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Author: Buntatt

Thread Gosip Para Kerabat, Royal,VVIP & Social Climber Version 7

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Post time 19-4-2017 11:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nur9786 replied at 18-4-2017 09:21 AM
Tp still cpk akan jadi.queen kan ? unless cerai mcm ss dgn mak rmos and then kawen dgn tps..

Sape je sultan kat msia ni yang queennya 1st wife.. johor, perak, perlis n9.. even atok tmj yang very alike pun consortnya wife no 2.. so anything is possible for cpkida.. unless dia bore heir apparent la kan..

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Post time 19-4-2017 11:58 AM | Show all posts
syitaeyqa replied at 19-4-2017 12:16 PM
oh yekeee. ok i ketinggalan yg ni. hauk nooo prominent tangga tuuuu


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Post time 19-4-2017 11:59 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FARRAZOOL at 19-4-2017 12:18 PM
311gurl replied at 19-4-2017 11:57 AM
Laki ego melangit pastu childish

sesuai dpt bini gitu gaya

Agreed.Pls la TMJ,Stop la up quotes2 mcm tu..stay classy blh x?

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Post time 19-4-2017 11:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
personified replied at 19-4-2017 11:57 AM
Hehe memang protective sbb according to TPP abang2 yang suruh jangan hantar adik2 perempuan dulu b ...

Berapa umur hassanal tu chuols?

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Post time 19-4-2017 12:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
syitaeyqa replied at 19-4-2017 11:28 AM
hehe. She doesnt has the aura. Pity her.

Memang ksian
Tp pikirkan balik apa yg dia buat kat Lady D tu,ksian...
Smpai skrg org x leh menerima dia wlpn da bkawen gan Putera Charles

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Post time 19-4-2017 12:01 PM | Show all posts
tasha replied at 19-4-2017 11:59 AM
Berapa umur hassanal tu chuols?

Dia 22 years old this year. Muda lagi actually

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Post time 19-4-2017 12:01 PM | Show all posts
personified replied at 19-4-2017 11:52 AM
Hehe betul .I pernah nampak TZ shopping grocery gak with her son dulu kat Bangsar.
Xde dayang sa ...

Lagi senang kot beli sendiri. Kang suruh orang, tak mcm yg dia nak lg pening kepala. hehe. in other thing, portray a good side

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Post time 19-4-2017 12:01 PM | Show all posts
personified replied at 19-4-2017 11:57 AM
Hehe memang protective sbb according to TPP abang2 yang suruh jangan hantar adik2 perempuan dulu b ...

Ada show kt astro ria called alternatif

Baru2 ni they featured si afzan shakira

Ya ampun jakunnya afzan

Like on that show mmg dia rasa diri dia princess:lol
Pastu dia ckp mak dia besarkan dia mcm org biasa, i'm like gurlll u re org biasa

Kesian dia syok sendiri

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Post time 19-4-2017 12:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FARRAZOOL replied at 19-4-2017 11:58 AM
oitt..cepat cuci mata,sy share kjp kat sini

Owner klentit pun geng sheols...     

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Post time 19-4-2017 12:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FARRAZOOL replied at 19-4-2017 11:58 AM
oitt..cepat cuci mata,sy share kjp kat sini

Yg bertopi tu da mcm tomok jek

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Post time 19-4-2017 12:02 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FARRAZOOL at 19-4-2017 12:08 PM
annabellaruz2 replied at 19-4-2017 11:54 AM
farra..aku 29 apr - 1 mei ada kat ayer hitam..hehehe

Try tgk kaki dia,ada bekas2 kudis uolss


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Post time 19-4-2017 12:03 PM | Show all posts
tasha replied at 19-4-2017 12:01 PM
Owner klentit pun geng sheols...

Roslan Shah fonen pun ada connection dgn dia yer..

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Post time 19-4-2017 12:04 PM | Show all posts
annabellaruz2 replied at 19-4-2017 11:56 AM
sapa tak busy nok??
aku ni siap dah sedut inhaller 2-3 batang sbb nak kejar benang nih...
keje  ...

tak tahan niiii

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Post time 19-4-2017 12:04 PM | Show all posts
personified replied at 19-4-2017 11:57 AM
Hehe memang protective sbb according to TPP abang2 yang suruh jangan hantar adik2 perempuan dulu b ...

Yup. I pun rasa gitu. Plus dia tgk geng2 Malaysian kat sana pun perangai westernized habis, dia takut la kot adik2 dia jd gitu gak.

Hassanal stdy kat Swiss kan kalau tak silap I. Dia mcm klaka jugak kalau post kdg2 membahan adik2 dia. N he close dgn Iman jugak n Iman selalu refer dia as baby bro.

Hassanal n anak SNZ tak jauh beza kan. Tp I rasa Hassanal nmpk ada karisma n regal. Anak SNZ kdg2 I tgk mcm bbnu sikit. err ampun tuanku

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Post time 19-4-2017 12:04 PM | Show all posts
DeeHanania replied at 19-4-2017 12:02 PM
Yg bertopi tu da mcm tomok jek

No no..bkn tomok

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Post time 19-4-2017 12:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
personified replied at 19-4-2017 12:01 PM
Dia 22 years old this year. Muda lagi actually

Oooobudak lg....xada ke foto2 dr ig heols..

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Post time 19-4-2017 12:06 PM | Show all posts
syitaeyqa replied at 19-4-2017 12:26 PM
kk? u mean kuala kangsar ke?

dia bertanding kat teluk intan. hehe. that time i kena task kat sa ...

si dyana ni makin lama ZKJ tu pakai, badan makin berisi macam mak2 janda ditinggal laki beranak 7-8 org..
muka dah lawa, tp body makin out..


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Post time 19-4-2017 12:07 PM | Show all posts
311gurl replied at 19-4-2017 12:01 PM
Ada show kt astro ria called alternatif

Baru2 ni they featured si afzan shakira

Like on that show mmg dia rasa diri dia princess:lol
Pastu dia ckp mak dia besarkan dia mcm org biasa, i'm like gurlll u re org biasa

statement u yg ni kelakar i cuba membayangkan beliau tgh eksaited ckp cmtu

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Post time 19-4-2017 12:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by DeeHanania at 19-4-2017 12:16 PM
syitaeyqa replied at 19-4-2017 11:19 AM
Haah I baca jugak yg spencer tiara ni belongs to diana's family. yg pakai pun belah2 diana. Sayang ...

Mane tau kan,
Puteri Charlotte dpt pakai crown milik nenda yer c Lady D, 1 hari nnti bila dia da dewasa, kalo2 belah famili nenda Lady D bagi,wlpn sekejap

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Post time 19-4-2017 12:08 PM | Show all posts
DeeHanania replied at 19-4-2017 12:00 PM
Memang ksian
Tp pikirkan balik apa yg dia buat kat Lady D tu,ksian...
Smpai skrg org x leh mener ...

Tulaaa. kesian. Tp camilla mmg dah lama dlm hidup charles kan. Bila baca balik storylife diorang, masing2 mangsa keadaan. But whatever it is, Kate berjaya bawak naik nama willian n portray herself as a good queen to be.

Kdg2 kan I rasa, QE mcm takkan bg Charles naik jd King but terus bg kat William je

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