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Author: SulurBidar

[Tempatan] Versi 11: Ops Daulat - Seorang Pahlawan Gugur, 3 Anjing Kiram Mati : Post 1505

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Post time 13-3-2013 12:59 AM | Show all posts
mizzacu posted on 13-3-2013 12:57 AM
mizzacu likessss this!!

@tapibukanaku also like this

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Post time 13-3-2013 01:01 AM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 13-3-2013 12:55 AM
kita semangat perwirawati ATM

@mrsrezza like dis 10000x!

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Post time 13-3-2013 01:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tapi betul jugak kot yg diorang x mkn sbb nk jaga pantang larang kebal.. sbb semua bekas tempat diorang singgah berteduh tu, mmg xde bekas sisa mknn.. yg mati kena tembak tu sbb dahaga minum air.. terus x kebal dah..

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Post time 13-3-2013 01:04 AM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 13-3-2013 12:56 AM
tu yg iols nak cakap tapi tak mau cakap
nanti org ingat iols ni nak ber-politik

member tu dpt phd dgn biasiswa gov?

kalau betul, gov x minta balik pun kalau member tu sokong pr kan?

gov pun tau kalau ramai org bijak pandai, nnti semua dh pandai pilih parti unt jd kerajaan. tp gov bn hntr jgk rakyat pegi blaja tinggi2.

cuma sayang ahli umno byk yg x pandai......

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Post time 13-3-2013 01:06 AM | Show all posts
mizzacu posted on 13-3-2013 12:56 AM
kalo ye pon political diff.. pasal keselamatan ni ptt put aside laa..

dlm kepala otak diorg skrg ialah pru13 kemudian menang pru13 kemudian jadi kerajaan.............dh x sabar dh tu

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Post time 13-3-2013 01:08 AM | Show all posts
batusembilan posted on 13-3-2013 12:53 AM
jadi polis simpanan tu sbb nk dpt gaji je.

jenis tunggu hujung bln dpt gaji.

haruslah, dah dikabo nye awal2 jadik polis simpanan nk carik duit lebih nk beli rmh katanya tapi bila kita yg blur2 tentang tugas polis simpanan ni tnya polis simpanan tak macam polis betul ke? tak setangkas polis betul ke? tau plak marah ni masalah individu lah ni. jenis tak kesah apa jadi pada negara atau orang lain asalkan diri sendirik cukup makan.

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Post time 13-3-2013 01:11 AM | Show all posts
lepapilon posted on 13-3-2013 01:08 AM
haruslah, dah dikabo nye awal2 jadik polis simpanan nk carik duit lebih nk beli rmh katanya t ...

malang sungguh la sapa yg luluskan kawan tu jd polis simpanan.

hrp rezeki dia berkat dan dpt beli rumah dgn rezeki yg berkat.

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Post time 13-3-2013 01:11 AM | Show all posts
Kuih_Cincin posted on 13-3-2013 12:23 AM
Kalau bagi makan habislah kuasa sihir dorang...biar kebuluran

suluk dengan ilmu hitam memang tidak boleh dipisahkan.

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Post time 13-3-2013 01:11 AM | Show all posts
batusembilan posted on 13-3-2013 01:04 AM
member tu dpt phd dgn biasiswa gov?

kalau betul, gov x minta balik pun kalau member tu sokong p ...

haruslah biasiswa gov
tapi cam u cakap lah...memasing da bijak pandai, so mmg hak memasing nak pilih mana kan
cuma pls lah put aside politik semua tu demi memberi sokongan kpd our anggota keselamatan yg tgh berjuang kat sana

anyway....ada je bijak pandai cuma ramai org tak pandang, tak suka dan tak nampak.

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Post time 13-3-2013 01:14 AM | Show all posts
baulu posted on 13-3-2013 12:25 AM

So it seems the chinese leaders who are closed to dsai are actually ethnic-cleans ...

sejujurnya, aku lebih rela cina jadi majoriti berbanding sulu filipina yang tak bawa apa2 kepentingan pada ekonomi.

