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Post time 24-9-2019 10:07 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by cmf_shalom at 24-9-2019 10:08 AM


NEGARA Belgium merupakan satu negara yang terletak nun di Eropah Barat dan terkenal dengan keindahan bangunan-bangunan yang berlatarbelakangkan senibina renaissance yang terus dipulihara sehinggi kini. Dek kerana keindahan kota-kota di Belgium itu menyebabkan ia menjadi antara tempat tumpuan pelancong di seluruh dunia. Ibukota Belgium iaitu Brussel turut memainkan peranan yang penting kerana disinilah terletaknya ibupejabat bagi Kesatuan Eropah dan NATO.

Menyusuri sejarah sistem raja bermonarki di Belgium pernah ada seorang raja mereka yang cukup terkenal dengan jolokan “Raja Pembina” Belgium iaitu Raja Leopold II. Naik takhta pada tahun 1865 sehingga 1909, Raja Leopold II merupakan raja yang paling lama memerintah Belgium iaitu selama lebih kurang 44 tahun. Beliau digelar sebagai “Raja Pembina” Belgium kerana sewaktu era pemerintahan beliau telah dibina dengan begitu banyak sekali bangunan dan infrastruktur awam untuk kegunaan kerajaan dan rakyat.

Itu ceritanya Raja Leopold II sewaktu sudah menaiki takhta Belgium dan mungkin ramai tidak mengetahui bahawa sewaktu Leopold II menjadi putera mahkota Belgium yang digelar Duke of Brabant, beliau pernah “jatuh hati” kepada Sarawak yang terletak nun di pulau ketiga terbesar di dunia. Sekitar tahun 1861 yang mana pada ketika itu tersebar luas berita di seluruh dunia mengenai Sarawak dibawah pemerintahan seorang rajah berbangsa Inggeris bernama James Brooke. Antara yang menjadi dambaan beliau pada masa itu adalah mengenai keindahan serta hasil maksum Sarawak seperti emas dan hasil hutan yang bila-bila masa sahaja boleh dieksploitasi untuk menambahkan kekayaan beliau.

Teruja dengan keuntungan yang berlipatkali ganda sekiranya Sarawak menjadi miliknya maka telah dihantar satu rombongan perutusan Belgium untuk menemui kepada James Brooke. Dengan kempen-kempen memerangi lanun serta wilayah Sarawak yang semakin membesar telah menyebabkan kos untuk mentadbir Sarawak pada waktu itu memaksa Brooke untuk mencari pelabur-pelabur besar bangsa Eropah yang berminat melabur di Sarawak.

Hendak dijadikan cerita setelah beberapa siri mesyuarat antara kedua belah pihak akhirnya tawaran dari Leopold II untuk Brooke “menjual” Sarawak kepadanya adalah dengan sebanyak £130,000 iaitu kira-kira £11 juta (nilai sekarang). Walaupun sedemikian antara syarat terakhir untuk menyelesaikan proses jualan ini, Brooke harus memuktamarkannya di kota Brussel namun sayangnya biarpun sudah disediakan segalanya akhirnya Brooke tidak pernah muncul untuk berjumpa sendiri dengan beliau sehingga menyebabkan penjanjian tersebut dibatalkan.

Sebenarnya ada sebab mengapa Brooke dengan sengaja tidak mahu menghadiri mesyuarat terakhir penjualan Sarawak di kota Brussel pada waktu itu. Menurut sebuah buku yang dikarang oleh Stephen Press bertajuk Rogue Empires: Contracts and Conmen in Europe’s Scramble for Africa menyatakan secara mengkhusus antara sebab Brooke tidak mahu Leopold II membeli Sarawak kerana raja Belgium ini beranggapan bahawa rakyat Sarawak boleh dijadikan buruh paksa dan senang untuk dieksploitasi untuk kepentingan beliau. Selain itu permintaan untuk beliau menghormati adat dan budaya rakyat Sarawak juga tidak diendahkan malah pembangunan untuk Sarawak turut bukan agenda utamanya selain hanya untuk kekayaan diri semata-mata.

