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Author: pendeta

[Tempatan] 20 Maut Sekolah Tahfiz Terbakar Di Keramat

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Post time 18-9-2017 05:11 PM | Show all posts
jetrofa replied at 15-9-2017 06:38 PM
mungkn mksud khirudin ni ada unsur2 sabotaj melibatkan org luar..mungkn tong gas tu d bwa  ...

dah terjawab dah

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Post time 18-9-2017 05:25 PM | Show all posts
Queenmastani replied at 18-9-2017 03:16 PM
Patut la pon. Tgk pakcik yg rumah dia kt depan tahfiz aritu depa interview mcm ada ckp indon pastu ...

ada saksi tu nama sakarno ke something

obviously indonesian

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Post time 18-9-2017 05:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
chazey replied at 18-9-2017 12:48 AM
Yang besar2 tu tak terfikir ke nak tolong yang kecik2 tu... Huhu.

Budak yang terfikir gi selam ...

bila dlm situasi mcm tu kita akan fikir diri kita dulu...tambah api marak cepat sbb bantuan petrol dan gas. Mcm kiamat nanti la...kita takkan pikir org lain dah dalam keadaan kelam kabut..

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Post time 18-9-2017 05:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MH3707 replied at 18-9-2017 03:10 PM
aku rasa aku tak buat andaian salah...cuba tgk video ni...and 1 video yg aku uplaod kat atas tadi. ...

Dlm intrview ni budak tu kta ada 4ustaz slmat..ustaz tu tdur bilik mna?

Kbnykan yg tk selamat junior . .yer la dlm keadaan gelap n api marak.. msing2 msti dh panik. Cpat2 slmatkn dri.masing2.. dh la dgn petrol n gas lg..

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Post time 18-9-2017 05:49 PM | Show all posts
sofiazara replied at 18-9-2017 05:25 PM
ada saksi tu nama sakarno ke something

obviously indonesian

sakarno tu bkn bapak yg anak dia cikgu tu ke? kelantan aku tgk kt berita..nangis2 dia

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Post time 18-9-2017 05:51 PM | Show all posts
[size=14.004px]TUMPAT: The remains of Pusat Tahfiz Darul Quran Ittifaqiyah warden Muhammad Amrul Nizam Sakarono who perished in the fire tragedy at the religious school in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday, were laid to rest at the Kampung Tujoh Muslim Cemetery in Pengkalan Kubor near here at 2.40am today.
[size=14.004px]The tragedy claimed the lives of another warden and 21 students of the school located in Jalan Keramat Ujung, Kuala Lumpur.
[size=14.004px]More than 1,000 people awaited the hearse bringing the coffin bearing the remains of Muhammad Amrul Nizam, 25, from Kuala Lumpur, which arrived at 2am.
[size=14.004px]The funeral prayers were held in Muhammad Amrul Nizam's family home located nearby before his remains were buried at the cemetery.
[size=14.004px]Present were Muhammad Amrul Nizam's wife Noor Fatihah Osman, 23, family members and relatives.
[size=14.004px]The couple had their "bersanding" (sitting on the wedding dais) ceremony just last week after having married in September last year.
[size=14.004px]The Civil Defence Force and Pengkalan Kubor assemblyman Mat Razi Mat Ail were on hand to provide assistance.
[size=14.004px]Muhammad Amrul Nizam's father Sakarno Talib, 56, said that although he was deeply saddened at losing his son, he accepted the turn of events as fated.

[size=14.004px]org kelantan jawa kott


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Post time 18-9-2017 07:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kecimpret replied at 18-9-2017 05:49 PM
sakarno tu bkn bapak yg anak dia cikgu tu ke? kelantan aku tgk kt berita..nangis2 dia

klatam jawo ???

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Post time 18-9-2017 09:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sofiazara replied at 18-9-2017 08:56 AM
last year najib umum dasar pendidikan tahfiz negara bagi RM80 juta
tak jalan!

See.. kita pun memang dah biasa generalise ustaz2 ni "malas" atau bg i lebih kepada "ambil ringan" bab2 duit ni. I rasa puncanya ialah tok guru2 dulu jenis "lebih kurang". Bukan lebih kurang maksudnya ala kadar. Tapi lebih 5 sen atau kurang 5 sen- takpelah sedekah. Halal. Takde masalah. Sesama diorang pun jenis gitu.

