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Author: katt

Kenangan BEAUTIFUL DAYS - Lee Byunghun, Choi Jiwoo (Bhg. 2)

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 Author| Post time 18-3-2008 07:04 PM | Show all posts
OT - Masih hal-perihal Jiwoo-ssi

March 18, 2008


Producer believes in power of good storytelling

What comes up to your mind when you hear the word "Hallyu" or Korean Wave might be heartthrobs like Bae Yong-joon or Kwon Sang-woo.

What if, though, they couldn't find the right dramas -- "Winter Sonata" for Bae and "Stairway to Heaven" for Kwon -- to turn them into pan-Asian stars?

They might or might not be "Hallyu stars" now, but the point is there are far more than just star power involved in the mechanism of making a Korean cultural product a success in the Asian market, such as brilliant storylines and good character development to support them.

When Yoon Suk-ho, 50, producer of the massively popular television series "Winter Sonata" (2002), created "Spring Waltz" (2006), the final installment of his famous four season series, he assigned the main characters of it to actor Seo Do-young and actress Han Hyo-joo -- newcomers to the entertainment world, not established stars.

His previous work, such as "Autumn In My Heart," and "Winter Sonata," featured top stars. "Spring Waltz" wasn't exactly a smash hit here, comparatively. But overseas, "Spring Waltz" added new momentum to the Korean Wave across Aisia. Broadcasting contracts were signed with TV networks in nine Asian nations, even before the drama was shown in Korea.

"Right before his debut in 1994 with 'Love Greeting,' Bae Yong-joon told me excitedly that there were people recognizing him. Bae Yong-joon and Won Bin were not stars from the beginning," Yoon told The Korea Herald. "Star-oriented producing deprives talented rookie entertainers of the opportunity to provide a fresh spin on the entertainment industry, and will do harm to the entirely industry by increasing production costs."

Instead of depending on star power, the producer chose to turn the two rookie actors into stars, and the result was impressive. The profits from the initial export deal of the 20-episode drama -- about young sweethearts who meet again after losing touch for 15 years -- was over 5 billion won ($4.9 million), covering the production costs of the drama.

Besides, "Spring Waltz" also made the two rookies far bigger stars in Japan than here, after the television series was aired on Japan's NHK television last year.

Earlier this month, about 100 Japanese fans of Seo Do-young visited Korea to see him act in the new KBSsitcom "Unstoppable Wedding," a remake of the movie with the same title, in which he plays Wang Gi-baek, son of an overnight millionaire. Han Hyo-joo, 21, who won the Best Actress award at the 20th Singapore International Film Festival last year for her performance in director Lee Yoon-ki's "Ad-lib Night," earned the delightful nickname of "The Nagasawa Masami of Korea" in Japan.

Yoon Suk-ho [Park Hae-mook/The Korea Herald]

"Star power does generate revenue, but sometimes the power to create new stars comes from good story telling," continued the producer, who enjoys rock-star-like popularity in Japan. Yoon analyzes that the almost phenomenal success of "Winter Sonata" in Japan is because the story reminds Japanese viewers of something universal and time-transcending -- pure love and self-sacrifice -- which had become old virtues in Japanese television drama making.

The power of the storytelling outliving star power was proved when "Winter Sonata" was staged as musical drama in Sapporo, Japan, two years ago. There -- even without "Yonsama" or "Jiwoohime" in the cast -- the musical version of the soap opera still had a magic hold on its Japanese fans, making audiences weep with its story of unfaltering love.

In fact, the true star of the evening was Yoon, who also attended the performance as the artistic director for the musical version. At the end of the show many Japanese fans recognized him and surrounded him to get his autograph.

While television dramas mean much for him, he also has a good reason to carry on with the musical drama as well, despite his busy schedule.

"I thought it is worth trying to expand the realm of a cultural content," the producer said. "A performing arts work like a musical drama often outlives television series, and the good thing is it can always be revised, performance after performance," he added.

At the invitation of the Japanese entertainment giant Amuse Entertainment, the musical made its way to Tokyo and Osaka in the autumn of 2006 for what Yoon thinks is the true premiere of the musical. "Many plans are currently in my mind though not many of them are finalized. We may remake it with Japanese actors to perform in Japanese later, or we will bring it to Korea, targeting foreign tourists," he said.

The musical doesn't deviate much from the TV drama in story, with only minor changes in its plot. Different from the television series where Jun-sang (Bae Yong-jun), Eu-jin (Choi Ji-woo), Sang-hyuk (Park Yong-ha) and Chae-rin (Park Sol-mi) are all school friends, the musical version made Chae-rin a stranger to Eu-jin to good dramatic effect.

"They say 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing,' but I've come up with many new ideas about musical dramas while working on the musical," Yoon said. "Making new musical dramas out of my past television dramas is one of them."

