fly de search n result negatif
kat sini xde sape buku dr Camilla Lackberg ke?
so far fly ada 2 buah buku
1st beli - The Stone Cutter
2nd kwn hadiahkan - The Hidden Child
minah nie tgh ngetop ...
tersenarai dlm top 10 ...
buku paling latest The Drowning
version english nyer la ...
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tak pernah baca..best ker? genre aper? |
kalau tak silap pernah terjumpe buku camilla nih mase nak beli buku aritu..
tak terpikir pulak nak beli..
best ke fly? |
best bg fly lah yer
tak tau taste org lain
genre crime fiction
kat The Borders de offer buy 1 get 2nd 50%
The Preacher - Camilla Lackberg ...
tukar2 selera asyik baca buku dr org UK / US ajer
sesekali baca buku dr org Sweden lak ...
TT kalau boleh, tepek sedikit info mengenai penulis...
kalau ada gambar dan senarai novelnya boleh letak sekali...
kasi bermaklumat sikit thread ni...
pastu TT boleh kasi review sikit mengenai buku penulis yg dibaca...
terima kasih  |
baca kat sinun ... info ttg Camilla Lackberg
de senarai buku
fly leh terima jln cite nye memandangkan boleh imaginasi
jln cite nyer
xde la pyh sgt
Reply 7# gorgonz
cr la gorg ...
skrg nie author dr sweden leh tahan
try cari the hidden child
not bad ...
hehehe for me ...
Reply 1# fly_in_d_sky
bila aku check dalam bilik buku aku, aku ada la buku Camilla ni. The Ice Princess. Buku pertama dia. Tulis tahun 2002 tapi translate tahun 2008. Aku rasa beli buku ni masa tahun 2009. Uhuhuhuu!
Tak sangka sungguh.
Aku nak carilah The Stonecutter dengan The Hidden Child tu. Then, ada satu lagi tajuk The Gallows Bird terbit dalam english tahun lepas.
The Mermaid masih belum launch in translate lagi.
Reply 9# attokz
The Ice Princess best tak?
The Hidden Child mmg best ...
fly dah lupa cite ttg apa
tp ttg budak hilang n mati dibunuh ... kat atas bot ...
kene bc semula kalau nak ingat jln cite
The Drowning dah kuar ....
Reply 10# fly_in_d_sky
Ok Fly.
Ingat-ingat lupa ceritanya.
Tapi ada google blurb tadi.
After the sudden death of her parents, author Erica Falck returns to her childhood home in the small west coast community of Fjällbacka. When Alex Wijkner, one of Erica’s childhood friends, is found murdered, she is drawn into a web of deception, lies and hidden secrets. Something that happened 25 years earlier still casts its ugly shadow over Alex and the people around her. At first reluctantly, but then with ever growing curiosity, Erica decides to find out who is willing to take such drastic measures in order to prevent old truths from coming out. At the same time she has to deal with personal problems, a budding romance and the feeling that, at the age of 35, she doesn’t really know what she wants to do with her life… |
Reply 11# attokz
aaa rasanyer de kes bunuh kat satu umah
then abg nyer de kat paris
so polis x tau sape suspek
then rupanyer pembunuh nyer abg dia
rasa cam de kaitan dgn fahaman nazi kot (rasanyer lah yer)
mayat dijumpai oleh 2 budak lelaki
sebb umah tu de brg yg related dgn nazi
bile masuk ... lerrr ada mayat yg dah lama mati
dgn darah n ulat ...
then mamat nie lupa nyer
baru dpt anak ... n anak tu baru nak membesar
wife dia mintak dia jaga sebb rasanyer wife cam nak kene meroyan
so kebetulan masa bwk jln ...
mamat tu lalu kat kawasan situ
mula2 xnak tp curiosity melanda
then minta staff polis jaga anak dia ..
yer xnak bg tgk mayat
kang kene nightmare
then hubungan MIL n DIL dah ok
DIL gi sounds MIL
jgn suka suka barge in umah org
wpun tu umah anak
nak dtg sila wat appt ...
huih i loike it very much ...
tul ke?
byk sgt bc buku
so memori agak terhad utk ingat
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nak try baca...jumpa ebook the preacher & the ice princess  |
Reply 13# ciksurie
try bc
fly x bc lagi ...
nak try baca...jumpa ebook the preacher & the ice princess
ciksurie Post at 1-3-2012 09:53 AM 
ciksurie....ai carik tak jumpe pun, pls share bleh? |
Reply 15# MrsJohn
surie dah email...buku the gallows bird jugaks
koleksi makin bertambah....biler nak abis baca nie  |
nak try baca...jumpa ebook the preacher & the ice princess
ciksurie Post at 1-3-2012 09:53 
cik suri, dh try bace tak buku the preacher?
baru beli td.. harga offer..  |
Reply 18# midory
belum lagi mido ...seminggu dua nie sibuk sikit |
Reply midory
belum lagi mido ...seminggu dua nie sibuk sikit
ciksurie Post at 2-3-2012 23:40 
same la... buku yang bace skrg ni pon tak abes lg.. padahal lame dh start bace..
bace sepintas lalu td mcm best aje buku preacher nih..
nk link utk buku ice princess tu blh cik suri? |
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