Bagus sikap ni. Jenis lapang dada. Tak serabut kepala sebab memang banyak lg yg lebih penting nak "kira". Dosa. Pahala.

Cuma sikap tu jadi tak betul bila duit yg kita tak kisah nak kira tu ialah duit yg diamanahkan. Hak asnaf atau pelajar. Hasil sumbangan orang ramai. Semua tu bukan duit peribadi kita. Suka tak suka 5 sen pun kena kira.

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Post time 18-9-2017 09:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hatikudus replied at 18-9-2017 09:24 AM
Statement sis buat hakak rasa nak peluk erat2, cium puas2...time ni jugak

Dah peluk belum.. alhamdulillah kita ada peluang peluk kan.. x dapat bayang mak2 yg kehilangan anak ni. Memang x nak bayang pun. X sanggup.

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Post time 18-9-2017 09:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ajiqah replied at 18-9-2017 12:37 PM
kakak yg update pasal adik dia mangsa kebakaran kat IG tu pun kalau baca memang ada cakap adik dia ...

Kesiannya.. pendapat i, budak bawah 15 tahun elok la duduk dgn family. Tak salah blaja tahfiz tapi ambil yg balik hari. Tak adil nak paksa budak tu jadi huffaz bg komitmen 100% sampai jauh dari keluarga. Kita yg nak dia huffaz tu tak nak pegang komitmen 100%. stakat bg duit n lawat skali skala je.


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Post time 18-9-2017 09:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
arasham replied at 18-9-2017 12:46 PM
Tak dinafikan ada parents yg selfishkan? Contoh yg ckp wakafkan ank tu haha.. Ank tu amanah Allah  ...

Second u. Walau apa pun niat baik mak dia. Sorry, i pun nak label selfish jgk. Mentang2 budak tu kau dah ajar kalau bantah atau lawan ckp mak- dosa besar, habis hak2 dia kau tak tunaikan.

Apa lah dalam hati anak tu sebenarnya. Terkulat2 je patuh cakap mak yg nak hantar (read: buang) dia jauh2. Dibebankan pulak dengan harapan jd huffaz.

Anak2 yg baik ni dia memang rasa serba salah nak ingkar arahan mak ayah. Tapi dalam hati maybe meronta2 tak nak jauh. Atau pun worse case, dia dah meronta2 tak nak jauh, tapi mak ayah selfish ni pujuk2 n rasuah la apa2 bg anak tu TERPAKSA setuju.

Anak2 ni lahir2, kita la dunia dia. Kita je yg dia ingat. Kalau borak dengan kawan2 cuba dengar budak2 cakap apa. Sikit2 "mak kite cakap kan...ayah kita cakap kan.bla3.mak kita ada bla3.. ayah kita belika bla3.." ye la..Siapa lg yg dia ada?

Kita lain la, ada fb, ada ig, ada forum, ada shopping complex. Huk3

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Post time 18-9-2017 09:45 PM | Show all posts

... anak2 tu yg merana panas mati terbakar .... ada pulak suara adik beradik yang memohon .. tariklah tangan saya saya ke syurga  ........ ehhhhhh  ....... ko nak masuk syurga ko usaha sendiri lahhh . ......

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Post time 18-9-2017 09:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
palmolive replied at 18-9-2017 01:48 PM
apa nak diharap pada budak 17 18 tahun sedangkan yg tua bangka pun tak reti nak pikir..
dah tua p ...

Oh my... memang betul ckp u..

Ada mak ni siap berpurdah ada degree keje bagus bercikcur obersi sana sini tapi anak dah 21 thn takde lesen bawa keta sampai johor kelantan dibiar je. Lain betul dgn status2 fb dia yg holier than thou tu.

I tak tau la mcm mana dia fikir. DAN dia sendiri pun dah berpuluh tahun elok je pegi balik keje jalan2 bawa keta takde lesen. I cannot brain. Kalau umur 18 duk ceruk felda i x kisah lg. Ni duduk tengah bandar dah mid 40.

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Post time 18-9-2017 09:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
arasham replied at 18-9-2017 01:48 PM
ada tersebar dkt fb, seorg bapa ni tulis, niat dia hantar ank ke tahfiz seawal umur 7 th utk diwaq ...

Lebih menyedihkan bila keluar statement gini takde pulak agamawan yg nak tegur publicly yg this kind of thinking is wrong. Semua diam je seolah membenarkan statement ni.

