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Author: Eastern

<ONE PIECE> Raja Komik Jepun!!

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Post time 13-7-2008 02:14 PM | Show all posts
voley ker? kalau moyan manyak2 boleyla.. tapi better jgnla moyan.. nanti susah owang nak baca review2 korang passal one piece ni.. aku dulu pun jarang wat posting tapi sker baca review2 kowang pasal komik2 nie.. best sgt2

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Post time 13-7-2008 02:26 PM | Show all posts
aku pun jarang moyan... tu la, rasanya lebih baik jgn moyan. rasanya leh la wat spoiler (ciptaan sendiri) cam aku. haha. tak pun letak la info2 pasal OP ni.

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Post time 13-7-2008 02:29 PM | Show all posts

One Piece Wikia

Did you know...?

That Oda planned his series to last for 5 Years?
That Zoro was originally planned to be part of buggy's crew?
That the Going Merry had 4 cannons?
That Usopp's nose is the most strange nose in the world according to Mr.2 Bon Kurei?
That the Going Merry received a Viking Funeral?
That during the whole history of the judiciary island of Enies Lobby, not a single person sent there was EVER pronounced innocent?
That Usopp's shadow while acting like Crocodile can be seen in Zoro's Wanted Poster?
That Norland Montblanc smuggled Pumpkins to Jaya?
That the Marines used the Seastone linings under the ship to cross the Calm Belt and to distract away the Sea King?
That the island where Arabasta Kingdom was built named Sandy Island?

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Post time 13-7-2008 02:51 PM | Show all posts

One Piece (MOD Please Delete This Thread, its a mistake)

Eatingtwo Devil Fruit
Myth: When you eat 2 devil fruits, the second fruit will replacethe first fruit's power
Fact: Eiichiro Oda stated in one of his SBS
that you can'ttransfer the fruit's power to another person, if you take one bite of it thefruit becomes normal. This caused fans to think he meant if you eat the seconddevil fruit it will replace the first fruit but in Enies Lobby arc, Lucci and Bluenosaid if you eat the second fruit after eating the first one, you'll explode anddie.

Zoans can talk to Animals
Myth: People who eat Zoan fruits can talk to animals.
Fact: While this rumour isn't as popular as it once was, somepeople still think that eating a Zoan fruit allows the user to talk to animals.This mistake is normally made because Chopper can talk to animals and humans.Though the reason for this is because he was an animal to begin with. In afiller arc there is a girl named Apis who ate a devil fruit that allows her totalk to animals, however her fruit is a Paramecia Devil Fruit.

Pirate Summit
Myth: Ace said something about the pirate summit so it must be aplace or event.
Fact: There is no pirate summit, what Ace meant was "Seeyou at the top" but he did not mean that there will be a pirate summit.Since "top" can also mean "summit" (as in the summit of amountain) the line was easy to confuse. The "See you at the top" linewas a figure of speech by Ace, challenging Luffy to become strong like him andjoin the top tier of strength. Pirate summit was an mistranslation found inmany fan translations and sub translations. K-F, one of the Fansubbersmistranslated it, Stephen the script translator also mistranslated it as well andsaid he'll correct it soon. Also the piece of paper Ace gave Luffy was not aninvitation, as it was blank. This paper is later revealed to be a biblicard, aspecial paper that is made from part of a person (usually fingernail trimmings)that allows the holder to know what direction the paper's owner is in.

