sam1528 posted on 25-7-2013 01:46 PM
Such comment again expose the weakness of your thought process - could be lack of education. To yo ...
as usual in denial ....
when muslims want to convert all islam ....what happen? muslims and muslims will filght amoung themselves ... today they shout here and there and wanted the world to be islamic...when it come, they go into war amoung themselves and come different sects....when we question why many sects? they will come excuses "muhammad did mentioned that his followers will separate into many sects"
Tamarod: Kami akan bersihkan Mesir hari ini
12:34PM Jul 26 2013
Penyokong dan penentang presiden Mesir Mohamed Mursi yang digulingkan tentera menjangkakan kemungkinan berlakunya pertumpahan darah dan keganasan dalam tunjuk perasaan besar-besaran anjuran dua pihak bermusuh Ikhwanul Musliman dan tentera.
Bantahan pada Jumaat pada mulanya dilaungkan oleh Jeneral Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, yang mahu rakyat Mesir menunjukkan sokongan terhadap penggulingan Mursi, sekali gus menguatkan "mandat" tentera bagi menghentikan "keganasan".
Ikhwan sebagai tindak balas, mengajak penyokongnya turut memenuhi jalan raya bagi menentang rampasan kuasa tentera.
Konfrontasi kedua-dua pihak tidak dapat dielakkan lagi dan setakat ini mengorbankan 200 nyawa, kebanyakannya penyokong Mursi.
Tentera sudah memberi amaran untuk "mengacungkan senjata" kepada pihak yang menggunakan keganasan manakala Ikhwan memberi amaran perang saudara.
"...kami pasti bertindak keras terhadap sebarang gesaan ke arah keganasan daripada pemimpin Ikhawan atau penyokongnya," kata seorang pegawai tentera kepada Reuters.
Pada Khamis, kumpulan pro-Mursi berkhemah di Bandar Nasr dan kumpulan penentangnya di Dataran Tahrir.
"Esok (hari ini) kami akan bersihkan Mesir," kata jurucakap pergerakan anak muda Tamarod yang menggerakkan jutaan orang turun ke jalan raya membantah pentadbiran Mursi sebelum tentera bertindak pada 3 Julai.
"Ada orang bawa senapang di jalan," katanya kepada Reuters. "Kami tidak akan benarkan ekstrimis menjahamkan revolusi".
Tunjuk perasaan hari ini dijangka berlangsung selepas solat Asar. Saksi berkata, helikopter tentera sudah menggugurkan risalah di kawasan Ikhawan menuntut supaya tiada sebarang keganasan berlangsung.
Truth.8 posted on 26-7-2013 03:22 PM
as usual in denial ....
when muslims want to convert all islam ....what happen? muslims and muslims will filght amoung themselves ... today they shout here and there and wanted the world to be islamic...when it come, they go into war amoung themselves and come different sects....when we question why many sects? they will come excuses "muhammad did mentioned that his followers will separate into many sects"
Tamarod: Kami akan bersihkan Mesir hari ini
12:34PM Jul 26 2013
Penyokong dan penentang presiden Mesir Mohamed Mursi yang digulingkan tentera menjangkakan kemungkinan berlakunya pertumpahan darah dan keganasan dalam tunjuk perasaan besar-besaran anjuran dua pihak bermusuh Ikhwanul Musliman dan tentera.
Bantahan pada Jumaat pada mulanya dilaungkan oleh Jeneral Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, yang mahu rakyat Mesir menunjukkan sokongan terhadap penggulingan Mursi, sekali gus menguatkan "mandat" tentera bagi menghentikan "keganasan".
Ikhwan sebagai tindak balas, mengajak penyokongnya turut memenuhi jalan raya bagi menentang rampasan kuasa tentera.
Konfrontasi kedua-dua pihak tidak dapat dielakkan lagi dan setakat ini mengorbankan 200 nyawa, kebanyakannya penyokong Mursi.
Tentera sudah memberi amaran untuk "mengacungkan senjata" kepada pihak yang menggunakan keganasan manakala Ikhwan memberi amaran perang saudara.
"...kami pasti bertindak keras terhadap sebarang gesaan ke arah keganasan daripada pemimpin Ikhawan atau penyokongnya," kata seorang pegawai tentera kepada Reuters.
Pada Khamis, kumpulan pro-Mursi berkhemah di Bandar Nasr dan kumpulan penentangnya di Dataran Tahrir.
