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Islam : peranan akal dan hikmah dan era ledakan maklumat ~ 34

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Post time 10-8-2016 11:26 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by mbhcsf at 28-9-2016 01:49 AM

Menggilap Sifat Keunggulan

Ditulis oleh Dr. Mohd Farid Mohd Shahran. Posted in Sinar Harian

Menurut Ibn Miskawayh seorang ahli falsafah akhlak  abad ke 10 (941-1030) dalam karyanya Tahzib al-Akhlaq, setiap kejadian mempunyai sifat keunggulan masing-masing sesuai dengan fungsi dan peranannya  dalam kehidupan. Misalnya, batu mempunyai sifat keras bagi membolehkannya digunakan dalam pelbagai urusan pembinaan. Sementara  di dalam alam haiwan pula, kuda mempunyai sifat kelajuan yang menjadikannya tunggangan yang pantas bergerak. Sementara sebilah pisau mempunyai sifat ketajaman yang menjadikannya alat yang boleh memotong dengan mudah dan berkesan. Dengan kata lain, keunggulan sesuatu perkara menjadikan manfaatnya lebih besar dan bermakna dalam kehidupan.

Sifat keunggulan ini pula, sekiranya dimiliki di tahap yang sempurna dan terbaik oleh sesuatu benda dalam kelompoknya bakal menjadikannya lebih bernilai dari benda lain dari kelompok yang sama.  Contohnya, batu permata lebih bernilai dari batu-batu yang lain kerana di samping kecantikannya, ia merupakan batu yang paling keras. Begitu juga dengan kuda jenis arabian dianggap antara kuda yang paling hebat kerana kepantasannya berbanding kuda yang lain.

Berdasarkan permisalan di atas, persoalan yang menarik untuk difikirkan apakah keunikan manusia yang dicirikan oleh al-Qur’an sebagai sebaik-baik kejadian (Surah al-Tin:4),  dan apakah yang membezakan kehebatan sesama manusia?

Berdasarkan huraian yang diberikan oleh al-Qur’an dan huraian para ulama pengkaji hakikat diri manusia seperti Ibn Miskawayh dan Imam al-Ghazali, keunikan manusia terletak kepada kurniaan akal yang diberikan Allah kepadanya. Dengan akal, manusia mampu berfikir dan merenung bukan sahaja mengenai alam sekelilingnya tetapi juga tentang dirinya sendiri. Dengan akal yang sihat manusia mampu membezakan antara kebaikan dan keburukan lantas membuat keputusan dan bertindak hasil penilaian akalnya . Disebabkan keistimewaan ini juga,  manusia, berbanding makhluk Tuhan yang lain, diberikan pertanggungjawaban dan amanah  untuk menjadi hamba Allah yang sedar akan tanggungjawab penghambaannya ditambah dengan  amanah sebagai khalifah yang bertanggungjawab mentadbir alam ini.

Sebagaimana juga permisalan batu dan kuda di atas, ketinggian nilai seorang manusia berbanding yang lain juga bergantung kepada sejauh mana akalnya sebagai sifat keunggulannya digilap dan dimantapkan. Akal yang digilap dan dibina dengan baik pasti akan menghasilkan kebijaksanaan (hikmah), satu sifat keutamaan (fadilah) yang disifatkan oleh  Al-Qur’an sebagai salah satu sifat kenabian dan mereka yang terpilih seperti Luqman al-Hakim.  Al-Qur’an menegaskan bahawa “Mereka itulah orang-orang yang telah Kami berikan kepadanya Kitab Suci, dan Hikmah, serta pangkat kenabian” (al-An’am:89).   Al-Qur’an juga mengaitkan kebijaksanaan dengan kebaikan yang banyak (khayran kathir) “Dan sesiapa yang dikurniakan kebijaksanaan sesungguhnya ia telah diberikan kebaikan yang amat banyak,” (al-Baqarah:269).

