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BERFIKIR: Intelligence, Skill, Bakat ataupun Seni.....?
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BERFIKIR / THINKING.............
Ramai yang menganggap berfikir hanya untuk mereka yang mempunyai IQ yang tinggi ataupun dgn kata lain yang intelligence.. ...Ada yang berpendapat suatu seni atau juga bakat.......tapi kalau kita membaca tulisan2 pemikir, berfikir bagi mereka adalah satu skill, kemahiran yang boleh diasah seperti juga seperti kemahiran2 yang lain......Tidak dinafikan golongan intelligence mempunyai kelebihan dalan berfikir dan memberi idea tapi tak semestinya sebab ada juga segelintir dari golongan ini yang tak boleh berfikir secara berkesan...
Sebaliknya jika kita menerima berfikir itu sebagi satu kemahiran, orang biasa seperti kita juga boleh memperbaiki cara dan kemahiran berfikir juga mendalami teknik2nya sepertimana kita memperbaiki cara dan kemahiran2 yang lain ......
Cuba fikir2 kan....... |
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yg paling penting...OPEN YOUR MIND...don't close it... |
Originally posted by seribulan at 2-2-2006 10:28 AM
yg paling penting...OPEN YOUR MIND...don't close it...
agree...... kalau minda dah tertutup rapat sukar berfikir secara rasional.... |
aku pernah terbaca satu artikel mngatakkan utk mengasah kemampuan otak kita boleh dilakukan dgn berfikir tntang bnda2 x logik dan cuba berkaitan bnda yg mmng berbeza seperti kereta dgn air pepsi.. |
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destiny_01 This user has been deleted
Untyuk mengkreatifkan minda saudara dan saudari sekalian, jinak-jinakkanlah diri kita melihat cerita kartun kerana penghasilannya sendiri sememangnya memerlukan daya kekereatifan yang tinggi ditambah pula kalau ceritanya berisi mesej yang kompleks seperti cerita anime Jepun.... |
"If we treat thinking as a skill then we can improve thinking just as we can improve any skill through attention and practice" ~ Edward de Bono |
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Originally posted by blackpurple at 2-2-2006 10:24
BERFIKIR / THINKING.............
BERFIKIR: Intelligence, Skill, Bakat ataupun Seni.....?
Selagi ber'otak' yg waras... selagi itu takkan terhenti ber'fikir' |
Individu2 yang hebat spt Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci malah Hamka sekalipun berjaya dlm bidang masing2 bukan disebabkan mereka dilahirkan mempunyai otak yang berbeza dari individu yang lain tetapi sebab mereka menggunakan sepenuhnya keupayaan otak mereka untk berfikir lebih dari orang lain berfikir.....
Edward be Bono pernah mengatakan otak sebagai 'miraculous biological computer'..... itupun jika kita menafaatkannya......... |
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Originally posted by blackpurple at 3-2-2006 02:25 PM
Individu2 yang hebat spt Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci malah Hamka sekalipun berjaya dlm bidang masing2 bukan disebabkan mereka dilahirkan mempunyai otak yang berbeza dari individu yang lain t ...
saintis de simpan otak einstein..tak tau di mana. dia sedekah for sains world bila mati. depa kata agak lebih besar dari oang biasa. maybe ada betul nya otak meke2 genius (rajin berfikir) ada expansion pada sifat fisikal organ tersebut kut.
kira bila besor tu as vibes(ilmu) receptor so lebih banyak di cakup dari dimensi yang penuh ilmu duk berlegar legar tunggu manaaaaaaaa antenna nak pick up depa. Kita tau kepentingan HEAT pada chemical sparks the energy.
dolphins pun dikatakan otaknya agak besar..the most intelligent sea species, yang di ketahui ler. |
Rasanya kalu amber cakap...
berfikir.. menjadikan seseorang itu pengecut...
rasanya bleh dapat tak? |
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Originally posted by ajinomotonosuga at 3-2-2006 02:40 PM
saintis de simpan otak einstein..tak tau di mana. dia sedekah for sains world bila mati. depa kata agak lebih besar dari oang biasa. maybe ada betul nya otak meke2 genius (rajin berfikir) ada ...
Tapi jika dikatakan otak itu sebagai 憁iraculous biological computer抂/b] bermakna perlu diguna dan diteroka baru memberi menafaat |
Pe4RL wrote
"Selagi ber'otak' yg waras... selagi itu takkan terhenti ber'fikir''
I think most people do not actually think but bringing out their memories. Let's look at it this way, when you wake up, you do what you have always been doing becuase of habits that have been ingrained inside your head.
You continue with your routine until you are faced with something new or different and then you start to ask what you should do next. What do you do then, you bring out whatever memories you have accumulated from your past experiences and apply one that you think suits the need. It's a shortcut becuase you don't have to think.
That is also the reason that we can get frustrated many times over when we are unable to solve a probem or not getting the result we expected. Doing the same thing and "thinking" the same way.
Real thinking could mean looking at a situation from a different point of view; somewhere where you have not looked or done before. You cannot just trust your memories.
Anthony Robbins pointed that to improve your thinking skill, ask good hard questions, even unpredictable questions.
Einstein used questions and visualizations to become the great genius.
Probably that was what that guy who coined the term "gravity" did plus he added his visualization to imagine things. He asked why did the apple drop down from the tree.