"Esok (hari ini) kami akan bersihkan Mesir," kata jurucakap pergerakan anak muda Tamarod yang menggerakkan jutaan orang turun ke jalan raya membantah pentadbiran Mursi sebelum tentera bertindak pada 3 Julai.
"Ada orang bawa senapang di jalan," katanya kepada Reuters. "Kami tidak akan benarkan ekstrimis menjahamkan revolusi".
Tunjuk perasaan hari ini dijangka berlangsung selepas solat Asar. Saksi berkata, helikopter tentera sudah menggugurkan risalah di kawasan Ikhawan menuntut supaya tiada sebarang keganasan berlangsung.
Like I stated , you lack formal education. That is why you cannot dissect issues but just jump into anything head first.
Ex President Morsi government was overthrown by a coup d'etat. His government was democratically elected with ~ 51% of the votes. The funny part is that the west is not even calling his overthrow a coup d'etat. This is because if labelled a coup , then they are forced to condemn the actions of the military and to force reinstallment of the elected government. In their hypocrisy they are now calling for fresh elections. Appears that democracy is just what they want and not the aspiration of the majority of the Egyptians.
The military coup has had one benefit. It has made it crystal clear on which side everyone now stands. The liberals, nationalists, Salafis and head of the Coptic church have joined sides with Egypt's unreformed and unreformable deep state. The ousted Muslim Brotherhood on the other have gained a cause even more potent than Islamism. They are now fighting for constitutional democracy. No longer can they be accused of trying to hide the worst sins of the army and the police when they are so obviously their victims. Morsi was arrested at his home by police and thugs
As Ben Hubbard and David Kirkpatrick have reported in The New York Times, the military and supporters of former dictator Hosni Mubarak may have created the fuel shortage that helped bring Morsi down, and kept Egypt’s police off the streets during periods of lawlessness. In addition, prominent members of the country’s establishment, allied with the military and formerly close to Mubarak, helped fund Tamarod, the liberal organization behind the street protests demanding Morsi’s ouster. That certainly suggests that the military and friends of the former dictator manipulated the liberal protests.
Nice try in changing the topic. You still have not answered me -
Lets try again : from the FBI database as requested by you
- till 2005 , 6% of terrorism due to muslims and ~ 65% of terrorism due to non muslims (probably christians)
- till 2011 , ~ 2% of terrorism due to muslims and the rest non muslims (from your given link)
Is 6% (then ~2%) contribution to terrorism a majority or minority contribution?
Truth.8 posted on 26-7-2013 06:10 PM
i m not lack of education...let me make a point base of fact rather than data :
1) Muslims te ...
Ha ha , what lah you. Fact comes from data if you don't know. This again is evidence of your lack of education
(1) The question here , muslims or christians are the major contributor to terrorism
(2) Ha ha , muslims into 73 sects? Christians are having more than 33 thousand (33,000) denominations. In fact killings between christians still tops the list. The following best describes the sects of christianity :
(3) Lets take a look at Iran after kicking out the Shah and the USA. Any riots and killings? None as no more 'outside' interference
(4) Ha ha argue among themselves? You see the muslims in Iran / Turkey / Malaysia arguing till killing themselves
In short you are farting thru your mouth.
This takes the cake. Now you giving a youtube from Walid Shoebat? He is a fraud fleecing $ from gullible christians like you. You donated $ to Walid Shoebat?
Shoebat said he was born of a Christian American mother and a Muslim Palestinian father, raised in Bethlehem and was born with and retains U.S. citizenship.
His claims about his terroristic past have been called into question by several news organizations, including CNN, regarding his claims about his time spent in an Israeli jail, his participation in the bombing of an Israeli bank and his active involvement in terrorism.
Shoebat, in turn, raises questions about the validity of the news sources themselves and their information-gathering.
This tells a lot about you. You are just a mindless hater who lacks education.
You still have not answered me :
Lets try again : from the FBI database as requested by you
- till 2005 , 6% of terrorism due to muslims and ~ 65% of terrorism due to non muslims (probably christians)
- till 2011 , ~ 2% of terrorism due to muslims and the rest non muslims (from your given link)
Is 6% (then ~2%) contribution to terrorism a majority or minority contribution?
Now everybody will see that you are also a fraud. So scared to answer simple questions but choose to change the topics (or shifting goalposts) to run away.
Truth.8 posted on 26-7-2013 03:20 PM
you answer my question lah....
You didn't even refer your book to think and ponder
then you ask me to judge you?
You said...
since the Bible forbid taking it should be respected...
