to me (yg minat cite lame bak kt member2 me... ) cite ni sangat daebak.... historical movie kan... ditambah pulak dgn pelakon2 dia yg best2... and terselit tabi.... haruslah me gigih pusing sume kedai cd yg ade.... lepas 6 kedai yg me masuk br jumpe... tu pon ade 1 je...
nampak ok ah dia dlm filem nih..takdelah chubby sgt atau skinny sgt cam sekarang...sedang2
dah baca sipnosis filem nih..ramai jugak pelakon2 terkenal macam cha seung won & kwon sang woo berlakon..i like...iskkk kena cari nih..tgk kt asian cinema dah removed dia punya link ...filem nih tahun 2010..takdelah lama mana pun
yup... movie... mmg dia nye heros sume best2.... sangat di sajeskan tgk..... me terjumpe pon sbb terjumpe gamba tabi buat lawatan penghormatan kat student yg terkorban ms kejadian tu... semat tabi....
Post: The FANTASTIC BABY “wiper” dance~!! Let’s all learn it togetherererererererrrr~~!!
Tags: Thank you for the #1 today~!! Please continue to work together with Seungri Academy!!
yg me pasan mase 0:35 dia kenyit mate....
yg pas dia nyanyi boomshakalaka tu dia pegang idung dia kan? pas tu dia mcm pegang upper face dia... tp xtau ape dia buat...
[INFO/PHOTOS] 120318 Seungri's me2day update - Hyungs look at me.
I am receiving love.. They look at me.. When no one else looks at me or notices me, my hyungs will look at me.. SBS Lee Hyori, Jung Jaehyung You & I at 12AM. Make sure you tune in for Big Bang’s glamorous stage and talk.
Tags: Go away, stay down ppoo-ing ppoo-ing~~~~~~ ^.^
C: swaggalevel-1000 @ tumblr
~Seungri took this screencapture straight from bestiz..ada yg kata DCVI jeles ngan bestiz..kekeke