In May last year, Yoon's Color, his production company located near Hongik University in Seoul, opened a Korean television drama theme park called "Four Seasons House" at its office building, which includes memorabilia from Yoon's hit soap operas including the "Four Season Series." In less than a year's time, the place has become a must visit for fans of Korean television dramas.

"I always try to bring a warm humanity to my works, and I believe this is what made 'Winter Sonata' popular in Japan. Though television dramas here are becoming more and more sophisticated and commercial in a sense, at the same time, I'd like to remain on track to create the best out of my own series," said the producer.

By Lee Yong-sung ([email protected])

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 Author| Post time 18-3-2008 07:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by diettiners at 18-3-2008 08:46 AM


Hi diettiners! Selamat Datang ke Beautiful Days, romantika cinta penuh kenangan!

Harap2 pun begitu juga.. semoga rumah kali ni lebih ceria, gembira, bahagia sentiasa!

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Post time 18-3-2008 11:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by btho at 18-3-2008 10:08 AM

urggghhhh....., dier suker sgt pakai legging.
gambo2x yg katt paste b4 tu tak nampak kaki.
biler tgk paras pinggang ke bawah...., alahai.
tak sesuwei btol lah....

dier ni pu ...

mmg kita pandai btho sshi ....
tengok sekali je dah tahu tak sesuai lansung legging tu
sejuk sgt ke??? ada parut ke? lupa nak shave ke????
pergi event LV lak tu ....
n actually kasut dia pun tak berapa cantik pada aku ...
what do you think?

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Post time 18-3-2008 11:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 18-3-2008 06:52 PM

LDG berlakon drama..18-year old Bride dengan ex-girlfriend dia. Yang tu kan?

aa'ah katt ...betul lah yg tu ...boleh lupa lak ...

aku mula la dok imagine RSW dok umah atuk LDG tu ...

btw ..gambar dia pakai spek itam dok dlm keta tu hensem siot ....
nampak lain lah pulak ....

CJW mmg selalu pakai legging/stokin ke ??? apasal ekkk?
tak sesuai laaaaa ..... kalau pakai legging putih cam bebudak lah pulak ...

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 Author| Post time 18-3-2008 11:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kayla at 18-3-2008 11:20 PM
CJW mmg selalu pakai legging/stokin ke ??? apasal ekkk?
tak sesuai laaaaa ..... kalau pakai legging putih cam bebudak lah pulak ...

Rasanya memang tak pernah nampak kaki dia.. tanpa stokin/legging tu.

Even gambar dia dengan BH dulu masa buat photoshoot EHAS, dia pakai baju jenis strapless.. yang warna putih tu tapi stokin hitam.. all the way. Bahu nampak tapi kaki tutup semua.

At least kalau warna hitam tu, oklah jugak .. yang merah/violet gelap tu.. memang tak padan dengan baju dia. Maybe JW nak start trend baru? Rasanya tak ramai Korean actresses yang pakai macam dia.

Yup.. kasut pun kurang cantik.. .. banyak pulak katt mengomplen pasal JW.

Ni semua pasal BH tak ada khabar berita langsunglah ni.. huhuhu!

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 Author| Post time 18-3-2008 11:48 PM | Show all posts
A double BEAUTIFUL DAYS' treat ♥ Happy 7th Anniversary & 100pages

Charming Lee Byung-hun, One & Only

"I once told the scriptwriter to refrain from scripting my character to perfection. A drama centered around a love affair is so run-of-the-mill and the dramatic scenes merely helps to garner high ratings. The ultimate reason for a viewer to follow the show to the end is the perfect leads."

Although it has an ordinary storyline, "Beautiful Days" has became an obsession for many female viewers. The arranged love triangle among the characters played by Lee Byung-hun, Choi Ji-woo and Ryu Si-won reflects the popularity of each of the cast. Lee Byung-hun's portrayal of the handsome and suave Lee Min-chul who has his heart set on Choi Ji-woo's character has won him the hearts of many female fans.

The role of Lee Min-chul was originally meant for another actor but after a meeting by the SBS management team, it was unanimously agreed that the role be given to Lee Byung-hun. As such, the scriptwriter had to modify the role several times to better suit Lee Byung-hun. This was also the reason for emphasising the importance of Lee's role in the love triangle with Choi Ji-woo and Ryu Si-won.

"My role encases a great amount of charisma, it extends even to the decisive style that is clearly visible even in the speech, as such, I faced great pressure initially. I told the scriptwriter not to create a character that embodies only the good qualities. I'm glad that even Min-chul's speech and gestures differs as the story progresses. Such changes reflects the gentleness in him that has arised because of his attitude towards love."

