bermain facebook semasa iman membaca khutbah jumaat
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crankshaft posted on 20-12-2013 01:15 AM 
Soalan aku very simple and straight forward...kalau setakat berfacebook hanya jari jemari yang t ...
dengar dan hayati perlukan penumpuan.
kalau kita multitasking, our attention capacity is actually being somehow, logically, divided.
the fact that you can attend to several tasks means that your are not fully utilised your attentional capacity to its fullu used. Somehow the num of tasks , the type of tasks that you are engaged to and the attentional demands of the tasks that you do just simply exert too little demand on your attention.
Cer i dunno : instead of FB - you do third degree differentiation ( ni kalau u engineer lah or calculus related works ) and listening to khutbah and playing STROOP TEST ?
i think you will slump.
so commonlah a simple common sense will dictate that when you performing ibadah - just focus your attention to your KHALIK -HE is a) your ilah b) the one proviing you with all the good things you have, claimed to have, being shown to have / appears to prided yourself with ( i think )
takkan berkira sangat kot?seminggu sekali and that very zohor moment , gaduh nak multitasking - ini dunia laaa Last edited by mbhcsf on 20-12-2013 03:13 AM
crankshaft posted on 20-12-2013 03:09 AM 
Antara anwart dengan nko...tell me...siapa yang layak jadi khatib?
gosh you are awake still? well not that late by my GMT time.
anyway - cer bagi tau kat I sapa wajib jadi khatib?
so , you have just given me such an invalid question. ( soory ye ni mode tengah relax kejap baca research so u kenalah dengan i )
lagi satu kan , u know solat jumaat ni fardhu , tau kan?
somehow , did u sleep masa kelas ustaz basiron? hmm?ke ustaz zahir ?  |
crankshaft posted on 20-12-2013 01:07 AM 
Waktu zaman Nabi ber perang dulu bagaimana? Semua parajurit ISLAM berhenti pegang senjata( no ...
hmm...perang khandak, badar , uhud , jatuh hari ape?
kalau dalam perang ada tatacara bersolat ... |
mbhcsf posted on 20-12-2013 03:16 AM 
gosh you are awake still? well not that late by my GMT time.
anyway - cer bagi tau kat I sapa ...
Just past 8 PM in Lucern...awat?
Baca research sambil sambil berforum...boleh fokus ka?
mbhcsf posted on 20-12-2013 03:17 AM 
hmm...perang khandak, badar , uhud , jatuh hari ape?
kalau dalam perang ada tatacara bersolat . ...
All wars stopped hari jemaat waktu zaman NABI ka?
mbhcsf posted on 20-12-2013 03:10 AM 
dengar dan hayati perlukan penumpuan.
kalau kita multitasking, our attention capacity is ac ...
You have not answered the question........
crankshaft posted on 20-12-2013 03:23 AM 
All wars stopped hari jemaat waktu zaman NABI ka?
u are not answering the question ...perang badar , uhud, khandak ...jatuh pada bulan berapa atau hari ape.
why citing novel situation as your hujjah.
Last edited by mbhcsf on 20-12-2013 03:35 AM
crankshaft posted on 20-12-2013 03:26 AM 
You have not answered the question........
you are the one evading the topic ...why multitasking on teh occasion that you need to focus on what 've been said? regardless tajuk boring ke tak - sebab nak buat ibadat atas redha Allah kan - the highest hirarki of ibadah intentional level |
di Masjid adik... sebelum bermula khutbah Iman sendiri dari atas mimbar meningatkan para jemaah memberi tumpuan kepada khutbah hentikan segala aktiviti yg sedang dilakukan termasuklah jika ber 'message' . |
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