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DR. MAURICE BUCAILLE masuk Islam selepas bedah Mumia Firaun.

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Post time 27-9-2016 11:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by lemonjuss at 27-9-2016 12:30 PM

Kenapa Dr. Maurice Bucaille Memeluk Islam Selepas Bedah Mumia Firaun?

Pada tahun 1976, Presiden Perancis menawarkan kerajaan Mesir bantuan untuk meneliti, mempelajari dan menganalisis mumia Firaun, Ramsess II yang sangat terkenal..

Firaun yang dikatakan hidup di zaman Nabi Musa yang akhirnya mati tenggelam dalam Laut Merah ketika mengejar Musa dan para pengikut baginda yang melarikan diri daripada kekejamannya.

Mesir menyambut baik tawaran itu dan membenarkan mumia itu diterbangkan ke Paris.

Malah ketika sampai di sana kedatangan mumia itu disambut dengan pesta dan keramaian.

Ini termasuklah apabila Presiden Mitterand dan para pemimpin Perancis yang lain tunduk hormat ketika mumia itu dibawa lalu di hadapan mereka.

Mumia itu kemudiannya diletakkan di ruang khas di Pusat Arkeologi Perancis.

Di situ ia bakal diperiksa sekali gus membongkar rahsianya oleh para pakar, doktor bedah dan autopsi Perancis yang dipimpin oleh doktor yang sangat terkenal, Prof. Dr. Maurice Bucaille.

Bucaille seorang pakar bedah kenamaan Perancis yang dilahirkan di Pont-L’Eveque pada 19 Julai 1920. Memulakan kerjaya di bidang perubatan am dan pada tahun 1945 beliau diiktiraf sebagai pakar di bidang gastroentorologi.

Ramai kerabat diraja dan keluarga pemimpin dunia menggunakan khidmat Dr. Bucaille, termasuk Raja Faisal Arab Saudi dan pemimpin Mesir, Anwar Sadat.

Lalu kesempatan beliau untuk membedah dan menyiasat mumia Firaun, mengerah seluruh tenaga dan mindanya untuk menguak misteri di sebalik penyebab kematian raja Mesir kuno itu.

Ternyata, hasilnya sangat mengejutkan.

Dr. Bucaille menemukan sisa-sisa garam yang masih melekat pada jasad mumia tersebut sebagai bukti terbesar bahawa Firaun itu mati akibat tenggelam di dalam laut.

Iaitu jasadnya segera dikeluarkan dari laut, ‘dirawat’ segera dan dijadikan mumia supaya jasad itu kekal awet.

Namun penemuan itu menimbulkan persoalan yang sangat besar kepada Dr. Bucaille.

Bagaimana jasad tersebut masih dalam keadaan sangat baik berbanding jasad-jasad yang lazimnya tenggelam dan dikeluarkan daripada laut?

Lalu beliau menyiapkan sebuah laporan akhir yang diyakininya sebagai penemuan baru, iaitu proses menyelamatkan mayat Firaun dari laut dan kaedah pengawetannya.

Laporan tersebut diterbitkan dengan tajuk; Mumia Firaun: Sebuah Penelitian Perubatan Moden (judul asalnya; Les Momies Des Pharaons Et La Midecine).

Ekoran penerbitan laporan itu, Dr Bucaille dianugerah penghargaan tertinggi kerajaan iaitu Le Prix Diane Potier-Boes (Penghargaan Dalam Sejarah) oleh Academie Frantaise dan anugerah Prix General daripada Academie Nationale De Medicine, Perancis.


mumia ramses

Namun seorang rakan sempat membisikkan kepada Dr. Bucaille bahawa penemuan ini sebenarnya bukan sesuatu yang baru.

“Jangan tergesa-gesa kerana sesungguhnya umat Islam telah berbicara mengenai peristiwa Firaun yang mati lemas dan mayatnya dipelihara sehingga hari ini!”

Namun kata-kata itu ditentang keras oleh Dr. Bucaille kerana beliau menganggap sangat mustahil.

Baginya membongkar sesebuah misteri yang lama tidak mungkin dapat diketahui kecuali dengan perkembangan teknologi moden, peralatan dan makmal canggih yang mutakhir dan tepat.

