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Author: fadhli_2

Peluang pelaburan di Public Mutual

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Post time 13-12-2007 05:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wardatulhamra at 13-12-2007 03:44 PM
dia kan kalo amik ejen, kena yang dekat dengan kita ke atau cemaner yek

sebab ejen insurans pun skrg kita amik yang kenal je

ingat lagi statement ejen kita bila kita cerita pasal nak tukaw ...

terpulang la..kalau dekat senang nak serve,..nak switch fund ke, apa ke lebih senang kalau ejen dekat dgn kita

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Post time 13-12-2007 09:55 PM | Show all posts
nk tanya lah..
for existing investment, boleh ke kita switch to another consultant to make additional investment ke contohnya?


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Post time 13-12-2007 11:03 PM | Show all posts
sedang belajar, sibbaik kak nani ada email ct, pada yg pm nak jumpa2 tu takpelah, saya lebih senang berurusan melalui online sbb senang nak faham, kalau kat depan2 dah beberapa kali hadapi, jenis agen punyalah garung ayat, pastu duk call2 paksa2 kita, hehe.. jadi saya memilih kak nani!

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Post time 14-12-2007 08:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Swift at 13-12-2007 09:55 PM
nk tanya lah..
for existing investment, boleh ke kita switch to another consultant to make additional investment ke contohnya?

hi.. boleh saja.  macam i dapat consultant yang "pekak dan bisu".

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Post time 14-12-2007 09:50 AM | Show all posts

Reply #182 Swift's post

kena start over....mcm invest semula.

additional investment into the same account....account tuh sudah di register ats nama agent tersebut.

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Post time 14-12-2007 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Public bank adalah bank conventional (bukan bank Islamik) dan ia mengamalkan sistem perbankan riba , dealings utama bank ni adalah sistem yang terang bertentangan dengan apa yang di benarkan oleh Islam dan ia secara gahnya menghebahkan kepada orang ramai tentang mutual fundnya yang tak menurut syariah . Kalau di lihat pada senarai mutual fund yang di tawarkan , yang diberi label islamic tu cuma sikit saje tapi yang selebihnya semuanya jelas bertentangan dengan syariah , dan segala aktiviti urusniaga bank ini sebenarnya 70% non islamic , hanya 30% yang mungkin islamic . Jadi aktiviti urusniaga "Islam" cuma merupakan selitan kecil diantara aktiviti urusniaga "kapitalist" bank ini . Walaupun dinyatakan ada badan syariah yang akan memantau cara duit tu di laburkan bagi mutual fund yang dilabel sebagai "islamik" namun disebabkan majoriti dealings dan investments bank ni adalah haram dan bertentangan dengan syariah , maka nantinya profit yang diperolehi oleh bank ini semestinya akan  bercampur-baur di antara sumber yang haram dan yang halal sebelum profit itu di agihkan kepada semua pemegang unit mutual fundnya .

Sila check muka surat 14 di website di bawah ni mengenai haramnya membeli apa jenis stock atau mutual fund yang di tawarkan oleh bank konventional  :,%20OPTIONS,%20FUTURES,%20CURRENCIES%20AND%20INVESTMENT.pdf