Walaupun impian memiliki Sarawak telah terkubur namun Leopold II masih lagi meneruskan perancangannya kerana selepas itu dikatakan ada usahanya untuk memiliki Kalimantan dibawah Belanda dan Filipina yang dibawah pengaruh Sepanyol. Walaupun sejumlah besar wang ditawarkan bagi beliau memiliki Kalimantan dan Filipina namun cita-cita beliau tidak juga kesampaian kerana kesemuanya ditolak oleh Belanda dan Sepanyol. Ada khabar angin mengatakan bahawa Brooke dengan hubungan dua halanya yang baik telah mempengaruhi Belanda dan Sepanyol untuk tidak bersekongkol dengan Leopold II bagi menjadi si penguasa Borneo dan kawasan sekitarnya.

Akhirnya Leopold II beralih arah yang mana seterusnya beliau mampu jua meluaskan kuasanya di luar Belgium dengan memiliki sejumlah besar kawasan di Afrika Tengah yang kita kenali dengan nama Congo Free State. Dimiliki oleh beliau pada tahun 1885 dan diperintah secara berasingan dari sistem monarki beraja negara Belgium menyebabkan beliau boleh melakukan eksploitasi secara bebas ke atas wilayah tersebut.

Di dalam sejarah hitam berdirinya Republik Congo itu sendiri ada terselit tragedi hitam yang dikenali sebagai “Congo Horrors”. Sejarah hitam ini berlaku yakni di ketika Congo berajakan Raja Leopold II yang menyaksikan 50% daripada pribumi Congo terkorban akibat tidak tertahan dengan sebagai buruh paksa. Yang sakit-sakit tidak langsung dirawati malah terus dituntut untuk bekerja dan mana-mana yang ingkar akan perintah raja maka akan diseksa sehingga ada sesetengah perkampungan pribumi Congo sengaja dibakar bagi melemahkan semangat mereka. Ini menyebabkan ramai pribumi Congo tidak kira kecil atau besar, lelaki atau wanita, muda atau orang tua menderita akibat kelaparan dan sakit sehingga membawa maut dengan jumlah berskala besar.

Sejarah “Congo Horrors” akan terus kekal sebagai mimpi ngeri rakyat Congo sehingga sekarang. Bayangkanlah sekiranya Brooke pada masa itu rambang mata dan akhirnya menyetujui penjualan Sarawak kepada Raja Leopold II, mungkin rakyat Sarawak termasuklah penulis artikel ini tidak akan pernah wujud di dunia ini kerana nenek moyang kita sudah awal-awal binasa dek kerana majoriti bangsa Eropah dahulukala lebih-lebih lagi yang berharta dan mempunyai kedudukan terlalu skeptikal dan memandang rendah akan kita semua yang dikatakan tidak bertamadun, bodoh dan pemalas.

Sejarah itu tidak pernah berbohong. Yang baik dijadikan tauladan dan yang buruk dijadikan sempadan.
1. Book: Rogue Empires - Contracts and Conmen In Europe’s Scramble for Africa, Author: Steven Press
2. Leopold II, King Of Belgium…/Leopold-II-king-of-Belgium
3. That One Time King Leopold II of Belgium Wanted To Buy Sarawak…/
4. The Congo Free State is established by King Leopold of Belgium…/congo-free-state-established-…
5. Belgium’s Heart of Darkness…/belgiums-heart-darkness



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 Author| Post time 24-9-2019 10:11 AM | Show all posts
Walaupun Brooke dan keturunannya sudah tidak menjadi Rajah kepada Sarawak, namun jasa dan pengorbanannya serta keturunannya patut dikenang.

Bagi aku tiada sebab utk kerajaan Sarawak tidak mengiktiraf keturunan Brooke sebagai warga Sarawak. Tanpa jasa Brooke, Sarawak lama dah terjual.

Bukan nak mengagungkan orang putih ke apa. Kalau layak diagung, apa salahnya.

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 Author| Post time 24-9-2019 10:16 AM | Show all posts
Peninggalan Brooke yang menyelamatkan Sarawak sekarang.

