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Aries men
( 21st March to 20th April )
This enthusiastic lot is always ready for adventure and excitement. Besides, they love surprises as they keep them engaged and mentally stimulated. Anything predictable and/ or straight from the text-book dampens their spirits.
At first, they may come across as selfish and self-centred people. But there does exist a generous side of these highly active individuals, well, it is a different thing that they show it to only those who they think are worthy of it.
Aries men don’t spend their precious time whining about how the world has been unfair to them and things like that. And even if they do, they will quickly bounce back. It is their courage, enthusiasm, positivity and love for near and dear ones, which gives them immense strength to face the challenges of life.
However, they tend to be outspoken, overconfident, and at times, quite insensitive also. Expecting them to listen to your woes endlessly and heal your wounds patiently may be too much to ask for.
Confrontational, short-tempered, egoistic and controlling, the Aries men rarely admit their shortcomings and are not so keen rectifying their mistakes. Besides, their demanding attitude creates pressure on their relationships, causing irreparable damage at times.
The Aries men know how to play with words in order to get what they want. While it is a positive trait to some extent, it also makes them manipulative.
Although often the ones to start off projects enthusiastically and with passion, the Aries are not great finishers. Once the initial excitement dies down, they lose interest to continue, and in all likelihood, they will shift focus to another goals or adventurous, including romantic interests. Maintaining their enthusiasm levels is a challenge for them.
Libra Men
( 23rd September to 23rd October )
As the Scales, the symbol of the Sign, suggest, the Libra men seek balance and harmony in life, and have a deep sense of loyalty, justice and fairness. Hence, they often take up causes to help people and better their surroundings. They also expect their near and dear ones to do the same and be supportive.
They hate confrontation and generally won’t complain or throw tantrums. That’s why there are fairly easy to please. But on the negative side, they will say what the other person wants to hear and it may not be their genuine personal viewpoint. They are hard to pin down to an opinion.
Friendly and charming that they are, they can bring a smile to one’s face even when he/ she frowning and in the worst mood. No wonder the Libra men have a happening social life and are a sought-after company in their social groups.
The Libra men are do not lose their temper easily, a quality that the members of opposite sex find very attractive. Optimistic and lively, they stay calm and collected and have an ability to get over upsets quickly.
These men can be big-time flirts! And the way they smile and put across their thoughts are enough to make women go weak at knees. But once they commit to a relationship, they will be loyal and true to their beloved. But, yes, they may still indulge in some harmless flirting.
Arriving at a firm decision, especially within a short period of time, is not something the Libra men are good at. They keep on weighing pros and cons right up till the very last minute. And when they finally decide to take a particular path, they may change their decision after giving it more thought.
On the bright side, though, they collect as much information as they can in order to take a well-informed decision. They have a tendency to seek deep knowledge and understanding of various subjects, which helps them reach the top in their chosen fields.
Taurus Men
( 21st April to 21st May )
They have a good sense humour and are jovial. But the Taurus men often fail to see the humour when the jokes and light-hearted comments are directed at them, and as a result, feel offended.
Known for being stubborn, the Taurus men rarely change their viewpoint and will not act against their will. Although all the Taurus men have this trait in abundance, some of the evolved ones know how to work around this tendency and use it to an advantage.
Determined and focussed, the Taurus men have a strong desire to succeed and earn a name for themselves in the society. They may not talk about their achievements in public or be boastful, but at the same time, they will ensure that their lifestyle and material possessions do the talking.
Talking about possessions, it is observed that the Taurus men are quite possessive, and their possessiveness coupled with stubbornness makes these men sometimes too difficult to deal with, especially when it comes to relationships.
They like to be in the company of the rich and influential and the Taurus men will ensure that keep in touch with them, as it motivates them to keep working hard and march towards their goals.
Not a big fan of change, be it of any sort, a Taurus man prefers to fortify the existing structure over to take the risk and build a new one. Even if something is not good or is more of a problem, they cannot get rid of it right away.
The Taurus men come across as a reserved and shy lot and will not be impulsive and express their opinions without thinking through. Maybe it is because they are wary of being insulted or put down. Whatever the reason may be, the fact remains that the Taurus men will take their time before voicing their opinions.
Scorpio Men
( 24rd October to 22nd November )
The Scorpio men are extremely independent and will not let anybody interfere in their matters as they prefer to be in control of the situations. Expecting them to be dependent on someone is like expecting the Sun to rise from the West.
Although they may have a number of friends, they may not be considered social butterflies. Always focussed on their goals, the Scorpio men mean business, and their growth and financial success are always on their minds.
