satu soklan gak nak tanya..
nak beli open ticket mcm mana eh ? selama nih mmg selalu ade date but kali nih nak beli awal2 sebab takut tak dpt tiket.... tapi date takde sebab tatau dpt cuti bila....
so open ticket nih camne sebenarnye.. ?? dan berapa byk beza harga tiket open nih dgn tiket yg biasa ?
thanx in advance |
Reply #180 lemoneko's post
missed approach nih sama maksud ngan go-around kan? Biasanya ini berlaku kalau a/c tuh abort landing due to ATC command, weather/wind related prob, unstable approach etc.
as for holding areas, wa tak tau sgt. Suruh org lain jelah explain |
Reply #180 lemoneko's post
missed approach ni kalau aircraft ni overshoot atau undershoot nak landing... memang kena buat circuit sekali lagik untuk 2nd attempt landing
holding areas atau point ni ialah kawasan tempat menunggu sebelum dapat clearance dari ATC untuk take off |
Reply #183 Bugger's post
aha..holding areas ni kawasan nak tunggu b4 dpt clearance..usually the plane will stop b4 the IHP lines sblm masuk runway...tu yg aku paham.. |
Reply #184 payrol's post
betul macam bro cakap tu...... kawasan menunggu sebelum dapat clerance nak take off... dan pada masa menunggu tu..ada procedure pre flight check before take off untuk aircraft tu.....:lol |
hello, leh tanya tak, korang tau tak apa terms2 atau ayat2 yang selalu digunakan oleh pilot untuk landing dan take off...apa yang dorang ckap selalunya...boleh bg contoh tak.. |
Reply #186 silverose's post
take off
alor star tower,maktab01....ready for take off
alor star tower,maktab01....request to land |
Originally posted by Bugger at 4-8-2007 05:26 PM
take off
alor star tower,maktab01....ready for take off
alor star tower,maktab01....request to land
so biasanya tower reply camna? ada code tak? |
Reply #188 nuha's post
alor star tower
maktab01...runway 03 clear for take off
alor setar towwer
maktab01.... qnh 1013.2 temperature 32 celcius wind 20knots bla bla bla runway 03..clear to land |
Reply #187 Bugger's post
thank you. kalau pilot airforce nye pun sama eh? |
Reply #190 silverose's post
silverose.... ni semua under tajuk radiotelephony...sebelum student pilot nak go for solo flying..dia kena pass amik dua exam...ground paper dan oral test....: |
hehe gua pun nak mencelah gaks..
missed approach tu kire pilot x leh nak land disebabkan oleh beberape faktor. Antaranya ialah hujan lebat, angin kuat, kabus, jerebu, teknikal, ade kapal kat landasan yg hampeh (lambat taxi out, pancit, tergolek dsb) & lain-lain... tp kalau landasan tu obstructed, biase diorang panggil go-round, kalau sebab visibility ngan weather, pilot akan declare missed approach. kapal kecik x pe, after missed approach joint circuit then follow procedure, then land. Kalau kapal besar, kene ikut IFR missed approach procedure, pastu kene contact unit lain (kalau KLIA, contact Lumpur Approach North / South), then bile nak land, kene contact Tower balik.. banyak keje tue... dah la minyak dah abih banyak.. |
ade lg.. hehehe
holding nie ade banyak presepsi..
holding point = pilot x lepas garisan kuning kat atas darat (apron, taxiway, runway)
holding area = kawasan kat mane kapal kene holding kat udara. reference ialah NDB, VOR, TACAN, koordinat & dsb
initial point = biasenye millitary akan pakai istilah nie.. point kat mane diorang holding before commencing any action.. |
ipoh tower, maktab 07, 5 miles final, 3 green
maktab 07, ipoh tower, wind northly 340, 6 knots, cleared to land runway 04.
roger, wind copied, 3 green, cleared to land runway 04, maktab 07.....
muahahaha..... |
Reply #194 wayne1517's post
thanks korang...
missed approach tu rasanya dah faham..
holding area tu ada konfius sikit... tempat menunggu untuk take-off (dekat ground) atau tempat menunggu untuk landing (di udara)... tapi dengan penjelasan wayne kat post #193, dah faham kot..
so, holding point for take-off memang ada dekat apron, taxiway dengan runway, ditanda dengan garisan kuning..
untuk holding area for landing pulak, referred to coordinate, NDB, VOR...
kalau salah tolong betulkan, k..
nak tanya lagi satu, TACAN tu apa? |
Tactical Air Navigation, or TACAN, is a navigation system used by military aircraft. It provides the user with a distance and bearing from a ground station. It is a more accurate version of the VHF omnidirectional range / Distance Measuring Equipment (VOR/DME) system that provides range and bearing information for civil aviation.
Lagi accurate dari VOR. Slalu untuk millitary jer.. e.g fighter, interceptor & AWACS (airborne warning and control system) aircraft. Kalau kat MAlaysia, yg ade TACAN rasenye Kuantan, Butterworth & Labuan.. nak kene check dulu
One more thing, bukan semua airport kat Malaysia belong to MAB & controll by DCA.. |
Reply #197 wayne1517's post
thanks for the info, wayne.. |
Reply #196 lemoneko's post
TACAN ni diguna pakai oleh air force...sama seperti civil airport untuk system VOR/DME.Frekuensi untuk TACAN diantara band 860-1215Mhz.Bacaan TACAN ada lebih tepat dibandingkan bacaan VOR kerana dia bacaan menunjukkan kepada 2 titik perpuluhan prinsipal iaitu 15hz dan 135hz.
Kedudukan station TACAN selalunya berhampiran dengan system VOR.Selalunya kalau kedudukan kedua-duanya berhampiran..ia dipanggil VORTAC.
Secara kesimpulan...TACAN memberikan bacaan ARAH dan JARAK. |
Reply #185 Bugger's post
rasanya bukan holding area tapi holding point, holding area adalah tempat di mana ATC suruh kita wat holding pattern sebelum masuk downwind atau base turn/ finals sebab ada kapal lain yang priority lebih tinggi cam ada emergency nak land dulu. |
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