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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Allah praises and grants peace upon the Prophet
(Allah is the Arabic word for the Creator
Islam is the Arabic word for submission to Allah)
The authors of this biography: Grand Shaykh Professor Hasan Qaribullah Dean of Umm Durman Islamic University and Sammania Grand Shaykh Grand Muhaddith Master Abdullah Ben Sadek , Shaykha Anne Khadijah Darwish, Shaykh Ahmad Darwish & Shaykh Qaribulla.
Omar, the son of Khattab narrated, 揥e were sitting with the Holy Prophet peace be upon him one day, when an unknown man appeared to us. His clothes were brilliantly white, his hair jet black but there was no sign of traveling upon him.
He sat down in front of the Prophet peace be upon him and their knees touched. Placing his hands on his thighs he said, 慞rophet Muhammad peace be upon him tell me about Islam. |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
Prophet Abraham was born to honorable parents descended from Prophet Noah. He was born in the city of Hara, Iraq during the reign of King Nimrod and is often referred to as 揟he Friend of Allah擺/color] and "The Father of the Prophets".
Before Abraham reached maturity his father passed away, and as was the custom in those days, he would, out of respect for his paternal uncle, refer to him as his father. There had been a void in guidance since the death of Prophet Noah and the people of Hara had reverted to idolatry. Hara was renowned for its ornate, pagan temples and its citizens took great pride in the idols housed within them. Offerings were sacrificed to the idols and ritual ceremonies, wishfully invoking their favors performed before them. A lucrative commerce had grown around the activities of the temples. Carved replicas of the idols were a much sought-after possession and it was to this profession that Azar, Abraham抯 uncle, whom he now called 揻ather |
[quote]Originally posted by KENNKID at 2004-3-18 11:17 AM:
The man departed, and I remained for a while. The Prophet peace be upon him asked me, 慜mar, do you know who the inquirer was? |
Kenkid ... If you start something, then FINISH it.
Don't put the word "To be Continued" then go and entertain other people ... |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 2004-3-18 02:46 PM:
Kenkid ... If you start something, then FINISH it.
Don't put the word "To be Continued" then go and entertain other people ...
Thank you for your suggestion Seph. But this is going to last months and months. I plan to continue as the days go by. Sometimes, if an article is too long, it will not be read. Our concentraion will be gone. I'm also reading it and I would like to understand it piece by piece and not gulp everything at once.
Anyway, again, thanks for your suggestion, thanks for reading and thanks for your patience. |
Thank you for your suggestion Seph. But this is going to last months and months. I plan to continue as the days go by. Sometimes, if an article is too long, it will not be read. Our concentraion will be gone. I'm also reading it and I would like to understand it piece by piece and not gulp everything at once.
Hmph ... Your choice is to write, others is to read. Whether they can understand it or their concentration will disappear or not, it is beyond you. Just write what you wish to write, leave the rest to those who wish to learn.
And don't get distracted ... and do pray you live long enough to finish your work. Only Humans goes around thinking that Death needs an invitation before coming. ;)
Anyway, again, thanks for your suggestion, thanks for reading and thanks for your patience.
While I'm no big fan of your Prophet (Muhammad), I have my own reasons to read, so that what I will do, silently. Your thread is yours. |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
The news of Abraham's preaching reached King Nimrod who considered himself to be a deity. Abraham feared no one except Allah, so when he was presented to the king he challenged him saying, "My Lord is He who revives and causes to die."
But the artful king scoffed at Abraham and told him, "I revive and cause to die." The king knew exactly what Abraham meant, but had tried to outwit him with his reply by referring to the power he had as king to either spare the life of a guilty criminal, or put to death an innocent person -- whichever suited his whim. Abraham challenged him yet again saying, "But it is Allah that causeth the sun to rise from the east: Do thou then cause it to rise from the West?" This time the king knew he had been exposed and the color drained from his face, and Abraham waited to see if he would surrender to Allah but he did not and so Abraham returned home. (Qur'an, Chapter 2 verse 258)
One day, Abraham asked Allah to show him how He revived the dead. Allah asked Abraham, "Haven't you believed?" Abraham told Him that it wasn't that, rather, it was just to satisfy his heart. So Allah told him to take four birds, sacrifice them, then cut them into pieces and mix their bits and pieces together then go to the neighboring hills and place some of the mixed pieces on each of them. Allah told Abraham that after he had done this to call the birds and their severed parts would reassemble and fly to him.
