second picture no Tiffany to>.<
Elle_mujigae posted on 21-10-2014 06:10 AM
yes... jawapannye will..
@Eva_yy_Ellin @NaylaArisha
first pic... paradise fall adalah will/ desire carl ngan ellie, bila ellie dah takde tinggal wasiat je impian tu
pic 3.. strong "will" of sam and frodo, against all odd giteww
Last edited by buapakperut on 21-10-2014 06:19 AM
Elle_mujigae posted on 21-10-2014 06:15 AM
second picture no Tiffany to>.
propose jadik girlfren je...
buapakperut posted on 21-10-2014 02:18 PM
propose jadik girlfren je...
oh okay...
buapakperut posted on 21-10-2014 02:17 PM
yes... jawapannye will..
@Eva_yy_Ellin @NaylaArisha
ohh that will for the Frodo guy...
nanti kalau free buatlah question yang ada kena mengena dengan filem UP lagi ya.. I sukaaa movie tu...i hafal the dialog...40%...>.<
Elle_mujigae posted on 21-10-2014 02:21 PM
ohh that will for the Frodo guy...
nanti kalau free buatlah question yang ada kena mengena deng ...
filem UP? bbnu la elle ni keke
Yoongie posted on 21-10-2014 02:32 PM
filem UP? bbnu la elle ni keke
dah gugel maksud dah dewasa.....>.<
buapakperut posted on 21-10-2014 02:35 PM
paling suka tgk rolling credit lepas movie dah abis... new journey start...
sedih dalam kegembiraan....penuh pengharapan gitu....
jom dengar lagu ini...
Elle_mujigae posted on 21-10-2014 03:01 PM
dah gugel maksud dah dewasa.....>.<
xde la, saje nk samekn up dgn up. tiada mksud y tersirat.
baidawei tahniah
Yoongie posted on 21-10-2014 03:13 PM
xde la, saje nk samekn up dgn up. tiada mksud y tersirat.
baidawei tahniah
orite..tahu yoongie just saying...