Thehigher the bounty the stronger they are
Myth: Theres no way someone like (for example) Buggy can beat Luffy.He is worth 15,000,000 Luffy is worth 300,000,000. Buggy is fartoo weak.
Fact: While some characters in the series such as Bellamy usedthem as a power rating, they are not. Bounties are a threat levelnot a power level. Someone quite weak can have a high bounty and some quitestrong can have a low bounty. Although, a characters "physical"strength could very well be a threat to the World Government, for exampleLuffy, despite him not being very intelligent. This was made clear by Oda inone SBS. Another example is Blackbeard not having a bounty at all. The bountiesare also limited by the World Government's knowledge; they do not know the truestrength of all pirates. Chopper for example, has an extremely low bountydespite being quite powerful, because the World Government incorrectly assumedhe was a harmless pet.
How they work may be done through anexample. After Enies Lobby, Usopp got a bounty that was higher than Chopper'sbut Chopper is definitely stronger than Usopp in terms of physical strength.This situation is most likely based on eye witness accounts and testimoniesfrom the Marines and Government agents stationed in Enies Lobby during theStrawhats' raid on the judicial island.
Among Usopp's actions during EniesLobby, at least two accounts witnessed by Enies Lobby staff would be verynotable. The first is the burning of the Government flag and the second is thesniping of a high ranking government director, Spandam, from a large distance.While these are not feats of pure physical strength, they can be consideredacts of terrorism by the World Government comparable to burning a national flagor shooting a president. The mere description of these feats can easily beover-exaggerated and can be speculated to be signs of a extremely powerfulcharacter by others. Given this info, the authorities would most likelyconsidered Usopp a threat despite not knowing his true strength, hence whyUsopp got a high bounty.
Chopper, on the other hand, while heshowed more feats of physical strength during Enies Lobby, probably none ofwhich were properly seen by Enies Lobby staff. While the battered body of Kumadoriwas discovered by Enies Lobby staff, the source of how he got that way wasunseen to them and vast speculation was to what happened was open to them. Alsosince Chopper was completely immobile during the Buster Call attack and mostlikely unnoticed by the Marine captains, the only pure confirmation ofChopper's affiliation with the Strawhats, and even existence, that the WorldGovernment would know of would be the picture taken of him in Water 7. Sincethe picture only shows what can be speculated by authorities as a pet and not amonster, Chopper would most likely considered less a threat than the rest ofthe crew, hence why Chopper got the lowest bounty.

King of the Sunny
Myth: The Straw Hat's new ship is "King of the Beast"
Fact: Sometimes we jump to conclusions without waiting foranything official from Oda and embarrass ourselves once the truth is out butsadly, that's the price of human nature. When the Straw Hat Pirates saw theirnew ship for the first time, Iceburg made a comment that Franky believes thatthe Pirate King should ride a "Beastly ship". This led fans to assumethat the ship is to be called the "King of the Beast". However,that's not the official name from Oda; in chapter 439, the ship was given anofficial name: Thousand Sunny, a name approved by all 8 crew members.

"If I can see it..."
Myth: Robin stated she can only attack what she sees when shegrabbed that South Bird back on Jaya Island.
Fact: A popular misunderstanding of Robin's powers. This was nothelped by the later event of her having to form eyes on Luffy's arm during herUsopp rescue when they reached the clouds before Skypiea. Robin wasn't implyingshe literally needed to SEE the bird in order to grab it, but ratherthat she just needed to know where it is. The bird had been hidden until thenand once the bird was in sight and Robin knew where it was it could be grabbed.
There are a number of examples ofher closing her eyes when she attacks or turning around or attack somethingthat isn't within direct sight. A good example is the previously mentionedUsopp rescue. She had her eyes closed when she formed those eyes on Luffy'sarm, not to mention the end of his arm was well out of sight by the time sheformed them.

Garp Captured Roger
Myth: Garp captured Gold Roger.
Fact: Garp did not capture Roger, but merely fought with andcornered the Pirate King on several occasions. Early translations of chapter431 mistranslated the phrase leading many people to believe that Roger wascaptured by Garp. In chapter 506 it is also revealed that Roger turned himselfin, and the marines only said that they captured him 'cause it made themlook good in the public eye.

[ Last edited by  cluesan at 13-7-2008 02:59 PM ]

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Post time 13-7-2008 02:51 PM | Show all posts
alamak!!! Mod salah letak ler.... delete thread ni!!!

[ Last edited by  cluesan at 13-7-2008 02:53 PM ]

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Post time 13-7-2008 02:53 PM | Show all posts

One Piece - Mistranslation / Misunderstanding (Part 1)

Eatingtwo Devil Fruit
Myth: When you eat 2 devil fruits, the second fruit will replacethe first fruit's power
Fact: Eiichiro Oda stated in one of his SBS
that you can'ttransfer the fruit's power to another person, if youtake one bite of it thefruit becomes normal. This caused fans to thinkhe meant if you eat the seconddevil fruit it will replace the firstfruit but in Enies Lobby arc, Lucci and Bluenosaid if you eat thesecond fruit after eating the first one, you'll explode anddie.

Zoans can talk to Animals
Myth: People who eat Zoan fruits can talk to animals.
Fact:While this rumour isn't as popular as it once was, somepeople stillthink that eating a Zoan fruit allows the user to talk to animals.Thismistake is normally made because Chopper can talk to animals andhumans.Though the reason for this is because he was an animal to beginwith. In afiller arc there is a girl named Apis who ate a devil fruitthat allows her totalk to animals, however her fruit is a ParameciaDevil Fruit.