Dengan kebijaksanaan para Rasul dituruti dengan hikmah para ulama yang telah mewarisi mereka, manusia dan alam  keseluruhannya dicucuri rahmah dan kebaikan. Ilmu dan hikmah yang tersebar memandu manusia untuk menjalani kehidupan yang aman dan sejahtera. Kebijaksanaan akan menghasilkan keharmonian dan keadilan dalam masyarakat.

Namun, kebijaksanaan inilah yang nampaknya semakin hilang dalam kehidupan manusia sekarang. Pelbagai bentuk ekstremisme dalam masyarakat sama ada dalam bentuk pemikiran ataupun dalam bentuk tindakan telah menghancurkan keamanan dan kesejahteraan manusia yang diwarisi dari generasi terdahulu. Manusia sudah lupa menggilap ciri keunikannya iaitu akal, sebaliknya menggilap sudut yang lebih rendah dalam dirinya iaitu emosi dan ammarah yang kalau digilap hanya akan menghasilkan kebencian, permusuhan dan kehancuran. Akal yang sihat tidak lagi menjadi neraca penilai yang adil tetapi telah diinjak dan diabaikan.

Justeru, manusia harus dikembalikan kepada nilai keunggulannya yang telah sedia membeza dan mengangkat martabatnya dalam kalangan makhluk Tuhan, bukan menghina diri mereka “setaraf dengan binatang ternakan malah lebih sesat” (al-A’raf:179).


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Post time 11-8-2016 01:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aqal in Islam is something which exists at two levels , on two planes of existence . There is the level of “reason and logic” which is available as an instrument to all mankind , and there is the level of the “universal intellect” to which only a few have reached . It exists at a higher level than the material world and encompasses and comprehends the lower worlds .

Otak adalah satu medium yang membolehkan manusia berfikir . Berfikir tanpa akal secara tidak langsung akan menyebabkan hati mati . Hati dan akal saling berkaitan dalam penyelengaraan sebuah kehidupan normal yang bermutu terutamanya individu yang berpegang pada agama . Individu yang hanya sekadar mengenal agama hanya pada status agama itu sendiri tanpa bimbingan elemen "universal intellect" mungkin akan mengaktifkan egosentrik pada individu itu sendiri . Maka wujudlah cabar mencabar kekuasaan Tuhan , mempertikaikan kewujudan Tuhan , menolak kejadian alam dan heboh mencanang kebaikan kebebasan dalam berfikir (kelompok "free thinker" terzahir) hanya bersandarkan logik dan nafsu tanpa disyariatkan akal yakni anugerah yang tidak ternilai .

Terima kasih atas perkongsian .

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2016 02:28 AM | Show all posts
RamboMandul replied at 11-8-2016 01:13 AM
Aqal in Islam is something which exists at two levels , on two planes of existence . There is the le ...

how about this thing called the 'hikmah' then?

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Post time 11-8-2016 02:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hmm ..

At times the word hikmah is interchanged with aqal as evidenced in the saying of Saidina Ali , the tongue of a wise person is behind the heart and the heart of a fool is behind the tongue .

Though knowledge may open the doorways to hikmah , but hikmah is distinct from knowledge (ilm) . Knowledge and information provides means for enlightenment . Remember Allah’s blessings and the (truthful information) sent through the BOOK and the wisdom it provides by which you may be enlightened . Do you agree with me ?

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Post time 11-8-2016 03:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I dont understand why this so called scholar with so many titles has to quote from the disbelievers who didnt recognise their creator in their whole life . Is he saying that these people who he has quoted are wise to take wisdom from their sayings . He could have quoted from many of our pious predecessors instead . The source of wisdom is Taqwa . Without the fear of Allah , no one can get the wisdom .

What say you ?

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Post time 11-8-2016 03:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 11-8-2016 02:28 AM
how about this thing called the 'hikmah' then?

Kamu boy ke gegirl ?  

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2016 03:21 AM | Show all posts
RamboMandul replied at 11-8-2016 02:50 AM
Hmm ..