Abraham did exactly as he was told, he sacrificed a peacock, an eagle, a crow and a rooster, then, after he had mixed their body parts together he placed them upon the neighboring hills, keeping only their heads with him. Once this had been done he called to them whereupon their mixed parts were brought back to life, reassembled, and flew to join themselves to their respective head that Abraham still held in his hand. (Qur'an 2:260)
So who were the witnessess to what Mo experienced in the cave with Jabril? |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
It was more than the idolaters could bear, their idols lay broken in pieces unable to do anything for themselves. Outraged by the whole situation they cried out, "Burn him and help your gods!" The idolaters hastened to build a huge bonfire with the intent of burning Abraham to death, however, Abraham remained calm having complete trust in His Lord and did not flinch.
There was nothing that would tear him away from his belief in the Oneness of Allah. Abraham was led to the bonfire and placed in its center, and the kindling wood lit. It wasn't long until the flames leapt high into the air -- but not even a single hair of Abraham's head was scorched. That was because Allah had caused a miracle to occur. He commanded the flames to be cool and safe for Abraham and eventually, when the fire had consumed itself, Abraham walked away unharmed praising and thanking Allah for His mercy.
Even though the idolaters had witnessed this great miracle they continued in their arrogance and refused to abandon their idols. In their hearts they knew that nothing they did would ever harm Abraham because he was protected by Allah, so in desperation they banished him and his wife, Lady Sarah, from their homeland.
After a long, tiring journey, Prophet Abraham and Lady Sarah reached Egypt and it was there they decided to make their home. During their time in Egypt, Haggar, one of the noble ladies-in-waiting in the court of Pharaoh, came to live in Abraham's household as a companion to Sarah.
Haggar was a sweet-natured lady, she loved Lady Sarah dearly and a very special friendship bonded them together. Idolatry was also commonplace in Egypt especially in the court of Pharaoh but when Haggar heard Abraham speak about Allah she was quick to recognize the truth and accepted it. In those days it was common place for a man to have more than one wife and Prophet Abraham and Lady Sarah, who were now elderly had remained childless. Lady Sarah had given up hope of ever bearing a child so she suggested to Abraham that he might like to take Haggar to be her co-wife.
Both Abraham and Haggar accepted her suggestion and shortly after Haggar became his lawful second wife. The family's wish was fulfilled when Lady Haggar conceived and gave birth to a fine son whom they named Ishmael. Lady Sarah was delighted and happy that Abraham had at long last been blessed with a son -- little did she know at that time that she too would be blessed in later years for her patience with a son of her own, Isaac.
Throughout the centuries nationalistic Jews and Orientalists have sought to distort the truth about Prophet Abraham抯 legal marriage to Lady Haggar and the very close relationship between Ladies Sarah and Haggar. Their object has been and still is to undermine the great event which had been promised and recorded in the original, unadulterated Holy Scriptures that announced the coming of Islam with its protected revelation, the Holy Qur'an and the seal of all the prophets, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. |
You, no one witnessed to what Mo claimed. He cannot be a prophet.
peace |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
Both the sons of Abraham were legitimate and destined to become prophets of Allah. Ishmael was sent as a prophet to the Arabs and Isaac as a prophet to the Hebrews, later on to be called the children of Israel and then Jews, peace be upon all the prophets.
It is from the descendants of Ishmael and Isaac that two great nations evolved each having Prophet Abraham as their common ancestor. However, neither Jew nor Christian can claim he was a follower of their religion as both prophets Moses and Jesus were sent many centuries after the death of Prophet Abraham.
Before Ishmael completed his weaning, Prophet Abraham saw a vision in which he was instructed to take Lady Haggar and their son to a place called Becca, in the peninsular of Arabia, known today as Mecca, and leave them there.
Mecca lies in a valley surrounded by mountains and hills with three passes. One to the north, another to the south and the other to the west. The valley had long been one of the most traveled caravan routes in Arabia, however, it remained uninhabited largely because it lacked water.
Upon reaching Becca, Prophet Abraham settled Lady Haggar and Ishmael under the shade of a large tree and gave his wife a large bag of dates and a water-skin full of water, then, turned away and started to leave them. Lady Haggar followed after him and asked, "Abraham, where are you going, are you leaving us in an uninhabited provisionless wilderness?" She asked the same question several times, but Abraham did not reply. Then, searching for a reason and knowing her husband would never do anything to earn the displeasure of Allah she inquired, "Has Allah commanded you to do this?" whereupon he replied, "Yes". So she comforted them both saying, "Then He will not let us perish," and returned to her infant.
