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Author: nur_khai

[Penjagaan]KURUS tanpa BERLAPAR, tanpa KIRA KALORI, perasa ORANGE JUS

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 Author| Post time 24-9-2012 09:22 AM | Show all posts

Alhamdulillah....petang-petang santai begini, dapat respon positif dari rakan/Customer BlogNurKhai yang menggunakan Clearstart30 di hujung Ramadhan ... Dan Syawal bermula dengan Bios Life SLIM

Saiz seluar dari 36 kini boleh menyarungkan saiz 34 ...

Ohh jangan lupa minum Super Chlorophyll Powder yang dihasilkan daripada sumber tumbuhan semulajadi iaitu klorofil yang berfungsi untuk :

Membantu membersihkan darah
Menguatkan sel badan
Menggalakkan penghasilan haemoglobin
Membantu membersihkan saluran darah bagi mendapatkan kesihatan yang optimum
Membantu mengatasi masalah sakit perut, kesukaran bernafas dan bau badan

Hanya campurkan 1 sudu teh dengan segelas air setiap hari.

Hurry up..just sms/call 016 4442134 untuk mendapatkan nilai kesihatan dengan harga mampu milik!!!! Last edited by nur_khai on 24-9-2012 09:23 AM


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 Author| Post time 24-9-2012 09:24 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 24-9-2012 09:45 AM | Show all posts

Testimoni dari ibu yang dalam pantang...

Selamat dan tidak menjejaskan pengeluaran ASI : Air Susu Ibu ...

Alhamdulilah ... Syukur sebab dipertemukan dengan produk bertaraf internasionale yang mempunyai PDR .. —

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 Author| Post time 25-9-2012 11:24 AM | Show all posts

Sharing from Wan, bekas pesakit diabetes yg kini digelar Mr Bios Life

Berpuasa untuk pesakit Diabetes.

Jika anda seorang pesakit diabetes, saya pasti anda setuju bahawa anda tidak dapat melakukan ibadah dengan lebih efektif.

Mungkin jika anda telah melakukan pencegahan awal, kadar gula di dalam badan dapat dikawal dan insyaallah dapat melakukan ibadah dengan lebih sempurna.

Adakah ini bermaksud anda sudah terlewat? Sama ada dibulan Ramadhan atau tidak, saya pasti anda tidak mahu terus bergantung harap kepada dadah jenis Statin yang mempunyai banyak kesan sampingan, ataupun insulin yang mengganggu pengeluaran insulin anda secara kekal.

Hanya ambil 1 peket Bios Life Complete 10min sebelum waktu berbuka dan bersahur, berserta dengan Super Chlorophyll sekali.

Perubahan pada diri saya semenjak tahun Januari 2011 sangat menakjubkan.

Anda tidak perlu percaya apa yang saya katakan. Saya jemput anda sekalian untuk melakukan sedikit research sama ada menggunakan goggle atau youtube.

Bios Life Complete, yang mana telah dipatenkan, telah disenaraikan di buku perubatan berprestij iaitu Physician Desk Reference, bermakna para doktor boleh memberi preskripsi terhadap Bios Life Complete ini.


Mulakan langkah anda sekarang.Dial Nur 016 444 2134 for more info of Bios life C 60 days MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ♥

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 Author| Post time 25-9-2012 11:26 AM | Show all posts

thank you for sharing Angela Tay

As a mom of 3, I juggle work, kids, and all of life's other stresses on a daily basis. I've had extra weight on me ever since my first child, but no matter how hard I tried there was just never enough time to get out to the gym. A long time friend of mine introduce me to Bios Life Slim - I couldn't believe it when I started dropping the weight! Thanks Bios Life!- You're a real life! saver!


Call/ Sms /WhatsApp Nur 016 444 2134 now....

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 Author| Post time 25-9-2012 11:28 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 25-9-2012 11:29 AM | Show all posts

Bios Life E: The PERFECT student companion!

Thank you for sharing Linda:

"Testimonial from my 14 year old son Iman..

He likes Bios Life Energy & he won't leave home to school without drinking it. Iman is able to focus & concentrate on his studies now.

**** For those who needs the concentration & energy booster, do give it a try!! You'll fall in love after drinking it!****

Thank you Unicity for this world class & great products "

mummies out there, what are you waiting for? grab Bioslife E now!

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2012 12:28 PM | Show all posts

Bios Life C berkesan berfungsi untuk mengurangkan tahap kolesterol LDL di samping meningkatkan tahap kolesterol HDL melalui formula yang dipatenkan, semula jadi. Disenaraikan di bawah adalah bahan aktif yang bertanggungjawab untuk keberkesanan Bios Life C

• Serat larut dan tidak larut-perangkap kolesterol dalam saluran GI
• Phytosterols-pengurangan penyerapan kolesterol dari makanan
• Policosanol-mengurangkan kolesterol disintesis (dihasilkan) oleh hati
• Chrysanthemum Ekstrak meningkatkan pecahan enzim kolesterol dan, dengan itu, meningkatkan penyingkiran kolesterol daripada badan

Bios Life C disenaraikan dalam Rujukan Meja Doktor (PDR) di Amerika Syarikat dan MIMS di Asia.

