What makes a movie neo noir?
It meant dark movie, indicating a sense of something sinister andshadowy, but also expressing a style of cinematography. The film noirgenre includes stylish Hollywood crime dramas, often with a twisted dark wit. Neo-noirhas a similar style but with updated themes, content, style, visual elements ormedia
Usually cerita yg ada storyline drama and with include of jenayah,pembunuhan.
Some films listing, might not be really accurate. Cause it depens onindividual who perceive and view it.
okla kita masing2 ada different views. but why ai tak linked withWestWorld, cause indeed WW is a series. But come to the next few episodes, thestoryline move on telling the audience there is 2 different world. The virtueplayer and the creator. So from there, viewers is like given a choice toget acquainted with the respective character.
Unlike movies, usually the plot is focus on character and audience havehard time guessing which one is real or not.
'Arrival' (2016) yup i watch this in cinema, i never read about that itis actually an adaptation from a book. So expectation is far beyond. Causefrankly memang tertido tengok.
Just to add 'Arrival' nih mungkin pat Asia kurang dapat sambutan, but inUS or other country, sci-fi film like this is a big hit. It is too intellectualmovie to discuss. I think we have this thread somewhere.