Talking about finances, the Scorpio are very good at making and managing money. They may splurge once in a while, but they will never jeopardize their financial planning and future security for momentary material pleasures.
Apart from money, the other things that attract the Scorpio men the most are power and position. This persistent and determined lot will never settle for mediocre jobs.
They are not stubborn, though. The Scorpio men don’t mind rethinking and taking a different approach, provided they are convinced that the revised one is better than the previous one. Their adaptability, powerful memory combined with strong determination make them fierce competitors, who will eventually win.
The Scorpio men are secretive, always alert, and won’t trust anyone easily. Besides, they have this need to know everything. And their strong sixth-sense helps them see through people, understand their motives and thus enables them to keep emotional pain, something they are so wary of, as far as possible.
They don’t follow a forgive and forget policy. Well, maybe these sensitive souls will forgive the ones who dare to hurt them, but they will never ever forget. They will plan to get back at the offenders and make them pay heavily for their mistakes. So messing up with the Scorpio men is not a good idea!
These males are very passionate, sensual and likely to have a number of romantic encounters. They are attracted towards women who are both intelligent and good-looking. However, once they truly feel the emotion called love and commit to the relationship wholeheartedly, they will stick to it no matter what the rest of the world says.
Gemini Men
( 22nd May to 21st June )
Full of with and charm, the Gemini men are talkative and have a knack of leaving a lasting impression on people’s minds. If they can tap their potential and hone their skills, the Gemini men can be excellent communicators.
These men like to keep themselves up-to-date on things, so you will see them paying attention to news, gossips and all the latest happenings. They will also be interested in knowing what’s going on in your life, but at the same time, they will stay distant as too much closeness make them nervous.
Firm believers of live and let live philosophy, the Gemini men demand that their private space is not intruded on and their need for freedom is respected. The moment they sense that somebody is trying to put them in a confined space or attack their freedom, they will simply run away!
Gemini men are quite popular ones in their social circles and what contributes a lot to their popularity is their creativity. Imaginative that they are, the Gemini men can think out of the box and come up with some exciting, practical and innovative suggestions and solutions.
But since their attention span is short, they may not be very good at doing in-depth analysis and focusing on minute details. This may become a major hurdle in their path when they want reach great heights in life.
The dual nature of a Gemini man may be difficult for others to comprehend and you may feel that you are dealing with more than one person – all at the same time. While dealing with a Gemini, be prepared to handle his impatience and restlessness.
Always on the move, the Gemini men love adventure and variety and love to be in the company who are interested in exploring the unexplored. They are not meant to follow a fixed routine or a fixed pattern of thinking.
Sagittarius Men
( 23rd November to 21st December )
Versatile and optimistic, the Sagittarius men love to travel, meet people from different walks of life, understand their lifestyles and have as many new experiences as possible. They are not judgemental, which is why people love to be in their company.
Adventurous that they are, the Sagittarius men would take risks that most people would not dare taking. It is not surprising that they often get engaged in dangerous activities, be careless with money and push their luck bit too far in their bid to seek excitement.
The Sagittarius males are brutally honest, straightforward and express their feelings as they are, so you know what’s on their minds and where they stand on most issues. They will speak the truth even if it will hurt someone’s feelings or harm their own interests.
They will look at the bigger picture and have a philosophical, positive take on most things. Besides, the Sagittarius men have a strong need for constant intellectual and challenge. On the flip side, though, they easily get bored if they don’t have enough to keep their minds occupied.
They have the potential to find all the name and fame they want. But because they tend to be not concerned about possible consequences of their actions and have a carefree attitude, their potential often goes unfulfilled.
Intelligent and ambitious, the Sagittarius men are extremely competitive, goal-oriented, and as a result, they usually make a good career in sports and top-level management jobs. Besides, job profiles that require them to travel will also grab their attention.
Freedom is of utmost importance to the Archer men. They will not take a relationship forward easily, for it may restrict their freedom to an extent. However, there will come a time in their lives when they may suddenly grow lonely exploring the world all by themselves. At that point, their prized freedom will no longer remain as special as it once was – that’s a sign they are mentally ready to commit to a relationship.
Cancer Men
( 22nd June to 22nd July )
Ruled by emotions and the matters of the heart, the Cancer men are very affectionate, thoughtful and considerate of others’ feelings. They are intelligent, but their decisions are often based on emotions and not on facts and figures.
Home and family are of utmost importance for the Cancer men, and they can be fiercely protective of them. Besides, in order to exploit their potential completely, the Cancer men need a harmonious and peaceful domestic domain to be the source of energy.