Dr. Bucaille menjadi serba salah dan bingung apabila diberitahu bahawa al-Quran yang diyakini dan dipercayai oleh umat Islam telahpun meriwayatkan kisah tenggelamnya Firaun dan kemudian mayatnya diselamatkan.

Beliau semakin tertanya-tanya, bagaimana perkara seperti itu dapat diterima oleh akal kerana mumia itu baru sahaja ditemui sekitar tahun 1898.

Sedangkan al-Quran telah ada di tangan umat Islam sejak ribuan tahun sebelumnya.

Sambil mata tidak lepas memandang mumia Firauan yang terbujur di hadapannya, Dr. Bucaille terus tertanya-tanya bagaimana al-Quran dapat membicarakan kisah Firaun yang jasadnya diselamatkan dari hancur sejak ribuan tahun lalu.

“Apakah masuk akal di hadapanku ini adalah Firaun yang cuba menangkap Musa (Nabi)? Apakah masuk akal Muhammad (Nabi) mengetahui hal sejarah ini? Pada hal kejadian Musa dikejar Firaun telah berlaku sebelum al-Quran diturunkan,” bicara hatinya sendirian.

Lalu beliau mendapatkan kitab Injil yang di dalamnya hanya membicarakan Firaun yang tenggelam di tengah laut saat mengejar Nabi Musa tetapi tidak diceritakan mengenai mayat Firaun.

Sementara dalam Kitab Perjanjian Lama (Injil Lama) pula yang diceritakan dalam kitab itu hanyalah: “Air (laut) pun kembali seperti sebuah lautan yang berombak dan beralun, menenggelamkan kereta-kereta (chariot) kuda, pasukan berkuda dan seluruh bala tentera Firaun tanpa ada seorang pun yang berjaya menyelamatkan diri. Tetapi anak-anak Israel dapat menyelamatkan diri atas daratan kering di tengah-tengah laut itu”. (Exodus 14:28 dan Psalm 136:15)

Dr. Bucaille sangat terkejut kerana tidak ada disebut langsung mengenai apa yang terjadi seterusnya kepada mayat Firaun selepas tenggelam itu.

Ini menjadikan beliau semakin kebingungan.

Apabila mumia dikembalikan semula ke Mesir, Dr. Bucaille terus mendapatkan kepastian mengenai mumia itu.

Lalu beliau memutuskan untuk bertemu dengan para ilmuwan Islam mengenai sejarah Nabi Musa, kekejaman Firaun sehinggalah Bani Israel meninggalkan Mesir dan dikejar Firaun dengan seluruh bala tentera di belakang mereka.

Maka salah seorang mereka terus bangun dan membaca ayat al-Quran berhubung sejarah tersebut untuk Dr. Bucaille mendengarkannya sendiri:

“Maka pada hari ini Kami selamatkan badan kamu supaya kamu dapat menjadi pelajaran bagi orang-orang yang datang sesudah kamu dan sesungguhnya kebanyakan manusia lengah dari tanda-tanda kekuasaan Kami.” (Yunus: 92)

Apabila mendengar ayat ini, hati Dr. Bucaille benar-benar tersentuh. Beliau akhirnya mengakui kebenaran ayat itu kerana ia dapat diterima akal dan memberikan satu inspirasi serta dorongan kepada sains untuk maju meneroka lebih jauh lagi.

Lalu dengan hati yang begitu bergetaran dalam menahan sebak dan keharuan, beliau pun bangun dan dengan suara yang lantang berkata: “Sesungguhnya aku masuk Islam dan beriman dengan al-Quran ini.”

Tidak sekadar beliau mengakui kebenaran dan memeluk Islam tetapi beliau kemudiannya pulang ke Perancis dengan menggali seluruh isi al-Quran.

Akhirnya beliau berjaya menerbitkan buku yang sangat mengejutkan seluruh dunia dan sehingga kini telah diterjemahkan dalam pelbagai bahasa pada tahun 1976, iaitu The Bible, the Qur’an, and Science : The Holy Scriptures Examined in the Light of Modern Knowledge.

Melalui buku ini, Dr. Bucaille yang kemudiannya dikenali sebagai Dr. Yahya Maurice Bucaille berjaya membuktikan bahawa al-Quran adalah selari dengan fakta-fakta sains sementara kitab Injil adalah sebaliknya.

