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Author: Hana_Hirokawa


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Post time 12-9-2009 10:40 AM | Show all posts
090809 punye chart:pompom::pompom:


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Post time 12-9-2009 11:10 AM | Show all posts
Yeah..still lagi no1!! :pompom:
Go 4minute <33333
suke giler dgn dance muzik.. happy sgt coz ramai yg suke.. yeah..

*hope 4minute akan menang satu tau lebih kat mane2 music show!!

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Post time 12-9-2009 11:30 AM | Show all posts
Yeah..still lagi no1!! :pompom:
Go 4minute
hujanlebat Post at 12-9-2009 11:10

yup..arap2 mcm tu la..:pompom::pompom:

suke tgk dieorg ni..
sbb dieorgni jenis happy2..

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Post time 12-9-2009 11:52 AM | Show all posts
suke gak tgk dorang..
awal2 dulu masa hot issue, x kenal pun personality masing2 coz x nak amik tau..
tp sejak album For Muzik nie kuar, tergerak hati nak tgk mtv 4minute..
4minute nie cam bebudak rebina.. sweet sgt.. time dorang sebut '4minute'.. seriously, cam bebudak..hehe.. tp bile kat stage, berstamina tul..x nampak kebudakannye..

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Post time 12-9-2009 12:20 PM | Show all posts
suke gak tgk dorang..
awal2 dulu masa hot issue, x kenal pun personality masing2 coz x nak amik tau..
tp sejak album For Muzik nie kuar, tergerak hati nak tgk mtv 4minute..
4minute nie cam bebudak ...
hujanlebat Post at 12-9-2009 11:52

time hot issue tu suke dgr lagu mls nak amik tau lagi pasal dieorg..sbb nak tunggu album dieorg kuar dulu..nak tgk lagu2 dieorg ni sbnrnye kene ngan jiwe ke tak..bile album dieorg dah kuar..semue lagu suke dgr..jarang tau aku nak suke semue lagu dlm album artis walaupun mini album..

dieorg ni mmg mcm kanak2 rebina skit..tu yg suke tgk..
tp bile kat stage..mmg ilang kanak2 rebina tu..bertenaga..tgk pun mmg tak bosan..rase  cam smgt je nak tgk dieorg..
lagipun suke tgk outfit dieorg..trend fesyen skrg..

lps tgk MTV 4Minute tu..dpt la knal sorang2 tu camane walaupun tak keseluruhannye

jihyun - org kate die tak sesuai jadi leader sbb die tak aku rase die sesuai sbb antare 5 5 tu die yg betul2 ade sifat caring..mmg die jage member2 die..suke tgk die ngan mak ngan anak je....die ni pun sifat die ceria je..

gayoon- die nmpak cam pendiam suare die..antare yg terbest ...die nmpak cam kakak sulung tuk family 4minute ni

jiyoon - die ade sifat karisma,cool, suare pun power..die mcm ayahsbnrnye die takde la tomboy sbb die potong rambut ala2 rihanna pastu ngan perangai die sempoi2 tu yg nmpk cam die tomboy

hyunah - sbgai pompuan..aku rase mmg budak ni ade bdn sexy..tak dinafikan..kesian die sbb slalu kene kutuk..aku bace kat mane2 pun..dieorg kate dieorg tak suke 4minute sbb ade hyunah..sean die..die ni pun mmg jenis byk ckp..playful..kalo tgk MTV WG, tau la die camne kan..suke tgk die time MTV WG tu ngan sohee

sohyun - ni mmg nmpk cam kanak2 rebina skit..umo pun baru die ni cam matured skit..

sekian...ringkasan cerite..

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Post time 12-9-2009 12:22 PM | Show all posts
4minute song "Muzik" in Sony Walkman commercial

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Post time 12-9-2009 12:36 PM | Show all posts
ngape burn tu? mak ai... ada mark da. sian dia

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Post time 12-9-2009 12:49 PM | Show all posts
ngape burn tu? mak ai... ada mark da. sian dia
Bobola Post at 12-9-2009 12:36

terkene mende panas(lightsystem kot) time nak wat jacketphoto tuk dieorgnye mini album

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Post time 12-9-2009 10:53 PM | Show all posts
2YOON - GaYoon & JiYoon <3333 - suke dgn dua org nie!! :pompom: sweetnye..huhu..

[credit: Hangook Ilbo]

Yeah!! 4minute @ dream concert!!
cun giler coz 4minute in the center!! so, bile tgk..first sekali nampak 4minute ..haha.. minta2 4minute bawa 2 lagu..samada bawa lagu "what a girls want" , "funny" tau pun "i don't give"....

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Post time 12-9-2009 10:57 PM | Show all posts
time hot issue tu suke dgr lagu mls nak amik tau lagi pasal dieorg..sbb nak tunggu album dieorg kuar dulu..nak tgk lagu2 dieorg ni sbnrnye kene ngan jiwe ke tak..bile album dieorg dah ...
sukebintang Post at 12-9-2009 12:20

minat dgn 4minute nie pun coz lagu2 dlm mini album dorang nie..sumenye best!! same dgn sukebintang gak la..hehe..
setuju dgn sukebintang psl perihal members 4 minute nie..cuma x tau plak yg GaYoon nie pendiam.. x kesah la..yg penting sore dia best!! haha..