Frequent bouts of mood swings are quite common in Cancer men. They can get sad and melancholic at one moment and be witty and humorous at the next. Besides, they don’t open up easily. Hence, you may require to be extremely patient and keep your calm if you are dealing with a Cancer man.
These sensitive souls cannot stand rejection. They care about how others perceive them and what they think of them. Needless to say, they hate losing face and tend to keep their emotions and thoughts closely guarded. So, it is but natural that people think that they are cold and inexpressive.
The Cancer men remain in their shells most times and will come out only when they’ll feel they are ready to face the world. This means that if they are in no mood to handle the situation or take up challenges, they will simply not do it. However, they are not rude or careless. It just acts as a shield which protects their true, vulnerable emotions.
Conscious of their looks, clothes, possessions and everything else that surrounds them, the Cancer women are very particular about what they like and what they don’t. Not the ones to go against the usual norms and set standards, the Cancer men prefer familiar lifestyle and surroundings over adventurers and thrill of change.
A Cancer man’s relationship with his mother is rarely casual and moderate. He is either too close to her and can’t live without talking to her everyday or totally detached from her. It has to be either of the two extremes. The girl in the Cancer man’s life would have to pamper him as much as his mother if she wants to secure her place in his heart.
Capricorn Men
( 22nd December to 20th January )
You may find the men born under the Zodiac Sign Capricorn somewhat cold, detached and emotionally aloof. But it is their way of protecting themselves from emotional pain and agony. They will gradually open up, express their love and affection and share their experiences, provided they you have given them enough reasons to trust your sincerity.
However, because they live such a guarded life, people find it very difficult to connect with them on an emotional level. Therefore, their longing for love, respect, and appreciation many a times goes unfulfilled.
They are friendly and love to converse with people but expecting them to be party animals would be too much. Even when they are at the social gatherings they are a likely to be calm and well-behaved lot, rather than the over-the-top and flamboyant types.
Often admired for their logical, rational thinking and simple outlook towards life, the Capricorn men are generous and wise. Their concepts are pretty simple and clear and these men will consciously try not to complicate matters. They will channelise their energies in the right direction and come up with practical, acceptable solutions.
For Capricorn men, relationships are an obligation they take very seriously. They will commit to a relationship, be it a romantic one or a friendship, only if they feel they can give their best to it. There will never be half-hearted attempts from the Capricorn males.
Most Capricorn men believe in quality and are not superficial. They prefer intelligence, integrity and character over everything else. Besides, they are not the ones too fond of extravagance and materialism. These self-reliant and sincere souls are happy to be in their worlds where they are surrounded by genuine well wishers.
These men work with single minded devotion, give all that they can to reach their goals and have a life they have always dreamed of leading. The Capricorn men are ambitious, extremely patient, often quite successful and will rarely shout from the rooftops about their each and every accomplishment.
Leo Men
( 23rd July to 22nd August )
Masculine, attractive and confident, the Leo men are tough guys. But at the same time, they are kind and generous men, who would go to any length in order to help people. Besides, they are usually happy and upbeat, and would love to make the people around them happy.
They are so aware of their strengths that it sometimes leads them to complacency, making them lazy in their approach towards the goals they might have set for themselves. A regular, if not constant, dose of appreciation and admiration works as energy booster for the Leo.
However, once they are motivated and find their calling, the diplomatic and ambitious Leo men strive to accomplish their dreams and reach the top in their chosen fields. Here, their leadership quality, positive attitude and readiness to work hard play an important role.
So much so that they inspire people to help them in their quest to be successful and well-off.
In order to grab attention of the Leo men, shower them with praises and pay attention to what they say. Compliment them on their looks, career graph, talents, materialistic possessions, sense of humour etc. It does not matter what you praise them for, as long as you are sincere. They love compliments, but fake ones will not touch their hearts.
The Leo men don’t like to be told what they should do and how they should do it. Hence, if you are to instruct them and get things done, be polite and keep your tone soft. Nagging won’t work!
While dealing with a Lion, keep in mind to respect his views and he will be generous towards you, in all respects. Even if you disagree and have a different take on things, make sure you convey it without hurting his fragile ego.
Speaking of ego, the Leo, in general, are quite egoistic people. In the name of self-respect, they sometimes tend to take things too far. Yet they are so warmhearted and affectionate that this negative trait many a times looks trivial in the grand overview.
Aquarius Men
( 21st January to 18th February )
Men born under the 11th Sign of the Zodiac calendar, that is, Aquarius, posses fertile imagination, intelligence and an intent to put their ideas in practice. Besides, they have a special inclination for arts and machines, and therefore, gadgets, computers, performing arts, music bear a major significance in their lives.