Then why do you inflict youself in it? When you say...
i have takaful insurance...they claimed what ever i hve paid, will get back when i withdraw my insurance
Why bother asking me?
- you should ask who created the banking system, when did they create a bi-product called 'insurance' and why etc.?
Can you answer? I doubt it, ofkos.
Then you ask...
tell me how does bank islam make profit??
Islam prohibit eating pork even it is labeled as halal, doncha know?
To market a product based on usury using the name of Islam is prohibited.
You get profits/losses in businesses and usury is not a business.
Even if you turn the table around, you can't change usury into business.
sam1528 posted on 26-7-2013 11:06 PM
Ha ha , what lah you. Fact comes from data if you don't know. This again is evidence of your lack ...
the fact remaind....
here latest pics..
muslims trying potray that their religion is peace but it other way around....
when muslims take the world by force....than it will muslims nations...the question: can they get along amoung their brothers and sisters???i guess not
Truth.8 posted on 29-7-2013 10:49 AM
the fact remaind....
here latest pics..
muslims trying potray that their religion is peace but it other way around....
when muslims take the world by force....than it will muslims nations...the question: can they get along amoung their brothers and sisters???i guess not
Ha ha , all I see is a photo of people holding rifles. Where do terrorism come in? Appears your arguments bears the hallmark of an uneducated person. Since you are so into images , consider the following
In geographical terms :
The article. I wouldn't hold my breadth of you reading the said article. It could be too difficult for your level of education.
You still have not answered me :
Lets try again : from the FBI database as requested by you
- till 2005 , 6% of terrorism due to muslims and ~ 65% of terrorism due to non muslims (probably christians)
- till 2011 , ~ 2% of terrorism due to muslims and the rest non muslims (from your given link)
Is 6% (then ~2%) contribution to terrorism a majority or minority contribution?
Truth.8 posted on 29-7-2013 06:45 PM
we talking about world usual you will post about country....
stupid or pretending?? i guess both
hey btw, your muslims and muslims always on war... that explained that muslims and muslims too cannot get along.
Ha ha , there you go again - like a headless chicken in circles chasing your own backside trying hard to change topics. We been thru this for more than 4 times already.
Initially , you are the one demanding for FBI data. When it refutes you , you ran to worldwide data. The EUROPOL and RAND data is the worldwide data but you lack the education level to read the link provided much less understand it. The data thoroughly refutes you. You only option now is to go around in circles trying to shift goalposts.
You still have not answered me :
Lets try again : from the FBI database as requested by you
- till 2005 , 6% of terrorism due to muslims and ~ 65% of terrorism due to non muslims (probably christians)
- till 2011 , ~ 2% of terrorism due to muslims and the rest non muslims (from your given link)
Is 6% (then ~2%) contribution to terrorism a majority or minority contribution?
Ok , all I see are 2 people arguing per your video. So where is the terrorism?
You want to see christians fighting? I really mean slugging it out - not arguing. Go to Jerusalem.
Truth.8 posted on 30-7-2013 02:58 PM
as usual history which is outdated....denial again
Ha ha , to you the world came to existence just 2 seconds ago issit? Do you actually think before you argue? It doesn't appear so.
You still have not answered me :
Lets try again : from the FBI database as requested by you
- till 2005 , 6% of terrorism due to muslims and ~ 65% of terrorism due to non muslims (probably christians)
- till 2011 , ~ 2% of terrorism due to muslims and the rest non muslims (from your given link)
Is 6% (then ~2%) contribution to terrorism a majority or minority contribution?
Truth.8 posted on 31-7-2013 10:34 AM
hmm..after providing too many fact and proof...we have old ustaz in denial...i guess from pondok graduate...
watch here again
Ha ha , lets see , your version of 'fact and proof' is
- youtube video by the huckster Walid Shoebat
- you tube video of a christian narrating why he / she left Islam , most likely a work of fiction
This again confirm my saying that you lack education. You don't even know what is data and proof. You are just trying your best to shift goalposts as you have been caught out trying to BS.
Lets try again : from the FBI database as requested by you
- till 2005 , 6% of terrorism due to muslims and ~ 65% of terrorism due to non muslims (probably christians)
- till 2011 , ~ 2% of terrorism due to muslims and the rest non muslims (from your given link)
Is 6% (then ~2%) contribution to terrorism a majority or minority contribution?
This is a youtube video in response by Prof Bart Ehrman - the trinity verse in the bible is a later day insertion :