smlm kan... ahkak sempat layan Cheaper By The Dozen 2 kat tv2...
sekali tgk... eh'... si taylor lautner berlakon....
comelnyerrrrrrr dia....  |
Balas #1971 pavlova\ catat
finally...cant hardly avoid the chemist... |
cecco dah masukkan midnight sun pdf dalam phone. nasib baik phone cecco bleh support .. so bleh la cecco baca dalam bilik  |
Reply #1984 a.ceCCo's post
Balas #1985 Wyn\ catat
dari website stephanie meyer la
download and bleh baca kat komputer. tapi cecco upload kat enpon trus. hee. |
stephanie tak sambung kan midnight sun tuh?? katanye merajuk cipan sebab org sebarkan draft tuh.. agak2 nye la.. bila la minah tu dah tak majuk and sambung balik yek??
aku bila baca citer sekerat2 nih.. mula la nak mencarut..  |
Reply #1988 pavlova's post
dah baca ptg td, I like it!!! :victory: go, go robsten / RK! :pompom:
oh! btw, tq! ;) |
Reply #1988 pavlova's post
Selalunya pembikin filem saja2 create citer / couple utk kasi panas movie... Kasi laku.... Ni terbalik plak, cinta terhalang dek produksi gitu.... Huhuhu.... |
Reply #1992 forum_aje's post
skang nie robsten / RK dah x larat naks ikut rentak Summit & kaw.2 yg sewaktu dgnnya kot? kan?  |
Reply #1990 Yuni's post
Dasyat tu depa ni CSI... Tiny details camni pun leh nampak... Tp, bila baca CSI tu Ada betullnya... Hehehehe.... |
Kristen Stewart #1 Teen Vogue Best Dressed
June 8, 2009 |
Reply #1993 Yuni's post
Tu lah pasal... Tak koser katanya..... Yg gumbiranya sape??? Kita2 lah... Hahahahah... |
Reply #1994 forum_aje's post
huh? :cf:
edit: ok! ok! understood aleady! 
[ Last edited by Yuni at 9-6-2009 14:14 ] |
Reply #1996 forum_aje's post
la la la happy lah! :pompom:  |
UPDATE: Emma Watson's Robsten Confirmation May Be a Fake
by Celebuzz on Jun. 8, 2009 02:00 PM / 24 Comments
UPDATE: According to sources, Romley Davies Publicity, the PR firm that handles the Harry Potter film franchise, has called the Emma Watson quote regarding Robsten bogus. The quote apparently originally ran in I Love You magazine, but the PR firm has reportedly denied that the interview never took place. More details as they come...
Whoops! Did Emma Watson accidentally let out the long-awaited truth about Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart?
We've been torn over the past few months. Are they dating? Are they just "close" friends who like to party together? We just can't make up our minds!
Now, it seems as though Rob's Harry Potter co-star has accidentally confirmed the Robsten mystery.
In a recent interview, she gushed, "Oh god! He's absolutely hot! He's driving me crazy...But we're just good friends and can be on the phone for hours, because I know that there's something going on between him and Kristen Stewart."
Well, if anyone would know, it'd probably be her.
We want your opinion. Do you think Emma's statement finally confirms that Robsten is alive and well? Have your say in the comments section!
Twilight Director Says Pattinson and Stewart Could Be Dating
by Celebuzz on Jun. 9, 2009 10:30 AM / 21 Comments
Fear not, Robsten hopefuls! Emma Watson might not have confirmed that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are a couple, but Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke is throwing you a lifeline!
OK! Magazine reports that Hardwicke offered up her thoughts on the true nature of R-Pattz and K-Stew's relationship at the Young Hollywood Awards on Sunday.
"I think they have an interesting, wonderful connection, so you know..." Hardwicke offered. "What does dating mean? I don't know. I couldn't say."
Catherine Hardwicke doesn't know what dating means? Maybe the Twilight cast is right in suggesting that she doesn't have much on the ball.
" People love to talk, so let them have fun talking," Hardwicke added.
You heard the woman, people. Have your say in the comments section: Do you think Robsten is for real, or all hot air? And do you think Catherine Hardwicke knows what she's talking about? |
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