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LATEST KNIGHT RIDER.. saper tak pernah tengok citer ni rugi... hehehe
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seblom aku tido, aku post dulu latest KITT
2008 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500KR menggantikan
1982 Pontiac Trans Am yg michael knight bawak tu... 
baca la kalo larat.. hehehe...
If you were a child of the 1980s,or are just a fan of very-late-night cable television, then you've mostlikely seen Michael Knight (played by a pre-Baywatch David Hasselhoff)and his chatty supercar sidekick, KITT (Knight Industries TwoThousand), do battle with bad guys on the small-screen action-adventureshow Knight Rider.
At first glance, KITT appeared to be a sporty 1982 Pontiac Trans Am,fresh off the assembly line. But thanks to a little Hollywoodrazzle-dazzle, the car transformed into a virtually indestructiblemachine梡ossessed with advanced artificial intelligence that allowed itto accept voice control commands, interact with "The Hoff" and makedecisions on its own. In fact, the car's AI was so advanced that KITTformed a kind of personality, which is what has endeared the "car" tomillions of auto geeks in a way the Batmobile never could be. But whenthe show was shelved in 1986, so was KITT.
Last week, NBC unveiled an all-new, controversiol KITT, which is set to star in the made-for-TV Knight Ridermovie in February. Based on the still-to-be-released Ford MustangShelby GT500KR (click here for engine-revving video), this virtualStang comes tricked out with a supercomputer that can hack almost anysystem; a very capable weapons system; and a body梩hanks tonanotechnology梩hat's able to shape-shift and change color at will.Like its predecessor, the 21st century KITT gets AI from digitaleffects wizards that makes it an ideal crime-fighting partner: logical,precise and infinitely smart.
Designer Harald Belker, who has created the Batmobile for Batman and Robin and a next-gen space shuttle for Armageddon,came onboard to give the new KITT. a unique look. "The goal was to makeit look more aggressive without being hokey or garish," Belker says."Maintaining as much of the original beauty of the Shelby as possiblewas important梐nd not just because of the Ford connection. It had to besimple yet believable as a superhero." Once his vision was set, Belkerturned to Ted Moser from Picture Car Warehouse to make his drawingscome to life. But there was one big hurdle: The GT500KR doesn'ttechnically exist quite yet. "So we had to finish their design first,"Moser says. "Then we brought in a prop maker to create side skirts andspoilers out of wood, smooth them out, and sent them to a fiberglassshop to make molds. Once the parts are formed from those molds, wefinish them and attach them to the car."
One of the cooler features of the Mustang KITT is air-ridesuspension, which allows its driver to lower the car's ride height whenthe vehicle morphs from Hero to Attack mode. "When it goes on theoffensive, it gets slammed to the ground," Moser chuckles. Veryaggressive, indeed. There will be three models used in filming: Hero(essentially a stock GT500KR); Attack (the tricked-out model); andRemote Control (operated via RC, obviously). "All of the 憈ransforming'will be done through CGI animation like in the Transformers movie," Moser admits. (Click here for behind-the-scenes digital wizardry from this summer's blockbuster flick.)
For all you Trans Am holdouts, Mustang droolers and Hasselhoff haters,here's the very first look at all of the new KITT's gee-whiz specs andfunctionality, matched up to the original to determine which is betterequipped for Hollywood crime-fighting.

Vehicle Type: Front engine, rear-wheel drive, two-door coupe
Engine Type: Knight Industries turbojet with modified afterburners
Transmission: Eight-speed microprocessor turbodrive with autopilot
Price New: $11,400,000 (est.)
Acceleration: 0 to 60 mph: 0.2 seconds with power boosters. Standing quarter mile: 4.286 seconds
Braking (70 to 0 mph): 14 ft.
Fuel Economy: Classified, but thought to be 200 mpg

Vehicle Type: Front engine, on-demand all-wheel drive, two-door coupe
Engine Type: Aluminum block/titanium heads5.4-liter V8 internal combustion with Whipple supercharger and KnightIndustries liquid air cycle auxiliary turbine engine. 540 hp in Heromode. Power output can抰 be measured in Attack mode.
Transmission: Continuously variable transmission with infinite power band
Price New: $45.6 million, as tested
Acceleration: 0 to 60 mph: 1.77 seconds. Standing quarter mile: 3.87 seconds
Braking (300 to 0 mph): 12 ft.
Fuel Economy: Not testable
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Reply #1 ryo_takahashi1's post
Bapak mahal... |
haku tak suka mustang nieh... |
keta lama tu jugak nostalgik....
tapi ye la dah outdated dah....  |
zaman aku skolah rendah laa criter nie... nostalgia sungguh... |
Originally posted by Fast-N-Furious at 1-1-2008 03:33 AM 
haku tak suka mustang nieh...
aku suke tengok citer musang berjanggut jerrr... |
dodge viper will look much cooler as new kitt.
masa keci2 dulu aku nampak kereta bkn main canteeekk lagi, abih sekampung kereta pasang lampu lip lap tu kat kereta depa, skrg rasa cam hampeh plk  |
awek yg selalu serbis kete ni dlm trailer cun la.. |
Vehicle Type: Front engine, rear-wheel drive, two-door coupe
Engine Type: Knight Industries turbojet with modified afterburners
Transmission: Eight-speed microprocessor turbodrive with autopilot
Price New: $11,400,000 (est.)
Acceleration: 0 to 60 mph: 0.2 seconds with power boosters. Standing quarter mile: 4.286 seconds
Braking (70 to 0 mph): 14 ft.
Fuel Economy: Classified, but thought to be 200 mpg
Are those supposed to be a joke? Aku tergelak baca spec ni |
Reply #11 sixfullbar's post
hero bawak trailer ada lagi satu & sekor : BJ and the Bear |
Reply #11 sixfullbar's post

yang ni ka?
[ Last edited by hyphrigian at 1-1-2008 08:26 PM ] |
Reply #15 hyphrigian's post
aku rasa gelak jer kalau fikirkan balik trailer yg satu tu..yg hero tu bawa oklah boleh tukar jadi helikopter..pendek kata boleh terbang.trailer sebiji lagi tu entah apa2 tah..boleh detached dari kontena jer baik takyah bawa kontena kalau macam tu  |
Reply #16 Squall-Leonhart's post
nama melayu dia bos squal proton satria
Reply #17 sixfullbar's post
lama tak tengok cerita ni....
ekoq heli kat blakang tu..... |
pergh..dulu mmg minat tgk crite ni dgn airwolf..  |
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