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Allahyarham Jalil Ibrahim

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Post time 4-9-2006 06:06 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Gone, but never forgotten

It has been 22 years since the BMF scandal paralysed Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Berhad. The bigger story was the murder of BMF assistant general manager Jalil Ibrahim, who was sent to Hong Kong to investigate alleged irregularities at the bank抯 subsidiary. SARBAN SINGH revisits the case and talks to Jalil抯 widow, Rosnawi Ibrahim, on life after his death.
JALIL Ibrahim would have been a grandfather if he were alive today.

Not many remember the bespectacled former student of the Royal Military College who was killed in Hong Kong in July 1983 while investigating a case involving the fraudulent award of RM2.5 billion (then) in loans by Bumiputra Finance Berhad to the Carrian Group helmed by Malaysian businessman George Tan.

He was killed by another Malaysian, Mak Foon Than, who was eventually sentenced to death by the Hong Kong High Court.

The case received wide coverage as the names of several Malaysian politicians were dragged in. The Carrian group抯 spectacular collapse the same year was also to become Hong Kong抯 largest bankruptcy.

BMF was the subsidiary of BBMB, which was then Asean抯 largest bank.

Jalil抯 wife, Rosnawi Ibrahim, says her Malacca- born husband had always liked working with figures and that was why maths and accounting were his favourite subjects in school.

A bright student, he went on to pursue a degree in accountancy at New Zealand抯 Christchurch University.

Upon his return in 1971, he was offered a position to teach at Sekolah Datuk Abdul Razak, one of the premier schools in Seremban.

That was where he met Rosnawi, a teacher at the school. They married in August 1974.

The following year, Jalil applied to join Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Berhad and was made an officer at its internal audit department.

Rosnawi, who had just completed her degree from Universiti Malaya, was transferred to another premier institution, the Tunku Kurshiah College.

A hardworking and honest officer, Jalil was promoted quickly. In 1980, he went to Switzerland抯 Imede University to do his Master抯 in business administration.

Rosnawi said upon his return, the management didn抰 know where to put him. "They moved him from one department to another but Jalil knew his calling was doing audit work."

In early 1983, the BBMB management discovered irregularities in the award of loans amounting to RM700 million by BMF to three property developers



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 Author| Post time 4-9-2006 06:07 PM | Show all posts

* SP: Pingat Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa - Allahyarham Jalil Ibrahim adalah satu-satunya orang awam yang pernah dianugerahkan pingat tertinggi negara SP. Sehingga kini hanya Kanang anak Langkau telah dianugerahkan kedua-dua pingat keberanian PGB (1980) dan SP (1981)- Dianugerakan oleh Agong waktu itu - Sultan Pahang Sekarang.

[ Last edited by  Syd at 4-9-2006 06:08 PM ]



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Post time 5-9-2006 02:42 PM | Show all posts
Kalau tak salah keluarga Rosnawi ni ramai adik beradik....ramai perempuan dari lelaki , semuanya pandai2 belaka.  Adik beradik dia semua lawa2  dan putih2 ikut maknya. Kampung dia dari Rembau kalau tak salah....tapi kesian lah dengan Allahyarham Jalil ni.....



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 Author| Post time 5-9-2006 03:23 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 5-9-2006 04:56 PM | Show all posts
akak pernah jumpa dgn Cikgu Ros in the 80's. masa tu dia ngajar  kat TKC. akak spend the weekend kat rumah my cousin kat temiang jaya seremban, masa tu bulan posa, jumpa dia masa semayang terawih. a soft spoken lady, smiles a lot & very lady like. must be tough for her all this years...Tuihan Maha Kaya....dikurniakan anak-anak yg berjaya...



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 Author| Post time 6-9-2006 03:53 PM | Show all posts
Allahyarham Jalil telah dianugerah pinta Sri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa, pingat tertinggi kerajaan Malaysia yg lebih besar dari Datuk dan Tan Sri.

The Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa (Warrior of Extreme Bravery) is the penultimate federal award which can be presented in Malaysia. It was created on 27 July 1960 and was gazetted on 11 August 1969.

It is not limited to members of the armed forces. It is the highest award in the Federal Ranking of Awards therefore outranking the awards which carry the title of Datuk and Tan Sri.

The award carries a memorial allowance of RM400 a month. A deceased recipient may be awarded in which case his next of kin receives a lump-sum payment of RM30,000.

The award is in the form of a silver medal which has the shape of a crescent moon with the inscription "Gagah Perkasa." Within the arch of the moon is inscribed the fourteen-pointed star. It is carried on a yellow ribbon 1.5 inches wide with red stripes 1/8 inches wide.

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spyz This user has been deleted
Post time 8-9-2006 05:53 PM | Show all posts

Reply #6 Syd's post


kebetulan semalam menjengah sitetracker saya, ada link dari sini. tq...

selepas beberapa bulan artikel dari NST (27/11/05) tersebut di post di blog saya,
anak kepada Allahyarham telah mengemail saya.

ada di sini.. ... sa-jakun-pulak.html


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 Author| Post time 8-9-2006 05:56 PM | Show all posts
spy, tq so much..coz saya dpt banyak infor dari blog awak tuh.

dan saya gembira awak sudi share citer terbaru.

artikel NST tuh..saya tak dapat lah...

nanti boleh awak tlg pastekan kat sini?

TQ once again.


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Post time 8-9-2006 06:17 PM | Show all posts
Cerita ni saya pernah baca masa saya masih budak sangat lagi.  Yg menjadi lekat di ingatan saya adalah... dia adalah warga Malaysia pertama yg di bunuh di luar Malaysia yang saya tahu waktu itu.  Masih teringat lagi saya gambar mayat allahyarham terbaring di dalam kebun pisang...