The acceptance of Lee Min-chul by many female viewers could be due to the absence of such men in reality. Such attention was extended to his tinted hair and fringe, his impeccable dress style of black suits, red and blue-shaded ties and his white dress-shirts. All these further enhances the character.

With the success of "Beautiful Days", Lee Byung-hun naturally became the most interviewed artiste. However, wanting to retain the air of mystery as an artiste, he was only willing to answer questions pertaining to his career. As he has been slated to attend a film awards event this fall, we wonder about the air of mystery that we will sense through the camera lens.

Gratitude to &

More to read at the LBH fanclub

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 Author| Post time 18-3-2008 11:51 PM | Show all posts
Captures thanks to wrblee-CJW, credits as stated


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 Author| Post time 18-3-2008 11:57 PM | Show all posts
Gambar ni .. 2004 dulu.. (thanks to Gigi at

Ji woo pakai legging hitam..


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 Author| Post time 19-3-2008 12:04 AM | Show all posts
Ni satu lagi.. gambar yang terang sikit (thanks to


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 Author| Post time 19-3-2008 12:08 AM | Show all posts
Ni satu lagi masa press conference EHAS di Jepun.. 2004

Btw.. dalam filem EHAS pun JW memang pakai legging.. scene yang dia pakai baju merah (ada party kat club tu).. siap legging corak jalur2 lagi.. kalau tak silap..

Nanti2.. mana gambar tu.. time bila cari nilah tak jumpa..

Tapi tengok gambar BH ni.. tension betul.. langsung tak berita.. dia..

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Post time 19-3-2008 12:09 AM | Show all posts

Reply #185 katt's post

ada masalah kaki ke dia ni ....

tapi dia ni model kan sebelum berlakun ..mesti kena pakai macam2 masa dulu2 ...
pelik kan ....

kat dlm BD dia mmg pakai suar sokmo kan ....
kat dlm winter sonata dia ada pakai skirt tapi since cerita tu masa winter so dia pakai but tinggi rasanye ....
kat dlm rondo lupa lak .... dia pakai but gak rasanye ....

kalau aku tahu dulu2 sah2 aku dok nelek kaki dia ...

legging hitam kat atas tu sesuai ngan baju tu ...tu pasal tak pasan sebelum ni ...

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 Author| Post time 19-3-2008 01:13 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kayla at 18-3-2008 12:14 AM
alamakkkkkkkk .... stokin sama color ngan baju tu menyepoil kan baju jiwoo unni
sape yg suruh dia pakai stokin tu :@

jiwoo lagi tinggi drp chow yuen fatt???? bior betul ...

Lebih kurang macam BH berdiri sebelah JW. Lebih kurang .. tinggi mereka. JW pun tak pakai kasut yang tinggi sangat..nampak quite flat.

Photo - thanks to Hyc at

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 Author| Post time 19-3-2008 05:02 PM | Show all posts

RTM1 ciplak soundtrack BD! :@

Baru kejap ni.. ada satu dokumentari pasal pembuatan kacip (yang buat kacip pinag tu) di kampung2.. anyway.. background music.. music dalam BD tu.

Jenis yang sentimental tu.. alah.. kalau dengar mesti familiar punya.

Amboi.. amboi!

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 Author| Post time 19-3-2008 11:47 PM | Show all posts
Thanks to the highlight by MS at "Byunghun of our Hearts" blog,  update on GI Joe at The Earth Times,319435.shtml

Byung Hun Lee, Major Korean Film and TV Star Completes First Day of Filming as Storm Shadow in Paramount Pictures' 'G.I. JOE'

Posted : Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:51:37 GMT
Author : Paramount Pictures Corporation
Category : PressRelease

HOLLYWOOD, Calif., March 18 /PRNewswire/ -- On March 13, prominent Korean film and television actor Byung Hun Lee, one of Asia's top stars, completed his first day of principal photography as Storm Shadow in Paramount Pictures' action adventure "G.I. JOE." He joins the ensemble cast that includes Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Christopher Eccleston, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Sienna Miller, Rachel Nichols, Ray Park, Said Taghmaoui, Channing Tatum, Marlon Wayans and Dennis Quaid.

As big in his native land as he is in other parts of Asia, including Japan, Lee started his acting career in 1991 with the Korean television drama "Asphalt, My Hometown." Since then, he has appeared in several television dramas including "Tomorrow Love," "Police," "Son of Wind," "White Knight 3.98," "Happy Together," "Beautiful Days" and "All In."

Among his feature film credits are Kim Jee Woon's "A Bittersweet Life," Park Chan Wook's "Three Extremes," "Everybody has Secrets," "Addiction," "Bungee Jumping of their Own" and Park Chan Wook's "Joint Security Area." This year he will star in two films, Kim Jee Woon's "The Good, the Bad, and the Weird" and Tran Anh Hung's "I Come with the Rain."