Pirate Summit
Myth: Ace said something about the pirate summit so it must be aplace or event.
Fact:There is no pirate summit, what Ace meant was "Seeyou at the top" buthe did not mean that there will be a pirate summit.Since "top" can alsomean "summit" (as in the summit of amountain) the line was easy toconfuse. The "See you at the top" linewas a figure of speech by Ace,challenging Luffy to become strong like him andjoin the top tier ofstrength. Pirate summit was an mistranslation found inmany fantranslations and sub translations. K-F, one of theFansubbersmistranslated it, Stephen the script translator alsomistranslated it as well andsaid he'll correct it soon. Also the pieceof paper Ace gave Luffy was not aninvitation, as it was blank. Thispaper is later revealed to be a biblicard, aspecial paper that is madefrom part of a person (usually fingernail trimmings)that allows theholder to know what direction the paper's owner is in.

Thehigher the bounty the stronger they are
Myth: Theres no way someone like (for example) Buggy can beat Luffy.He is worth 15,000,000 Luffy is worth 300,000,000. Buggy is fartoo weak.
Fact: While some characters in the series such as Bellamy usedthem as a power rating, they are not. Bounties are a threatlevelnot a power level. Someone quite weak can have a high bounty andsome quitestrong can have a low bounty. Although, a characters"physical"strength could very well be a threat to the World Government,for exampleLuffy, despite him not being very intelligent. This was madeclear by Oda inone SBS. Another example is Blackbeard not having abounty at all. The bountiesare also limited by the World Government'sknowledge; they do not know the truestrength of all pirates. Chopperfor example, has an extremely low bountydespite being quite powerful,because the World Government incorrectly assumedhe was a harmless pet.
How they work may bedone through anexample. After Enies Lobby, Usopp got a bounty that washigher than Chopper'sbut Chopper is definitely stronger than Usopp interms of physical strength.This situation is most likely based on eyewitness accounts and testimoniesfrom the Marines and Government agentsstationed in Enies Lobby during theStrawhats' raid on the judicialisland.
Among Usopp'sactions during EniesLobby, at least two accounts witnessed by EniesLobby staff would be verynotable. The first is the burning of theGovernment flag and the second is thesniping of a high rankinggovernment director, Spandam, from a large distance.While these are notfeats of pure physical strength, they can be consideredacts ofterrorism by the World Government comparable to burning a nationalflagor shooting a president. The mere description of these feats caneasily beover-exaggerated and can be speculated to be signs of aextremely powerfulcharacter by others. Given this info, the authoritieswould most likelyconsidered Usopp a threat despite not knowing his truestrength, hence whyUsopp got a high bounty.
Chopper, on theother hand, while heshowed more feats of physical strength during EniesLobby, probably none ofwhich were properly seen by Enies Lobby staff.While the battered body of Kumadoriwas discovered by Enies Lobby staff,the source of how he got that way wasunseen to them and vastspeculation was to what happened was open to them. Alsosince Chopperwas completely immobile during the Buster Call attack and mostlikelyunnoticed by the Marine captains, the only pure confirmationofChopper's affiliation with the Strawhats, and even existence, thatthe WorldGovernment would know of would be the picture taken of him inWater 7. Sincethe picture only shows what can be speculated byauthorities as a pet and not amonster, Chopper would most likelyconsidered less a threat than the rest ofthe crew, hence why Choppergot the lowest bounty.

King of the Sunny
Myth: The Straw Hat's new ship is "King of the Beast"
Fact:Sometimes we jump to conclusions without waiting foranything officialfrom Oda and embarrass ourselves once the truth is out butsadly, that'sthe price of human nature. When the Straw Hat Pirates saw theirnew shipfor the first time, Iceburg made a comment that Franky believes thatthePirate King should ride a "Beastly ship". This led fans to assumethatthe ship is to be called the "King of the Beast". However,that's notthe official name from Oda; in chapter 439, the ship was givenanofficial name: Thousand Sunny, a name approved by all 8 crew members.

