jap2.. aku pening..
Bukan Asia Version la... rasanya cam yang repackaged gak la.. means 2nd mini album yg local version.. er.. er..
kalo malam SC aku bg Korean Version..
Esoknya FS aku bg Malaysia Version.. boleh kan?
boleh kan?
hehehe! pastu aku lelong kat E-Bay satu album dorg yg local version.. yg ada sign dorg.. leh?
UMM cakap yg masa showcase tu wajib yang pre-order punye version tu.
as for fansigning tu, kena guna album yang ada sticker TULEN kat top corner of the album. heh. asal ada TULEN, boleh pass.
heh. ada dua album ni. hehehe. naik stage dua kali?
Please refer to the below list of FAQs before posting another question as there might already be an answer there. This list will be updated periodically.
In future, please post all questions relating to BEAST's events in Malaysia in the comment box of this page. This way it will be more organized and easier for everyone to read. =)
Q: Will they be signing posters, t-shirts, other merchandise, etc?
A: BEAST will ONLY be signing the Malaysian Edition of their "SHOCK OF THE NEW ERA" album at both events. No other merchandise will be signed.
Q: What is the Malaysian Edition album?
A: The Malaysian Edition albums have a silver 'TULEN' sticker on the top corner of the CD. As long as you have this sticker on your CD, you can participate in the autograph session.
Q: Is the Malaysian Edition album the same as the RM120 pre-ordered/repackaged album?
A: Yes, it is the same. The only difference is that the RM120 repackaged album comes with the CD, t-shirt and showcase pass.
Q: Do i need passes to attend the autograph session in 1Utama on the 27th June?
A: No, you do not need passes for this event, but you will need the CD if you want to go on stage to get BEAST's autograph. =)
Q: How many CDs can one person sign?
A: Each person is only allowed ONE CD for signing.
Q: Can we bring cameras on stage?
A: CAMERAS are NOT ALLOWED on stage during signing.
Q: Will EVERYONE get their album signed?
A: The boys will try to sign as many albums as they can. =)
Q: Will all the members sign the album or only one member?
A: All 6 BEAST members will sign your CD. =)
Q: Can we use the same album in the showcase for the 2nd autograph session?
A: No. Only people with albums that HAVE NOT already been signed will be able to go on stage.
Q: If i don't get the repackaged album, can we use the the Malaysia version to get the autograph?
A: Yes, you can but only at the 1Utama event on the 27th June, not the showcase.
Q: Can one person pre-order more than one album?
A: Of course you can. =)
Q: What is the t-shirt size of the t-shirt from the RM120 repackaged album?
A: The t-shirt is normal free sized. It is not a baby-t.
lama x masuk sini sebab xlh online. Da selamat backlog. huhu. Banyak gak menda2 t'jadi nie.
So, venue da tukar pegi KL Live, Ok la sbb bkn club. xde rasa b'salah sangat nak pegi. hehe. Lagi pon building uh covered & ekon. So, kalo nk pegi b'camping kt situ xde la kepanasan. lh ar pasang sleeping bag nk tido. ekeke~
Airport uh max x pegi kot. kalo clash dgn timing kerja. Tapi Fansign kt OU harus la pegi kan. rugi arr walopon da tgk hari sebelomnya uh.
Kepada Cassie, pegi lahh. x kenal maka x cinta. sempat lagi nak research2 pasal dorang nie. hehehe. Bole tanya JC sebagai peminat kental Beast. I nie xde la expert sgt Beast. kang ngaja salah informasi plak.
UMM cakap yg masa showcase tu wajib yang pre-order punye version tu.
as for fansigning tu, kena gun ...
arincute92 Post at 14-6-2010 06:31 PM
asalkan ada tulen erk?
kiranya Asia Version ke.. x kisah la aper ker.. asal ada lambang tulen.. leh la Sign kan?
Hope dia bg Asia Version.. aku nak sign!!!! hehehe! Nak berkampung kat OU pepagi lagik..
press conference video with Malaysian fans. ada eng subs. hehe
arincute92 Post at 15-6-2010 09:56 AM
ckp pasal nih kan?
hari jumaat minggu lepas kul 1.30 PM kan?
aku sedih tul.. Member dah jemput.. tapi malang sekali x dpt pi.. ade ke patut buat Live Chat kul 1,30 pm hari jumaat?
mana leh kami pi.. kijer lagik.. merana jer.. dapat jemputan tapi x gi..
sekali dpt tengok video nih pun ok lah.. hehehe!
JunHyung.. byk nyer ko ckp..
aku pun tertanya2 sapa ckp Apa khabar tuh.. cam suara HyunSeung.. ke salah..
lawak tul.. naik gajah.. x kan gi zoo.. mcm ko ckp kebin.. kompom dorg pi Thailand tuh.. salah negara la tuh..
JunHyung nak pi KLCC>. akan stalk kat KLCC plak pastu..
Masa aku dengar.. yg livechat tuh. ada ke patut dorg letak B2UTY belakang press? saper nak chat ngan B2ST pun aku x tau..
press ker.. Malaysian B2uty? sengal tul..
dah la ahjummah ahjusshi tuh bukan tau sgt pasal beast.. bengang jerk bebudak yg gi sana ari tuh ckp ngan aku..
sib baik aku x gi.. kalo aku gi?
mau aku menyumpah seranah press.. sibuk jerk.. dok tepi susah la..