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[Dunia] Vatican keliru, Nabi ISA terbang ke syurga

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Post time 27-3-2017 09:17 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
VATICAN IN AWE: 1500 Year Old Bible Confirms that Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified
March 21, 2017 Native American News

Much to the dismay of the Vatican, an approx. 1500-2000 year old bible was found in Turkey, in the Ethnography Museum of Ankara.  Discovered and kept secret in the year 2000, the book contains the Gospel of Barnabas – a disciple of Christ – which shows that Jesus was not crucified, nor was he the son of God, but a Prophet.  The book also calls Apostle Paul “The Impostor”.  The book also claims that Jesus ascended to heaven alive, and that Judas Iscariot was crucified in his place.

A report by The National Turk says that the Bible was seized from a gang of smugglers in a Mediterranean-area operation. The report states the gang was charged with smuggling antiquities, illegal excavations, and the possession of explosives.  The books itself is valued as high as 40 Million Turkish Liras (approx. 28 mil. Dollars).  Man, where is the Thieves Guild, when you need them?


According to reports, experts and religious authorities in Tehram insist that the book is original.  The book itself is written with gold lettering, onto loosely-tied leather in Aramaic, the language of Jesus Christ.  The text maintains a vision similar to Islam, contradicting the New Testament’s teachings of Christianity.   Jesus also foresees the coming of the Prophet Muhammad, who would found Islam 700 years later.

It is believed that, during the Council of Nicea, the Catholic Church hand-picked the gospels that form the Bible as we know it today; omitting the Gospel of Barnabas (among many others) in favor of the four canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  Many biblical texts have begun to surface over time, including those of the Dead Sea and Gnostic Gospels; but this book especially, seems to worry the Vatican.

The Catholic Church wants in

What does this mean to Christian-derived religions and their followers?  Quite a tight spot.  The Vatican has asked Turkish authorities to let them examine the contents of the book within the Church.  Now that the book has been found, will they come to accept the it and its evidence?  Will they deny it altogether?  Call it a “Muslim lie”, as did the “Truth” Magazine, in 2000?  To many, this book is a beacon of hope, that believers soon realize that the object of their adoration is arbitrary; and that all text, especially religious text, is subject to interpretation.

What does this mean to atheists/agnostics/secular thinkers?  Not much… Is the text real?  Fake?  Does it matter?  Not really… But hopefully, this news inspires the religious to ask questions, instead of pointing fingers or believing anything blindly.  Please, don’t go poking fun or tossing around the “I told you so!”s.  The biggest danger of faith is when people believe what they want to believe, defending against any and all evidence; especially when that evidence revolutionizes their foundation from the ground up.  And the biggest culprit to that danger is the ego trap: rejecting/criticizing others, for being unlike you.  For centuries, the “defense” of blind faith has driven nations to war, violence, discrimination, slavery and to become the society of automatons that we are today; and for just as long, it has been justified with lies.  If you know better, act like it. ... -was-not-crucified/

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Post time 27-3-2017 09:29 AM | Show all posts
similar dgn ajaran Islam

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 Author| Post time 27-3-2017 09:35 AM | Show all posts

malangnya umat isle enggan membenarkan umat vatican memeriksa ketulenan kitab itu   

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Post time 27-3-2017 10:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by cmf_shalom at 27-3-2017 10:39 AM

Lor..tiap taun..muncul jer isu  ni...

Btw..injil ni bukan berusia 1500 ditulis pd tahun 1500ad..

Btw..if ada org islam lebih percaya kpd manuskrip yg dikatakan injil yg dikarang pada sekitar tahun 1500ad..iaitu 1500 tahun selepas jesus..sila2...

Jauh beza tu..

Ak lebih selesa pada masa ni berpegang pada injil..yg mana bdasarkan pegangan tradisi (bukan liberal)..yg mn injil milik umat xtian skrg ditulis pd generasi ptama umat xtian..aka zaman Para Rasul msh idup

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Post time 27-3-2017 10:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
akak baru tgk ben-hur semalam. dlm citer tu yg salibkan jesus sampai mati tentera rom?? mmg betul ke?

tapi jesus dlm ben-hur tu ensem kott..

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Post time 27-3-2017 10:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_shalom replied at 27-3-2017 02:25 AM
Lor..tiap taun..muncul jer isu  ni...