A - Buying stocks makes you a partner/owner in the company and in Shari'ah it is
forbidden for a Muslim to make decisions that involve Haram transactions, even if these
transactions are done, on his behalf, by his partners. This is the reason for the OIC Fiqh
Academy resolution that: In principle, it is forbidden to buy, own and sell stocks of
companies that do sometimes forbidden transactions although their main line of business
may be within permissible limits.
The exception a handful of Ulama took is essentially based of removing a substantial
Haraj (inconvenience) in relation to those Muslims, like you who deal in stocks and have
not much of other expertise to use their savings.
You see that we can sort stocks into three categories: 1) permissible, the example of
which is stocks of Islamic banks; 2) forbidden; where the main line of business is Haram,
such as conventional banks and alcohol, tobacco, and Pig producers and distributors; and
3) the majority of companies, where the main line of business is permissible, but the
management undertakes some transactions that are forbidden, such as Riba-based
contracts, sale of certain goods before they take possession of them, make parties for
guests and employees with alcohol and cigarettes offered, etc.
Those Ulama who attempt to remove the inconvenience came up with a few criteria to
test the permissibility. These criteria are:
1- Main line of business must be permissible;
2- Percentage of dependence of loans (leverage) must be not high, and they considered
one-third to be a limit for what is high (we have several use of the one-third in Fiqh as a
criteria of what is high: Last Will, Gharar, Jahalah, etc.) Leverage is measured as
percentage of loans to total assets;
3- Indulging in prohibited transaction must not be high. as an example they take Riba and
assumed that a company that has too much cash in banks and too much receivables to
mean that it has too many Riba-based use of their assets, considering one half is a limit
here, that is one half of their assets is a limit for total of cash and receivables;
4- Income from prohibited transactions, such as Riba, must be low, no more that 5% to
5- The main line of business must not be in an Area that is harmful to the Muslim
Ummah, such as American military industry that usually cooperate with Israel and other
aggressors against Muslims.
6- Once these criteria are applied, you still need to calculate, or at least make an educated
estimation of, the proportion of Haram in the income you get from a stock (this covers
both dividends and capital gain) and exclude that proportion from your own wealth or
property by giving it to charity or similar disbursements for the general welfare of the
Ummah, you may not use this part of income to make up a loss you otherwise incur or to
pay taxes the law requires you to pay, etc.
'Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, has a relevant statement: He who does not know
the Fiqh needed to play in our market must stay away from it. My dear Brother you need
to either acquire the technical know-how to apply these points or to hire someone to do it
for you or quit that market.
B - You cannot use an income you know it is Haram for you to compensate a loss of any
asset of yours, stocks or otherwise, because that Haram income is not yours. I belong to
whoever paid it to you and if you do not know the payer, or it is in contradiction with
rational behavior to return it to the payer (as is the case here because the payer is a Riba
player) , You have to exclude it from your own property by giving it to charity. Yes, you
still have to give that amount away.

[ Last edited by  blastoff at 14-12-2007 10:12 AM ]

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Post time 14-12-2007 11:52 AM | Show all posts

Reply #186 blastoff's post

most banks kat malaysia nih conventional.... so sume mutual funds yg di tawar kan oleh bank base adalah this what are u trying to say??? so rasa2 nya dgn menyebut public mutual....bkn PM jek haram...cimb pun....maybank pun. sume2 la.

even a major shareholder of maybank....what do you think of this??

setiap mutual funds under islamic category....di monitor oleh panel syariah yg bertauliah. yg di iktiraf oleh SC dan government of malaysia.

tidak ada satu pun islamic funds di public mutual menjadi shareholder pd public bank/any conventional banks, any gambling, alcohol, pig base company in Bursa Malaysia or any other bourses in this region or world.

u kena belajar basic of UT...kemana dana2 tersebut di laburkan. berapa percentage setiap laburan dana tersebut yg boleh di iktiraf sebagai islamic.

lawak betul ekkk....bila bercakap psl beli UT....sibuk2 lak psl halal haram. what abaout if u buy share direct from Bursa.....pernah tak kita kat sini buat research ttg setiap counter yg di tawarkan di bursa malaysia nun. apa main business dia??

contoh: kalau kita beli maybank...mmg sah2 haram sbb conventional bank yg deals with riba' and all. lain la kita beli TENAGA or TM ker. aku cuma menyebut few yg femes2 jek...if nama tak femes tp look promising ie gain ler....ada tak kita selidik latar belakang company tersebut.

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Post time 14-12-2007 12:02 PM | Show all posts
dan satu lagik.....artikel yang anda paste tuh....adalah berkaitan apa bila anda membeli stocks/share direct dari bursa malaysia.


arak - calsberg
riba' - banks/finance companies (PB, maybank, osk etc)
gambling - genting

kalau u all nak tahu mana satu counter yg classified as islamic...sila la dpt kan buku tentang ini, boleh di dapati di SC (Securities Commission)...atau dari stock broking firms yg berdekatan dgn anda (info nih pun sebenarnya boleh tnya mana2 remisier sbb dkt screen PC mereka...each stock ada indicator samada islamic or non)....hehe

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Post time 14-12-2007 12:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Jelita at 14-12-2007 09:50 AM
kena start over....mcm invest semula.

additional investment into the same account....account tuh sudah di register ats nama agent tersebut.

you mean, kena jual balik all the units first, then beli balik guna another consultant? cam gitu?

