manusia bila berjalan dia bawak apa? |
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Post time 5-10-2015 07:39 PM
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Edited by hari1 at 7-10-2015 10:48 AM
aku bagi contoh dialog supaya lebih mudah difahami.
ada seorang penunggang motosikal yang sedang dalam perjalanan..bila sampai di satu semak dia turun dari motosikal dan pergi kedalam semak..kat situ ada sorang pemuda berjalan kaki sedang lalu(abu), kat situ juga ada seorang r minah cantik duduk tepi tinggap dalm rumah( bibi), di situ ada juga seorang penunggang basikal (mamat) tak jauh dari situ juga ada pakcik sedang bawak kereta(pak cik din) |
Bukankah mudah beritahu sahaja. Cuma nak tahu, " perasaan " itu kamu maksudkan roh atau perasaan ( marah, sedih, kecewa dan lain2)
Sukar sedikit nak faham, fahaman kamu yang biol2 itu.![](static/image/smiley/onion/laugh.gif) |
Edited by hari1 at 7-10-2015 12:19 PM
Penunggang motosikal : oohhh..ini dia pucuk paku..baik aku kutip nanti boleh buat gulai..
persoalan bermain di minda mereka yang memandang ,Orang tu berenti kat situ buat apa?
Pejalan kaki : orang tu nak berak
penunggang basikal : orang tu nak mencuri mempelam
pemandu kereka : orang tu nak cari barang tercicir
awek cun : orang tu nak mengendap aku
..manusia adalah perasaan..sangkaan..apakah sangkaan itu benar? nope... |
soalan cepu mas..Jasad manusia bila berjalan dia bawak apa? |
soalan cepu mas..Jasad manusia bila berjalan dia bawak apa?
Jasad manusia bawa segala isi kandungan yang ada didalamnya.![](static/image/smiley/onion/handsome.gif)
Ada ulasan lebih lagi. Macam best dengar![](static/image/smiley/onion/sleepy.gif)
Salam TT
Hang nk bawa diri ke? ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
dia 'bawa' akal, ruh, jasad, nafsu, |
Thinking about Beings as Signs
Ditulis oleh Dr. Mohd. Zaidi bin Ismail. Posted in The Star
We have explained before that, in the Islamic intellectual and scientific tradition, the Cosmos as a whole-or the World of Nature-is conceived of primarily as an open, grand, created Book, comprising Divine Signs.
For those who subscribe to such an understanding, doing science essentially becomes attempts to read and interpret the Open Book of Nature correctly.
In any true epistemic act, however, one cannot start from either what is unclear or what one is ignorant of, using it to grasp what is clear and understandable.
As such, knowing as an act has often been formulated as the progress of one's mind from ‘what-is-already-known' to ‘what-is-still-unknown'.
To qualify as a valid epistemic act, therefore, any correct method of reading to be applied to the Book of Nature must reflect such a guiding formula.
Yet, reading involves thinking in most, if not all, cases. Thinking being an integral cognitive component in science must also be guided and regulated by the same epistemic principle of progressing from ‘what-is-already-known' to ‘what-is-still-unknown.'
In fact, it is in the light of this principle that thinking, in ‘ilm al-mantiq, the discipline of logic, is described as "the mental act of (1) putting into meaningful order (2) what one has already known in order to (3) attain what one is still ignorant of."
It is clear that there are three central and constitutive elements embedded in such a description. One constituent, indicated by (2) above, is the units of knowledge already in one's possession-what one already knows-which is regarded as the "material," or "matter," of thinking.
Another constituent, indicated by (1), is the way one mentally organizes those units of knowledge resulting in certain mental patterns, certain arrangements.
It is the way one mentally relates one unit with another unit, or a group of other units of knowledge, in such a manner to allow for meaning to become manifest.
This second constituent of thinking is thus considered to be the "form," or "structure," of thinking.
The third constituent represents the noetic progress, the successful movement of one's mind to new units of knowledge (such as deriving right conclusions or making correct inferences) after the first and second constituents above have been obtained.
This progress, indicated by (3) above, seems necessary once one's mind knows certain facts and manages to relate those facts correctly.
In short, thinking is like one putting the right form to the right material so that one will arrive at true meaning.
As such, defects in thinking may well be due to the defects in its material or its form, or to flaws in both.
Thinking in most cases involves the mind's attending to signs.
In fact, one of the Qur'ānic terms for thinking is tawassum (al-Qur'an, 15: 75), being a derivative of the word wasm (meaning "sign," "mark," or "brand") which is also the root word for ism (name). The term signifies the mental act of scrutinizing the various signs or marks in the process of knowing.
As signs may take several forms, there is bound to be an intimate relation between the forms of thinking and those of signs.
For example, signs may be of the nature of evidence or may assume the quality of effect-indicator, these two by no means being mutually exclusive.
Depending on which of those two forms the signs involved are taking, thinking itself may take at least one of its two modes: one being al-tafakkur and the other, al-tadabbur (or al-tadbir).
The former is the mind's attending to the signs-as-proofs, whereas the latter, to the signs-as-ends.
In this respect, al-tafakkur is more or less a synonym of al-istidlal (inference), which is another term for thinking which concentrates on proofs (dalil).
Such being the case, one finds in the Kitab al-Ta‘rifat (The Book of Definitions) of al-Sayyid al-Sharif ‘Ali al-Jurjani that both al-tafakkur and al-tadabbur are mental acts or dispositions, but while the former is the mental act of looking at proofs, the latter examines the ends or results.
so, apa jadi apabila entiti yg membentuk manusia ni tidak dihayati ?
apa jadi bila penghayatan siapa itu manusia dan segala apa yg ada pasa jasad manusia tu tidak difahami dengan sebenarnya ?
akan bercelaru antara hak dan batil , kan?
apabila jasad itu sebagai amanah dan pinjaman Alah SWT kepada kita untuk dijagaio dengan mengikut syariatnya diambil enteng , angkuh sebab - mereka ingat depa yg ada TOTAL control pada nyawa, pada segala struktur yg ada pada diri mereka , depa mungkin tak tahu semuanya berfungsi dengan izin Allah ...
so maka akan berlakulah conflict tu...confusion, bongkak dan berasa depa boleh je buat buat apa like nobody business....walhal diri adalah hanya hamba / kuli je |
salah..jasad manusia bila berjalan bawa................
so maka akan berlakulah conflict tu...confusion, bongkak dan berasa depa boleh je buat buat apa like nobody business....walhal diri adalah hanya hamba / kuli je
Bila 'manusia' tu satu entiti plural (yg jamak)
dan yg byk2 tu jgk lah biasanya terdedah kpd kesesatan
maka, ada segelintir pemikir mahu mengubah umat
ngajak ke kumpulan lbh kecil, kununnya sedikit itu lbh BENAR
Ini menyebabkan gerakan haluan kiri (kunun je lah) punya
conflict of interest(s) - yg kacau niat asal dia lah biasanya
Tp manalah manusia sedari, sbb kesedarannya dibangkit-kejut
dan ke mana yg bakal dibawa tu menjadikan depa berbolak-balik
Depa tak pasti depa kuli sapa? Kuli kepala bapak yg 'sikit' ka atau Rabb Al-'Alamin?
...Innallaha 'ala kulli syai'in qadir [3:165]
Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuasa atas tiap-tiap sesuatu.
P/s: Katakanlah: Itu ialah dari kesalahan diri kamu sendiri. ![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif)
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