aku takde umah idaman....takde plan nak stay kat umah bila pencen nanti....plan after pencen nak jelajah satu dunia....harap2 panjang umur dan sihat....insyaallah...
midori888 posted on 21-4-2014 10:02 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
aku takde umah idaman....takde plan nak stay kat umah bila pencen nanti....plan after pencen nak jel ...
jelajah sekarang la. dah pencen esok belum tentu kaki & lutut tu larat nak heret badan travel satu dunia. by 55 mcm2 penyakit dtg ... kencing manis, darah tinggi whatsoever. don't postpone yr happiness ..
tobby posted on 21-4-2014 12:44 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
jelajah sekarang la. dah pencen esok belum tentu kaki & lutut tu larat nak heret badan travel satu ...
skrg pun tgh jelajah gak....tapi tu lah cuti limited....dah pencen nanti bole lepak benua eropah 5-6 tahun, benua africa 2-3 tahun, benua america 3 -4 tahun, lepak benua Asia 3-4 tahun....that's d plan lah....tu yg harap2 sihat dan panjang umur....insyaallah...not so far for me already...paling lama 15 years lagi....
midori888 posted on 21-4-2014 01:12 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
skrg pun tgh jelajah gak....tapi tu lah cuti limited....dah pencen nanti bole lepak benua eropah ...
bagus. sy pun sebulan dlm setahun mesti melepak kat negara org. ni baru je balik dari jelajah eropah. cover western & central europe .. x perlu tunggu pencen utk fullfill dream.
tobby posted on 21-4-2014 01:50 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
bagus. sy pun sebulan dlm setahun mesti melepak kat negara org. ni baru je balik dari jelajah ero ...
oic....gi negara2 mana kat europe?...was in Portugal & Spain for one month last Dec....last Feb in Thai for one week, next week will be goin to China for 2 weeks....end of year belum ada plan lagi nak gi mana2...see how.... |
midori888 posted on 21-4-2014 02:01 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
oic....gi negara2 mana kat europe?...was in Portugal & Spain for one month last Dec....last Feb ...
portugal & spain, menarik sgt tu ... sy spent masa selama 35 days di czech, italy, austria, germany, netherland, france, belgium, luxembourg & switzerland .. bulan depan nak ke south NZ for 3 weeks. jelajah NZ dgn RV with my family ..
tobby posted on 21-4-2014 02:46 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
portugal & spain, menarik sgt tu ... sy spent masa selama 35 days di czech, italy, austria, german ...
pernah round italy sebulan, germany sebulan...been to Paris & Ams few times for few days jer lah...teringin nak gi Russia, or the Balkan countries like Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Macedonia...maybe next year ker...see how...
NZ belum teringin nak pergi lagi.... |
midori888 posted on 21-4-2014 02:55 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
pernah round italy sebulan, germany sebulan...been to Paris & Ams few times for few days jer lah ...
yup, teringin nak explore negara2 balkan & baltic countries .. may be some other year. this year jadual dah sendat. nx year nak bw family cover eastern europe first .. dlm 5 negara.
tobby posted on 21-4-2014 03:17 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
yup, teringin nak explore negara2 balkan & baltic countries .. may be some other year. this year ...
eastern europe nice....sekarang nie gi satu tempat tu kejap2 jerlah....sebulan sana, sebulan sini....dah pencen nanti i wish to stay longer...let say stay kat eastern europe for 2-3 years...pastu move to tempat2 lain....stay there few years...and so on.... |
midori888 posted on 21-4-2014 03:30 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
eastern europe nice....sekarang nie gi satu tempat tu kejap2 jerlah....sebulan sana, sebulan sin ...
jadilah dpt sebulan sini, sebulan sana. sebab umur manusia pun tak panjang. klu berlama2 di satu2 negara, negara2 lain pula terlepas. ada 196 negara di dunia. lepas ni nak target berlama2 di mekah & madinah pula. insyaallah...
tobby posted on 21-4-2014 03:49 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
jadilah dpt sebulan sini, sebulan sana. sebab umur manusia pun tak panjang. klu berlama2 di satu2 ...
lain org lain plan idup dia....u with your plan, me with my plan.....mati tu pasti, not a minute earlier, or a minute late....kena sentiasa bersedia gitu...but that does not mean kita tak bole plan what we want to do in our life...this is my plan after pencen, kalu umur panjang dan sihat...dunia i want, akhirat pun nak gak...nie kan bumi Allah...there are masjid everywhere in the world anyway...
ada org umur 60 dah tak larat sgt....ada org umur 60 masih kuat bekerja....tak semua org sama...
midori888 posted on 20-4-2014 09:02 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
aku takde umah idaman....takde plan nak stay kat umah bila pencen nanti....plan after pencen nak jel ...
ini yang kami plan sekarang ni,
no travel ya amat sejak tahun lepas, so far me hanya
sempat pegi haiti 3 minggu aje, tapi alhamdulilah
sejak rehat sekejap travel dari 2012, kami beli 8 apartments.
to semua investment supaya kami boleh travel tanpa limit.
so soon back to track travel kaedahnya,
dah plan, so tunggu tarikh aje...
faraway1 posted on 26-4-2014 02:55 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
ini yang kami plan sekarang ni,
no travel ya amat sejak tahun lepas, so far me hanya
sempat pegi ...
how is the house prices kat tempat u kat Canada?
A friend baru beli umah at his hometown in UK, landed property, decent house with huge garden...for about 250+ pound, don't convert to RM....dia ada fwd to me a property website kat sana....u can get a decent flat for less than 100k pound...again don't convert to RM
kat Malaysia nie mcm takde jer umah less than RM100k....how bout harga2 umah kat Canada? can u get a decent flat/house for less than 100k Canadian dollar? Last edited by midori888 on 26-4-2014 03:41 PM
midori888 posted on 26-4-2014 02:39 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
how is the house prices kat tempat u kat Canada?
A friend baru beli umah at his hometown in U ...
kalau nak cakap pasal Canada, tak boleh kot sebab me tak follow pasal hartanah sana.
but Toronto Vancouver ottawa Montréal terkenal dengan rumah memahal dan tax tinggi.
tempat me, apartment bawah 100 k boleh dapat lagi tapi one bedroom gitu dan jauh dari city.
so kalau nak rumah murah dan tax murah beli rumah luar Town cam kami 10 minit
dari downtown, 5 minit dari shopping mall, 14 minit walking distance
dari waterfall tourist area, depan sungai dan Pulau which our
summer residential kat situ, tax tahunan
kami bayar dalam 10 ribu dollars.
faraway1 posted on 26-4-2014 08:33 PM
kalau nak cakap pasal Canada, tak boleh kot sebab me tak follow pasal hartanah sana.
but Toron ...
U kat quebec kan?
10k yearly tax tu for all your houses? |
midori888 posted on 26-4-2014 08:01 AM
U kat quebec kan?
10k yearly tax tu for all your houses?
ah ah untuk 3 block. tax municipal dan school tax. |
faraway1 posted on 26-4-2014 09:04 PM
ah ah untuk 3 block. tax municipal dan school tax.
Oic...not sure my fren tu umah dia kena tax camner. Tu umah kat hometown dia which also famous tourist island kat sana...pencen nanti balik sana lah dia. |
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