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Post time 14-12-2007 12:16 PM | Show all posts
kesian sesiapa yg deal ngn agent yg siap paksa2 lg..hehehe..biasala, agent pn mcm2 perangai...
tp kami consultant under univest group x mcm tu..tul x mummy@frapamocha?..
tp deal ngn client ni pn mcm2 perangai gak..
ade tu mase jumpe siap buat list of question lg, kadang2 soklan merepek2, tp invest 1K jer.......sembang jer lebih..
tp xpe, rezki masing2...

[ Last edited by  leukoplast at 14-12-2007 12:32 PM ]

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Post time 14-12-2007 01:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ctredzuan at 13-12-2007 11:03 PM
sedang belajar, sibbaik kak nani ada email ct, pada yg pm nak jumpa2 tu takpelah, saya lebih senang berurusan melalui online sbb senang nak faham, kalau kat depan2 dah beberapa kali hadapi, jenis ...

Thank you CT, nanti kak email lagi info yg berguna, boleh share info tu dgn yr hubby.

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Post time 14-12-2007 01:22 PM | Show all posts
Sebagai client dan investor, kita kena tau dan ambil tau. Buat research dan bertanya kalau tak paham.

Sis a.k.a. Mummy(mcm leukoplast panggil) , tapi bukan mami Penang, selalu educate my clients. My clients ada yg dulu dah beli UT company lain, tak tau  dia beli fund apa. UT agent ada yang dah hilang(MIA), ada yg tak hilang tp tak update clients.
Ada yg tak tau boleh check price kat surat khabar. Yg pandai boleh chk kat internetlah. Skrg dia dah pandai, siap boleh buat comparison lagi.
It pays to educate the clients.

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Post time 14-12-2007 02:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #189 Swift's post

takyah jual pun u kena manage sendiri ler. kalau nak mintak tlg dgn consultant baru utk manage kan....terpulang pd consultant tersebut...nak ker tidak.

mcm i...ada client yg pernah invest ngan PM tp owg lain dan invest ngan company lain gak...lps tuh dia invest ngan i....yg investment lain2 tuh pun i tlg manage...n then i ada bagi tahu dia...once dah reach target yg dia hendak.. jual aje n transfer all the money to me.....dia kata ok. senang citer.

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Post time 14-12-2007 04:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #187 Jelita's post

cayalah k.jel! Tak sia2 jadik upline saya....... :pompom:

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Post time 14-12-2007 04:14 PM | Show all posts

Reply #194 syeffy's post

amboi2......esok dtg ke tak?? kalau nak tau awal2..nnti akak tunggu smpai ptg. if not....ingat2 nya nak balik tido jek

PM bangsar dah call tak psl exam?? if no nih to confirm 03 22835735. ckp nak tnya psl exam date.

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Post time 14-12-2007 04:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #195 Jelita's post

o, kena tanya ke? K lah.... nanti syeffy call.

InsyaAllah dtg! Esok monteng keje. Kul 10 pagi atau 10 lebih2 skit........  Yelah, ari tu kata group ni selalunyer pun lambat start......

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Post time 14-12-2007 04:52 PM | Show all posts
K.jel, dah call. Dorang kata nanti dorang call a week before exam date tuh....... Apa daa.......   (Mcm tak sabor pulak nak amik exam?)

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Post time 14-12-2007 05:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #197 syeffy's post


jadik agent univst group nih kena pndai berdikari.. kena usaha belajar sendiri...buat sume sndiri.....jgn arap sume dtg bergolek jek. akak bg guide yg lelain sheffy kena amik initiative lbh sikit.

mcm tuh..bila dah berjaya...rasa mcm di awang-awangan gitu

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Post time 14-12-2007 10:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #187 Jelita's post

Dia ni kan K.Jel, mesti dok dlm hutan bela ayam sendiri, dok umah pondok dgn perigi..tu la dia bising2 psl halal haram ni...nape?..dia ni kaya sgt ke boleh beli kereta cash, umah cash, keje sendiri x mkn gaji dgn company2 bukan islam...klu betul, hebat betul dia ni...nak gak belajar...

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Post time 14-12-2007 10:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by syeffy at 14-12-2007 04:52 PM
K.jel, dah call. Dorang kata nanti dorang call a week before exam date tuh....... Apa daa.......   (Mcm tak sabor pulak nak amik exam?)

U register bila???...I baru je register sorang ejen baru last week, exam dia 23/02/08...

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