Btw..injil ni bukan berusaha 1500 ditulis pd tahun ...

hang salah baca ka? rasanya dia tulis  an approx. 1500-2000 year old bible.

ntah i pula yg pening. haha

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Post time 27-3-2017 10:38 AM | Show all posts
islam  1  kapir  0


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Post time 27-3-2017 10:40 AM | Show all posts
cmf_shalom replied at 27-3-2017 10:25 AM
Lor..tiap taun..muncul jer isu  ni...

Btw..injil ni bukan berusaha 1500 ditulis pd tahun ...

org islam cuma menyampaikan/ kongsi info.....tak nak terima? terserah....

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Post time 27-3-2017 10:41 AM | Show all posts
cmf_shalom replied at 27-3-2017 10:25 AM
Lor..tiap taun..muncul jer isu  ni...

Btw..injil ni bukan berusaha 1500 ditulis pd tahun ...

org islam cuma menyampaikan/ kongsi info.....tak nak terima? terserah....

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Post time 27-3-2017 10:41 AM | Show all posts
cmf_shalom replied at 27-3-2017 10:25 AM
Lor..tiap taun..muncul jer isu  ni...

Btw..injil ni bukan berusaha 1500 ditulis pd tahun ...

org islam cuma menyampaikan/ kongsi info.....tak nak terima? terserah....

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Post time 27-3-2017 10:41 AM | Show all posts
cmf_shalom replied at 27-3-2017 10:25 AM
Lor..tiap taun..muncul jer isu  ni...

Btw..injil ni bukan berusaha 1500 ditulis pd tahun ...

org islam cuma menyampaikan/ kongsi info.....tak nak terima? terserah....

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Post time 27-3-2017 10:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
samasam90 replied at 27-3-2017 10:38 AM
hang salah baca ka? rasanya dia tulis  an approx. 1500-2000 year old bible.

ntah i pula yg pe ...

Tajuk news yg salah..

Nnti ak sertakan bukti dr manuskrip tsebut..

Isu psl ni dh lama.. Tp biasala..mnjelang nak paskah..akan timvul blk..

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Post time 27-3-2017 10:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Akak teringin nak jumpa jesus christ

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Post time 27-3-2017 10:57 AM | Show all posts
Edited by cmf_shalom at 27-3-2017 11:00 AM
samasam90 replied at 27-3-2017 10:38 AM
hang salah baca ka? rasanya dia tulis  an approx. 1500-2000 year old bible.

ntah i pula yg pe ...

Aku CnP ulasan dari Vatican Insider.. Isu pasal manuskrip ni telah muncul sejak tahun 2012...tapi setiap tahun..menjelang Perayaan Paska, akan muncul balik...

Perhatian ayat yang aku bold dengan tanda merah:


Much has been written in the past few days, particularly in Muslim newspapers, on the discovery of a bible in Turkey, a bible that was apparently written in Aramaic – the language Jesus spoke – approximately 1,500 years ago. The bible is written on leather pages in gold letters. The cover has inscriptions in Aramaic and a cross, drawn in a rather rudimentary way. What has attracted the most attention – from the media point of view – is a number of statements made by Jesus where he apparently predicts the coming of Muhammad. Nevertheless, up to now no media organisation has published the exact words attributed to Christ.

But alas, this extraordinary discovery is probably a hoax, the work of a forger who, according to some, could have been a European Jewish scholar from the Middle Ages. The most factual criticisms have come from the Syriacs. Indeed, anyone who speaks modern Assyrian (also known as neo-Aramaic) will find the inscription on the so-called ‘Gospel of Barnabas’ easy to read. However errors are just as easy to make out. Apparently, the main inscription, in a modern transliteration, reads: ‘b-shimmit maran paish kteewa aha ktawa al idateh d-rabbaneh d-dera illaya b-ninweh b'sheeta d-alpa w-khamshamma d-maran’. This apparently means: ‘In the name of the Lord, this book is written by monks of the high monastery in Nineveh in the 1500th year of our Lord.’ There is not enough space here to go through the grammatical and conceptual errors in detail, but experts in modern Assyrian assure us that they are obvious and quite significant. Apart from anything else, the inscription says ‘book’, but one never refers to a bible in Assyrian with the word ‘book’. The Bible is either referred to as New or Old Testament, or Holy Book. It is quite unlikely that monks could have made such obvious mistakes.