"If I can see it..."
Myth: Robin stated she can only attack what she sees when shegrabbed that South Bird back on Jaya Island.
Fact:A popular misunderstanding of Robin's powers. This was nothelped by thelater event of her having to form eyes on Luffy's arm during herUsopprescue when they reached the clouds before Skypiea. Robin wasn'timplyingshe literally needed to SEE the bird in order to grabit, but ratherthat she just needed to know where it is. The bird hadbeen hidden until thenand once the bird was in sight and Robin knewwhere it was it could be grabbed.
There are a numberof examples ofher closing her eyes when she attacks or turning aroundor attack somethingthat isn't within direct sight. A good example isthe previously mentionedUsopp rescue. She had her eyes closed when sheformed those eyes on Luffy'sarm, not to mention the end of his arm waswell out of sight by the time sheformed them.

Garp Captured Roger
Myth: Garp captured Gold Roger.
Fact:Garp did not capture Roger, but merely fought with andcornered thePirate King on several occasions. Early translations of chapter431mistranslated the phrase leading many people to believe that Rogerwascaptured by Garp. In chapter 506 it is also revealed that Rogerturned himselfin, and the marines only said that they captured him 'cause it made themlook good in the public eye.

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Post time 13-7-2008 02:55 PM | Show all posts
siot tul, aku nk wat new post, terbuat new thread   Harap Mod boleh tolong delete post tu yerk.

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Post time 13-7-2008 03:08 PM | Show all posts
kaka...nanti aku kutuk ko dalam thread tu...

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Post time 13-7-2008 03:09 PM | Show all posts
kutuk la, jangan tak kutuk.

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Post time 13-7-2008 03:09 PM | Show all posts
amenda la...... ....

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Post time 13-7-2008 03:10 PM | Show all posts
tu la. bengong aku da sampai da... erm, dah kul tiga petang, patut la.

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Post time 13-7-2008 03:13 PM | Show all posts

One Piece - Mistranslation / Misunderstanding (Part 2)

ok aku sambung lagi pasal misunderstanding ni.

Moria a former Shichibukai
Myth: Robin stated Moria was a former Shichibukai.
Fact: This was an early misconception from the pre-introductionof Moria. Within chapter 455 the term "moto Shichibukai" was foundwithin Moria磗 description box, this translates to "FormerShichibukai". This was a mistake, however in vol.47 the mistake was not correctedand in the introduction box leaving the mistake to exist alongside the correctversion.

Moria a Giant
Myth: Moria is a giant. Just look at the size of him in chapterChapter 449!
Fact: Occasionally Oda changes the scale of characters, Moriawas one of these examples of rescaling. Due to the scale that of the threezombies that woke him up against him, most jumped to the conclusion that he wasa giant. When he was fully introduced in chapter 455, the actual size of himwas revealed. He is probably a human being with "Giantism" like the MightyDestroyers and Whitebeard. Some translations have referred to him as a giant;this is either a mistake or not meant the giant race, like when giant is usedto refer to a very tall person in the real world.

Myth: Sanji's shadow was put inside "Dog-Pen" duringthe Thriller Bark arc.
Fact: Sanji's shadow was indeed put in the dog-faced member ofthe Penguin Zombie Trio. However, the zombie's name is Inuppe. Usopp refers toit as Dog-Pen (also translated as Pendog) in chapter 453, but this isn't anofficial name. This is one of the most common errors by any fan to One Piece,however an accepted one as there was originally no way of recognizing Sanji'szombie otherwise.

Mihawk's Blade type
Myth: Mihawk's sword is a Grosses Messer.
Fact:Mihawk's blade is one of the Saij&#333; &#332; Wazamono Grade Swords,a katana type sword. Mihawk's highly decorative handle is confusing sinceKatana do not have such handles. However, the term "Katana" literallyrefers to the sword blade and not the sword as a whole as the west has come toview. The handle is usually considered replacable, however since good bladeswere not so many they were reused over and over again.
The reason why Mihawk's blade isoften mistaken for a Grosses Messer is because of the fact that its highlydecorative handle seems too westernised. Often similarities are drawn becauseMihawk's blade and the Grosses Messer of the real world. The most notable andaccepted reason for the blade to be known as a Grosser Messer is because thestyle of the blades are similar to each other.

Final Yonkou
Myth: As an empress, Hancock is a Yonkou.
Fact: Hancock was thought by some to be the last of the FourEmperors, due mainly to her title being translated as empress, the feminineform of emperor. Although the translation can be considered accurate, theJapanese terms are different.