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Post time 13-3-2013 01:18 AM | Show all posts
batusembilan posted on 13-3-2013 12:32 AM
pendpt aku: bg ic pd suluk muslim no problem coz:

1-lahad datu mmg berkait rapat dgn sejarah su ...

muslim di sabah memang sudah ramai even di kalangan pribumi sendiri. aku dah banyak kali cerita camna benda ni boleh terjadi dalam forum sebelum ni. sabah lain dari sarawak.

tertindas sangat ke warga selatan filipina itu? kalau tertindas mengapa datang sabah kerja buat jenayah saja majoritinya? aku tak setuju import lagi keturunan meka dari filipina itu. menyusahkan orang tak habis2 dari dulu sampai sekarang. lagipun aku tak penah percaya meka ni islam. try dok dengan meka selama seminggu. tengok cara hidup meka camna. masa tu nampak la setakat mana tahap keislaman depa ni.

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Post time 13-3-2013 01:19 AM | Show all posts
Detail kematian wira2 kita di tangan lanun2 bedebah yg tidak mungkin dipaparkan oleh media pinoy dan indon

Sabah stand-off: Malaysian cop recounts 'My comrades were slaughtered'

SABAH - As the main assaulters in the police raiding team outside the terrorists hideout were hit by bullets, *Adam, *Amir and the other operatives behind them pulled back and dove for cover. The enemy had a clear field of fire and the police team was exposed.

Just seconds after the terrorists opened fire, the area where the terrorists were located exploded in a volley of fresh fire as more enemy combatants lit up the police assault team. The police laid down suppressive fire to give their men a chance to get behind cover.

Many leapt into the door-less houses that lined the walkway; these would be their foxholes for the next 24 hours, at least. Adam and Amir were among those who escaped the complex maze. They dialled up their combat net (command centre) and called for backup.

Recalling that moment, Adam said as he moved further from the house, turning his head every now and then, he saw the terrorists exit the house to pull his comrades who were lying in pools of their own blood outside the door, closer in.

"One of our men who was shot at the door retreated but fell into the water below. Somehow, he managed to call the operations centre.

"He was telling command about the ambush and that he had been shot. The terrorists must have heard him. We found his bullet-riddled body a few metres from where he fell," Adam said.

This was the only time throughout our conversation that Adam was overcome with emotion.

"Then there was a lull in the fighting. I looked back and this was when I saw the terrorists striking my brothers with their barong (a knife resembling a cleaver used in the Philippines) repeatedly.

"They were already badly wounded. I did not hear any sound coming from them as they were being hacked," the officer, not more than 30, said. He let his voice trail off until he was barely audible.

Heavy gunfire resumed, this time coming from all directions. *Musa, who was peering through the cracks with one eye cocked on the four men he had in custody in case they decided to jump him, was almost hit by two rounds that slammed through the window.

In less than a minute from when the first shot was fired, several terrorists began to advance and press on with their attack on the policemen.

The terrorists appeared to know the area well as they were believed to have entered the village about a week before.
Musa said as it was quite dark outside, he could not return fire for fear of hitting one of his own.

From where he was, he could see the atrocities that were being committed against his fallen comrades in the dimly-lit blue house.

His voice cracked as he told us: "If there is one thing I could erase from my memory, it is the sight of seeing my fellow brothers slaughtered by the terrorists.

"I saw one of my brothers, who had been shot and was barely alive, when one of the terrorists swung his barong at his neck. He was later shot in the mouth," Musa said, his voice cracking.

This was the same time that Inspector Mohd Hasnal, who was kneeling on the walkway after being shot, was being attacked by a barong-wielding terrorist.

Although he could not fight back, Hasnal shielded himself from the blows with his arms. By then, his fingers and forearm were almost severed. His attacker had also managed to strike him on his head and back.