Ada seorang lagi mati kerana kerjaya... yang menjadi misteri sehingga kini... pegawai Jabatan Alam Sekitar yang masih muda tu...

Rasanya nasib mereka berdua sama.

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spyz This user has been deleted
Post time 11-9-2006 12:10 AM | Show all posts
oh, nampaknya saya telah mengkompiuskan anda. maafkan saya...
artikel yg saya maksudkan sebenarnya ialah "Gone, but never forgotten" tersebut.
tiada artikel lain. url asalnya ada di sini [ ... Article/indexb_html ] - perlu subscribe.
seperti mixora, saya juga membaca berita tersebut dari akhbar ketika berumur belasan tahun.
tak faham sangat, tapi saya tau ia cerita besar.
mungkin link ini juga menarik.. perbahasan parlimen ttg Allahyarham... ... p;ct=clnk&cd=13

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Post time 30-1-2007 10:22 PM | Show all posts
saya kecik lagi masa kisah ni...

kematiannya adalah satu misteri...
sebab apa ya?

apa skandal Bumiputra bank tu?...

dulu ada baca "BACARIA" pasal liputan ni...

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Post time 31-1-2007 01:01 AM | Show all posts
malunya, saya tatau langsung pasal kes ini sehingga membacanya disini

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2007 08:49 AM | Show all posts
arr waktu kekecik lagi mmg dah tahu pasal kes nih
maka tersebutlah nama si polan si polan
ala, yang penah jadik menteri, jadik perdana menteri
and so on laaa


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Post time 31-1-2007 09:02 AM | Show all posts
Please guys....tell me who was behind his murder...
Type his first name n his position pun takpe la...
We just want to know. Fancy manipulating the Bank's money n even gave order to kill sommebody without being charged. Politics can bring these guys to hell. Surely they might evade any criminal charge here, but the retribution is awaiting another life...


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Post time 5-2-2007 11:36 PM | Show all posts
jumpa gak topik ni balik. aritu citer ngan mak sherrina dan dia bukak le citer ni sebab kes ni besar time dulu tu. Perbicaraannya aje 10 tahun. Yang disabitkan kesalahan 4 orang besar Bank Bumiputera. Nanti sherrina tanya mak apa nama2 dorang tapi yg sherrina ingat salah sorg tu namanya Haji Shamsuddin.

Yg best pasal dorg berempat ni ialah dorg telah manipulate supaya bank kasi loan pada syarikat yang tak wujud. berapa ratus juta ka, puluh juta ka billion ka, tak ingat. Tapi depa joli katak lah 4 orang. Yg ironi nya  ialah keempat-empat memiliki wife omputeh yakni org Perancis. Pakat2 kawin minah French. Bila lubang sudah pecah, mereka lari ke Perancis dan bersembunyi selama  2 tahun. Akhirnya ditangkap balik bersembunyi di ladang anggur. Pastu bicara dan masuk penjara. Tak sure berapa ramai yg masih hidup tapi ada yg dah meninggal dunia.

dulu Razaleign Hamzah atau Tun Daim (tak sure yg mana CEO/Pengerusi bank) pun didakwa juga tapi lepas sebab takde bukti yg menyabitkan dia. Yg peliknya sebagai org no 1 nape dia tatau hal2 ni soheh atau tak.

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 Author| Post time 6-2-2007 08:52 AM | Show all posts

ko sherrina, tak payah suluh2 lagi
terang sunggguh nama tuh

aku plak bkias2

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Post time 7-2-2007 12:57 AM | Show all posts
ahhhh Syd, nama org jahat harus dipacak terang-terangan supaya jadi pengajaran. Amat memalukan kerana berpangkat haji yg songlap duit....nanti aku tanya mak aku apa nama lagi 3 org tuuu.

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 Author| Post time 7-2-2007 08:53 AM | Show all posts
kui kui kui

suka bebenor haku dgn pepatah ko tuh

nanti aku carik artikel lain yang mungkin relevan, tapi haku bimbang tu sekadar spekulasi

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Post time 7-2-2007 01:51 PM | Show all posts
spekulasi? ada lagi ka....ini case sudah closed. apa nama cina yg bunuh tu ek? George apa kalau tak silap...

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 Author| Post time 7-2-2007 02:59 PM | Show all posts

[quote]Then of course we had the BMF Hong Kong disaster which saw billions of Bank Bumiputera抯 money sink into the South China Sea (and this time Petronas was used to snatch the bank from the jaws of bankruptcy). Many top guns were implicated in this sordid affair; Mahathir, Deputy Prime Minister Musa Hitam, and Finance Minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah included. None of the government leaders or high profile politicians were ever brought to book though. Those who suffered prosecution were the top executives of the bank who protested that they were merely the fall guys whose only crime was fulfilling the bidding of their political masters.

More would have surfaced and probably bigger heads would have rolled had not Jalil Ibrahim, the bank officer sent to Hong Kong to gather further evidence, been found murdered in a sugarcane plantation on the outskirts of the city. The man eventually arrested and indicted for the crime was Dax Mark, a Terengganu logger and brother-in-law to Lee, one of the leading Terengganu saw-millers of the time.

While on the subject of Dax Mark, allow me to digress a bit for the benefit of those too young to remember the BMF fiasco and the Jalil murder. According to court proceedings, Dax Mark was a hired killer. In actual fact, Dax Mark was a playboy who went by the adage 憁ake love not war

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