There is no Dadan
Myth:The name mayor Woop Slap gives when he is talking aboutLuffy being trouble as "Dadan" this is wrong, it should be"Dragon".
Fact: "Dragon" is a mistranslation that sprungup from a fansub. In the orginal, it really was "Dadan".

[ Last edited by  cluesan at 13-7-2008 03:18 PM ]

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Post time 13-7-2008 03:29 PM | Show all posts

One Piece - Speculations (Part 1)

DeathBuster Call Star
Myth: Buster Call having laser beams
Fact: Fans just love to make unfounded predictions and hope forthe Buster Call to be a huge and scary Death-Star like ship, packed with lasersthat can blow up an island like how the Death Star blows up Alderaan. Chapter396 proves this wrong. The Buster Call turns out to be a military operationinvolving a fleet of World Government ships headed by five Vice Admirals, whosemission is to bombard the island until everything is burned down.

Usopp's Long Nose
Myth: Usopp's nose serve as a sniping projectile, helping him tolock on his target and made a perfect shot!
Fact: There are times when he is facing the other way while hisslingshot are facing the different way, he manage to make a perfect shotanyway. Even with his nose he does not always make a perfect shot, Usopp's nosehas nothing to do with his sniping skills, he's just born with a long nose.Look at his dad Yassop, he manages to make a perfect shot and he has a shortnose.

Miss Goldenweek and Carue
Myth: I think Carue ate Miss Goldenweek
Fact: This is so far the oddest, grimmest, and most insanespeculation made by few members at the fan board. During the ending of LittleGarden arc, Carue was seen charging at Miss Goldenweek, after that shedisappeared, Luffy, Usopp and Carue were seen eating Rice Crackers. Howevermany fans tried to find out what happened to Goldenweek and the term "Ithink Carue ate Miss Goldenweek", "Didn't Carue eat MissGoldenweek?". And stranger yet, the Miss Goldenweek section in Wikipediaused to support the claim. In reality, Miss Goldenweek has her own Side Storyduring the early Enies Lobby arc, she was shown alive and living in a Wax Housewith Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine.

D Means Dragon
Myth: Dragon appeared in Logue Town and Luffy was able to hearthe dragon talking in the Apis Arc. The D must mean DRAGON.
Fact: The Apis arc (otherwise known as the Warship Island Arc)was not Canon. Therefore everything in it (except for a few things like the CalmBelt information) was not written in the manga by Oda. This rumour wasoriginally created by a popular anime blogger who took a wild guess afterwatching the arc. Due to the popularity of the said blog, others also ponderedon the idea (though some fans came to this meaning on their own accord).However, it has been proven Dragon has a important plot role.

Mushy Stuff
Myth: X character in One Piece is in love with X other characterin One Piece.
Fact: Its not uncommon to see pairings mentioned like Luffy xNami, however some fans try to force the speculation into fact when it is not.When asked if there would be romance in One Piece in a SBS letter, Oda replied"they are in love with adventure". There are no hints released in themanga itself. As such, most love referencing comes in the form of pervertedcomments from one character to the other. However, fans of any series will takeeven the smallest detail as a hint otherwise. Remember: One Piece is not ashoujo, so don't expect much romance.

Buggy Scarred Shanks
Myth: Those marks on Shanks' left eye match those left behindwhen Luffy was hit in the face by Buggy with his knives. Buggy must have donethat to Shanks!
Fact: Shanks states that he got the scars from Blackbeard.

TheDevil Fruit eaten by Dragon
Myth: It's obvious by the way he said "Wind Blast"back in Logue Town that Dragon has a wind Logia DevilFruit. Or maybe, Dragon ate a Devil Fruit that allows him to manipulate the weather(why do you think a lightning bolt saved Luffy from being killed by Buggy? Andwhat about the rain, when Dragon arrives at Logue Town?).
Fact: We know nothing on this yet, although it's still apossibility.

Oda's Character references
Myth: Oda based his idea for X character from One Piece to Ycharacter from Z series.
Fact: While some characters like Jango have obvious designorigins, others are not so easily compared. If you really want to, you cancompare just about every character to someone else out there. Many charactersare based on other characters. Without the word of Oda, saying stuff like"Brook looks like Jack Skellington from Nightmare before Christmas"is just speculation.

Corgi and the CP5
Myth: Corgi is a member of CP5, he might even be the leader!
Fact: The speculation comes from the fact that Corgi was tryingto get the blueprints to Pluton from Iceburg, exactly what Spandam was doingwith Tom when he was in charge of the CP5. But Corgi was never labled as aleader of CP5 but was labled as repentitive of the Government. However untilOda says something about it in a SBS or it is stated by a character, it ismerely a speculation.

