Let Me In dengan Let The Right One In adalah 2 muvie berbeza....
Rhyno Post at 19-11-2010 17:44
sama lar... LEt Me In nie Hollywood nye remake... original nya Let The Right One In ... tahun 2008...filem Swedishbaca dia nya sinopsis pun lebih kurang je...anyway...if Hollywood tak banyak buat perubahan and stick to the original story... think LEt Me In will be as good a movie gak...
The poetic Swedish vampire picture (with arterial spray) Let the Right One In has been hauntingly well transplanted to the high desert of Los Alamos, New Mexico, and renamed Let Me In.
Let Me In is not as fantastic as Let the Right One In, which you should rent immediately. But it is undeniably powerful and made with obvious admiration and respect for the source material.
It's still a striking piece of character-driven horror, and it still ranks (despite the effects) among the more understated fright fests to hit the mainstream in recent memory.
What works so well here is the juxtaposition of youthful innocence and downright puppy love with monstrosity and murder. Mean kids are scary. Kids who drink blood are scarier.
dah tgk..citer vampire yg lagi real..bukan cam twilight yg kate raye gile tu..hahaha..tp ade sikit2 dialog cam kat twilight cam "how long have you been 12?"..anyway part mcm mkn darah, muke kene asid, telinge luke parah mmg nampak real la..takde la nak kave2 sgt kan cam berdarah malu2 tu mmg takde la..
sape nk tgk aku suggest pi la tgk..bagi aku thumbs up!
bagi aku citer ni menyentuh hati sgt2.. lagi2 bila part Owen peluk Abby time Abby bleeding just because Owen doesnt invite Abby. Sweet gila Owen masa tu..