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Author: Acong

[Tempatan] PRK | Teluk Intan P76 | Rasuah Lebuhraya RM5 billion...!

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Post time 19-5-2014 12:56 AM | Show all posts
Acong posted on 19-5-2014 12:36 AM
Dyana Sofya dan YB Zairil Khir Johari bersama warga Teluk Intan di Medan Selera City Mewah

Jangan ...

dap mencemarkan minda kanak2 dgn politik!

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Post time 19-5-2014 01:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tiba masanya DAP groom pemuda2 Muslim DAP

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Post time 19-5-2014 02:24 AM | Show all posts
DAP pertahan perlembagaan NOKTAH

in your face UMNO

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Post time 19-5-2014 02:28 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 19-5-2014 09:03 AM | Show all posts
umnoumnoumno posted on 19-5-2014 02:28 AM
Dyana masuk UiTM jalan belakang? ...

gigih kempen utk cina kapir Gerakan


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Post time 19-5-2014 09:30 AM | Show all posts
mamaal posted on 18-5-2014 11:07 PM
En suami nak balik ngundi ni. Ade sape nak kirim undi? nk kirim undi...
pru sblm ni sy undi pos je...
so kali ni sy ada ckit kemalasan nk blk tlk intan....

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Post time 19-5-2014 09:46 AM | Show all posts
totokreturn posted on 18-5-2014 01:10 PM
saya nak kirimkan undi dyana satu dari saya yer.. jgn lupa...

sweet little dyana...go  go totok.

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Post time 19-5-2014 09:59 AM | Show all posts
Teluk Intan: Tiada tanda-tanda calon bebas

4 0 1

Proses penamaan calon bagi pilihan raya kecil (PRK) Parlimen Teluk Intan dibuka pada 9 pagi ini di Sekolah Menengah Seri Perak di Teluk Intan.

Proses akan berlangsung selama sejam sebelum pusat penamaan calon ditutup pada 10 pagi.

Pegawai Pengurus Pilihan Raya Datuk Ibrahim Ahmad dijangka mengumumkan nama calon yang layak bertanding dalam PRK itu, sebelum 11 pagi.

Pilihan raya kecil itu diadakan berikutan kematian penyandang kerusi Parlimen itu, Seah Leong Peng, 48, daripada DAP akibat kanser pada 1 Mei lepas.

Sejumlah 60,349 pemilih berdaftar terdiri daripada 59,927 pengundi biasa, 410 pengundi awal dan 12 pengundi Tidak Hadir Luar Negara layak mengundi pada PRK itu.

Pengundian awal akan diadakan 27 Mei ini manakala hari pengundian ditetapkan pada 31 Mei.

Laporan langsung

9.30am: Calon DAP di Bukit Gelugor Ramkarpal Singh turut hadir menyatakan sokongan kepada Dyana.

“Beliau akan melalui apa yang saya lalui, jadi saya harap yang terbaik untuknya.

"Dan saya pasti beliau akan berjaya menghadapi cabaran itu,” katanya.

Pilihan raya kecil akan berlangsung pada 25 Mei.

9.10am: Kedua-dua calon BN dan DAP sudah berada di pusat penamaan calon, belum ada sebarang tanda-tanda calon-calon bebas akan muncul.

9am: SMK Seri Perak – Pengurus Pilihan Raya Ibrahim Ahmad mengumumkan proses penamaan calon brmula.

Calon DAP Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud dan calon BN Mah Siew Keong memasuki pusat penamaan calon.

8.40am: Taman Cicely – Calon BN Mah Siew Keong tiba. Beliau menyertai Timbalan Pengerusi BN Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin yang mengepalai kira-kira 100 penyokong berarak ke SMK Seri Perak.

8.30am: Taman Cicely -- Lebih 500 penyokong BN berkumpul di kawasan masuk ke kawasan perumahan dan menunggu pemimpin dan calon mereka.

Antara pemimpin yang sudah berada di situ timbalan menteri kewangan Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan, Presiden MCA Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai dan Ketua Wanita Gerakan Tan Lian Hoe.

8.15am: SMK Seri Perak – Walaupun pada hari penamaan calon, kira-kira 800 pelajar sedang menghadapi peperiksaan pertengahan tahun.

Seorang guru yang enggan namanya didedahkan memberitahuMalaysiakini, pihak sekolah telah memaklumkan kepada pelajar berhubung penamaan calon hari ini dan menasihatkan mereka bersedia untuk bunyi bising daripada proses itu.

“Sukar untuk pelajar menumpukan perhatian semasa peperiksaan, tetapi mereka harus menahannya,” katanya.

Taman Cicely – Antara pemimpin Pakatan yang kelihatan di situ, bekas menteri besar Perak Nizar Jamaluddin, anggota Parlimen Bruas Ngeh Koo Ham dan Naib Presiden PKR Tian Chua.

Penyokong Pakatan akan mula berarak ke pusat penamaan di SMK Seri Perak pada jam 8.30 pagi.

8am: Taman Cicely – Penyokong Pakatan bermula berkumpul di kawasan masuk ke taman itu, di mana pusat penamaan calon terletak.

Unit Amal PAS seperti biasa mengawal keadaan dan membantu lalu lintas di kawasan yang biasanya tenang itu.

Last edited by atira on 19-5-2014 10:00 AM


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Post time 19-5-2014 10:02 AM | Show all posts

comeynya dia... agak2 peguam dgn cikgu sekolah match x

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Post time 19-5-2014 10:05 AM | Show all posts
untungla teluk intan..

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Post time 19-5-2014 10:15 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 19-5-2014 10:18 AM | Show all posts
geng2 dinosor


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Post time 19-5-2014 10:23 AM | Show all posts
hrp2 kakak ipar aku buat keputusan yg bijak dengan mengundi ......................