At a place called Thania, Abraham stopped and turned his face in the direction of the ruins of the Ka'ba -- the first House of Allah to be built on earth -- which lay buried in the sand. He raised his hands and supplicated:
"O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in a valley without cultivation, by Thy Sacred House; in order, O our Lord, that they may establish regular Prayer: so fill the hearts of some among men with love towards them, and feed them with fruits: so that they may give thanks. (Qur'an, Chapter 14 verse 37).
Allah had promised Abraham that from his offspring would arise great nations, that is why Abraham referred to having settled "some of his offspring" near the Ka'ba.
This promise was fulfilled as it was from the descendants of Prophet Ishmael that Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon all the prophets, was born.
Lady Haggar suckled her infant son and gave him water from the skin until none remained. It wasn't long until both were very thirsty but she was more concerned for Ishmael. Lady Haggar could not bear to have her son go without water so she searched frantically for some but could find none. In desperation she climbed a nearby hill, the hill of Safwa, and stood at its top and looked around in all directions to see if there was anyone in sight to help her -- but there was no one. She ran back down the hill and in her anxiety ran across the valley and climbed to the top of the neighboring hill of Marwah, but again to no avail. She ran between the two hills seven times, but could find neither caravaners nor water.
Upon the seventh time she reached the hill of Marwah Haggar heard a voice. She calmed herself and listened attentively, and called out, "I have heard Your voice, would that my supplication might reach You." And there, standing near the place we know today as Zamzam stood the Angel Gabriel. Gabriel struck the ground with either his heel or wings, and water gushed forth. Hastily, she dug a hole in the ground into which the water flowed and filled her water-skin to the top as the water gushed forth with still greater force. Quickly, she drank a handful of the water and raced back to her son to give him some. Then, Gabriel spoke saying, "Do not be afraid of perishing here, because it is here that your son and his father will build a House for Allah. Allah will not let those around it perish." |
All of what yu posted above are claims that contradicst historical records preceding it. So how can the Quran be truth and Mo a prophet? Looks like yu have no answer to all these.
cheers |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
In those days, the ruins of the Ka'ba were elevated on a piece of land covered by sand in the shape of a mound, and when rain eventually fell it would run on either side.
Ishmael and his mother continued to live in Mecca by themselves until one day caravaners from the tribe of Jurhum returning from Kada'a, struck camp a little distance from the place where Lady Haggar had made her home.
As the caravaners were unloading their camels they observed birds circling in the sky not far away. Their experience had taught them that birds circling in this manner might well indicate water. Ever hopeful of finding a fresh supply of water in that desolate region, they thought it was worth investigating, although from their past experience they had never found water anywhere in that area. Several tribesmen were sent to investigate. When they reached the place over which the birds circled, to their great surprise and joy they found the spring of Zamzam and returned quickly to tell their fellow travelers. Upon hearing the good news the caravaners stopped what they were doing and rushed to both see and drink the fresh water.
When they reached Zamzam, the caravaners found Lady Haggar standing nearby and asked her permission to strike camp near her. Lady Haggar agreed on condition that she retained the water rights and that her son would be the prince. The Jurhumites agreed and settled themselves in Becca whilst sending word to their families to come and join them there.
Meanwhile, one day, when Prophet Abraham was at home with Lady Sarah they were visited by strangers. It was not uncommon to find strangers visiting their home as each day Abraham would light a large bonfire on top of a nearby mountain to attract and welcome travelers.
Abraham抯 generous hospitality was well known, no one was ever turned away and as such he hardly ever ate alone. His guests were always well fed and during the course of a much welcomed meal Abraham would take the opportunity to tell his guests about Allah.
One day, strangers arrived at his home, and as was his custom he arranged for a fine meal of a roasted calf to be prepared for his guests. The meal was set before them but his guests declined to either eat or drink. Abraham was deeply troubled by this strange situation -- travelers were always hungry, or at least thirsty. Abraham's guests perceived his anxiety and told him not to be afraid because although they had taken the form of humans they were not humans as he supposed, rather, they were angels on their way to the city of his cousin Prophet Lot.
Prophet Abraham felt at ease once more as he knew that angels, who are neither male nor female, and created from light, only worship Allah and do whatsoever they are ordered to do by Him. The angels proceeded to inform Abraham that the city of Prophet Lot, had become disobedient to Allah and were sexual perverts. The angels continued to tell him that it was because of this that Allah had ordered them to punish its people by utterly destroying both them and their city.
As Lady Sarah entered the room, the angels told her that she would give birth to a son. She was overwhelmed by the news and clasped her hands on her cheeks in delight. She had been so happy when Lady Haggar gave birth to Ishmael several years before and now she too was to be blessed with a son of her own.