Dalam kajian baru-baru ini, Bios Life C telah terbukti untuk mengurangkan kolesterol LDL bagi peserta dengan tahap LDL sebanyak 31%. Beberapa peserta melaporkan penurunan sehingga ke 52%. Pengurangan keseluruhan, termasuk peserta dengan tahap yang saksama atau lebih baik LDL purata lebih 20%.

Selain itu, purata peningkatan HDL atau kolesterol "baik" dalam orang-orang peserta dengan tahap HDL yang rendah adalah 29%, dengan beberapa kenaikan mencapai sehingga 85%. Peningkatan purata, termasuk mereka yang mempunyai tahap HDL yang normal, adalah 25%.

Terbukti secara klinikal untuk mengurangkan kolesterol LDL, manakala meningkatkan kolesterol HDL, Bios Life C cepat menjadi THE standard dalam perjuangan terhadap paras kolesterol yang berbahaya.

Tambahan pula, Bios Life C telah terbukti berkesan di mana ubat statin telah gagal. Selalunya, lebih satu tempoh masa, orang yang mengambil statin mendapati bahawa kolesterol mereka kekal pada tahap yang lebih tinggi daripada mereka (dan doktor mereka) telah berharap untuk mencapai.

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 Author| Post time 30-10-2012 06:23 PM | Show all posts
dah agak lama biarkan thread ni bersawang....maaf sibuk di FB & tugas hakiki di office,layan testimoni aje dulu yer

Sharing from Alisyah.

The 1st photo taken Before taking BLS and was 102.4kg .Start taking on 16Nov 2011.

The 2nd photo after taking 3 boxes of BLS.

I take Bios Life slim 2x a day and Lifiber in the morning . I like Bios Life Slim , I can enjoy the same food as before but Bios Life Slim makes me eat lesser.
I do not need to do exercise ...but I walk more.

Berminat ?? boleh dapatkan Pakej2 SLIM yang menarik dari FB "SLIM with BlogNurKhai" atau hubungi 0164442134

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 Author| Post time 3-11-2012 04:32 PM | Show all posts
Perkongsian dari rakan niaga dari Singapore by Kak Dilla

Thank you Paulina & Emil for sharing..

Here is a sharing of my awesome partner Emil on her mom's sugar level!!

Here is the comparison of my mom’s blood sugar reading on our home glucometer. It showed a significant improvement from
her days of blood sugar level reading reaching 19 to 7 in May and till few days ago, it is only 4, showing normal. She is still on diabetes medication & insulin injection but the good news is doctor has taken her off her morning dosages (meaning 6 lesser pills for her to consume) and her doctor’s appointment is spaced three months once now unlike before, she has to go monthly.

I know diabetes, a life threatening disease, if not treated properly can lead to many complications affecting vital organs. I’ve seen many close family members affected seriously by it. Diabetes can lead to renal failure, cardiac arrests, blindness, and stroke and can also lead to diabetic coma, a state of unconsciousness. Diabetes can also cause numbness, a state where a person does not have any feelings. My mom experienced this. But now she shared that slowly she can start to feel her toes and fingers.

I am grateful and thankful to God for giving me the opportunity to help my mom to prevent all of the above insyaallah (if God wills it) especially since she is a cancer patient with a very fragile immune system. Even though I am not close to her, always argue, ignore, bully her… haha… I always has a soft spot for her… What to do… She’s my mom maa! Plus my mom is a funny person! Really! You will never guess she suffers from critical illness until she starts talking! Haha!

Anyway, yesterday & every other day, my mom will come to me and said proudly that despite being a cancer patient who goes through chemotherapy every month, she is thankful & grateful that she can still walk, run errands, look after her grandchildren, go out with her friends, visit Nyai (my grandma) & etc. Alhamdullilah (All thanks to God)!
Kepada anda di luar sana yang mengetahui insan-insan yang AMAT MEMERLUKAN yang menderita sakit kencing manis, atau yang ada simptom-simptom SAKIT KENCING MANIS...mungkin bantuan anda untuk berkongsi maklumat produk ini akan dapat membantu menceriakan hari-hari mereka selanjutnya.

Dial 016 444 2134 untuk pesanan atau maklumat lanjut bersama Nur


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Post time 5-11-2012 10:11 AM | Show all posts
melatibiru posted on 7-5-2012 03:20 AM tau produk dari unicity agak mahal la..

hi...produk Unicity ne the best..
Kalo xnak beli sekotak, ble beli tuan punya thread? =)

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 Author| Post time 4-1-2013 10:01 AM | Show all posts
ayin2612 posted on 5-11-2012 10:11 AM
hi...produk Unicity ne the best..
Kalo xnak beli sekotak, ble beli tuan punya thread? = ...

mengapakah ku tak dapat Notification utk message ini ???