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Post time 19-5-2014 10:25 AM | Show all posts
Acong posted on 19-5-2014 12:36 AM
Dyana Sofya dan YB Zairil Khir Johari bersama warga Teluk Intan di Medan Selera City Mewah

Jangan ...

mestilah zairil yg jd cameraman
sbb tu dia tade dlm gambo nih

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Post time 19-5-2014 10:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xde ke makcik naik beskal yg jual kain yg nak bertanding as calon bebas? aku nk undi makcik tu lah

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Post time 19-5-2014 10:27 AM | Show all posts
pinksarah posted on 18-5-2014 07:19 PM
eh,si shahrizat tu pon masa muda liar jugak kan..

byk gak citer x best psl minah tua ni..

pompuan2 tua biasanya mmg mcm tu
slalu jehles dgn pompuan2 muda yg berwawasan, educated dan cantikkkkkkkkkkkk
dah tua, buatlah cara dah tua kannnnzzz
masih nak fefeling diva lagi kak ijat nih


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Post time 19-5-2014 10:35 AM | Show all posts
bukankah sebelum2 nih... kat Teluk Intan tuh malayu DAP yg pegang .... bak kata org2 politik CI ... korang letak tiang letrik pun DAP tetap menang ...

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Post time 19-5-2014 10:35 AM | Show all posts
In Dyana, men place hope of
having a pretty MP, while
women see exemplary trailblazer
DAP's candidate Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud received much attention, particularly from the men at her maiden ceramah in Teluk Intan last night. — TRP pic by Wan Kah Hoong

Dyana Sofea Mohd Daud, DAP’s underdog candidate for Teluk Intan has surely set men’s hearts ablaze.
With her demure looks, charisma and knowledge, ‎the 27-year-old law graduate got temperatures soaring in a PAS vicinity yesterday night, upon the mere mention of her arrival.
Wolf whistles echoed at Padang Pemuda PAS in Kampung Bahagia, Teluk Intan here, as she made her way onto the stage to take her seat.
So much so, not many (well, the men mostly) bothered about the presence of DAP top dogs, Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng.
“Alala… comei… comei… tak nak tengok Guan Eng dah,” (Ooo… so cute… I don’t want to see Guan Eng anymore) a young man cried upon seeing Dyana, placing both his hands on his cheeks.
Another man, donning a PAS image, placed his child on a chair beside him to cheer and whistle for Dyana, after which he was nudged by his tudung-clad wife.
So much so, that even reporters were cried at and ordered to sit down for blocking a seemingly “priceless view”.
Pakatan Rakyat (PR) speakers included PAS‎ vice-president Datuk Husam Musa and former Perak menteri besar, Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar.
Nizar in his address, asked, “Are you ready for Dyana? Why do you need to vote for her?”
To this, some cried out, “Because she is beautiful.”
Husam in his speech also highlighted Dyana’s “plus point”.
“Other than her beauty, she has impressive knowledge… ‎then again, an MP with both beauty and brains is a bonus,” Husam said to cheers of support from the men folk.
“Strike out the names of the ‘oldies’ from Barisan Nasional (BN)..if Dyana enters Parliament, even the Speaker will focus on her!” Husam added.
Guan Eng in his speech, introduced Dyana as Teluk Intan’s “precious diamond of high value.”
Dyana who has now seemingly become a dream girl for Teluk Intan men, made the event yesterday akin to a sell-out concert, with a packed crowd ‎cheering for her.
“Dear brothers, please campaign for me will you? Please ensure my victory.”
To this the men replied; Boleh Puteri Dyana!! Boleh! (Can Princess Dyana! Can!)‎, while the ladies shook their heads.
In her short speech at the launch of PR’s party machinery, Dyana ‎assured the crowd that she will work hard to ensure she delivers her very best.
“I’m not here to seek glamour. If I were to, I would have become an artist..I am here to serve the people,” she said to thunderous applause.
Dyana clad in a purple head scarf and pink baju kurung said that she also aims to eradicate race politics from the country’s system.
“I thank Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil for her advice, but I just want to ask one thing… has Umno ever fielded as 27-year-old woman in any parliamentary constituency?
“If it has, then I will listen to her.”
Yesterday, Shahrizat who is the Wanita Umno chief, ‎expressed pity towards Dyana for allegedly being unaware that she was actually a mere puppet being used by the DAP to grab power.
“All your support will only fuel me to work harder. Thank you.”
The women folk however expressed admiration for the courage showed by the young lass.
“I am proud of her… she is a progressive young Malay woman… a good example for other Malay girls.
“She is really putting up with a lot of tough challenges and we hope she wins,” Norsuhaila Ismail, 36, said.
“I have a daughter and I hope she will be like Dyana some day… may more young ones rise to challenges like her,” Rohani Hamsi, 42‎ said.
Solehah Mustafa, a mother of six, hoped that Dyana can be a trailblazer for Teluk Intan women especially.
“‎I think she can bring changes… especially for Teluk Intan women, to be just like her.
“We need more ladies like her and we will vote for her,” Solehah, 53, added.


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Post time 19-5-2014 11:18 AM | Show all posts
Lawa betui calon DAP nie..'bujang' lg kot

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Post time 19-5-2014 11:34 AM | Show all posts
alahai posted on 18-5-2014 04:36 PM
dah depa takdak modal nak attack dia...isu tu pun jadi la....

Kalau calon Muslimah PAS yg tak bertudung, bolehlah serang. Tapi diorg dlm UMNO sendiri yg hampir semuanya Islam pun majoriti pemimpin atasan wanita tak pakai tudung kan.

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