*Ahmad, from his position, saw the whole thing and lit Hasnal's attacker up with his weapon. His trigger finger never relaxed as he fired off round after round, spent bullet casings coming out of his ejection port in a torrent of brass. He also killed another terrorist.

Ahmad unloaded an entire magazine clip on Hasnal's attacker before the terrorist fell into the boat below. Police later found amulets around the terrorist's waist. He and the rest of the terrorists did not have body armour or ballistic protection.

It was then that Hasnal got up to take cover. As luck would have it, he chose the path that led to the house Ahmad was in. Seeing him approach, Ahmad dived into the narrow corridor and pushed Hasnal into the house Musa was in.

Superintendent Ibrahim Lebar, who had just been shot a few metres away, was a few steps behind Hasnal. However, he came face to face with a terrorist who had turned into the corridor. The terrorist shot at him and attacked him with a barong.

Ahmad, who had heard the shot from inside the house, shot at the terrorist, who managed to run away.
Ibrahim died in the corridor.

Having seen the kind of butchers the Suluk terrorists were, Ahmad was determined to keep his superior's body intact. He dragged his body in.

As the night fell silent

The next 24 hours was a living hell for Musa and the rest of the men trapped at the village. Although the night had became still since the final rounds were fired, they were hunkered down within the four walls of their concealed positions. They didn't know whom they could trust.

With one hand on his weapon and pointing it at the four suspects, and the other trying to stem the flow of blood from Hasnal's wounds, Musa's eyes darted around the house. He didn't know where the terrorists would breach his position, where they were going to come in from. They could come in through the kitchen door or the open window he was facing. He prayed hard for a rescue team to come soon.

"I had to urinate in my pants and a piece of cloth, because if the terrorists heard the sound of water dripping, we were all dead.
"Occasionally, I would wake Hasnal up to make sure he was still alive."

Musa had found a water container that the occupants of the house had used to catch water leaking from the roof. It was full of unidentifiable particles and lizard droppings.

"I drank it and gave Hasnal some. That was the same water that I used to clean off the blood on his face."

He said that while his phone battery had long died, he had to remove Hasnal's phone battery as he was unsure of how to switch it off. He couldn't risk the terrorists tracing them. The four suspects had been patted down before the ambush and had had their phones seized.

The rescue operation

The sound of the wooden walkway creaking at 5pm the next day jolted an exhausted Musa.

Heavy footsteps advancing towards him followed. He peeked through the cracks and saw scores of VAT 69 commandos in full tactical assault gear scouring the area. He grabbed the reflective vest he had hidden throughout the night and hung it by the window, to indicate his position to the rescuers.

Earlier, before his mission was launched, the entire team had agreed on a set of pro words, hand signals and gestures to convey information efficiently.

As agreed during the briefing at the headquarters, in case anything were to go wrong, Musa would lie still on his back.
This would enable the rescue team to immediately identify him as a friendly.

The commandos stormed into the house and as per procedure, he gave them a brief report. They then secured and took with them all the weapons in the room, including his.

"I somewhat felt like a prisoner when my weapon was taken away.
"Then, the commandos shouted 'Secured!' and said that they would come back for me," he said.

Inspector Hasnal was immediately taken away by two of the commandos out of the hostile area. "It was the greatest relief for me when Hasnal was brought out alive.

"He had fought hard for his life and it was not in vain."
Last edited by dani-rox on 13-3-2013 01:23 AM


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Post time 13-3-2013 01:19 AM | Show all posts
2 soldiers dead - one KIA, another from road mishap
A Malaysian soldier was killed in an exchange of fire between security forces and members of the self-styled ‘Sulu royal army' at Sungai Nyamuk in Lahad Datu this morning.

Meanwhile, it was announced late this evening that another soldier died and another injured from a road accident.