Most Aquarius men are soft-spoken and courteous, but it is to be kept in mind that they are essentially rebels, non-conformist people.
These men don’t mind going against the society, set norms or popular opinions when they want to bring about a major change in the world they live in. Therefore, humanitarian as well as developmental activities and research interest them a lot.
Unpredictability is their second name! They seldom have a fixed pattern when it comes to how they behave or do next. For example, just as you think they are enjoying the good times to the hilt and expect them to start off an adventurous journey, you might see them go for long spells of meditation and have some quality me-time.
The Aquarius men are enthusiastic, witty, amiable and very social. At the same time, they will not get close to people easily, maybe because their judgement of people is too good for that. They will keep some distance. However, once they are sure of things, the Aquarius men will do anything for their friendships.
These men tend to be idealists and it is difficult for an average person to live up to their high expectations. Their personal as well as professional relationships may sometimes suffer quite a bit despite their genuine attempts to accommodate and compromise.
They have a major problem with commitment as these independent and confident men don’t like it if their freedom is affected by any means. Their reluctance to commit becomes a hindrance, especially when it comes to their romantic relationships.
The Aquarius men have an amazing capacity to clearly visualise the future. They need to know how things will eventually turn out. On the flip side, though, they forget to live in the present moment.
Virgo Men
( 23rd August to 22nd September )
The ruling planet of this Zodiac Sign is Mercury, the guardian of the mind. Hence, the Virgo are very intelligent and attentive individuals, and won’t forget details they deem to be important. They are also creative and imaginative individuals who like to keep themselves busy with various types of artistic pursuits.
Before they take any decision, be it about a trivial matter or a crucial, life changing step, they need to analyse every single detail and know all the facts because their perception is their reality. This makes the Virgo men quite slow when it comes to decision making.
Rational that they are, the Virgo men are good at problem solving and are able to settle disputes justly and in a peaceful manner. In fact, it is in their very nature to help people in distress find an equilibrium in life.
They treat everyone equally, with respect and attention. They are kind-hearted people who would act against injustice. They may easily put their own safety and interests at stake in order to help/ save others.
Analytical and intellectual, the Virgo men are also romantic at heart. Their idea of romance may not fit into the typical explanation of a love affair, though. Sorting out their sweetheart’s finances, cooking her her favourite dish, driving her to her friend’s house etc. are their way of showering love.
The Virgo men have a tendency to become overly critical, harsh, inflexible and conservative in their outlook. Every argument of theirs is backed by solid logical explanation, which is why they are often judgemental, not just with others but also with themselves, and extremely stubborn.
It is hard for them to forgive and let go of wrongdoings of others. They are blessed with really sharp memory. Luckily, they are not vengeful and immature, and hence, they will not start a brawl or get back at people who hurt their sentiments. They will simply avoid interacting with them.
Pisces Men
( 19th February to 20th March )
More than outward appearances, the Pisces men rely on their gut feeling to know how the people actually are. Caring, gentle, affectionate, emotional and sensitive of others’ feelings, these men are inspiring and charming individuals.
Thee Pisces men are friendly and compassionate. The lovers of adventure and social gatherings, these men love to travel, be around people, have conversations over a number of topics and share their experiences with like-mined people. Routines and restrictions are what they dislike the most.
The men born under the Zodiac Sign Pisces are ambitious and hard-working and can get the best in the life, provided they learn to shake off laziness. They are not money-minded as such, but in their bid to reach their goals in a short period of time they tend to take short-cuts, forgetting the fact that there is no easy route.
Their sensitivity, humility and romantic nature make them very attractive, especially to those women who think that men are not considerate of their feelings. These men will treat their women with love and respect, help them realise their dreams and give them everything that they’d ask for. The Pisces men are the ultimate romantic.
The Pisces men need to surround themselves with strong-minded, practical people who can be their role models and make them realise their potential. This is because these men can easily fall into the pit of self-pity and wrongdoings. Besides, when they are inspired by the real life events and achievements of others, the Pisces men tend to be confident and at their best.
While their sensitivity is their strength, it is also their weakness. The men born under this Sign may not be straightforward or say the truth, fearing they might hurt the other person’s emotions. They can’t firmly say a plain and simple ‘no’ when they need to. This many a times lands them in trouble.