Einstein questioned and visualized how it would be like to ride on the end of a beam of light. And the rest is history.
Try mindstorming. List down one problem that is bugging you. Write down 20 things that you could do. Don't stop just finish it. Never mind if it seems silly or outrageous. You are actually practicing your thinking skill. Maybe the first 10 things that you wrote are rubbish and the same things that you have been looking at all the while. As you move on down the list, you might get more realistic.
Then pick one thing from the 20 things that you can do immediately to solve your issue. Use these easy assessible thinking tools - a piece of paper, a pen and your brain.
Try it. I did and solved quite a number of issues. |
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Originally posted by ajinomotonosuga at 3-2-2006 02:40 PM
saintis de simpan otak einstein..tak tau di mana. dia sedekah for sains world bila mati. depa kata agak lebih besar dari oang biasa. maybe ada betul nya otak meke2 genius (rajin berfikir) ada ...
mengikut kajian yg dilakukan di sebuah prison di barat...saiz otak boleh menunjukkan perbezaan antara org yg byk menggunakan otak utk berfikir and sebaliknya.diorg bandigkan otak prisoners yg dihukum gantung.otak seorg engineer and seorg penganggur...and terbukti yg otak engineer ni lebih besar drpd otak penganggur yg kurang berfikir..
tp u all setuju x kalu sy ckp yg kadang2 bia kita terlalu byk berfikir...sometimes boleh mamudaratkan apabila kita ni terlalu gemar berfikir yg sometimes when ada problems ckit...mcm2 yg kita fikirkan and sometimes benda yg kita fikir 2 xde kena mengena langsung and lebih kepada emosi... |
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BERFIKIR: Intelligence, Skill, Bakat ataupun Seni.....?
Berfikir adalah perlu dalam proses mencari ilmu. Menurut Albert Eistein (1879-1917), 揑lmu tanpa Agama adalah buta dan agama tanpa ilmu adalah lumpuh, di mana keduanya ini adalah saling berkaitan. |
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benda fikir2 nih ader pro n contranya..:ah:
ina rase fikir nih bg yg mapan kmatangan.. |
terlampau berfikir, kau bisa jadi sinikal...susah juga... |
Definition of Thinking:
To think is to analyze, examine and sort out information and form in the mind ideas or opinions, to perform any mental operation, to reason, to bring to mind or recollect, to determine, resolve and to work things out.
Thinking is to conceive thoughts and ideas by reasoning, to form an opinion, to judge, to consider, to employ and to bring one抯 intellectual faculties to work, to concentrate one's thoughts on any given subject.
Thinking is the act of reasoning from factual knowledge and or evidence. Thinking is to use the mind for processing imagination and information, to arrive at logical conclusions, from premises known and or assumed to be true for making imaginative decisions.
To think is to reason about or reflect on, to ponder. Think how complex is our Milky Way Galaxy. Think the matter through creatively. To decide by reasoning, reflection or pondering, thinking what to believe, what to say or what to do.
To think is to judge or regard, look upon. To think is to learn of, or from, by analyzing what one could learn by thinking about the newly acquired knowledge, thought, suggestion and or idea, in order to learn and accept as truth.
Thinking is to call to mind, to remember, to visualize and recall the images of what was once known to the mind. To think is to have creative thoughts, to bring a thought to mind by imagination or invention to devise or evolve to invent by imaginative thinking.
Thinking is to bring one抯 mind into a given condition by mental preoccupation, to exercise the power of one抯 mind by reasoning and by conceiving ideas, drawing inferences, and using or arriving to a judgment.
Common sense should be the guide, based on which one could lead a fruitful, thoughtful and exciting life journey. One should never make decisions nor implement one抯 decisions under extreme euphoria, sadness, resentment or anger. The best condition conducive for rational thinking is a calm relaxing environment.
- - I am, and I can think, therefore I can change who I am - -
To think is to care and have consideration. What do you think? |
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Originally posted by yipun78 at 14-4-2006 01:30 PM
Definition of Thinking:
To think is to analyze, examine and sort out information and form in the mind ideas or opinions, to perform any mental operation, to reason, to bring to mind or recollect ...
i think yipun is a very shy gal lah hihihihihi:geram:
satu budak kecik..dia nak join satu group budak kecik lain yang sedang kecoh bermain bergurau gelak2 dalam group..budak kecik pompuan ni dia tengukkk jekk sambil peluk satu patung kecik dan gigit jari senyum2 soang suka tenguk grup tu bermain
then dia pegiiiiii..dia tunjuk patung baby dia tuuu sambil senyum
budak2 lain seme tetiba stop dan pandang memandang antara satu sama lain tak tau nak wat pe..nak ajak join keee nak layan keee or wat pe so keadaan standstill beberapa seketika.
tiba2 mai soang dak pompuan kecik lain dia pi kat dak yang de anak patung ehh cantikkk patung niii sapa nama diaaa? then seme pun ikutt kerumun dak baru tuuuuuu seme bisingggg tanya pok pek pok pekk dan meke later sama sama bermainnnn...
tok aji yang diluar memerhati grup budak2 ini..dengan tak disedari menetesss air mata tenguk group tu menerima dak baruuuu..tok aji sedih gumbira bersama mereka..aaaaaaaala la laaaa muchuk2 :nerd: |
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