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Post time 13-9-2009 10:49 AM | Show all posts
189# hujanlebat

wa..tak sangke gak dieorg dpt masuk DC ni..sbb slalunye DC ni kan utk artis yg mcm dah setaun...GOOD LUCK tuk dieorg..cun je duk tgh2 poster tu..rasenye mule2 kuar list 4minute takde rase mesti dieorg last2 minit..ganti2 group yg takleh perform..tu la gmbr kat poster pun outfit tuk MUZIK..

slalunye kalo kat DC mesti dieorg perform lagu popular..mesti HOT ISSUE ngan MUZIK..hehe

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Post time 13-9-2009 10:53 AM | Show all posts
minat dgn 4minute nie pun coz lagu2 dlm mini album dorang nie..sumenye best!! same dgn sukebintang gak la..hehe..
setuju dgn sukebintang psl perihal members 4 minute nie..cuma x tau plak yg GaYoo ...
hujanlebat Post at 12-9-2009 22:57

yg pasal Gayoon tu tak tau la die sbnrnye pendiam ke tak..sbb kat MTV tu die tak byk assume je la..

me takde lagi minat spesifik member..sukeje tgk semue..hehe

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Post time 13-9-2009 10:56 AM | Show all posts
090911 Mnet No Cut Story - 4minute (1/3)

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Post time 13-9-2009 11:57 AM | Show all posts
090912 MBC Quiz That Change The World E23 - 4minute JiHyun, HyunA Cuts


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Post time 13-9-2009 05:02 PM | Show all posts
4MINUTE - MUZIK(Sep 13, 2009) inki


outfit hitam+biru=cantiknye..

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Post time 14-9-2009 12:02 PM | Show all posts
090913 Gag Concert E521 - 4minute Cut


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Post time 14-9-2009 12:05 PM | Show all posts
4 Minute -  Wont Give You



Baby ah, ah, ah, ah…
Even during those days when I tired, I heard all of your problems
I gave you all of my feelings to you even if I received none as return
Why does missing call count increase
While you are making up inexcusable excuses…
I can’t hold it back any longer

From today I won’t give you any
From now on, I will never give you my feelings
From now on, I will never-never give it to you
From now on, I will never cry, it won’t happen twice

I don’t wanna cry, now we have to let it go
I don’t wanna cry, now we have to let it go
I don’t wanna cry
I will never-never give it to you, eh eh eh eh

You said today we have our own quality time, but suddenly you said you have plans
It took me three hours to prepare for our date…
How could you do this to me
Friends tells me I am really stupid for love
They tell me it’s pathetic how I side with you
Now I’ve lost trust in you

From today I won’t give you any
From now on, I will never give you my feelings
From now on, I will never-never give it to you
From now on, I will never cry, it won’t happen twice

I don’t wanna cry, now we have to let it go
I don’t wanna cry, now we have to let it go
I don’t wanna cry
I will never-never give it to you, eh eh eh eh

Please stop, it’s only doing me more harm
And you might regret it
Ever since your heart changed it was hard for me
But I will think about it once more
No matter how much I think, we aren’t destined
The excuse you are using right now is insufficient
If you are truthful like back in the day than OK
If that happens I will always give it to you, oh oh oh oh oh

baby ah ah ah ah…
From today I won’t give you any
From now on, I will never give you my feelings
From now on, I will never-never give it to you
From now on, I will never cry, it won’t happen twice

I don’t wanna cry, now we have to let it go
I don’t wanna cry, now we have to let it go
I don’t wanna cry
I will never-never give it to you, eh eh eh eh

credits: BKJSuh @ soompi


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Post time 14-9-2009 12:11 PM | Show all posts
What a Girl Wants


*What a girl wants*

Yeah, this is my first story
Say oh, oh, oh, baby, la, la, la, la, la
Say oh, oh, oh, honey, la, la, la, la, la

All men are the same
You don’t know anything, you couldn’t even get my hints
Oh gosh, you are driving me crazy

My new hairstyle and new shoes
When I ask how is it
You don’t know anything about it

Instead of using your credit card
Show me a troubled heart when I am mad
I can’t tell really your heart
Please tell me straight up

“I love you” that one sentence
How long are you going to be indecisive
Oh, from now on
Please tell me

One, when we hold hands please Intertwine them
Two, when annoyed, just smile
Don’t know, don’t know, don’t know, don’t know
Even when I tell you, you don’t know

Three, call don’t text
Four, make sure you make an eye contact when we talk
Don’t know, don’t know, don’t know, don’t know
You really don’t know my feeling

You don’t know what a girl wants
What a girl, what a girl wants
Louder, louder, say it louder for me
Again, again show it to me

