buapakperut posted on 12-11-2014 08:56 PM 
yeah betul..this is the answer... the word we looking for is Expire..
to corroborate the answer, here I paste the def from freedictionary.com..
1. To come to an end; terminate: My membership in the club has expired. 2. To breathe one's last breath; die: The patient expired early this morning. 3. To exhale; breathe out.
sudilah kiranya menerima hadiah ini...iphone 6 casing tajaan kedai alat accessory handphone pasaraya Hankyu Jaya.....
dont worry,leng lui boleh pilih2 design yg disukai..

cc: momod @Eva_yy_Ellin @NaylaArisha 
Last edited by Elle_mujigae on 12-11-2014 09:20 PM