“Sains dan Islam umpama saudara kembar yang tidak boleh berpisah. Ini kerana dalam Injil terdapat pelbagai kesilapan dari aspek saintifik tetapi tiada sedikitpun kesilapan seperti itu ada dalam al-Quran. “Al-Quran yang di dalamnya diceritakan segala penjelasan mengenai fenomena alam semula jadi yang sangat bertepatan dengan sains moden,” katanya.

Beliau memberikan kesimpulan bahawa tidak syak lagi al-Quran benar-benar kalam Allah!


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Post time 27-9-2016 11:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Oooo... Mcm tu kisahnya. Emmmmm kan?

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Post time 27-9-2016 11:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
suh acong komen benda ni

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Post time 27-9-2016 12:02 PM | Show all posts
Edited by OmJualGas at 27-9-2016 12:39 PM

untung jual buku...

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Post time 27-9-2016 12:03 PM | Show all posts
banyak hikmah bila kita membaca and memahami isi kandungan dalam al-quran...Allahumma aamiin...

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Post time 27-9-2016 12:03 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 27-9-2016 12:04 PM | Show all posts
Lepas ni kita dengar penerangan kenapa Neil Armstrong masuk Isle selepas kembali dari bulan pulak....

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Post time 27-9-2016 12:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maurice bucaille ni dibayar oleh keluarga diraja saudick arabica utk produce buku tu

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Post time 27-9-2016 12:27 PM | Show all posts
mcm mana muka mumia ramses 11 ni..?
bole tepek tak.?

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Post time 27-9-2016 01:30 PM | Show all posts
menyeru atheist dan haters islam untuk menyalak dalam tered in.....

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Post time 27-9-2016 01:31 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 27-9-2016 01:33 PM | Show all posts
Maurice Bucaille (French pronunciation: ​[moris bykaj]; 19 July 1920, Pont-l'Évêque, Calvados – 17 February 1998[1]), son of Maurice and Marie (James) Bucaille,[2] was a French medical doctor, member of the French Society of Egyptology, and an author. Bucaille practiced medicine from 1945–82 and was a specialist in gastroenterology.[2] In 1973, Bucaille was appointed family physician to king Faisal of Saudi Arabia. Another of his patients at the time included members of the family of then President of Egypt, Anwar Sadat.[3]


In 1974 Ramesses II mummy was sent to Paris for examination and study. Bucaille led a team of French scientists in examining the mummy.[citation needed] According to Maurice Bucaille, he was more interested in finding whether Ramesses II was the pharoh at the time of Moses and to find out how Ramesses died. He believes what he found was a turning point in his ideas that led him to become interested in Quran, Islamic sources claim that he converted to Islam later.[4][5]

The Bible, The Qur'an and Science

In 1976 Bucaille published his book, The Bible, The Qur'an and Science which told that the Qur'an contains no statements contradicting established scientific facts.[6] Bucaille gives examples of astronomy, embryology, and multiple other subjects that had major advances in the 20th century. Bucaille told that the Quran is in agreement with scientific facts, while the Bible is not. He states that in Islam, science and religion have always been "twin sisters" (vii). According to Bucaille, there are "monumental errors" of science in the Bible and not a single error in the Quran. Bucaille's belief is that the Quran's descriptions of natural phenomena make it compatible with modern science. He concludes that the Quran is the Word of God. He also tells that some of the most celebrated scientific discoveries in the 20th century, were described in detail and accuracy.

Bucaille tells that the Old Testament has been distorted because of numerous translations and corrections as it was transmitted orally. He highlights, in his words, "numerous disagreements and repetitions", in the Old Testament and the Gospels. In his analysis, he states that he makes use of many propositions of biblical criticism, such as the documentary hypothesis.