They are not pushovers or crybabies, though. They have a strong character and will be like a pillar of strength for their loved ones when they are in trouble. The Pisces men care enough to listen to people, understand their problems and help them sort out their issues. When it comes to their own problems, they will fight it out if pushed to the limit. |
fedora posted on 31-7-2013 05:21 PM 
Sagittarius Men
( 23rd November to 21st December )
hai sme..saya lelaki dan saya virgo....sape berminat..jom perlu doa nk carik jodoh okeh!
fedora posted on 31-7-2013 05:21 PM 
Sagittarius Men
( 23rd November to 21st December )
laki i piesces, "caring for other peoples feeling" ye ke?? kenapa I tak tau punnnnnn
pakwetizzaqyah posted on 31-7-2013 06:37 PM 
hai sme..saya lelaki dan saya virgo....sape berminat..jom perlu doa nk carik jodoh oke ...
hi..i pon virgo..ahahhaha
mylmor posted on 1-8-2013 12:30 PM 
hi..i pon virgo..ahahhaha
hi milmor..leh berkenalan?
pakwetizzaqyah posted on 1-8-2013 12:30 PM 
hi milmor..leh berkenalan?
hi....boleh2..meh la berkenal2an
mylmor posted on 1-8-2013 12:40 PM 
hi....boleh2..meh la berkenal2an
kk..nnti kite pm milmor ok
fedora posted on 31-7-2013 05:21 PM 
Sagittarius Men
( 23rd November to 21st December )
bf i scorpio man, and ape yg ditulis tu sikit sebyk sama ngn sikap dia. nk2 part yg making money tu. |
ikaizraa posted on 5-8-2013 11:36 AM 
bf i scorpio man, and ape yg ditulis tu sikit sebyk sama ngn sikap dia. nk2 part yg making money t ...
cerita la sikit karakter bf you tu. i pun ada kenal someone yang scorpio.. hehe
anyone bf dia aquarius? care to share?? diorang ni jenis tak boleh setia ke? ataupun over peramah... |
perlu ke nk percaya pasal horoskop ni?  |
Leo Men
( 23rd July to 22nd August )
Masculine, attractive and confident, the Leo men are tough guys. But at the same time, they are kind and generous men, who would go to any length in order to help people. Besides, they are usually happy and upbeat, and would love to make the people around them happy.
They are so aware of their strengths that it sometimes leads them to complacency, making them lazy in their approach towards the goals they might have set for themselves. A regular, if not constant, dose of appreciation and admiration works as energy booster for the Leo.
However, once they are motivated and find their calling, the diplomatic and ambitious Leo men strive to accomplish their dreams and reach the top in their chosen fields. Here, their leadership quality, positive attitude and readiness to work hard play an important role.
So much so that they inspire people to help them in their quest to be successful and well-off.
In order to grab attention of the Leo men, shower them with praises and pay attention to what they say. Compliment them on their looks, career graph, talents, materialistic possessions, sense of humour etc. It does not matter what you praise them for, as long as you are sincere. They love compliments, but fake ones will not touch their hearts.
The Leo men don’t like to be told what they should do and how they should do it. Hence, if you are to instruct them and get things done, be polite and keep your tone soft. Nagging won’t work!
While dealing with a Lion, keep in mind to respect his views and he will be generous towards you, in all respects. Even if you disagree and have a different take on things, make sure you convey it without hurting his fragile ego.
Speaking of ego, the Leo, in general, are quite egoistic people. In the name of self-respect, they sometimes tend to take things too far. Yet they are so warmhearted and affectionate that this negative trait many a times looks trivial in the grand overview.
aku leo..............
ikaizraa posted on 5-8-2013 04:13 PM 
nk citer lbh2 xleh sbb i pun baru kwn dgn dia.. tp ape yg u tepek psl scorpio sikit sebyk ade ciri ...
lebih kurang la.. caring.. tau respect org. rajin melayan topik2 perbincangan i... so rasa x bosan dgn dia.. 
card_reader posted on 6-8-2013 09:49 AM 
aku leo.............. Leo Men
( 23rd July to 22nd August )
Masculine, attractive and confident, the Leo men are tough guys. But at the same time, they are kind and generous men, who would go to any length in order to help people. Besides, they are usually happy and upbeat, and would love to make the people around them happy.

bf kiter taurus men......lebih kureng cmtu perangai dia..... |
fedora posted on 31-7-2013 05:21 PM 
Sagittarius Men
( 23rd November to 21st December )
Hai sang pencinta.. kalau nak kirim hadiah untuk si dia yang berada jauh di mata, @ anda sangat sibuk untuk keluar mencari hadiah untuk si dia, jom layari facebook Hadiah Istimewa MAG's Gift Corner untuk cuci mata dengan hadiah2 menarik untuk si dia! penghantaran beserta kad ucapan dan disempurnakan dalam kotak hadiah istimewa!!
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan