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Author: ipes2

DARI DALAM KERETA: silap sebarkan email address pesakit HIV

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Post time 4-9-2015 08:41 PM | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 4-9-2015 05:21 PM
Eh yg tu saya tak tau. Tapi kebanyakan orang, email address dia ialh nama dia jugak. HIv kan sensi ...
Tu email orlando bloom ek? nnt sy bagi kat wife sy.. dia peminat.
contoh je tu doktor.

tertanya pulak, pesakit HIV ada ke kad yang menyatakan diorang pesakit HIV. macam orang OKU yang ada kad OKU.


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Post time 4-9-2015 10:04 PM | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 4-9-2015 03:42 AM
eh, betul la heath ledger kan? i tak sure sgt tadi

you're right

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Post time 4-9-2015 10:05 PM | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 4-9-2015 04:29 PM
Oh di mesia nak kawin depa buat ni ek? kat sini nak buat hiv test siap kena counselling dulu.. cou ...

benar tu..patient suruh rahsiakan but at the same time...orang sekeliling (nurse/kawan) dah tahu..
jadi adakah  doktor yang akan disalahkan nanti kalau benda ni terdedah?
setahu saya, doktor ada kod etika kan?

mungkin di negara lain tidak menjadi masalah pada kes macam ni
tapi di mesia raya ni, masyarakat sukar menerima


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 Author| Post time 5-9-2015 07:04 AM | Show all posts
bianglala replied at 4-9-2015 08:41 PM
contoh je tu doktor.

tertanya pulak, pesakit HIV ada ke kad yang menyatakan diorang pe ...

tak. sesetengah penyakit je yg digalakkan bawak identity. eg, Addison's Disease: sgt disuruh bawak bracelet (Medi-Alert Bracelet) atau pakai rantai yg kata depa ni ada Addison's.

loh! nasib baik belum bagi lagi email address tu. wife also kata if Benedict Cumberbatch approach dia, dia akan tinggalkan saya ..bukan Orlando aje

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 Author| Post time 5-9-2015 07:14 AM | Show all posts
spiderman80 replied at 4-9-2015 07:46 PM
Agree with you, doctor.From what I read recently, the HIV/AIDS experts were confident they can wip ...

i heard about that but only in media and colleagues; this startegy i supposed, can try to reduce epidemics je (yes, believe it or not kat africa HIV mmg memang mencapai epidemic proportion, macam common colds je pulak). the last aim of the ''90'' tu ialah utk suppressed virus tu aje.. suppression tidak bermkana clearance, dan tidak bermakna stopping new infections. its hard work this; ini bukan bidang i (it is in Infectious Disease branch of Internal Medicine), tapi i takut the UN plans tak akan fully tercapai. Utk get 90% of infected people to be diagnosed in Africa? Not easy sebab socio-economic and cultural issues kat situ.

big hit on HIV / AIDS research also with the shooting down of MH17 ari tu.

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 Author| Post time 5-9-2015 07:21 AM | Show all posts
Ipo replied at 4-9-2015 10:05 PM
benar tu..patient suruh rahsiakan but at the same time...orang sekeliling (nurse/kawan) dah tahu.. ...

itulah ethical dilemma nyer Ipo.
at the same time, kita pon dengar pasal org saman pasangan depa sebab tak bagitau depa infected; dan doctors la kena panggil ke court bagi evidence.. dan selalu nya timbul questions dalam court, that, for the sake of public safety, should not told the patients partner or relatives etc. macam orang yg di diagnose dengan cancer la, selalu cakap dont tell my family etc.. tapi atas soal soal hutang piutang, future plans, wills harta pusaka etc, kita galak kan sgt depa bagi tau. dgn HIV ni, bagitau je terus masyarakat ketepikan. frens tak ge melawat pon, takut duduk atas kusi dapat AIDS... huhs... padahal HBV tu seribu kali lebih infectious dari HIV.

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