You don’t know what a girl wants
What a girl, what a girl wants
Oh, Stay with me longer, longer
I do, I do, promise me

Time flew by since we’ve first met
Don’t even know if it’s 100 days or 1000 days
And how could you forget my birthday

It’s okay, sometimes stuffs happens
But you, how could you not even know
My phone number

Oh, bad, she just bling, bling
It’s not accessory, those two eyes that makes me laugh
I, I, I want it, want it
You, You, can you stay here

Oh, those words in your heart
The word “love” is word of trust
Oh, from now on
Show-show-show it to me

One, when we hold hands please Intertwine them
Two, when annoyed, just smile
Don’t know, don’t know, don’t know, don’t know
Even when I tell you, you don’t know

Three, call don’t text
Four, make sure you make an eye contact when we talk
Don’t know, don’t know, don’t know, don’t know
You really don’t know my feeling

Say oh, oh, oh, baby, la, la, la, la, la
Say oh, oh, oh, honey, la, la, la, la, la

You don't know what, you don't know what
What a girl wants
You don't know what, you don't know what
What a girl wants

One, when we hold hands please Intertwine them
Two, when annoyed, just smile
Don’t know, don’t know, don’t know, don’t know
Even when I tell you, you don’t know

Three, call don’t text
Four, make sure you make an eye contact when we talk
Don’t know, don’t know, don’t know, don’t know
You really don’t know my feeling

You don’t know what a girl wants
What a girl, what a girl wants
Louder, louder, say it louder for me
Again, again show it to me

You don’t know what a girl wants
What a girl, what a girl wants
Oh, Stay with me longer, longer
I do, I do, promise me

You don't know what a girl wants

credits: BKJSuh @ soompi


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Post time 14-9-2009 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Funny (&#50883;&#44200;)


*&#50883;&#44200; / Laughter / Laugh / Funny*

incomplete (only bold parts)

It’s too-too funny
You are really really really really funny

Woo Huu Haa a Hee He Hoo
Woo Huu Haa a Hee He Hoo

I looked over the first mistake
Second time is one too many
As you are looking for excuses the lies increases

I don’t like your mindset or your action
Phone calls from my friends that you are with
Another women is countless

Woo Huu Haa a Hee He Hoo
Woo Huu Haa a Hee He Hoo
Only-only laughter comes out

Woo it’s too-too funny
You are really really really really funny

If I had to rate your loving-ness
It’s 0, it’s 0, you are 0

Woo Huu Haa a Hee He Hoo
Woo Huu Haa a Hee He Hoo

I must be really-really going nuts
You really driving me nuts

Because of you, you, you
Because of you, I am dying from laughter

Ding-dong dang-dong, it was easy question
Ding-dong dang-dong, it’s BYE BYE forever

Even after all those time thinking
How will you fix your bad habit

We started because I like-like-liked you
But now let’s end it because I hate-hate-hate you

Woo Huu Haa a Hee He Hoo
Woo Huu Haa a Hee He Hoo

Don’t come any closer
Go-go-go away

It’s too-too funny
You are really really really really funny

I must be really-really going nuts
You really driving me nuts

Woo Huu Haa a Hee He Hoo
Woo Huu Haa a Hee He Hoo

Because of you, you, you
Because of you, I am dying from laughter

Hey baby, hey baby, hey
I will let first mistake pass
No more, No more, No
Second mistake is ouch

&#45324; &#51060;&#51228; &#45236; &#47560;&#51020;&#50640;&#49436; Out in a boy
&#45212; &#51060;&#51228; &#45208;&#49244;&#45224;&#51088;&#50752; &#48372;&#46976;&#46319;&#51060; &#47564;&#45208;&#47732;&#49436;
ye ye ye ye I Think that is Huu

There’s only one way for you to keep me <- iffy part
Put your left hand to your right
Now beg, beg, beg, beg

Woo it’s too-too funny
You are really really really really funny

If I had to rate your loving-ness
It’s 0, it’s 0, you are 0

I must be really-really going nuts
You really driving me nuts

Woo Huu Haa a Hee He Hoo
Woo Huu Haa a Hee He Hoo

Because of you, you, you
Because of you, I am dying from laughter

credits: BKJSuh @ soompi

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Post time 14-9-2009 12:19 PM | Show all posts
For Muzik


In a true In a true one, two, three, four uh
You never know where this music is gonna take you
Yeah please give me 4minute (It's a kill)
I'll tell about it for you

The beat’s volume that’s running through the body
The Muzik we made only meant for you
The rhythm-holic which you cannot ignore
I will bring you anything you want, 4Minute Hey
What you know about make a future Ho
What you know about soul maker Hey
To the tell about it, stop posing if you don’t know
Ho 4Minute, louder, Let’s come
My sweet melody meant for the world
From this moment be awed by my dance, So hotty
I will show you, one two, Make a move
I’ll show it to you all, Uh
The Passion which people will remind you
L-Look at me, everyone Attention
It will be different from others, like a cute
New looks will surprise ya, Show Time.

credits: BKJSuh @ soompi


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