Team Manager Matchday Total
1 BirumatahitmakU STATS BEST 50 101
2 NANI si anak ruse... nani anderson 76 98
3 PakJen Tak Terkalah Pak Jen 40 98
4 jambulputih jambul putih 50 97
5 BatJen TerTipu Bat Jen 44 91 :@
6 josekobenrossi koben19 no mour spesyel wan 48 87
7 Burung Apa?? toaster teruna suci 51 85
8 kingaroon cute fc tiger king 48 85
9 kronafc Krona Cari 35 84
10 adpool fc adbrutals power 46 82
11 kompom tak terkalah! ahmad bob 45 82
12 HARIHARIMAU MAIN darwisyadli "the doctor" 50 80
13 ponorogoFC rory gilmore 46 79
14 kangkung united borhan abu 33 78
15 kesempitan zzz zzz 29 76
16 FAM Sdn. Bhd. GAME 0VER 37 75
17 j_lyet Yang Jelita j_lyet Hot 43 72
18 Inesen FC inesen tak ingat 40 69
19 jpl_team jpl fan 32 68
20 koliba FC NaRaGaaRa Terry 42 67
21 A.I.F.C~THEone~ Aniq Izwan 38 66
22 aku menchi boboi tuan hakim adil saksama prfthh 30 66
23 komandermaut fc komander maut 45 65
24 kupetikbintang2 CF triterpena de saponin 29 65
25 Mila Kiut Maharani Mila 43 64
26 Jiwa Parah Luka FC Sir Tok Ax 46 64
27 WaCayaSamaLu apek rock 49 63
28 epitomefc em ef 47 61
29 Shadow Munchen Shadow Chaser 32 56
30 awekcristiano awek cristiano 24 54
31 gicks79 FC gicks 79 37 54
32 Kg Dusun wakaka 91 16 53
33 mamsfswantiger swan tiger 23 46
34 Tough&MachoDONHENLEY DonTough Henley 17 44
35 Johny Fair Play Mr Johnny RambuRamba 16 42
36 totally R Totally The R 20 42
37 cak pong cak Pong 25 41
38 Cekodok FC cekodok78 MeriamSenal 18 33
PrizesThe top manager every matchday willreceive a Rock'n'roll cooler - the winners of the Group, Knockout andFinal Four stages will also receive one of these fantastic prizes