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Author: errasazza

HANA-KIMI ~ Ikemen Paradise ~ PART 2

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Post time 25-9-2007 10:54 PM | Show all posts
tk sabo nk tgk ep last..
tp peram japs..nk kne wat asaimen luh

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Post time 26-9-2007 05:43 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4468 irie^nad's post

samer ler kiter yaya.......
aku lak takleh tgk lagi....
walaupun tak sabar nak tgk, tp rasa cam nak tunggu release kat snm....
cam tak sanggup lak nak tgk dl nyer.....

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Post time 26-9-2007 08:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by irie^nad at 25-9-2007 10:54 PM
tk sabo nk tgk ep last..
tp peram japs..nk kne wat asaimen luh

asaimen aku pun tak siap tapi nak gak tgk ep 12 ni

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Post time 26-9-2007 08:58 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4470 PrincessFiona's post

aku dah layan ep 12 ngan sub smlm.. ekkekekekeekek...

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Post time 26-9-2007 09:17 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4469 nzhass79's post

ehhehe..malangnye kak zu
yaya dh advance dr kak abeh ptg tadiks..
konon2 release stress stadi chem..

lps abeh cm nk soh wat special cpt2 jek

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Post time 26-9-2007 09:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ckucin at 26-9-2007 08:58 AM
aku dah layan ep 12 ngan sub smlm.. ekkekekekeekek...

aku pun layan tapi tak habis sbb pc busy..

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Post time 26-9-2007 10:11 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4469 nzhass79's post

watashi mo...matte ne SnM....hiromi-chan..matte ne?

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Post time 26-9-2007 12:54 PM | Show all posts

Reply #4472 irie^nad's post

ko tu yaya mmg sokmo nyer advance dari k zu....
cam rasa nak peram lak lelama...
cam taknak dl yang sub nyer...
papepun tgk keadaaan....

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Post time 26-9-2007 01:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #4475 nzhass79's post

haha..nmpk sgt kak zu tk nk abehkn lagiks..takut kemaruk ke pas abeh?
penangan HK nih kuat la..nk tnggu yukan club lmbt lagiks..skarang pokus taiwan la japs..mcm bnyk citer best skarang

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Post time 26-9-2007 01:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #4475 nzhass79's post

haha..nmpk sgt kak zu tk nk abehkn lagiks..takut kemaruk ke pas abeh?
penangan HK nih kuat la..nk tnggu yukan club lmbt lagiks..skarang pokus taiwan la japs..mcm bnyk citer best skarang

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Post time 26-9-2007 01:02 PM | Show all posts

Reply #4475 nzhass79's post

haha..nmpk sgt kak zu tk nk abehkn lagiks..takut kemaruk ke pas abeh?
penangan HK nih kuat la..nk tnggu yukan club lmbt lagiks..skarang pokus taiwan la japs..mcm bnyk citer best skarang

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Post time 26-9-2007 04:13 PM | Show all posts
no more mizuki?


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Post time 26-9-2007 04:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #4473 irie^nad's post

mmg pon... sajer nak simpan lelama....
sekurang2nyer ada mender yang nak ditunggu...
nanti biler dah tgk abis, takut luper terus.....

yuukan club pon mmg lambat lagi....
harap2 lps abis layan final ep HK ni, sambung ngan Yuukan...
sekurang2nyer, hari2 ku lalui terisi ngan citer2 camni...

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Post time 26-9-2007 04:44 PM | Show all posts
siaplah korg..nanti dah sampai kat SnM..aku beli aku nengok..ha..aku citer habis2an kat cni...tunggu jerlah..

(jeles..jeles..jeles... )

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Post time 27-9-2007 03:38 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4478 JUSTcircle's post baek jeles2 buln pose nih..
kurg pahala pose ko

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Post time 27-9-2007 03:39 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4477 nzhass79's post

bgs gaks strategi tkperla..
yaya lyn citer taiwan la luh smnetara tunggu buln 10 nih

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Post time 27-9-2007 06:07 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4480 irie^nad's post

tu la..... mlm td terauto dl yang ep 12 nyer
tapi ada satu missing yang ep 12.2 takder.....
rasa cam nak delete jer
tak nak tgk....
dan rasa pn mmg tak tgk....
k zu peram bg lama sket... lg lama lg sedap

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Post time 27-9-2007 07:51 AM | Show all posts
lmbt nyer sars nk kuar episode 12...minggu dpn agaknye...hehehe ..nk burn nie...kang burn lak citer lain lu

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Post time 27-9-2007 10:34 AM | Show all posts
Out of Bounds! Ikemen News!!!
Name: Horikita Maki

Character/Dorm: Ashiya Mizuki/ Dorm 2

Q: Fill in the blank: I am actually ______"
A: Might be becoming addicted to dressing as a guy.

