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Bina badan dan Fitness -

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Post time 12-8-2006 07:15 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Aku rasa tempat nih sesuai untuk bincangkang pasal nih..sebenanya aku berminat untuk membina badan...xpayahla sampai beketul2 giler,da mcm raksasa plak..juz nicela..any idea?dari segi cara pemakanan dan cara penjagaan untuk menegapkan badan..thx...

[ Last edited by  dexa at 10-1-2009 09:11 AM ]



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Post time 18-8-2006 03:47 PM | Show all posts
masuk gym... kat sana dia akan ajar dan pastikan anda jaga pemakanan.. insyaalah.. tunggu 3 bln ada perubahan

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Post time 18-8-2006 05:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sinbad05 at 12/8/2006 07:15 PM
Aku rasa tempat nih sesuai untuk bincangkang pasal nih..sebenanya aku berminat untuk membina badan...xpayahla sampai beketul2 giler,da mcm raksasa plak..juz nicela..any idea?dari segi cara pemakana ...

sblm tu nk tau..berat n tinggi bape?

pegi gym..
1.  sit up utk perut
2.  pecdec utk dada
3.  dumb bell utk lengan

focus pd 3 tu pun dh ok la stakat nk badan sedap dipandang n dipeluk..hahaha...kt gym tu byk lg la alat2 utk lain...

klau x pegi gym pun xde masalah tp senaman yg berterusan...cth:  jogging 4X semnggu atau football 3X jgn stop laaa...kena berterusan...

makan lak selagi senaman berterusan makan la ape nk makan...hehehehe...klau cara aku ni x b'kesan kt ko jgn tiru tau..kang ko gemokksss ko salahkn aku lak...mkn dgn kadar yg berpatutan laaa...ok?

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 Author| Post time 19-8-2006 01:41 PM | Show all posts
hohoh ada gak reply..tinggi  aku?173-175cm ja..berat dlm 64-67kg..aku lelaki...neway thx

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Post time 20-8-2006 01:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sinbad05 at 19/8/2006 01:41 PM
hohoh ada gak reply..tinggi  aku?173-175cm ja..berat dlm 64-67kg..aku lelaki...neway thx

hahaha ngape tinggi ko x statik..klau berat berubah2 mmg ye...
aku amik yg tgh2 lah ye...tinggi 174cm, berat 65kg...

ko tersangat la kurus...tmbh mkn lagi...berat ideal ko utk tinggi 174cm suppose 2b 74kg..oleh kerana ko lelaki boleh tmbh lg sehingga 5 -, klau berat ko 80kg pun still ok...

makan appeton laa...hehehe...

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 Author| Post time 23-8-2006 01:25 AM | Show all posts
huhuuhu.....yeker?hurm now aku tgh duk bina badannih...pumpin dgn sit up...aku makan satu hari 2 kali ja..pagi dalam kol 10 lebih...tu untuk sarapan dgn tghhari..n malam kol x diettu?heheh

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Post time 25-8-2006 12:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sinbad05 at 23/8/2006 01:25 AM
huhuuhu.....yeker?hurm now aku tgh duk bina badannih...pumpin dgn sit up...aku makan satu hari 2 kali ja..pagi dalam kol 10 lebih...tu untuk sarapan dgn tghhari..n malam kol x diettu?heheh

ape yg ko mkn? nasi ke?  bape byk?  pumpin n situp buat bape byk sehari?  detail pls...

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2006 04:13 PM | Show all posts
makan wkatu petama tu makan nasi..kadang2 roti...kalau yg kedua makan nasi..mcm sepinggan ja..pumpin dgn situp aku naikkan skit2..dari 10-20..pagi dgn petang..

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Post time 27-8-2006 03:07 AM | Show all posts
gi gym sng cite
dlu sblom msk gym lomak2 bekeliaran
skrg tiada lg

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Post time 28-8-2006 05:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Ax at 27/8/2006 03:07 AM
gi gym sng cite
dlu sblom msk gym lomak2 bekeliaran
skrg tiada lg

wakakakaka..lawak la ko ax..lemak2 berkeliaran..skang dh t'tambat ye lemak2 ko...?