"Bucailleism" is a term used for the movement to relate modern science with religion, and especially that of Islam.[7] Since the publishing of The Bible, the Quran and Science, Bucaillists have promoted the idea that the Quran is of divine origin, arguing that it contains scientifically correct facts.[8][9]

According to The Wall Street Journal, Bucailleism is "in some ways the Muslim counterpart to Christian creationism" although "while creationism rejects much of modern science, Bucailleism embraces it". It described Bucailleism as being "disdained by most mainstream scholars" but said it has fostered pride in Muslim heritage and played an important role in attracting converts.[10]

According to Sameer Rahim, writing in The Daily Telegraph, some of Bucaille's "assertions have been ridiculed by scientists and sophisticated theologians".[11]

Quranic predictions have also been called "vague descriptions of natural phenomena" employing "stretched or arbitrary" interpretations.[12] Alleged Quranic references in particular to the expanding universe, parallel universes, and cosmic structural hierarchies have been called "blatantly wrong."[13] Anti-Bucailleist arguments do not necessarily argue in favor of unbelief, since as one says, "God does not stand or fall depending on whether our scriptures know their physics."[13]

According to Ziauddin Sardar, "Bucaille's assertions are not wild; he is quite objective about his undertaking and remains more or less within the boundaries of common sense".[8]

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Post time 27-9-2016 01:34 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Modngengade at 27-9-2016 05:41 AM

Dr. Maurice Bucaille is a surgeon by profession. He is also a renowned scholar. In order to be able to read Quran in its original text and to study its meaning and purport through direct access to its early and modern commentaries, he devoted himself to the learning of Arabic language at the ripe age of fifty.

Thereafter, he made a beginning by trying to reconcile proven scientific truths with religious axioms. As a result of these studies, he wrote his famous book "QURAN, BIBLE AND SCIENCE" in 1976, which caused a furor in high academic circles - particularly in the Christian world.

After a deeper study of Islam and the Quran, he has authored another book titled, "THE ORIGIN OF MAN". It comprised Quranic explanations of some of the queries raised much earlier than the period when those queries were logically and satisfactorily resolved by scientific experimentation, to be fully in conformity with the explanations provided by Quran about 1500 years before. The Church acknowledged and accepted these researches of Dr. Bucaille to be a valuable contribution to human knowledge and the author became famous all over the world, like Cambridge, and Oxford Universities in U.K. & Yale and Harvard in USA. He was invited to give Extension Lectures in their academic institutions. By dint of his Quranic thought, and by virtue of his unprejudiced and realistic approach to Quranic thought, and by virtue of his unprejudiced and realistic discussion and research work, Dr. Bucaille has converted a number of high ranking scholars to agree with him and to subscribe to his view that the Quran is a Divine Book, not authored by any human being and actually a Book of Revelations from Almighty God to His Last Prophet, Mohammed, Peace Be Upon Him.

M. Bucaille is of the view that his findings in this behalf are a cause of consternation and chagrin to Western scholars because of their earlier exposure to false and fictitious propaganda against Islam and its Prophet (S.A.W.), by the Christian clergy and by biased Western writers and authors. This misguided class of people could not believe that Quran was the only Scripture which had remained sacrosanct and free from all additions, alterations and interpolations and consequently it still retained the purity to guide mankind in all ages, places and in every conceivable crisis.

For over 1400 years it has been the only treasure house of ecclesiastical and cosmic knowledge about the universe and life itself. Mankind has not yet to progress and proceed to a stage where it can fully be au fait with all the pearls and gems of wisdom and truth, garnered in its bosom by this miracle of literacy, excellence and academic purity which could not be matched even in one small sentence by the literary giants of yore, in spite of an open challenge to this effect.
Q: What urged you so forcefully to undertake a study of the Quran and other scriptures, and why?

A: Like all other Frenchmen, I was also initially of the view that Islam was a religion conceived and introduced by a genius and a remarkable man of great intellect, known by the name of Mohammed (S.A.W.). Fifty years ago, by the Grace of God, I became professionally qualified to practice as a surgeon, and used to discuss and compare (views on) Islam and Christianity with my patients who came to consult me (and with my co-professionals). I was told by some of them that my knowledge of Islam and about its discipline was to a great extent misconceived and mistaken. In the beginning I was inclined to doubt them, but now and then some people produced actual and original Quranic Verses in contradiction of my references, and I was compelled to revise my conclusions. And, as a result of this revision and review, I felt that they were right and I was wrong.

I found that those who had been my teachers had a wrong approach to the problem and had imparted incorrect information to me. My knowledge of Islam, until then, had been restricted to Radio and T.V. reviews, articles published in various magazines and reproduced in biased treatise books. But I was perplexed; what should I do? How should I amend my position and rectify my understanding?
Q: When did this happen?