The Parents
Myth: Makino is Luffy's mother. Shanks is Luffy's father.
Fact: No one knows who Luffy's mother is. Makino is a friend,her concern for Luffy is no different then the mayor's. Shanks is revealed notto be Luffy's father, but rather Dragon is. This was a combination of fansnoticing Shanks' concern for Luffy and that Shanks was drawn very similar toLuffy in the beginning of the series.
A more recent theory has sprung upsince Shanks' trip to Whitebeard that Ace is Shanks' son. This remainsunconfirmed and to date just speculation. This has sprung up based on thedifferent surnames of Luffy and Ace (Monkey and Portgas) and the fact Garpnever actaully refers to Ace as his grandson when he visited Luffy.

Whitebeard a D
Myth: Whitebeard has got to be a D! Look at how strong he is!
Fact: So far his name has only been given as "EdwardNewgate", since Gold Roger's name was revealed to be "Gol D.Roger" some speculate his name is actually "Edwar D. Newgate"however this remains to date just speculation. It also to be considered thatnot all strong characters are D.s anyway.
Zoro has survived multiple wounds and throwngiant buildings at enemies.

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Post time 13-7-2008 03:32 PM | Show all posts

One Piece - Speculations (Part 2)

TheyWill Join!
Myth: That character would be great on the Straw Hat crew, they must join!

Fact: With every new arc that is released comes the hunt for Luffy toadd more members to his crew. Many fans will speculate as to who will join and when.

Past speculated members:
  • Vivi: Traveled with the Straw Hats throughout the Baroque Works Saga, but had no position she could held. In the end although the    other Straw Hats wanted her to come with her and were prepared to turn the Going Merry around to pick her up, she bid them a tearful farewell. Vivi's commitment as princess to Alabasta prevented her from leaving her home country and later she admitted she would have not been able to keep up with them.
  • Mr. 2 Bon Kurei: Bon Kurei assisted the Straw-hats with their escape from Alabasta and wanted to be friends with them. In the end,    Bon Kurei departed with the crew to distract the marines that were chasing them.
  • Conis: Having music skills and a fair knowledge of dials, plus huge interactions with the Straw Hats, she was speculated to     be the Straw Hats next member, fulfilling the role of musician. However she displayed little fighting skills and was content with staying on    Skypiea with her father. She was never asked to join the Straw Hats nor showed any interest in traveling with them.
  • Wiper: Due to his insane willpower and strength Wiper was believed to be the next crew member to join, however he had no position    he could fulfill. In the end Wiper neither showed any interest in joining nor was asked to join by Luffy. Until Skypiea no other arc had passed by without a crewmember joining.
  • Crewmember from the Foxy Pirates: The Strawhats played the Davy Back Fight with the Foxy Pirates. Throughout the arc, many   thought the Strawhats would get a new member. The main Speculation was a new shipwright as Luffy had previously decided to get one for the crew.  However in the end Luffy didn't pick a new crewmember. However in the Anime version, Luffy wins 497 crewmembers from Foxy, but then dismisses them.
  • Paulie: Due to early hints (such as him building asound  trust with Luffy) and Franky being set up as a villain during the Water 7 arc, many fans speculated Paulie would join and fulfill the role of Shipwright. However as the Enies Lobby arc progressed on, it became clear Franky, not Paulie, would join. In the end Paulie was never asked to join by Luffy and showed clear loyalty to Iceburg.
  • Cerberus: Luffy captured the cerberus in Thriller Bark and rode on it's back for a while. When readers saw this, many came to the    conclusion that Luffy would keep it as a pet. This is as of now impossible, as the cerberus (Along with all other zombies) were purified    by Gecko Moria.
  • Perona: After Perona's fight with Usopp, Perona decided to use the Thousand Sunny to escape. Many fans began speculating that    Perona may end up joining the crew. She was given a extensive and detailed explanation on her Devil Fruit, which in itself was rare for any Devil Fruit user in the series to receive. Her happy attitude and seemingly invincible power also was believed to be signs of this. Her desire for a subordinate with both a cute voice and appearance led others to point to Chopper as a replacement for Kumacy, along with the hint Luffy wished to catch one of her ghosts to keep it as a pet. In the end her fate was left unknown at the hands of Kuma.
  • Camie: Camie has landed onto the straw-hat's ship in the newest chapter. Oddly, people are already jumping to the conclusion that she will join the crew. However there is no real job position to be filled at moment.
Musician Ideal
Myth: The upcoming musician for the Straw Hat Pirates is anattractive young woman.
Fact: Ever since Luffy wanted a musician, many fans alwaysspeculate on who will be a musician. However there is the popular speculationabout an musician was always an attractive woman, mostly in the One section, it became a popular fan ideals. Often they wouldportray the woman sailing on a small rowboat or already joined the crew by thetime ther story begins, sometimes the musician would be a female mermaid. Allthis happened before Brook, an official Straw Hat Pirate's musician wasintroduced.
Interestingly, before Brook's intialappearance, Oda had already thought up of the Straw Hat Pirates' musician whilefrist drawing Laboon back in 1999, he had the concept of Brook, a tall, male,89 years old skeleton with the afro since then but never brought it to open until2007. Once Brook became an official Straw Hat Pirate's musician, the"young attractive female musician" was put down.