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Post time 28-8-2006 05:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sinbad05 at 26/8/2006 04:13 PM
makan wkatu petama tu makan nasi..kadang2 roti...kalau yg kedua makan nasi..mcm sepinggan ja..pumpin dgn situp aku naikkan skit2..dari 10-20..pagi dgn petang..

pumpin n situp tu dh ok..makin hari makin tingktkn bilangan...

mkn roti tu bape keping...klau dh mkn roti x mkn nasi lah ye?  sbnarnya skping roti sama ngan semangkuk nasi..jd aku prefer ko mkn nasi sbb ko lelaki..lgpun ko kurus laaa...ko mkn nasi 2hari sekali pun ok la beb...ko x perlu kurangkn mkn lagi la sbb berat n tinggi ko lum balance...

dh bape lame buat?  ade perubahan ape2 ke?  klau ko rajin..insyaAllah dlm masa 3bln ke atas ada sket2 nmpak muscle ko xde le ketul2 cm arnold..hehehe..gud luck beb!

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Post time 29-8-2006 12:42 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dewberry at 28-8-2006 05:51 PM

wakakakaka..lawak la ko ax..lemak2 berkeliaran..skang dh t'tambat ye lemak2 ko...?

ari2 kene joging
mkn kee jage
skrg dah kurang air gas n manis

better if g gym ade instructor
diorg leh ajar skill yg btul utk wat2 snaman

posisi bdn , perut , dada sume kene btul time wat senaman kt gym

pahni aku nk naek beskal kt gym bwk smpi 100km
ari2 smpi 10km jek

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Post time 29-8-2006 11:14 AM | Show all posts
hohohoho haku pon nak join gak lah kelab ni :pompom:

citer psl berat n tinggi dulu eh dew?
haku tinggi 178, berat 96kg (dah turun 5kg banding 2 bln lepas)

haku nak masuk gym tapi duit n masa tadak

so aktiviti sukan aku ialah:

joging 30 minit 3 kali seminggu
maen futsal 2 minggu skali
maen dumbbell ikut sedap rasa,biasa 5 minit jer pastu letih berenti laa
praktis tai chi and tari silat b4 sleep ikut sedap rasa..kalo bz tak wat pongg

aku paling tak gemar sit up coz bila lemak dah pecah, nak ketawa pon takleh pastu masa joging pon rasa sakit so aku tak kisah perut ku boroi

skrg ni bhg bahu dah lebar cuma aku rasa bdn aku cam bongkok sket...dh mcm bear dah... kenapa yer? :stp:

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2006 03:45 PM | Show all posts
ekekek welcome2..bradde reuk asal suke bele lemak kat perut?kalo aku runsing gila...hehe..nyway Ax..weh ko pi gym mana?aku nak pegi..bapa bayaran dia?

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Post time 29-8-2006 04:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ReuK at 29/8/2006 11:14 AM
hohohoho haku pon nak join gak lah kelab ni :pompom:

citer psl berat n tinggi dulu eh dew?
haku tinggi 178, berat 96kg (dah turun 5kg banding 2 bln lepas)

haku nak masuk gym tapi duit n masa ...

hahahahaa..ade gak ekk org suke simpn lemak kt perut tuhhh..lawak la lain sume nk reduce ko nk enlarge lak ye...

reuk..ko dh t'lebih berat sebanyak 18kg.  memandangkn ko llaki leh la lebih sket je tp maksimum berat utk tinggi ko adalah 83kg.  ok la tuhhh...suppose 2b 78kg tp lelaki leh lebih sket...

reuk..aku bg ko tips ekk klau xmo gi still kuar kos gak la tp x byk arr compare gi gym tiap2 mggu/bln.  
1.  bli mesin situp - harga dlm rm299.  lebih kurang je harga kt kdai alat sukan @ giant. (situp la dlm 50kali sehari)
2.  dumbbell - kilo ikut daya tahan ko la.  (buat la dalam 20kali sehari)
3.  tali skipping @ tali lompat tali  (ini wajib lompat 100 - 200kali sehari)

ko buat je 3 benda tu 3kali semggu...insyaAllah menten je bdn ko...klau ko senaman ko mkn byk mane pun x jadi hal..yg buat gemmok ni klau mkn byk lgsung x senaman...

bahu ko lebar?  ko berenang kut...

memanaskn badan sblm main n conditioning selepas main pun penting..aku byk tgk ramai yg abaikn 2 perkara ni...terus je main..pastu mula la sakit sane sakit sini...

good luck reuk!