At times the word hikmah is interchanged with aqal as evidenced in the saying of Saidina A ...

so how do u  relate between hikmah  and the two planes of existence described above ? - reason and logic  and the other on e- universal intellect

hikmah = aql

intellect , mind, wisdom

three terms above tend to resemble one another ,  but then in what ways they are similar to another and vice versa?

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2016 03:29 AM | Show all posts
RamboMandul replied at 11-8-2016 03:00 AM
I dont understand why this so called scholar with so many titles has to quote from the disbelievers  ...

i think there si nothing wrong in quoting anyone - regardless whether they are disbelievers or non believers

thecrux that matters is whether  aperosn can evaluate the thing he  reads...

well people can quote Descartes - i am therefore what  something erga sum something - something in latin but then , the most imprtant thing is whether one could evaluate that  the line of thinking/ template of thoughts adopted by  Rinne , works well emprically but fails to adress something else in certain conditions
that shows that science itself in not stable because of certain constraints - but then  again, science is also one of the revelaed knwledged from Allah swt as well...

it is abiut the al haqq ...which science in theory should be able to explain if there is a thing called the integration of knowledge or kesepaduan ilmu tu
bemula dari yg SATU / ESA sepatutnya mencapah macam mana pun akan menumpu pada yg SATU jugak..

but then , well things fell apart after renaissance of the value system ...


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 Author| Post time 11-8-2016 03:30 AM | Show all posts

why ?

kamu ? wow ...

why would this matter ?

hahaha hilarious pulak

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2016 03:31 AM | Show all posts
RamboMandul replied at 11-8-2016 02:50 AM
Hmm ..

At times the word hikmah is interchanged with aqal as evidenced in the saying of Saidina A ...

yes  as well as thru the prophets - hadis etc etc



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Post time 11-8-2016 03:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 11-8-2016 03:21 AM
so how do u  relate between hikmah  and the two planes of existence described above ? - reason and ...

This question already has an answer . Read carefully and reply . Read again with  your glasses .  

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Post time 11-8-2016 03:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 11-8-2016 03:30 AM
why ?

kamu ? wow ...

Ahai ahai ... ahai ahaiiiiiiii . Ketawa ketawa ketawa lah lagi ...  

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Post time 11-8-2016 04:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 11-8-2016 03:29 AM
i think there si nothing wrong in quoting anyone - regardless whether they are disbelievers or non ...

To me there is only one type of wisdom worth seeking and that is Divine Wisdom . People who have experienced this ONENESS understand the language of such wisdom . The pre requisite condition for finding such wisdom is to relinquish ones own so called wisdom . Yet this is not to say that such human wisdom is not going to serve humanity but Divine Wisdom is the most effective way of finding peace even in turmoil and thus extending it to friend and foe .

For example God alone forgives all sins , yet most humans can hardly forgive a loved one for doing them wrong let alone forgiving a stranger ! If we want to be god like then we must take on qualites of God (knowledge + aqal) . He is All Forgiving . Can we be so ?  Tepuk dada sado tanyalah iman .

P/S :- We love reading the Quran but somehow fail to apply it , if the state of our nations is an indicator of the sort of wisdom we apply .

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2016 04:09 AM | Show all posts
RamboMandul replied at 11-8-2016 03:44 AM
This question already has an answer . Read carefully and reply . Read again with  your glasses .   ...
Aqal in Islam is something which exists at two levels , on two planes of existence . There is the level of “reason and logic” which is available as an instrument to all mankind , and there is the level of the “universal intellect” to which only a few have reached . It exists at a higher level than the material world and encompasses and comprehends the lower worlds .

okay jap , aqal = 2 planes  reaosn and existence  etc etc
then you come out with  universal intellct - an essentially important entity which guides the way the value system being perceived, and applied etc etc.

