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Israeli navy in Suez Canal prepares for potential attack on Iran
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Sheera Frenkel in Jerusalem
Two Israeli missile class warships have sailed through the SuezCanal ten days after a submarine capable of launching a nuclear missilestrike, in preparation for a possible attack on Iran’s nuclearfacilities.
The deployment into the Red Sea, confirmed by Israeli officials, wasa clear signal that Israel was able to put its strike force withinrange of Iran at short notice. It came before long-range exercises bythe Israeli air force in America later this month and the test of amissile defence shield at a US missile range in the Pacific Ocean.
Israel has strengthened ties with Arab nations who also fear anuclear-armed Iran. In particular, relations with Egypt have grownincreasingly strong this year over the “shared mutual distrust ofIran”, according to one Israeli diplomat. Israeli naval vessels wouldlikely pass through the Suez Canal for an Iranian strike.
“This is preparation that should be taken seriously. Israel isinvesting time in preparing itself for the complexity of an attack onIran. These manoeuvres are a message to Iran that Israel will follow upon its threats,” an Israeli defence official said.
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It is believed that Israel’s missile-equipped submarines, and itsfleet of advanced aircraft, could be used to strike at in excess of adozen nuclear-related targets more than 800 miles from Israel.
Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the Egyptian Foreign Minister, said that hisGovernment explicitly allowed passage of Israeli vessels, and anIsraeli admiral said that the drills were “run regularly with the fullco-operation of the Egyptians.”
Two Israeli Saar class missile boats and a Dolphin class submarinehave passed through Suez. Israel has six Dolphin-class submarines,three of which are widely believed to carry nuclear missiles.
Israel will also soon test an Arrow interceptor missile on a USmissile range in the Pacific Ocean. The system is designed to defendIsrael from ballistic missile attacks by Iran and Syria.Lieutenant-General Patrick O’Reilly, the director of the Pentagon’sMissile Defence Agency, said that Israel would test against a targetwith a range of more than 630 miles (1,000km) — too long for previousArrow test sites in the eastern Mediterranean.
The Israeli air force, meanwhile, will send F16C fighter jets toparticipate in exercises at Nellis Air Force base in Nevada this month.Israeli C130 Hercules transport aircraft will also compete in the Rodeo2009 competition at McChord Air Force base in Washington.
“It is not by chance that Israel is drilling long-range manoeuvresin a public way. This is not a secret operation. This is something thathas been published and which will showcase Israel’s abilities,” said anIsraeli defence official.
He added that in the past, Israel had run a number of covertlong-range drills. A year ago, Israeli jets flew over Greece in onesuch drill, while in May, reports surfaced that Israeli air forceaircraft were staging exercises over Gibraltar. An Israeli attack on aweapons convoy in Sudan bound for militants in the Gaza Strip earlierthis year was also seen as a rehearsal for hitting moving convoys.
The exercises come at a time when Western diplomats are offeringsupport for an Israeli strike on Iran in return for Israeli concessionson the formation of a Palestinian state.
If agreed it would make an Israeli strike on Iran realistic “within the year” said one British official.
Diplomats said that Israel had offered concessions on settlementpolicy, Palestinian land claims and issues with neighboring Arabstates, to facilitate a possible strike on Iran.
“Israel has chosen to place the Iranian threat over its settlements,” said a senior European diplomat. |
Israel ni x habis nabis nak cari pasal... kaum yahudi sungguh |
Kena faham, Yehud tak boleh terima hakikat Iran dah melepasi nuclear threshold dan memiliki nukes sebab akan menganggu nuclear parity yg dimiliki oleh Israel di Timur Tengah |
bagi sebiji, nuclear BOM, pupus negara ISRAEL itu, itulah yg ditakuti oleh REJIM. |
Tak perlu takut, leh strike pakai C802..kan Hezbollah pun leh attack kapal Zionis pakai C802..lagipun, Iran ada anti-sip missile yg lebih capable.. |
Kapal besar gedabak gitu tapi kat posisi A-Gun bleh boh CIWS je? |
5# IceMallet
Dolphin-class sub milik Yehud yg paling bahaya, blh launch nukes tu.. |
bila nak attack nih......... |
Dolphin-class sub milik Yehud yg paling bahaya, blh launch nukes tu..
Kelas SSBN Ke???? setau aku ade 5 negara je yg operate SSBN ni, (US,Britain,Perancis,China and Russia) lain pada tu xdak... tapi x tau la kalo Yahudi (laknatullah) tu dah modified Sub diaorg sampai capable untk lunch nukes warhead balistic missile... |
9# lkick2113
Type 800 Dolphin-class sub milik Yehud tu dah dimodify dgn bantuan manufacturernya utk lancar nuclear-tipped missiles..BTW its a diesel sub, not SSBN |
10# areguard
capable of launching nuclear-armed Popeye Turbo cruise missiles (a variant of the Popeye/AGM-142 Have Nap standoff missile) with a range of up to 1,500 kilometres (930 mi),as well as launching underwater swimmer delivery vehicles
betol la kata ko...
kalo camni boleh x modified Scorpene Class kita ngan Nukes Missile??? hehehe![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
baru gentar jiran selatan kita,hahaha![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
11# lkick2113
Bolehh. tapi kena modify dulu. Tapi ko nak launch apa..kita bukan ada cruise missiles.. |
12# areguard
mana tau...silap2 pakistan dah sedekahkan 5-6 biji nukes...![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
Bolehh. tapi kena modify dulu. Tapi ko nak launch apa..kita bukan ada cruise missiles..
beli la dlm 10 bijik cruise missile... made in china punye....![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) |
Tak habis habis nak perang je zionis ni kan....tapi pengecut....setakat back up dengan uncle SAM je..Kalau diorang ada telur mesti diorang tak halang negara negara jiran mereka utk memiliki sistem pertahanan canggih...nak jadi tuan tanah la tu.... Palestine boleh la diorang hentam tapi negara lain kena fikir panjang jugak la... |
13# guyfawke
shh.cabul ko ni, sini bnyak kaki gossips..![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
14# lkick2113
Ada usaha India nak fitted Scorpene deme dgn Brahmos..lebih kurang adik beradik cruise missiles la jugak tapi short leg approx. 290 km je..blm boleh lawan Popeye turbo tu.. |
Ada usaha India nak fitted Scorpene deme dgn Brahmos..lebih kurang adik beradik cruise missiles la jugak tapi short leg approx. 290 km je..blm boleh lawan Popeye turbo tu..
Bhrahmos ni supersonic missile je, dia bukan cruise. cruise ni slalu ribu2 KM....
tapi Meko-100 kita pun sesuai fitted ngan brahmos |
Haritu masa Scorpene kita singgah kt India, xkan xder diorg kenen2 dgn Brahmos kew~ ![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif) |
Saar5 guided missile
Gila perang betul..lalu Laut Merah,Saudi tgk je la. |
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