najib baru g tmn intan duyung...hehhe...
melati_kesuma Post at 1-4-2012 03:40 PM 
ngaper najib dtg sane? ade lawatan pru ke?  |
oo iyer ke melati?
ngaper area batu 5 atas jer boleh?
baru lia tahu info ni..ekeke
aurelia Post at 1-4-2012 18:39 
sbb majlis bandaran suke saman heheh..ni tips sape yang dtg pee dee...heheh..ade sesetegh tempat aje yg boleh... |
ngaper najib dtg sane? ade lawatan pru ke?
aurelia Post at 1-4-2012 18:40 
biaselah tu ...heheh,,,promote rumah kos murah tu...yg x tahan tempat tu dh lama terbiar siap kemas sbb najib nk dtg...then umh tu siap pasang cermin n letak perabot mahal2 hehheh |
biaselah tu ...heheh,,,promote rumah kos murah tu...yg x tahan tempat tu dh lama terbiar siap ke ...
melati_kesuma Post at 1-4-2012 08:26 PM 
uik, rumah kos murah kat mane tu mel?
hehe, biase la tu dear. bile ketua nak dtg, habis sume yg dulu x de org nak pandang pun, siap cantik terpamer indah belaka. prftttt.....politik gini la yer  |
kalo bercuti kat pd .....apo xtvt yg bleh buat ek? |
PD skang x mcm PD yg dulu...skang pantai PD byk dah jd hak milik Hotel2... |
Reply 188# eizarz
pantai area mana tu hotel amik?
dah mcm kat desaru pule. pantai public small access.. |
Lama mel x masuk kat sini..ni mel kat pee dee ni... |
Nk promote nasi lemak kat batu 3 sotongh sedap...try ok..mkn kt depan pantai..n kene makan kt ala bersila gitu..steamboat pun de jugak... |
Reply eizarz
pantai area mana tu hotel amik?
dah mcm kat desaru pule. pantai public small ac ...
aurelia Post at 3-6-2012 00:21 
Hye...mel di sini |
Dh agak rumah najib rasmikan terbiar mcmtu aje...mcm2 |
Reply 177# airfilterbersih
den bln lopeh buek bbq kek toluk komang...sewa bokeh bbq tu dh rm50..best gak..den buek bbq bwh khemah merah yg mghadap pantai tu..lg cantik,amik khemah yg plg hujung..xdo la org duk bau asap dn bau mkanan..seleso pun seleso hehehe |
Hye...mel di sini
melati_kesuma Post at 11-6-2012 12:35 PM 
hye mel.
kat mane skrg? PD / perelis?
dah habis belajar yer? |
hye mel.
kat mane skrg? PD / perelis?
dah habis belajar yer?
aurelia Post at 11-6-2012 21:39 
Mel kat pee dee...cuti...still study...jom lah mai pee dee |
Mel kat pee dee...cuti...still study...jom lah mai pee dee
melati_kesuma Post at 11-6-2012 11:22 PM 
oh tgh cuti yer. patut la baru nampak mel. ala, lia kat jb skarang. jauh sayam nak dtg, tapi rindu gak kat pd. lama tak naik. last lia pegi, tahun lepas. ekeke |
Say hi to all owners, I believe many of u are searching stuff to renovate ur new house...or prepare to move in...
I m here to promoted tinted and wallpaper for ur house~
now a days, tinted is very important to block sunlight, reduce heat and protect all type of furniture,floor and wood to avoid fade and let it having longer life~
anyone interest to have tinted for their house can contact us, we will give u a reasonable price, and u can order without any deposit!
we are going all the place without extra charge..hurry up~ What to wait? No need deposit,more safe!
Because there r too many customer, so we not effort to reply all of u in here. So pls direct contact 0162515556 / 0166275559 mr.Kelvin |
dah mulo lom nak buek kabel kar ..ari tu kato nak ado cabel car kek pd...acik nunggu yo ha |
ontah lah...ghaso lamo layi.... |
| |
Category: Negeri & Negara