Boleh saja..kalau mau beli loose ... but for me, isu hygienic pula especially nak handle Lifiber yang dalam bentuk serbuk ... Paraway Plus (kapsul) , Nature's Tea (sachet), Bios Life SLIM (sachet) ...tak ada masalah if nak jual loose ... just tell me, k

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 Author| Post time 4-1-2013 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Morning peepsss..... nak share testimoni from my page :

Facebook : How are you feeling, Nor ??

Me : Feeling great ... after dapat positif testimoni dari team yang berazam nak kurus.

Before Clearstart 30
Weight : 78.4kg
Fat : 36.1
Muscle : 46.9
Water : 46.0

After 10days with Clearstart 30
Weight : 78.2kg
Fat : 35.8
Muscle : 47.1
Water : 46.2

See the different after 10 days Clearstart ... Berat (kg) tak nampak beranjak sangat kan... 10 hari baru 0.2 kg??? Typical Malaysian 10 hari nak turun 2kg ... kan??? Tak sabar nak kurus tapi berbadan besar sudah bertahun-tahun ...phewww

But for me, dengan Clearstart30 & Bios Life SLIM yang HIGH FIBER ... its slowly reduce but surely akan hilang lelemak with SAFELY ...

Bios Life Slim™ ialah cara paling sihat dan selamat untuk mendapatkan saiz tubuh badan yang diidamkan.
♥ Tidak perlu berlapar, tanpa diet & tanpa senaman...
♥ Tidak perlu skip sarapan anda, makan tengahari dan makan malam... Makan jer seperti biasa.
♥ Cuma perlu minum 1 sachet Bios Life Slim 10-15minit sebelum makan tengari dan makan malam anda... InsyaALLAH dalam 6 minggu anda boleh lihat dan rasai sendiri perbezaan diri anda.

So, jom SIHAT dengan SELAMAT dalam tahun 2013 ..

::mode:: tak jadi bersarapan dengan Nasi Lemak ... sebab dah kenyang dengan Low Fat Milk + 1 scoop Lifiber + 1 scoop Lean Complete::

Dial 0164442134 for info & order !!


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 Author| Post time 9-1-2013 12:08 PM | Show all posts
Salam Tengahari..... agaknya apa juadah anda untuk Lunch hari nie ehh???

Hmm...jom start dengan Bios Life SLIM (10minit) before u've your lunch today ...

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 Author| Post time 16-1-2013 01:53 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 15-2-2013 11:42 AM | Show all posts

Sharing by Siti Alwiyah.
How she got back in shape after her second child.

"Honestly, I am very particular about health products & spending $ on them.
Since many have tried BLS & gave positive feedbacks so I decided to consume it. For me it is affordable compare to Spa Beauty Saloons $price tag.
With Clearstarts & less than 2 boxes of BLS, the result really amazed me

Left pic : the 'Bulat' me
Right pic : I am a happy & satisfy BLS consumer!

Well mommas out there, you know what to do. You can be like her.

SMS/Whatsapp - 016 - 4442134

Last edited by nur_khai on 15-2-2013 11:46 AM


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 Author| Post time 15-2-2013 11:54 AM | Show all posts

Shared by Justina

Without Bios Life Slim, I believe I would be stil in my sz 3XL. After giving birth to my son on march 2010, I ve never been slim. Even if I do, I gain back double after I eat back my 2-3 meals. My friends used to call me sexy babe or mei nu before I had my son. But after the birth, these 2 callings seem to be MIA ( missing in action ).

Old folk said FAT (肥) is FU (福), but not anymore in this century. Some friends suggested me to try slimming centre & I went one with my sis. I was quoted abt $10K after the service staff measured my fats, water, weight n height. ( Guess i must have lot of fats to burn & much to tone). Some introduce me to take another brand of slimming products which cost abt $2800 for 3 months. Wow! the price really shocked me, I rather choose not to enjoy too much good food or eat lesser to get slim & use this money to pamper my family for a short trip getaway.

I m v glad that I found Bios Life Slim, not only the product blessed me w SLIM but aso good health in lower LDL cholesterol, raise good HDL, help in balancing glucose & NO SIDE EFFECT. How much I pay? 5% of the other slim product. Isn't it better than to go slimming centre n pay 5 digit number or pay a few thousand for other slimming product?

Now I m still in my progress of slim & at the same time I still enjoy eating my 3 meals a day. Thanks to our scientists that created the Bios Life Slim bringing the positive results to the plus size ladies n men but aso helped alot of diabetics patience in reducing/ balancing their glucose in their body. Try it n see yr own result. ^_^

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 Author| Post time 25-2-2013 12:31 PM | Show all posts

Siapa cepat...dia dapat...

Detox with Clearstart30 also ada 2 set sahaja untuk harga promosi ....

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