The Nine Cardinal Principles of the rule of the English Rajah is the Preamble of the Sarawak Constitution 1941, the document setting forth the Sarawak Constitution 1941 opened by enunciating the Cardinal Principle were edict by Charles Vyner Brooke, the White Rajah of Sarawak on 24 September 1941 known as the Nine Cardinal Principles of the rule of the White Rajah later adopted into the Report of the Commission of Enquiry, North Borneo and Sarawak, 1962 in APPENDIX C as the Nine Cardinal Principles of the rule of the English Rajah,[1]

The Cardinal Principles are set out in the First Schedule to the Sarawak (Constitution) Order in Council, 1956. They originally formed part of the Preamble to Order No. C-21 (Constitution), 1941, enacted by the Rajah of Sarawak. these were;

  • That Sarawak is the heritage of Our Subjects and is held in trust by Ourselves for them.
  • That social and education services shall be developed and improved and the standard of living of the people of Sarawak shall steadily be raised.
  • That never shall any person or persons be granted rights inconsistent with those of the people of this country or be in any way permitted to exploit Our Subjects or those who have sought Our protection and care.
  • That justice shall be freely obtainable and that the Rajah and every public servant shall be easily accessible to the public.
  • That freedom of expression both in speech and in writing shall be permitted and encouraged and that everyone shall be entitled to worship as he pleases.
  • That public servants shall ever remember that they are but the servants of the people on whose goodwill and co-operation they are entirely dependent.
  • That so far as may be Our Subjects of whatever race or creed shall be freely and impartially admitted to offices in Our Service, the duties of which they may be qualified by their education, ability and integrity duly to discharge.
  • That the goal of self-government shall always be kept in mind, that the people of Sarawak shall be entrusted in due course with the governance of themselves, and that continuous efforts shall be made to hasten the reaching of this goal by educating them in the obligations, the responsibilities, and the privileges of citizenship.
  • That the general policy of Our predecessors and Ourselves whereby the various races of the State have been enabled to live in happiness and harmony together shall be adhered to by Our successors and Our servants and all who may follow them hereafter.


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 Author| Post time 24-9-2019 10:23 AM | Show all posts
Edited by cmf_shalom at 24-9-2019 10:28 AM

That One Time King Leopold II Of Belgium Wanted To Buy Sarawak

King Leopold II, who ruled Belgium from 1865 to 1909, is known for many things.

Thanks to his huge number of construction projects, from buildings to public works in Belgium, he is remembered as the ‘Builder King’.

He remains the longest reigning monarch of Belgium, with 44 years under his belt.

Most infamously, perhaps, was that he was the founder and sole owner of the Congo Free State (1885-1908).
At one point, he was also very close to buying Sarawak.

Leopold II and Sarawak

When he was trying to expand his power outside Belgium, Leopold II was still the Duke of Brabant, the heir apparent to the throne.

He was looking for a place to colonise. As what he once said to his brother Prince Philippe, “The country must be strong, prosperous, therefore have a colonies of her own, beautiful and calm.”

Hence in February 1861, he asked one of his ambassadors to list down all the potential sites.

The island of Borneo stood out from the list.

Then he heard about James Brooke, and that the first White Rajah of Sarawak was financially struggling to rule the country.

With its rich natural resources from tropical timber to gold, Sarawak seemed to make an interesting and potentially profitable future colony for the Belgian king.

At that time Brooke was already in talks with financiers in Amsterdam looking how to set a company similar to Dutch East India Company.

omehow, Leopold II managed to get in touch with Brooke, offering £130,000, an estimated £9.86 million at today’s rate.
What happened to the deal?
Brooke was supposed to have a meeting with Leopold II in Brussels…but he didn’t show up.

Not a gracious thing to do especially to someone who paid your ticket from Borneo to Europe.

According to the book Rogue Empires: Contracts and Conmen in Europe’s Scramble for Africa by Stephen Press, Brooke had several reservations.
First of all, Leopold II reportedly wanted to treat everyone in Sarawak as cheap labour. To him, there was no such thing as ‘native rights’.

In his words, “Submitting the lazy and corrupted peoples of the Far-East to forced labour is the only possible way to civilise and moralise them.”

Brooke however, wanted guarantees that there would be respect for the culture and customs of Sarawakians. And of course, the White Rajah wanted economic development for Sarawak.

Thankfully, Brooke’s decision not to show up to the meeting effectively crossed Sarawak from King Leopold II’s list of potential colonies.

Nonetheless, Leopold II was inspired by Brooke. Looking at how the Brooke family ruled over Sarawak, the idea of buying, owning and ruling a country on his own became possible to him.

Besides Sarawak, he was also in the middle of other negotiations with the Dutch over Kalimantan and with Spain over the Philippines.

A narrow escape for Sarawak
After several attempts to buy his own colony, he finally managed to claim an area 76 times larger than Belgium in Central Africa.

