Mak ngan ayah Britney dapatkan perintah mahkamah untuk halang Sam Lutfi dari mendekati Britney...They think Sam banyak bawa bad influence to Britney..And they have no problem with Adnan...Ape nak jadila ni...
Originally posted by opocot at 4-2-2008 12:38 PM
menyampah betul aku tgk muka si adnan nih ...
tu la..nampak sgt yg dia tu nak control si brit ni..pas tu ngan ayah & mak brit plak dia pi cucuk..sepatutnya dia yg takleh jumpa brit..bukannya sam lutfi tuh..:@
Originally posted by gjoy_chester at 3-2-2008 01:59 PM
Mak ngan ayah Britney dapatkan perintah mahkamah untuk halang Sam Lutfi dari mendekati Britney...They think Sam banyak bawa bad influence to Britney..And they have no problem with Adnan...Ape nak ...
terbalik lak....
agaknya parent brit nih 'termakan racun' adnan kot
Tak tahula Sam tu baik ke tak....Mostly yang rapat2 ngan Britney ni nak ambik kesempatan jer...Cuma sorang jer aku tengok ok, Jason Alexander, x-laki Britney yang kawin 50jam tu...Lepas kes tu, x de plak dia bising2 nak tuntut harta ke ape..
Originally posted by gjoy_chester at 5-2-2008 12:28 PM
Tak tahula Sam tu baik ke tak....Mostly yang rapat2 ngan Britney ni nak ambik kesempatan jer...Cuma sorang jer aku tengok ok, Jason Alexander, x-laki Britney yang kawin 50jam tu...Lepas kes tu, x ...
ahhaaa...dia je ok kot....kawin jap pun tak minta2 lak pastuh....
now pun org tak sebut2 nama dia pun
aku mcm berharap, justin p jenguk britney ni.. maybe baru ada semangat nak idup sihat pas tu ..
and smlm kat E news bgtau patut kuarkan perintah mahkamah supaya paparazzi ada jarak had tertentu kalau nak amik gambar .. takut jadik mcm kes lady diana
A restraining order against the man who's been at Britney Spears' side during her downward spiral portrays him as a Svengali figure who held her a virtual hostage in her home, drugged her, took over her finances and controlled the ravenous paparazzi "like a general."
The order against 33-year-old Sam Lutfi was based on a lengthy declaration from Spears' mother, Lynne, who says they met in October 2007, when he "essentially moved into Britney's home and has purported to take control of her life, home and finances."
Lynne Spears' account of a long, chaotic night at Britney's home depicted a drugged and confused pop star being led around by Lutfi, who was setting up pictures for the paparazzi even as she was spinning out of control.
The documents released by the court Tuesday ordered Lutfi to stay away from Spears, her homes, her parents and siblings' homes and the hospital where she is confined for psychiatric evaluation.
On Monday, Lutfi told The Associated Press in a text message: "I have no problems with anyone writing anything negative against me. My image is not of concern, hers is." He has not responded to further inquiry.
Lynne Spears said in the order that Lutfi "drugged Britney, he has cut Britney's home phone lines and removed her cell phone chargers. He yells at her. He claims to control everything