NONEArmed Forces chief Gen Zulkifeli Mohd Zain (left) said the security forces accosted five intruders at 7.45am today when they were mopping up the area around Sungai Nyamuk, near Tanjung Batu.

Zulkifeli (left) said the intruders retreated to the upper parts of Sungai Nyamuk and the soldiers trailed them.

"The security forces made contact with the intruders about 10.45am at the upper part of Sungai Nyamuk and a second round of fire took place.

"During the gun battle, the security forces killed three terrorists, but unfortunately, a member of the security forces was also killed," Zulkifli told a press conference late this afternoon.

Bodies of two enemies found

Late this evening, Sabah police chief Hamza Taib revised the number of intruders killed this morning to two, based on the amount of bodies found.

"No, I didn’t deny (what Zulkfeli said). Maybe he (spoke based on) the preliminary report. Maybe the number of enemy who were shot were three, but only two corpses were found.

"Maybe the other one was only injured and he managed to escape,” he added.

He said that the gun battle happened between 9am and 1.50pm today. The deceased is 24 years old, from Kelantan. Another soldier was injured during the firefight.

They are the first casualties by the Malaysian security forces since Ops Daulat began on March 2.

Prior to this, eight policemen had been reported killed, two at Kampung Tanduo, Lahad Datu on March 1 and six at Kampung Sri Jaya and Kampung Simunul, Semporna on March 3.

To date, a total of nine police officers and soldiers have been killed since the Filipino militants intruded into Kampung Tanduo on Feb 12.

With the three new deaths, 57 armed intruders, including former Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) commander Haji Musa, have been shot to death since Feb 12.

While the security forces claimed to have killed 57, so far they could only find 23 bodies.

Road accident

On the fatal road accident, Hamza said that the incident happened when the deceased was traveling from Lahad Duta town on a military vehicle to Cederawasih.

"He was hurt badly, and when he was receiving medical treatment (at the hospital), he passed away,” he said, adding that another soldier, 35 years old, who in the same truck suffered facial injuries.

While the number of detained under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 remain at 97, Hamza said that the number of arrest under Immigration Act 1959/63 increased to 156.

When asked whether today’s gunfight will affect the chances of the Kampung Tanduo’s villagers to get back their home, he replied "no", but added that the security forces will “do something” to the village following a meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin this afternoon.

"Maybe we will allow them to go back, maybe not. So it depends on the outcome of the meeting,” he added.

2 soldiers dead - one KIA, another from road mishap

Manila abruptly drops subpoena against 'sultan'

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Filipinos flee Sabah as police launch crackdown

MNLF terrorists must be severely punished, says DPM

Azzimuddie 'alive', family disowns 'disengagement'

Police confirm ex-MNLF commander shot dead

View comments (23) Last edited by periuk_itam on 13-3-2013 01:21 AM


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Post time 13-3-2013 01:23 AM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 13-3-2013 01:18 AM
muslim di sabah memang sudah ramai even di kalangan pribumi sendiri. aku dah banyak kali cerita ca ...

aku pun berpendpt dgn isu lahad datu ni:

~stop dan hapuskan ic xpress
~jgn lg bg muka pd sulukmundufilipine
~strict dgn perairan di sabah sana

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Post time 13-3-2013 01:23 AM | Show all posts
aurora273 posted on 12-3-2013 05:46 PM
bertambah berkobar2 nak suruh anak2 aku jd UTK / ATM

kann.. aku pun berharap gitu..
lately ni aku rasa makin bersemangat plak..
lepas isu gaza, bersambung pulak dgn isu lahad datu..

