The song Willie Nelson needs to write: “Mamas, don’t let your children grow up to be ….. “dhimmis” or “quislings” or “cowards” but most of all “jihadis.”
These photos should raise the hair on the back of the neck of every freedom lover with children.
The fact is this is the future of Islamic imperialism.
How to raise a jihadi-baby: Horrifying ISIS guide for mothers instructs them to ban TV to ‘protect little ears’, tell bedtime stories about fighting and give toddlers weapons training with toy guns —Guide bans singing, dancing, and most sports as being ‘largely useless’
—Instead recommends martial arts, camping and training with toy guns
—But advises radicals to keep any real weapons ‘out of children’s reach’
—Guide surfaces as more images of Islamic State children are revealed
—Young boys shown with banners, guns and holding a severed head
Chris Pleasance for MailOnline, December 31, 2014
A guide for jihadi mothers on how to raise extremist children has surfaced online as influential watchdog warns of the risks posed by a new generation of ‘Caliphate cubs’ trained for war.
The sick ‘handbook’, called Sister’s Role in Jihad, recommends showing children jihadi websites, reading tales of jihad at bedtime, and encourages sports such as darts to improve their aim.
It explains that women should start training children ‘while they are babies’ as waiting until they are toddlers ‘may be too late’, adding: ‘Don’t underestimate the lasting effect of what those little ears and eyes take in during the first few years of life!’
The book was highlighted by the U.S-based Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) ahead of a new report condemning how children are being indoctrinated into radical Islam.
Indoctrinated: A guide for extremist mothers which recommends exposing their children to images of jihad from a young age has emerged online (pictured, a young boy holds a severed head in Syria)

Textbook: American researchers believe the guide is being used by ISIS to help indoctrinate children, and was mentioned in the case of a British woman jailed for posting images of her children in ISIS clothing online
Put through the paces: ISIS is often keen to advertise services it offers to children, such as schooling (pictured), in an attempt to get parents to bring their infants when they join up
Shocking footage shows young Jihadist ‘cub cub’

Steven Stalinsky, executive director of MEMRI, said: ‘As we move into 2015, Al-Qaeda and its affiliates, ISIS, and other jihadi groups worldwide continue to invest a lot of effort in indoctrination of the next generation of fighters.’t is important for the West to understand that all these groups want the world to know that this indoctrination is taking place.
‘No matter what happens in Iraq and Syria in the near future, the next generation – the children of Baghdadi and grandchildren of bin Laden – have already been brainwashed to hate the West and to strive for jihad and martyrdom.
A girl stages a mock execution using a toy doll as the guide recommends introducing violence to children through play
‘They have been trained on the battlefield and know how to create bombs and suicide belts and to behead and crucify the innocent. This is something we must be prepared for and understand.’
Other advice from the book includes encouraging children to play with toy guns, while explaining that if you own a real gun, it must be kept ‘totally out of young children’s reach’.
The original authors of the textbook are unknown, as it is usually posted on file-sharing site anonymously, but it is thought to be used by ISIS and other terror groups.
The book also helped inspired British extremist Runa Khan who was jailed for five years for posting images of her six children online dressed in jihadi uniforms, and advising an undercover policeman of ways to get into Syria.
The guide recommends making the training ‘fun’ for youngsters, though stresses that ‘fun does not mean music and dancing, as is portrayed by Western children’s TV.’
Instead, youngsters should be banned from watching all TV as ‘it mostly teaches shamelessness, anarchy, and random violence’.
Children should take part in sports such as darts to improve their aim, skiing to improve their fitness, and camping to teach them to survive outdoors.
They should practice target-shooting with toy guns to help direct their anger, though parents should ‘make it very clear who their target should be, and who their target should not be’.
Caliphate cubs: ISIS fighters often post pictures of children attending military training camps online, while jihadi mothers are advised to look at these images with their infants
Jihadi-babies: Steven Stalinsky, head of a US research institute, said the West must not underestimate the threat posed by children indoctrinated into violence from a young age
Generation Caliphate: The guide has emerged as ISIS fighters, including British extremist Siddhartha Dhar (pictured), continue to post sick images of their children on social media
Researchers from MEMRI believe this guide, and others like it, is being used by ISIS fighters as they bring up their children in the Middle East.
Twitter accounts linked to the terror group regularly feature images of children holding knives and large machine guns, often with the captions ‘Generation Caliphate’ or ‘Ashbal’, meaning lion cubs.
In one sickening image, a young boy walks though a crowd in the street holding a severed head, while those around him smile and take photographs on their phones.
The report comes just over a week after an Italian mother whose son was kidnapped by his father and taken to Syria saw her child for the first time in a year, as part of an ISIS propaganda poster.
Dangerous: While the guide advises keeping real guns ‘out of the reach of children’, ISIS
fighters posting pictures online apparently allow children to play with them
Mujahadeen: Children in the Middle East hold up ISIS flags as they pose on war-torn streets
Italian police say they are now investigating the image, and are looking into a group of extremists that are known to recruit for terror groups in northern Italy, where the woman is from.
Lidia Herrera said she left the boy, now three, with his father last year as she went to visit her relatives in Cuba.
But instead of babysitting his son, he took the boy to Syria to join the extremists, before he died fighting, leaving the youngster to be brought up by other terrorists.