Progression of Time
Myth: Its been a year since the story began.
Fact: There is no indication of how long the storyline hastaken. Few clues aid the fans at all.
From witnessing the story play out;
  • Luffy's first few adventures in the East blue happened within a few weeks. The only time night was witnessed however were during the Captain Kuro story arc and at the end of the Arlong story arc. They therefore spent at least one day at Usopp's village.
  • They spent four days after Nami's village was freed from Arlong partying.
  • No night scenes were witnessed during Logue Town, it is presumed Logue Town was a quick stop for them due to the events with     Smoker.
  • Whiskey Peak was at least one night, they were there less than a day.
  • They were at Little Garden for only a day (no night scenes were witnessed.)
  • From Little Garden to Drum Island it was less than 5 days (Nami would have died from her illness of Kestia if it had been any longer).
  • There was a night scene at Drum Island, but they were there no more than two or so days.
  • They met Ace within ten days of him visiting Drum Island because a few days had passed since his departure and he was still in Alabasta when they arrived. He was only going to wait ten days for Luffy.
  • In all, they spent less than a week or so in Alabasta before moving on.
  • They were in Jaya less than four days, only two night scenes were witnessed while they were there.
  • Skypiea happened over the course of only a few days.
  • No night scenes were seen in the Davy Fights, it is presumed the events took place in less than a day.
  • There was a three day gap between Long Ring Long Land island and Water 7 due to Aokiji's attack on the Straw Hats.
  • They stopped at Water 7 for a week.
  • Thriller Bark was less than a day.
  • There was a week between leaving Thriller Bark and arriving at the Red Line.
All in all, the storyline works outto show that the Straw Hats have been sailing for less then three months. Whenyou add up all the days that the storyline roughs out for you it works out theStraw Hats have been sailing for atleast 40 - 70 days, although it is likelymuch higher than this due to the fact time spent travelling between islands isindeterminable. Another hint to how long time has progressed in the moon. InOne Piece, Oda has depicted the moon several times, it has been discovered the moon's phases progress with the storyline's own timeline.
The final hint of age is the notion Oda once stated that One Piece timeline is independent of our own real world time line.In confirming this, he also revealed that Luffy is still 17, meaning One Piece's storyline has taken place in less than a year.

[ Last edited by  cluesan at 13-7-2008 03:39 PM ]

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Post time 13-7-2008 07:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by meela at 13-7-2008 12:22 AM
hehhehe...cubaan ko 6 dari mengalih perhatian pada perbahasan kita pada ketiak jo-an tu...

alahai korang ni

six: err berjaya ker

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Post time 13-7-2008 07:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aRAyZIe at 13-7-2008 09:54 AM
ako pon dah angau jugak ar....

aiyak. kenalah tukau ni

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Post time 13-7-2008 07:22 PM | Show all posts
nanti mod merge

pm squall..dia antara mod paling aktif

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Post time 13-7-2008 07:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aRAyZIe at 13-7-2008 09:55 AM
ko pakai avatar pompuan yang comel2 je...

mestilah i like comel girl

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Post time 13-7-2008 07:28 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2058 aRAyZIe's post

uiks..jam 9lebih baru chow

dari jam berapa lagi tu di cc

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Post time 13-7-2008 11:08 PM | Show all posts
adus... korg punye laju kayuh smpi 4 page dlm masa 2 harini...

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