Otak adalah satu medium yang membolehkan manusia berfikir . Berfikir tanpa akal secara tidak langsung akan menyebabkan hati mati . Hati dan akal saling berkaitan dalam penyelengaraan sebuah kehidupan normal yang bermutu terutamanya individu yang berpegang pada agama . Individu yang hanya sekadar mengenal agama hanya pada status agama itu sendiri tanpa bimbingan elemen "universal intellect" mungkin akan mengaktifkan egosentrik pada individu itu sendiri . Maka wujudlah cabar mencabar kekuasaan Tuhan , mempertikaikan kewujudan Tuhan , menolak kejadian alam dan heboh mencanang kebaikan kebebasan dalam berfikir (kelompok "free thinker" terzahir) hanya bersandarkan logik dan nafsu tanpa disyariatkan akal yakni anugerah yang tidak ternilai .

here you are talking about - the brain, otak then you relate with qalb ( hati ) jiwa tu.
then you talked abiut universal intellect again and the roles played by this entity in guding the way value system is perceived, learnt andpracticed. etc etc

At times the word hikmah is interchanged with aqal as evidenced in the saying of Saidina Ali , the tongue of a wise person is behind the heart and the heart of a fool is behind the tongue .

hikmah = wisdom interchanged with akal = intellect = do u agree with this convention ? equating aqal = hikmah ?
or is it aqal =intellect ,  hikmah = wisdom ...

Though knowledge may open the doorways to hikmah , but hikmah is distinct from knowledge (ilm) . Knowledge and information provides means for enlightenment . Remember Allah’s blessings and the (truthful information) sent through the BOOK and the wisdom it provides by which you may be enlightened . Do you agree with me ?
ini okay.

but then  then where is the emphasis  of  unoversal intellect in this para?

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2016 04:11 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 11-8-2016 04:12 AM
RamboMandul replied at 11-8-2016 04:05 AM
To me there is only one type of wisdom worth seeking and that is Divine Wisdom . People who have e ...
For example God alone forgives all sins , yet most humans can hardly forgive a loved one for doing them wrong let alone forgiving a stranger ! If we want to be god like then we must take on qualites of God (knowledge + aqal) . He is All Forgiving . Can we be so ?  Tepuk dada sado tanyalah iman .

any reference for the statement above? do u agree? are you sure , is there any exception ?

the qualities  of god are not only confined to akal + knowledge per se lah ... not akal and knowledge per se , god has many qualities / attributes.

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2016 04:14 AM | Show all posts
RamboMandul replied at 11-8-2016 04:05 AM
To me there is only one type of wisdom worth seeking and that is Divine Wisdom . People who have e ...

do u believe in hadith , too?

yes of course we read quran but hadith explains certain things a little bit more detailed

do u believe in hadith?as well?

always al quran , sunnah

then ruling qiyas an ijma

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Post time 11-8-2016 04:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by RamboMandul at 11-8-2016 04:49 AM
mbhcsf replied at 11-8-2016 04:09 AM
okay jap , aqal = 2 planes  reaosn and existence  etc etc
then you come out with  universal i ...

Lah Quran Surah Al Baqarah 2:23 .

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Post time 11-8-2016 04:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 11-8-2016 04:11 AM
any reference for the statement above? do u agree? are you sure , is there any exception ?

t ...

Reference - 99 Names of Allah .
                     20 Attributes of Allah .

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Post time 11-8-2016 04:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
the qualities  of god are not only confined to akal + knowledge per se lah ... not akal and knowledge per se , god has many qualities / attributes.

Bacalah betul betul . Hadam dengan perlahan lahan . Macam 40 kunyahan baru hantar ke perut .

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Post time 11-8-2016 05:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
RamboMandul replied at 11-8-2016 04:17 AM
Lah Quran Surah Al Baqarah 2:23 .

Allah SAW challenged them all , individuals and groups , knowledgeable and ignorant , in many locations of the Quran yet in spite of their being the most eloquent among the nations and in spite of their enmity to the religion of Islam they were unable to win the challenge .

That is because the Quran is the words of Allah The Creator of everything , how could they be similar to the words of the creatures ? Does this answer your question ? Universal Intellect + Ilm + Hikmah . 3 in 1 .

Salam Subuh .

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