Q: Recently, what embarassing thing happened to you?
A: During shooting I went into the ladies washroom still wearing my Ohsaka Gakuen uniform and everyone was staring at me. At that time I just smiled instantly and ended up making myself appear like, "I'm a girl!" (I can just imagine how cute Maki looked like!!!)

Q: What would you want to bring along with you to a deserted island?
A: Paper and pen for documenting purposes. Shampoo, mirror...because I'm a girl.

Q: When you say "summer memory", what comes into your mind?
A: Club activities (extracurricular activities)

Q: If you have one wish for Tanabata...
A: I'd wish for the big success of this drama.

Q: To the viewers of HP (shouln't this be HK?) please leave a message.
A: Summer of 2007, I'll live as a guy!

Name: Oguri Shun
Character/Dorm: Sano Izumi/ Dorm 2

Q: Fill in the blank: I am actually ______"
A: I am actually 2 block.(His haircut is called 2 block)

Q: Recently, what embarassing thing happened to you?
A: As a whole my life is embarassing so nothing in particular.

Q: If I had 1 hundred million yen...
A: I would pay off our house loan. ( sweet and generous to his family)

Q: What would you want to bring along with you to a deserted island?
A: Everything I need for everyday life.

Q: When you say "summer memory", what comes into your mind?
A: Watermelons with fireworks (maybe eating watermelons while watching fireworks)

Q: If you have one wish for Tanabata...
A: I wish I could live without having to work. (awww I guess poor Shun is really stressed with work )

Q: To the viewers of HP (shouln't this be HK?) please leave a message.
A: Yey, Yey (I read it as Iei, iei but I don't really get his handwriting ^^

Name: Ikuta Toma
Character/Dorm: Nakatsu Shuichi/ Dorm 2

Q: Fill in the blank: I am actually ______"
A: I am actually born in Hokkaido.

Q: Recently, what embarassing thing happened to you?
A: My parent (he didnt specify who) was really into this Korean idol so I when went to buy the CD for him/her, the store owner recognized me as the one who joined the raffle to be on a talkshow. (not too sure bout this...^^

Q: If I had 1 hundred million yen...
A: I will buy a house.

Q: What would you want to bring along with you to a deserted island/and the reason why?
A: iPod. Because it's lonely without sound. (or music I think^^

Q: When you say "summer memory", what comes into your mind?
A: Last year, when I was in Osaka for a stage play I went to a hamburger shop but since it was closed I wasn't able to eat there.

Q: If you have one wish for Tanabata...
A: I wish that every Tuesday at 9pm would be stormy...that everyone won't be able to go outside. (so they can watch HK. a lil weird for a wish ne...)

Q: To the viewers of HP (shouldn't this be HK?) please leave a message.
A: I am going to do my best in filming this drama so please stay at home during Tuesdays at 9pm!

Name: Mizushima Hiro
Character/Dorm: Nanba Minami/ Dorm 2

Q: Fill in the blank: I am actually ______"
A: I am actually a natural/unique.

Q: Recently, what embarassing thing happened to you?
A: I was looking for glasses that I was actually wearing on my (fore)head.

Q: If I had 1 hundred million yen...
A: I will buy a house. (same as Toma...mebbe they were influenced by Shun ^^)

Q: What would you want to bring along with you to a deserted island?
A: Radio and tools to dig a hole.

Q: When you say "summer memory", what comes into your mind?
A: Ketsumeishi (Japanese Hip Hop group and they got a hit song called "Summer Memory")

Q: If you have one wish for Tanabata...
A: That every person I encounter will become happy. (awwww) Wub

Q: To the viewers of HP (shouldn't this be HK?) please leave a message.
A: Welcome to Ikemen Paradise! cheers

credit: genkichelli@addicts for translation.

(Toma's mom is obsessed with everything Korean)

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Post time 27-9-2007 10:34 AM | Show all posts


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