He called it the Congo Free State, an area which Leopold II claimed to the international community he would extend philanthropic and humanitarian work under an NGO called International African Association.

The opposite was true.

In what would be known as the “Congo Horrors”, about 50% of the native population died due to being forced into labour (those who didn’t want to work had their houses and villages razed to the ground), disease and famine.

Rubber became the money-maker for Leopold, and so the enslaved population had to meet their quota or suffer the consequences, which included dismemberment, death and beatings.

The international community would finally hear of these atrocities and Leopold’s chokehold on the region would end in 1908. He died a year later, but not before he destroyed evidence of his activities there.Thankfully Brooke was far-sighted enough not to give Sarawak up to Leopold.



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Post time 24-9-2019 10:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau james jual pada Leopod.. Mmg habis Sarawak jadi mcm Congo. Leopod tu kejam ya amat... Sanggup cacatkan anak2 penoreh sbb nak bagi mak bapa kerja keras.



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 Author| Post time 24-9-2019 10:38 AM | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 24-9-2019 10:33 AM
Kalau james jual pada Leopod.. Mmg habis Sarawak jadi mcm Congo. Leopod tu kejam ya amat... Sanggup  ...

itu moyang ..mmbe kitaorg anak cucu tengah yamseng mcm ni:


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Post time 24-9-2019 10:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mujur brooke tak juai Sarawak pada Leopod. Kalau tak habih semua hasil bumi Sarawak dikekah bawak balik ke Belgium dan orang Sarawak jadi hamba ebdi Leopod macam jadi kat congo. Malah sampai ke hari ni rekod mass genocide dipegang oleh Leopod nih jaauhhhhh lagi banyak dari yang Hitler pernah buat dalam sejarah penaklukan.



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Post time 24-9-2019 10:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 24-9-2019 02:33 AM
Kalau james jual pada Leopod.. Mmg habis Sarawak jadi mcm Congo. Leopod tu kejam ya amat... Sanggup  ...

Haaaa kan dah kata. Baru je pakcik cakap tu. Kaaannnn ?

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Post time 24-9-2019 10:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_shalom replied at 24-9-2019 10:38 AM
itu moyang ..mmbe kitaorg anak cucu tengah yamseng mcm ni:

Congo mcm ni ka Shalom? Takkan.. Sesungguhnya James berjasa dlm memastikan Sarawak tak jadi mcm congo..

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Post time 24-9-2019 10:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
OttoVonBismark replied at 24-9-2019 10:41 AM
Mujur brooke tak juai Sarawak pada Leopod. Kalau tak habih semua hasil bumi Sarawak dikekah bawak ba ...

Pakcik Otto.. Lama x nampak.. Sihat?

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Post time 24-9-2019 10:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
OttoVonBismark replied at 24-9-2019 10:41 AM
Haaaa kan dah kata. Baru je pakcik cakap tu. Kaaannnn ?

Hahaha.. Ingat sy sorg fikir mcm tu.. Mmg kalau leopod dpt Sarawak habis la kena perah cukup2 mcm congo.

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 Author| Post time 24-9-2019 10:44 AM | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 24-9-2019 10:41 AM
Congo mcm ni ka Shalom? Takkan.. Sesungguhnya James berjasa dlm memastikan Sarawak tak jadi mcm co ...

dorg x ensem...

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Post time 24-9-2019 10:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_shalom replied at 24-9-2019 10:44 AM
dorg x ensem...

Nak gak mengaku ensem tu.. Ye la.. Aku penah jumpa seorg aku rasa iban sbb based corak tatu kat tgn dia yg ensem... Muka Melayu.. Aku rasa dia dlm air force..jumpa kat bank di alor setar.. Hahaha

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 Author| Post time 24-9-2019 10:46 AM | Show all posts
Edited by cmf_shalom at 24-9-2019 10:49 AM
OttoVonBismark replied at 24-9-2019 10:41 AM
Mujur brooke tak juai Sarawak pada Leopod. Kalau tak habih semua hasil bumi Sarawak dikekah bawak ba ...

Yup betul...

Banyak jasa Brooke.

Sebelum Brooke, tiada satu pun kuasa eropah pandang kt Sarawak.

Selepas Brooke, bukan setakat Belgium, Sepanyol pun mengadu domba dengan Ratu England pasal Brooke...siap komplen lagi yang Brooke x nak kerjasama sama...makan sorg2..