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Post time 29-8-2006 04:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Ax at 29/8/2006 12:42 AM

ari2 kene joging
mkn kee jage
skrg dah kurang air gas n manis

better if g gym ade instructor
diorg leh ajar skill yg btul utk wat2 snaman

posisi bdn , perut ,  ...

yeps...klau ade instructor leh tau mane yg btul mane yg tidak...klau buat pkai belasah je silap2 penat badan je otot x juga kembang ye...hahahha...

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Post time 29-8-2006 08:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dewberry at 29-8-2006 04:10 PM

yeps...klau ade instructor leh tau mane yg btul mane yg tidak...klau buat pkai belasah je silap2 penat badan je otot x juga kembang ye...hahahha...

tuh ar
jap gi wat ponat jek ari2 g gym
tp tatau muscle btul ke otot btul ke krog buat sume

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Post time 30-8-2006 02:14 PM | Show all posts

Reply #15 dewberry's post

hohohoh syi syiek sifu

tapi berat aku paling minimum yg penah aku dpt ialah 86kg.. n still i love my tummy ekekeke

ni lagi satu laaa kan.... aku kalo dah terlebih joging nih kaki kat bhg tulang kering tu sakit laa.. mcm nak patah pon ada

tapi kalo bedal maen basketball mcm ribut takder plak sakit camni... hanya joging sahaja

wat pengetahuan anda saya ialah seorang yg teliti dlm stretching sebelum bersukan :bgrin: :bgrin:

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Post time 30-8-2006 03:33 PM | Show all posts
how to get rid of 'spare-tyre' around my waist? not to big but around  2 inches of fat tissue so I have that pot-belly look..

..seems like a lot of fat accumulates there (genetically-predisposed,I reckon) even though I am thin overall.

so what sort of cardio workout do you all suggest..btw,i prefer doing it indoors,don't like jogging, least not until I become fit..hehe..

[ Last edited by  vixen at 30-8-2006 03:34 PM ]

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Post time 30-8-2006 03:51 PM | Show all posts

Definisi warm up yg betol


A warm-up helps your body prepare itself for exercise both mentally and physically, and reduces the chance of injury. Use this time to help prepare your mind for the exercise that will follow.

The aim is to increase circulation around the body, in a gradual manner, as not to put any pressure onto the body. During the warm-up any injury or illness you have can often be recognized, and further injury prevented.  

Extra clothing can be worn, to help increase the body temperature, which in turn will make your muscles more pliable, and ready to be stretched.  

The warm-up can be a combination of rhythmic exercise, such as those shown in aerobic videos, or a slower version of the aerobic activity to come.  

For example, you might want to walk before you jog, do the hovering and mopping of the floor, prior to doing a light home circuit.

What is important is that you warm up and do some static stretching. The body will take time to warm up properly; i.e. shut done areas such as the digestive system, in order to supply the muscles with more blood.

Aim for a minimum of 5 minutes for a warm-up and the same for stretching. When working out, take into consideration that it may take a good 30 minutes for your body to be working at its best.

During cold weather, and certainly if you're going to do an activity which requires sudden bursts, make sure you spend more time warming up.

.:: upanyer aku dah salah tafsiran panaskan badan nih... aku ingatkan regangkan badan tu sama maksud ngn panaskan badan :nyorok:

aku copy and paste dari  siap ada gambo ilurastari caner nak bersenam utk jenis aktiviti  yg berlainan :bgrin:



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