aah kol 12.30 tadi fans hantar KJ.. tu la pasal... kalo tak aku tak kisah sgt kot...
tgk gambar y ...
jungmin mmg dah ada kt Korea kan....aku bca kt Liezle blogspot tu katanya jungmin dah balik Korea dan sibuk ngn promo album dan drama baru.....takkan lah dia taknk dtg....mesti byk hal yg dpt dielakkan tuh......
tp entah2 kalu dtg pun tak bleh join sekali dgn yg lenlain....mcm masa FM KJ aritu....duk lah terceruk kt belakang....
nzhass79 posted on 23-7-2012 04:31 PM 
lor... ada ke>> mmg aku tak amik tau sgt pon ... bkk liezle pon baru arini... tu pun sbb tgk kat t ...
muka sesaper stress pun mmg skeri lahh.....
melia_star posted on 23-7-2012 04:20 PM 
aku kan benonyer terpikir tau....adakah JB tiru stail rambut Hj masa promo Baby baby dulu tuh..... ...
merapu sket2 jer takpe mel.... tp klau HJ neh buat rambut kaler perang2 tu mmg nmpk sgt muke mat saleh celup nyer.... sbb tu kot aku lbh suke tgk klau rambut kaler itam.....
agaknye ape la kaler rambut dia masa Asia Song Festival nnti ek.....ni ade sket info psl ASF 2012...
Credit to: Babyvfan.wordpress

Here’s a list of TV channels that will be broadcasting 2012 Asia Song Festival in various countries.
So even if you cant be there physically to watch Hyun Joong’s performance, u can enjoy at home in your own country~
2012 Asia Song Festival at 2012 Yeosu Expo, Korea
Date – Aug. 4, 2012(Sat), 19:00~22:00
Broadcast stations/TV Channels : Korea(KBS), Philippines (ABS-CBN), Malaysia(ASTRO), Singapore (Channel U)
USA(Fuse TV), Japan(FUJI TV), China(CCTV), Taiwan(AZIO TV),
Hong Kong(TVB), Thailand(TV3), Vietnam(VTV), Indonesia(Indosiar TV)
cume aku tak tau plak astro tu channel bape......ade sesape tau?
melia_star posted on 23-7-2012 04:43 PM 
muka sesaper stress pun mmg skeri lahh.....
skeri ek tgk muke HJ.....letih sgt tu.....tak tau la korang dh bace ke blm artikel bwh ni.....tp mmg rase sian sgt kat dia.....syg tul dia kat fans dia.....
Good evening !
Today there is no special inside story.
It is because what Hyun Joong ssi presented in his performance and talked on the stage tells everything. What you had seen at the venue is everything.
A sudden change to sing a song a cappella, what he talked on the stage …everything was what he decided by himself .
Immediately after the daytime performance, he began his rehersal for the evening without a break. Although he knew that the starting time of the evening was put off, he was determined to do as much as possible what he could not realize in the daytime performance, even to the last-minute.
In the morning (July 15), he stopped his rehersal to go to the hospital. The time from that moment to the daytime session seemed short as well as for a long time.Even on the live performance stage, he seemed to struggle hard with himself. We were much impressed how he was a strong-willed person as well as being straightforwarded.
We think that the tears in his eyes expressed his sincere feeling.
We believe that having seen his performance of his all might, all of you at the venue could feel his heart. After the end of the event, he headed to the drama-shooting location. As he mentioned in the talk that he would live from now on as Baek Mil, a male-lead of the drama, he makes his best endeavours as actor as well.
Though the drama shooting continues, the Heat promotion ends now.
We would like to express our appreciation to you for your warm support from the bottom of our heart. We hope that you would continue to support him.
We also hope that you will take care of yourself in the summer.
T, Staff Manager
Source: http://ameblo.jp/breakdown0606/entry-11309964698.html
Henecia Japan Staff Blog : July 17, 2012
Good Luck Kyu Jong.........

lens188 posted on 24-7-2012 08:21 AM 
merapu sket2 jer takpe mel.... tp klau HJ neh buat rambut kaler perang2 tu mmg nmpk sgt muke m ...
ni maksudnya live telecast la kan....yg bangga tu HJ main performer tu....brp lagu agaknya dia nyanyi kan....nmpk mcm pengiktirafan bahawasenya dia antara soloist termuka Korea.....chukahae Hyunjoong-aah....
melia_star posted on 24-7-2012 04:12 PM 
ni maksudnya live telecast la kan....yg bangga tu HJ main performer tu....brp lagu agaknya dia nya ...
tak search lg detailnyer...kat astro pun x tau channel brp...xpela, lmbt gi....dh dekat2 nnti br carik.....
kat iklan dia pun, HJ yg first muncul kan......aku pun rase bangga la kat ledo nih....suke2...
lens188 posted on 24-7-2012 08:28 AM 
skeri ek tgk muke HJ.....letih sgt tu.....tak tau la korang dh bace ke blm artikel bwh ni.....tp m ...
ada video aku tgk part dia nangis tuh.....terharu sgt dia dgn sokongan fans Jepun....mana tidaknya, menghadap 30,000 lautan fans mmg rasa sgt mengujakan....dgn ngauman suara dr keliling stadium menyeru2 nama dia.....mana tak sedih...dgn kejayaan album HEAT yg tak disangkakan.....bangga jd fans dia.....
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