Storm Shadow, one of the most popular characters in the G.I. JOE universe, has a dark and complex history. He was trained by the same Ninja master as Snake Eyes, a member of the elite G.I. JOE team, but now fights against him.

Paramount Pictures and Hasbro, whose previous collaboration was the worldwide blockbuster "TRANSFORMERS," have reunited for another extraordinary action-adventure in "G.I. JOE." From the Egyptian desert to deep below the polar ice caps, the elite G.I. JOE team uses the latest in next-generation spy and military equipment to fight the corrupt arms dealer Destro and the growing threat of the mysterious Cobra organization to prevent them from plunging the world into chaos. "G.I. JOE" is directed by Stephen Sommers ("The Mummy" and "The Mummy Returns") and will be released on August 7, 2009.

Byung Hun Lee is represented by the Endeavor Agency and managed by Charles Pak of BH Entertainment.

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Post time 20-3-2008 12:07 AM | Show all posts

Reply #193 katt's post

aku ingatkan chow yuen fatt ni tinggi gile ....
tak sangka lak lebih kurang BH je ....

katt ...ko cam tak biasa lak ...biasalah malaysia ni ...bukan rtm je ....
memula tu rasa cam familiar je lagu background ni ...
pastu baru le perasan lagu cite korea rupanye ....

haaa ..senang le hati katt ..dah ada berita pun pasal BH .... tengah busy shooting rupanye ....

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 Author| Post time 20-3-2008 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kayla at 20-3-2008 12:07 AM
aaa ..senang le hati katt ..dah ada berita pun pasal BH .... tengah busy shooting rupanye ....

Ha'ah.. memang tau dia tengah shooting tapi tak sangka 13 Mac hari tu baru first day dia, ingatkan awal2 bulan Mac dia dah start berlakon. Lama betul BH di US.. since mid-January. Kiranya macam vacation sikit + preparation untuk Hollywood movie tu. Ada Japanese fans memang jumpa BH di LA tapi tak ada gambar.

Dah ada di tempat orang.. kenalah dia ikut schedule di sana. Lambat lagilah dia nak balik Korea. Hehe.. macamlah boleh jumpa pun.

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 Author| Post time 20-3-2008 06:13 PM | Show all posts
Copied from koreanfilm.orgl, credits to Darcy Paquet. Image courtesy

The year 2008 started with the industry still reeling from a very tough 2007. Nonetheless there was some good news early on, with two unexpected hits in January and February: Lim Soon-rye's handball drama Forever the Moment, which sold over 4 million tickets, and the low-profile thriller The Chaser, which thanks to strong word of mouth was well on its way to selling even more tickets. At the same time, Night and Day, the eighth film by Hong Sangsoo, was invited to screen in competition at the Berlin International Film Festival, where it was roundly praised by some critics, and criticized as being too long by others. Bad news awaited the film on its commercial release in Korea, though, with shockingly low box office returns.

Looking ahead, the year will see new films from several established names. Kim Jee-woon returns with his ambitious spaghetti Western The Good, the Bad, the Weird, scheduled for a July release, and Park Chan-wook's long-awaited vampire movie Thirst may be ready in time for December. Lee Yoon-ki of This Charming Girl fame will shoot a new film with acclaimed actress Jeon Do-yeon, and rising director Yu Ha is shooting an ambitious period film about a gay love triangle involving royalty (sound familiar?). Meanwhile Lee Joon-ik, director of King and the Clown, has a big-budget release lined up for summer in Sunny, about a woman who travels to Vietnam in the 1970s as a singer to entertain Korean troops fighting in the war. (written on Mar. 10)

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 Author| Post time 20-3-2008 10:32 PM | Show all posts
Thanks to zoeve for the original cake capture

Beautiful Days first aired in Korea 14th March 2001


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 Author| Post time 20-3-2008 11:05 PM | Show all posts
March 17, 2008

Choi Ji-woo, "Drunk pictures were photoshopped"

A representative of actress Choi Ji-woo's entertainment company Olive Nine revealed that the drunk pictures and article of her released by the Chinese press were fake.

Olive Nine released the suspicious picture and another picture from a Chinese broadcasting CCTV internet site. They claimed, "The Chinese press photoshopped the picture in order to publish a harsh article".

They revealed, "She greeted Yun Fat Chow at an event that day, and he playfully hugged her from the back, and she posed like that. In the picture from the Chinese broadcasting CCTV, Choi Ji-woo is surprised at Chow Yun Fat's sudden hug and made a V, but her face is not red at all".

Choi Ji-woo attended the party on the 14th for the opening of a Louis Vuitton branch in Hong Kong. The local Chinese press criticized her, saying she looked like a "drunk, old cat".

Original article at
English translation by

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Post time 24-3-2008 03:01 PM | Show all posts
minah tu ratu leggings....ahaks.

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