Tapi atas sumbangan Brooke la, dia digelar White Rajah oleh masyarakat England



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 Author| Post time 24-9-2019 10:47 AM | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 24-9-2019 10:46 AM
Nak gak mengaku ensem tu.. Ye la.. Aku penah jumpa seorg aku rasa iban sbb based corak tatu kat tg ...

ko ingat semua bertatooo tu ensem ..bluerkkkkkkkk

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Post time 24-9-2019 10:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_shalom replied at 24-9-2019 10:47 AM
ko ingat semua bertatooo tu ensem ..bluerkkkkkkkk

Woiii.. Aku kata based on tatu aku rasa dia iban.. Muka dia ensem la.. Aku ni susah nak puji lelaki ensem tau.. Kalau aku ckp ensem tu tanda mmg delicious laa.. Hahahaa

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 Author| Post time 24-9-2019 10:50 AM | Show all posts
Edited by cmf_shalom at 24-9-2019 10:52 AM
sarah82 replied at 24-9-2019 10:48 AM
Woiii.. Aku kata based on tatu aku rasa dia iban.. Muka dia ensem la.. Aku ni susah nak puji lelak ...

Biasanya yg bertatoo mmg iban...

Iban mmg ensem....apa lagi iban peranakan..

Ambik muka melayu skit..cina skit...iban skit...exotic org ckp..

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Post time 24-9-2019 10:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_shalom replied at 24-9-2019 10:50 AM
Biasanya yg bertatoo mmg iban...

Iban mmg ensem...ok bye..

Dayak aku x pernah jumpa lagi.. Nanti aku skodeng kat air force base ni tau..

Tapi aku nak bgtau ang.. Aku suka gila tgk tentera Siam lengkap uniform.. Dulu selalu nampak since aku dok dekat2 borders.. Segak gilaa.. Hahahaha

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 Author| Post time 24-9-2019 11:00 AM | Show all posts
Edited by cmf_shalom at 24-9-2019 11:21 AM

Sebelum British mengambil alih Sarawak, British pernah membuat semakan dengan keturunan Brooke status Sistem Amanah yang diwarisi dari Brooke. Ini adalah jawapan Rajah Charles Vyner Brooke kepada Ratu British pada 19 June 1944:

i and my family are Trustees for the State and people of Sarawak, who are well aware that is it not in the position of a 'Colonial Dependency,' so their consent to any step which would tend to approach such a relationship would naturally have to be obtained. It can scarcely be obtained at the present time when, owing to the unavoidable inability of the Protecting Power to preserve them from invasion, they are under alien rule."

Kerana itu, semasa Penyerahan Sarawak kepada British, amanah ini turut diakui oleh British. Sarawak tidak sama sekali akan menjadi Malayan Union ataupun Persekutuan Tanah Malaya. Ini adalah mengistiharan Kerajaan British:


"In the event of cession, Sarawak would become a Colony and would be administered generally on the same lines as other Colonies within the British Empire. It would not form part of the Malayan Union.

Sarawak subjects would become British subjects.

The cardinal principles set out in the 1941 Constitution are in general in accord with those which govern the administration of other parts of the Colonial Empire. The Constitution of 1941 would be continued in the first place subject to such amendments as are necessitated by cession. But it would be necessary quite soon to introduce other changes (in particular to provide for the Royal Assent to legislation and for His Majesty's power of disallowance) in order to adapt the Constitution to the new status of Sarawak as part of His Majesty's dominions.

As a preliminary to that the Governor of Sarawak would be asked too into the whole constitutional question with the representatives of the communities and other persons concerned on the spot, with a view to recommending what steps should be taken, at the time when these changes are made, to associate the people of Sarawak with its government and administration on a basis as broadly representative as conditions permit. It is hoped in this way to secure the maximum progressive constitutional development.

In all legislative and administrative measures the fullest regard would be paid to the religions and existing rights and customs of the various communities.

There is no intention of exploiting the people of the country or its resources, and among the most important objectives would be rehabilitation, improvement of social services and communications, and controlled development of trade and resources with a view to raising the standard of living of the inhabitants."


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Post time 24-9-2019 11:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_shalom replied at 24-9-2019 11:00 AM
Sebelum British mengambil alih Sarawak, British pernah membuat semakan dengan keturunan Brooke sta ...

Lepas aku baca.. White rajah mmg sygkan Sarawak.

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