Takkan la ust2 yg glamer2 kuat tv9 tu x baca paper. Jawab la kat ig fb masing2. Tegur la.

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Post time 18-9-2017 09:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pinksarah replied at 18-9-2017 01:52 PM
As young as 6 years old pon ada kt situ belajar, kan?

Such a tender age..

Kan.. sampai nya hati anak2 sedih kena tinggal pun x patah balik. Elok je drive away.

I nak pegi hospital tinggal anak kat my parents few hours pun sedih anak sibuk nak ikut. Tp tinggal jgk la sbb hospital not a good place for children.

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Post time 18-9-2017 10:55 PM | Show all posts
sofiazara replied at 18-9-2017 05:25 PM
ada saksi tu nama sakarno ke something

obviously indonesian

Ramai btl indonesian kt situ ehh

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Post time 18-9-2017 11:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Harap2 budak2 okt ni bukan dikambin hitamkan....cepatkanlah pendawaan...

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Post time 18-9-2017 11:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Keramat tahfiz fire: Suspect had returned to scene of crime, claims tahfiz student

By Hariz Mohd and Faisal Asyraf - September 18, 2017 @ 9:49pm

KUALA LUMPUR: One of the teenagers arrested in connection with Thursday's tahfiz school fire had returned to the scene of the crime several hours later to witness the aftermath of their action.

The 15-year-old suspect was said to have casually chatted with one of the Darul Quran Ittifaqiyah tahfiz school students, telling the student “he did not know” what had transpired there.

This was the claim made by one of the school’s students, who had bumped into the suspect at the scene.

The student told the New Straits Times that at the time, he did not suspect anything amiss during their brief conversation, as the latter acted just like any of the other curious onlookers.

“I knew one of the boys as he was my friend. I first met him at the Dato' Keramat lake behind our school, where he often hangs out with the others.

“That morning, I saw him at the scene about 8am. He had approached me and asked 'macam mana boleh jadi macam ni'? (How could this happen)

"At that time, I did not suspect anything. He then left the place shortly after we spoke. I was stunned upon learning later that he was among those arrested by police for causing the fire," said the student, whose identity has to be withheld as the case is still under police investigation.

The student said he was also lucky to be alive, as he had returned to his family's home, also in Kuala Lumpur, the evening before the incident.

He said he was saved by a gut feeling, where he had missed his parents to the extent that he asked for the teachers’ permission to return home.

“I was sleeping when my mother woke me up, saying that my school was on fire. At first, I thought she was joking.

“Upon realising that she was not, my father and I then rushed to the school. By the time I arrived, my hostel was already engulfed in flames.

“It was already quiet. There was no shouting or any voice from my friends by then."

The 5am blaze on Thursday saw 21 students and two teachers of the school, aged between 6 and 26, killed when they could not escape from its hostel, located on the top floor of the school's three-storey temporary premises in Dato' Keramat, here.

Authorities investigating the fire then found that it involved foul play, before further probes led them to the seven teenagers aged between 11 and 18.

City police chief Datuk Amar Singh had on Saturday told reporters that the incident was motivated by revenge following a name-calling incident between the suspects and students of the school recently.

He said investigations revealed that the suspects had used two cooking gas cylinders and an accelerant to start the fire.

The teenagers are being remanded for seven days. The case is being investigated for murder.

* Additional reporting by Soo Wern Jun

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Post time 18-9-2017 11:23 PM | Show all posts
arianakhalid replied at 17-9-2017 12:27 PM
ye betul sangat. anak cina pun ramai jahat. kalau jahat tu mmg melampau tahap kongsi gelap. cumany ...

Depa tu kalau sakit hati tembak trus maklom geng kongsi gelap maaa.. tkpon mana yg tgh high bawak kereta salah arah tu yg langgar org tk bersalah.. dumb arse

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Post time 18-9-2017 11:34 PM | Show all posts
moonbug replied at 18-9-2017 12:45 AM
Semua sebilik. If i recall correctly ada 18 bunk beds in total dlm bilik 20 x 40 tu. Pintu kat tgh ...

Inilah yg i dok terbyg2 psl si kecik tu.. ke hulu ke hilir tk tentu arah cari tempat beelindung.. berharap sgt arwah semua ni meninggal sbb terhidu asap bkn sbb terbakar..

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