A: After the 8th Vatican Conference but before the birth of a tolerant attitude on the part of European scholars gravitating to unbiased thought, i.e. before 1926, when the cleavage between Muslims and Christian scholars was at its zenith and there was no prospect of a direct dialogue between them.
Q: How did you react to this situation?

A: There was only one road open to me then, that of learning Arabic language so that I could study the Holy Book, Quran, in its original form and try to get at its meaning directly. I devoted the next two years to this task when I had acquired enough knowledge of Arabic (in language and literature) to be able to make a dependable study of the Quran faithfully as well as academically.
Q: And how did this benefit you?

A: I knew then that the Quran was the "Work of Allah" and had not been authored by any human being. I was also convinced that Mohammed (S.A.W.) was a true Prophet of God.
Q: The world is now celebrating the first centenary of Darwin, do you subscribe to Darwinian theory or disagree with it?

A: No Sir, I oppose it vehemently. Darwin's theory is totally based on a misconception and is not at all the outcome of such a scientific research as could prove that there exists the slightest relation between man and the theory of evolution of species as propounded by him. In fact his views are nothing but the misguided and misconceived calculations of a purely materialistic mind. My latest book (Origin of Man) contains a comprehensive "Rebuttal Article" on Darwin and his views.
Q: Are you of the opinion that Darwin was aware of his error?

A: Yes, I think he knew the error he committed. The scholars, who are fond of materialism, have propounded innumerable theories, mostly incorrect, and the fun of it is that they are aware of their fallacies. However, being materialist, they stick to their wrong attitude. In my book I have criticized some of these scholars, several of whom are Nobel Prize winners.

Q: Do you think your writings have had direct repercussion on people outside France?

A: Yes, Recently, only a few days ago, I visited Northern and Western African countries, where I was repeatedly called upon to address innumerable gatherings of educated persons including scholars, on the Origin of Man and about my first book: the Quran, Bible and Science. I was closely cross- examined about my views by some of the most qualified, even hostile, elements. Following this, countless students and scholars contacted and congratulated me. They declared that after listening to me, they had, for the first time, been able to feel convinced of the truth of the Quranic statements about the creation of universe and origin of man. Some of them frankly admitted that my writings and lectures had restored in them a firm certainty of belief and faith and converted them into True Muslims, who actually felt solace and pleasure now in saying their "prayers". They declared that the element of doubt and dilly-dalliance in faith was entirely due to the misconceived theories of some of these so-called Western scholars whose theories had been adopted as gospel truth.
Q: What is the verdict of Science on Man; and why this conflict between Science and Religion on this score?

A: In my book, "Origin of Man", I have endeavored to explain what is dubious and what is proved according to scientific findings. I have also dealt with the theories formerly supported by scholars, but now their very basis is being demolished and proved to be without sound scientific footing. In 1851, Darwin published his first book, "Origin of Species". In it he has pointed out that "All animals can procreate amongst themselves", but he did not take the trouble to demonstrate and prove scientifically his view that the "Genealogy of Man" extends up to monkey.
Q: Then who is responsible for propounding this frivolous theory?

A: The fact is that some other people metamorphosing and without statements digesting his theories, assigned wrong statements to Darwin, which comprised the assumption that "Man has evolved from apes". Nevertheless, it is also true that Darwin did not care to contradict such false notions assigned to him as it was in this connection and on this topic that confrontation occurred between the supporters of Darwin and the Clergy, where both the parties roundly abused and maligned each other. That is why it is now essential that a line of demarcation should always be drawn between the results of scientific investigations and arbitrary views of scholars like Darwin.
Q: By such scientific discourses, debates and discussions even Scriptures, are exposed to scientific test resulting in exposing their errors and pin-pointing their weaknesses. As such, may we inquire if you have some across any such anomalies in the Quran, i.e. where its expositions and explanations are in contrast to scientific findings?