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Post time 13-3-2013 01:26 AM | Show all posts
dani-rox posted on 13-3-2013 01:19 AM
Detail kematian wira2 kita di tangan lanun2 bedebah yg tidak mungkin dipaparkan oleh media pinoy dan ...

respect pd mrk yg berada di sana mempertahankan kedaulatan Malaysia

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Post time 13-3-2013 01:28 AM | Show all posts
baru tadi berborak ngn kawan aku budak sulu asal  samporna.. bapak bajau kawin ngn mak sulu, apa yang di bagitau aku mmg kawasan samporna and lahad datu nih berkait rapat sesangat ngn sulu sebb kebanyakkan yang tinggal diarea neh berkurun lama mmg dri sulu malah banyak yang dah ader anak beranak kt cni....
yang paling sedih... ( x tau sedih ke x )  pakcik dia kena tembak by our malaysian force sebb consider one of the pengganas and dia pun raser mcm tuh jugak , pakcik dia nih duk kt rumah air siminul  n ditembak mati peluru tembus dihati  masa kejadian polis kita dibunuh kejam sebb cuba untuk mengalihkan mayat si pengganas...dengar dri dia,  pakcik dia nih dh 40 tahun duk cni and dah ader 6 orang anak tapi semangat bangsa lebih diutamakan dri memihak kepada kerajaan malaysia.. sekrg mayat pakcik dia x leh tuntut sebb polis  masih jalankan siasatan.
kalau ko ckap pasal senjata neh.. hmm mcm mcm senjata dia tau n apa yang di bagitau aku kalo nk M16 or AK47.... ko leh tukarkan dengan 2 ekor lembu.. tapi nk beli peluru lagi mahal dri nk beli rfile .. kata dia lah..

Dia ada jugak bagitau aku.. 5-6 bulan yang lepas ada puak puak sulu nih mintak derma dri setiap bangsa dia org neh and dia x sangka pulak maybe dri duit yang dia derma nih ader kemungkinan di guna pengganas.. so kalo la betol, maksudnya mmg benda neh dh dirancang awal la.

Tapi memebr aku nih kowang jgn isau.. semngat malaysia dia lagi kuat dri semngat sulu dia heheheh mungkin juga sebb dh duk semenanjung neh lama kot..
masa berborak ngan dia.. ader la aku bergurau kata yang tembak pakcik ko tuh maybe pakcik ko yang sorang lagi  malaysian army ( komando sg. udang ) sekrg kena post ke sabah kekekeke

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Post time 13-3-2013 01:30 AM | Show all posts
manganini posted on 13-3-2013 01:23 AM
kann.. aku pun berharap gitu..
lately ni aku rasa makin bersemangat plak..
lepas isu gaza, bers ...

Terrorist gaza = terrorist sulu.
ingat itu.

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Post time 13-3-2013 01:31 AM | Show all posts
batusembilan posted on 13-3-2013 01:23 AM
aku pun berpendpt dgn isu lahad datu ni:

~stop dan hapuskan ic xpress

aku minta maaf. tapi aku memang sangat rasis dengan warga selatan filipina ini. ah, seluruh filipina la aku rasis, sampaikan drama pinoy pun benci aku tengok. dengar bahasa tagalog pun aku tak leh, apatah lagik tengok drama meka.

ic ekspres hanya akan terhapus kalau orang2 yang ada akses untuk beri ic pada pendatang ni berhenti bersikap tamak haloba.

aku, kalau PM arahkan aku bagi IC pun, kalau aku tetap teguh ngan pendirian aku dan tak gelap mata nampak duit, aku boleh saja pilih untuk ingkar arahan itu walaupun ada risiko diberhentikan kerja. belum penah aku dengar ada orang kena ugut bunuh sebab tanak bagi ic palsu. ini soal integriti peribadi dan sejauh mana pegangan kita pada konsep halal dan haram. takda kaitan dengan konsep aku sekadar nak menurut perintah.

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Post time 13-3-2013 01:33 AM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 13-3-2013 01:31 AM
aku minta maaf. tapi aku memang sangat rasis dengan warga selatan filipina ini. ah, seluruh filipi ...

pabila kuasa dan wang menjadi taruhan

kesan jangka panjang tak siapa dapat menjangka

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