kesan daripada letusan gunung berapi Puyehue-Cordon Caulle kat Chile (4 jun 2011) dapat dilihat kat ruang udara di negara2 lain .. awan debu tu aa .. katanya across amerika selatan sampai aa ke australia nun .. kesannya - langit akan nampak macam "senja" (kaler merah/oren/kuning) kerana tindakbalas partikel daripada debu2 tu dengan cahaya (re : color spectrum)
- ni gambar semasa gunung tu memuntahkan debu pada 5 Jun 2011
- dari San Martín de Los Andes, Argentina (5 Jun)
- dari San Martín de Los Andes, Argentina (12 Jun)
- dari kawasan pergunungan kat Argentina (12 Jun)
- pemandangan dari ruang udara gunung Taranaki, New Zealand (12 Jun)
gambar ikan "pemangsa" lautan dalam - viperfish - yg ni kat lautan atlantik ..
ikan ni ada "bioluminescent spots" ntok menarik perhatian mangsa di dasar lautan yg gelap gulita .. pastu dia akan ngapppp mangsa tu ngan bulat2 .. gigi2 yg tajam tu ntok memerangkap+menghalang mangsa2 terlepas dari mulutnya ..
sesapa yg berminat, leh usha info pasal viperfish kat google .. ada banyak jenis (re : species) ekceli ..
NATGEO Edisi Jun 2011 Preview : AFRICA'S SUPER PARK
Sossusvlei dunes @Namib-Naukluft Park .. The Sossusvlei's name, a combination of Afrikaans and the native Nama words meaning "dead-end marsh," derives from its having no natural outfall for rains (note : dune = A mound or ridge of sand or other loose sediment formed by the wind, esp. on the sea coast or in a desert: "a sand dune")
Over thousands of years winds have sculpted sand in the Namib Desert into some of the world's tallest dunes, colored red by iron oxide. The sand contains just enough moisture to sustain a few hardy plants. Not far from this dune, one called Big Daddy looms 1,200 feet above the desert floor.
Pink flamingos mass on the water in Sandwich Harbour. Once a secluded anchorage for whalers, this desolate lagoon in Namib-Naukluft Park is now renowned for its birdlife, with more than a hundred species recorded.
Quiver trees stand like eerie sentinels under the stars in the Namib Desert. The flowers of these desert-tough varieties of the aloe plant provide nectar for birds and insects.
A survival strategy of the golden mole in Sperrgebiet National Park is to "swim" just below the surface of the sand. Despite its seeming barrenness, this coastal region is a biodiversity hot spot, home to reptiles, antelope, Cape fur seals, rare brown hyenas—and some 800 plant species, 234 of which are found nowhere else on Earth.
The video shown below perhaps not belong to NGC (BBC actually) but the message it tries to deliver is just the same i.e. to appreciate the nature... Inspiring, simply awesome music backed by a wonderful video. Superb!
Just wonderful, fascinating and full of love to the Ocean...
Ntah mengapa scene light house hits by wave to tol tol berkesan ... cam ada relation ngan aku pulak
Giant Snakes. The serpents of our nightmares. Reaching more than 30 feet long and hiding in the swamps, the trees and the basement. Today's giant snakes are as big as they've ever been, and their appetites may have never been bigger. Over 100 teeth, 500 vertebrae, 1000 ribs, and 10,000 muscles work together to form natures most elegant predator. But what are the limits of these enormous serpents? How big can they grow, constrict and consume?
Kisah video ini adalah tentang ular-ular besar di serata dunia termasuklah cerita ular sawa Malaysia .... kat video nie ada jugak yang scary sebab ada ular yang sudah makan orang .... memang menarik cerita nie ....
so , berhati-hatilah ketika berada di hutan ataupun semak samun di kawasan kebun , logi , paya kerana mungkin ia ada di situ ....
dulu2 time skolah suke baca. sebenarnya lebih pada tengok gambar je dari baca
sbb pic2 sume totally amazing. now bukak website and follow IG je
xde any collections pon. yg ade pon tshirt.