A: The Scriptures of non-Muslims have been copied and passed on from generation to generation and through different personalities. The oldest document of this nature is "Jehovah", which was written some time during 9th Century A.D. This book, although not voluminous, is still the most comprehensive document of its kind. The second book (Sacrodotal), although generally treated as Preface to the Bible, came to light in 600 B.C. It deals with the creation of universe and the appearance of Man on earth and the stories narrating the events following it. The Bible comes thereafter, but the books of the "New Testament" do not throw much light on the problem of Man. They repeat the statements of the Old Testament as adopted by St. Luke. Quran made its appearance six hundred years after Jesus and furnished valuable material on Man and his creation which was (and still is) totally lacking in the Old as well as the New Testaments and other Scriptures. What is more important is this context is that unlike the Bible's Old and New Testaments, Quran is completely free from errors and interpolations.
Q: In your opinion, what are the main causes of such plentiful errors in other Scriptures?

A: The compilers of the Holy Scriptures, in their vanity, presumed to have compiled them on the basis of heavenly revelations. But all their efforts were the echoes of their period resounding the thoughts prevalent in that particular environment. They presented the conception of Man and the phenomenon of his creation as if enunciated by God Himself, though it merely reflected the traditions the rite and the perceptions well known and prevalent at that time. This fact is admitted unanimously by all the exegetes of the Bible, be they Roman Catholics or Protestants.
Q: Does the church also admit this fact and subscribe to this view?

A: Yes Sir. The church did accept this truth which was incorporated in the proceedings on the occasion of the second Vatican conference, which was held to declare the "Revolutionary Nature of Old and New Testaments". They admitted that some parts of these Bibles are defective and contradictory in purport.
Q: What are your views about the Quran in this behalf?

A: Now this is a matter of entirely a different nature. All scholars of the Quran are unanimous that the Quran is the "Word of God" as revealed to His Last Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W.) through Gabriel (The Angel of Revelation). I have studied the Book (Quran) very carefully and have not come across one single instance of scientific fallacy any where in it. On the contrary, I have felt that the (higher) truths and realities inherent in Quranic Text have been, throughout the history of 1400 years, beyond the comprehension of ordinary human beings which in itself, is positive proof that the Quran is the Word of God and it is (at places) beyond intellectual potential of mortal man; be he an excellent scholar or philosopher of the highest caliber, who is not always able to explain the inherent realities of nature as revealed in the Quran. What obviously conflicts with scientific truth is the assumption of the Bible that although life erupted in the form of various species, which have endured, there has been no evolution or improvement in their functions. On the other hand according to the Quran, Man has transgressed through gigantic changes in the course of the entire history of humanity. I felt it very necessary to inform the Christians of the world of this very serious discrepancy in the Bible. As it happen to be impartial, truthful and very outspoken in my studies, I have been repeatedly called upon from time to time to express my views regarding these matters before distinguished gatherings. On all such occasions, I have always dealt with the subject from the scientific point of view, ignoring the ecclesiastic or theological context. Whatever has appeared to be dubious or fit for further investigation, I have tried to put it on the touchstone of criticism and have not allowed to pass it unchallenged.
Q: Have you embraced Islam?

A: I wanted to make it quite clear in the very beginning that even before I learnt the first letter of Bismillah, I was convinced that God was unique and all- powerful and when God guided me to undertake a study of the Quran, my inner soul cried out that Al- Quran was the Word of God revealed to his Last Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W.).

In my book "Quran, Bible and Science," I have mentioned these facts and the book has met with instant success in the entire Christian world. In this book I have devoted myself to discuss all problems from purely academic angle, rather than that of faith or belief which would have revealed only my personal convictions. This was because I desired to be treated by the world as an academician rather than a theologian. About my faith and belief, God knows what is in one's heart. I am convinced that if I identify myself with any creed, people will invariably dub me as one belonging to such and such group and feel that whatever I say or do, I do so from only the angle of such and such creed group. I know my fellow beings very well and understand their mentality only too well. I wanted to assure them that all my pronouncements are based on scientific knowledge and not on any religious dogmas.
Q: This is O.K., but since you have referred to God's complete awareness with what is in one's heart, may we ask what is your opinion about human heart?

A: Heart is not an apparent and perceptible organ of the body. It is the abode of faith and source of eternal light.
Q: What are your views on Islamic mission and its future in the west?