However these are not the only issues in a case that raises interesting points – both at the time of its creation and now – only when considered in the light of a rather hostile attitude towards Christians. Today, a fair number of newspapers and media organisations in Muslim Countries have picked up the news, saying that ‘an ancient, 1500-year-old bible predicted the coming of Muhammad.’ Apart from the obvious age confusion between the 1500 years attributed by the media and the date of 1500 AD written in the book’s main inscription, it is clear that predicting in 1500 AD something that occurred in 630 AD is no great prophecy. So we have to ask ourselves why the Islamic media is so ready to approve what seems to be a glaring mistake whatever way you look at it, a mistake which however appeals to followers of Islam, who have always claimed that Jesus, ‘Issa’, was the predecessor of ‘the Seal of the Prophets’.

According to reports in Al Bawaba, the Turkish Minister of Culture and Tourism, Ertugrul Gunay, stated that ‘in line with Islamic belief, the Gospel of Barnabas treats Jesus as a human being and not as God. It rejects the idea of the Holy Trinity and the Crucifixion and reveals that Jesus predicted the coming of the Prophet Muhammad.’

However, even from an Islamic point of view, the ‘Gospel of Barnabas’ is far from flawless. For example, it says that there are nine heavens and that the tenth is Paradise, while the Qur’an only mentions seven. The Aramaic text states that Mary gave birth to Jesus without experiencing pain while the Qur’an explicitly refers to the pain of childbirth. Moreover, according to these reports, the apocryphal text says that Jesus apparently told Hebrew clerics that he was not the Messiah and that Muhammad would be the Messiah. This, in fact, would seem to reject the existence of a Messiah and makes it so that Jesus and Muhammad appear as the same person.

That is without even taking into account the historical details. The text mentions three armies the Palestine of the time, each of which was made up of 200,000 soldiers. However the entire population of Palestine 2,000 years ago probably didn’t come to more than 200,000 people, according to some scholars. In short, all of this leads us to believe that we are dealing with a wonderful fake. But when was it written? There is a clue and it is found in chapter 217. The last sentence states that 100 pounds of stone were placed on the body of Christ and this would lead us to believe that the gospel was penned recently: the first use of the pound as a unit of weight dates to the Ottoman Empire in its dealings with Italy and Spain. According to some scholars, ‘the gospel attributed to Saint Barnabas was written by a European Jew in the Middle Ages who was fairly familiar with the Qur’an and the Gospels. He mixed facts and elements from both but his intentions are still unknown.’ Unfortunately, despite the fact that doubts and questions concerning the gospel were well-known, many Islamic media organisations have reported the gospel’s statements on Jesus’ predictions regarding Muhammad as if they were fact, something which will certainly cause problems at a ground-roots level, in terms of relations between Christian and Muslim communities, especially if the latter do not have a high level of education.


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Post time 27-3-2017 11:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Simunggu replied at 27-3-2017 10:41 AM
org islam cuma menyampaikan/ kongsi info.....tak nak terima? terserah....

Baca ulasan dr vatican insider yg ak cnp...kt isu ada penjelasan dr pandangan xtian bhubung isu ini

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Post time 27-3-2017 11:40 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 27-3-2017 03:42 AM

Bagi saya semua kitab yang wujud adalah dari imaginasi manusia yang di tokok tambah...dan agama adalah man made.

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Post time 27-3-2017 03:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 27-3-2017 11:40 AM
Bagi saya semua kitab yang wujud adalah dari imaginasi manusia yang di tokok tambah...dan agama adal ...

Bagi aku..xde masalah if ada perbezaan pandangan dan pendapat.

Mcm aku, buat masa ini aku masih selesa dengan pandangan konservatif..walaupun kekadang aku tbuka dln pandangan yg agak berbeza

Setiap manusia mempunyai daya taakulan yg berbeza

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Post time 27-3-2017 03:34 PM | Show all posts
takpelah, insyaAllah, nanti nabi isa a. s akan zuhur jua...      beliau adalah wakil pilihan Ilahi...  kita berdoalah semoga baginda segera muncul..

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Post time 27-3-2017 03:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hanakikan replied at 27-3-2017 10:33 AM
akak baru tgk ben-hur semalam. dlm citer tu yg salibkan jesus sampai mati tentera rom?? mmg betul ke ...

Tentera Rom yang salib Yudas Escariot...Yahudi dapat nama

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Post time 27-3-2017 03:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_shalom replied at 27-3-2017 11:37 AM
Baca ulasan dr vatican insider yg ak cnp...kt isu ada penjelasan dr pandangan xtian bhubung isu in ...

Takda laporan sejarah dari pihak Kristian dan Vatican berkenaan Yudas Escariot selepas kejadian Salib itu.

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