[ Last edited by KENNKID on 18-3-2004 at 05:56 PM ] |
Dukun This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Debmey at 18-3-2004 17:32:
All of what yu posted above are claims that contradicst historical records preceding it. So how can the Quran be truth and Mo a prophet? Looks like yu have no answer to all these.
Keep reading bwoy!! Appreciate all the attention.
Thank God for KENNKID for the effort. Soon Islam will grow stronger.
Allahuakbar!! |
I read it, they don't answer my basic questions at all.
Mo could not have been a prophet. |
Dukun This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Debmey at 18-3-2004 17:55:
I read it, they don't answer my basic questions at all.
Mo could not have been a prophet.
Obviously u can't cause u're pig. |
I surely wont be reading those posts by Kennkid...There's questions asked to Kennkid but no answers...:ah:
It's just like reading blindly without knowing the facts :lol |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
In His Wisdom, Allah had protected Ishmael in the harsh environment of the Holy Land in which he had matured. He had learned to speak Arabic in its purest, most eloquent form from the Jurhumites together with the art of horsemanship and had also become a highly-skilled archer. The Jurhumites loved him, for his character was not only truthful and honorable but he was trustworthy and cared for their welfare; later on he was to marry from their tribe.
Despite his advanced years, Prophet Abraham would often journey to Mecca to visit Lady Hagar and his dearly beloved, eldest son, Ishmael who was now a young man. On one such visit Prophet Abraham saw a vision in which he was told to sacrifice his son for Allah.
Soon after the vision shaytan (satan) came to Abraham and whispered, 揌ow could you kill your beloved son?擺/color] Abraham instantly rejected and cursed shaytan, and in obedience to Allah went to Ishmael and said: "My son, I saw while sleeping that I shall sacrifice you, tell me what you think."
It was time for shaytan抯 second attempt to prevent the fulfilment of the vision and he whispered to Ishmael in a similar manner. Ishmael immediately rejected and cursed shaytan. Like his father, Ishmael抯 love of Allah and obedience to Him was unquestionable and he replied: "Father, do as you are ordered (by Allah), Allah willing, you shall find me one of those who are steadfast." (Qur'an, Chapter 37:102).
Shaytan had failed twice, in his final attempt to prevent the fulfilment of the vision he went to Lady Hagar and whispered, 揌ow could you let Abraham kill your only son?擺/color] But like her husband and son, she too loved Allah and was obedient to Him, and without hesitation she cursed and rejected shaytan.
Prophet Abraham took Ishmael to a quiet place far from the people. As Abraham prepared himself to sacrifice his beloved son for Allah, Ishmael, being a loving, caring young man and without thought for himself, asked his father for three things.
He requested that he should be permitted to face the ground so that his father would not see his eyes and then be overcome with mercy towards him, and disobey the command of Allah. Ishmael also feared for the safety of his father so he requested him to sit upon his shoulders so that if he struggled when the knife struck him he would not injure his father. He knew his mother would be so sad so his final request was to ask his father to give her his shirt to console her. It was time, Prophet Abraham tried to slit the back of his son's neck three times, but on each occasion the blade was prevented from penetration. After the third attempt, Allah called out to Abraham saying, "O Abraham, you have confirmed your vision. As such We recompense the good-doers. That was indeed a clear trial. So, we ransomed him with a mighty sacrifice.擺/color] (Qur'an, Chapter 37 verse 104-107).
Later on, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him said referring to Prophet Ishmael and his own father Abdullah whose life was ransomed by the slaying of a hundred camels: "I am the son of the two sacrifices."
When Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him revived the pilgrimage many centuries later, three stone pillars were erected outside Mecca en route to Arafat as a reminder of the three whisperings of shaytan to Prophets Abraham, Ishmael and Lady Hagar. These three pillars are cursed and stoned by all those who make the pilgrimage.
[ Last edited by KENNKID on 18-3-2004 at 06:22 PM ] |
Dukun This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Seraphim at 18-3-2004 18:13:
I surely wont be reading those posts by Kennkid...There's questions asked to Kennkid but no answers...:ah:
It's just like reading blindly without knowing the facts :lol
Then why waste your time? |
1st fact is Muhammad was not a prophet and never will be a prophet.
2nd fact Dut 18:18 apply to Jesus because Muhammad came after Jesus so how could Dut 18:18 fit Muhammad? So, it was Jesus that was mentioned in the Bible about Dut18:18
3rd fact until now not even single evidence proof that Muhammad is a prophet according to Bible.
4th fact Jews and Christian totally rejected Muhammad. |
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