A: The best method is to approach the people through in their own language. I am using the world language in its broadest sense, i.e. comprehensive of all the factors which go to make any language complete and expressive of peoples' views and beliefs. The principles and the regulations towards which you are inviting their attention, should be presented in the style with which you are familiar and which is popular among them. In my book "Quran Bible and Science", I have adopted a new style to acquaint the readers with Quranic truths and to understand the intrinsic value of al-Quran. This unprejudiced and impartial viewpoint of mine gave an impetus to the wide circulation in my books. Firstly, I tried to find out the central point of attention of the Christians and the style that appeals to their common sense. Thereafter I achieved this success. After the publication of these books I received a number of letters from great academicians and research scholars as well as commoners in which they expressed their interest in my study of Al-Quran and appreciated it. They felt satisfied with my views about the Bible and confirmed the fallacies pointed out by me. I once entertained some Christians at home, in which they expressed their astonishment over the literature I produced regarding Islam and inquired the names of exegesis to acquire correct information about it.
Q: What are your activities now?

A: We are now trying to produce a film on "Science, the Quran and the Origin of Man" as a matter of fact I have deep friendly relations with Malaysia. The provincial branch of "Dawa-Islamia" has passed a resolution to produce a film on the Quran and the director of the producing company visited Paris to prepare a plan for it. This film is to be in Technicolor. The duration of its presentation is fifty-five minutes being devoted to the Quran and the history of the facts related to it, the verses of the Quran are depicted in this film. Thus it is of great importance. Six hundred thousand dollars have been collected to produce this film. The preparation of this film has already been started. To begin with it will be produced in five languages, and then it will be extended up to ten. The first print will be in English, then Arabic and French, and thereafter in other languages. It will be circulated throughout the world.

Also watch the video The Book of Signs, which is based on Dr. Maurice Bucaille: "The Bible, The Quran and Science" and "What is the Origin of Man."

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Post time 27-9-2016 01:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Modngengade replied at 27-9-2016 01:30 PM
menyeru atheist dan haters islam untuk menyalak dalam tered in.....

Bezanya acik kepam tak faham Al-Quran...just ikut mak ayah acik je.

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Post time 27-9-2016 01:41 PM | Show all posts
saintis kalau cek balik  apa dorang research pastu kaji research dorang  dgn ayat quran...

gerenti masuk islam punya la..


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Post time 27-9-2016 01:50 PM | Show all posts
sabbath_shalom replied at 27-9-2016 05:35 AM
Bezanya acik kepam tak faham Al-Quran...just ikut mak ayah acik je.

sekor beruk yahudi karat berkerak hasil dari sumpahan kerana  menjala pada hari sabtu dah masuk tered....

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Post time 27-9-2016 01:51 PM | Show all posts
lavabulan10 replied at 27-9-2016 05:41 AM
saintis kalau cek balik  apa dorang research pastu kaji research dorang  dgn ayat quran...

gerent ...

beruk sumpahan hari sabtu, yahudi karat @sabbath_shalom  telah mencemar duli di tered ini


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Post time 27-9-2016 01:53 PM | Show all posts
Modngengade replied at 27-9-2016 01:51 PM
beruk sumpahan hari sabtu, yahudi karat @sabbath_shalom  telah mencemar duli di tered ini

beruk tu marah sebab saintis2 terkenal tarak sorang pun masuk agama yahoood..

semua tarak mau join keturunan disumpah jadi khinzir la tu...


Use magic Report

Post time 27-9-2016 02:02 PM | Show all posts
lavabulan10 replied at 27-9-2016 05:53 AM
beruk tu marah sebab saintis2 terkenal tarak sorang pun masuk agama yahoood..

semua tarak mau j ...

Harap2 yahudi karat berkerak @sabbath_shalom bertaubat......

Some of the most common types of self-harm include:
  • Cutting
  • Burning
  • Pulling out hair, also known as trichotillomania
  • Excessive body piercing or tattooing
  • Skin picking or pulling off scabs
  • Banging head against the floor, wall, or any hard surface
  • Hitting self with a hard object or hammer
  • Breaking bones in the hands and feet, sometimes larger bones are broken


Use magic Report

Post time 27-9-2016 02:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Serious tak tipu.. Nk dgr gak sepatah dua kata dari etis n haturz.


Use magic Report

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