A Talk on Voyages of Scientific Discovery with the Mars Exploration Rovers
For over seven years, hundreds of scientists have traveled together exploring the unknown lands of Mars. Primary among the mission scientific goals of the exploration is to search for and characterize a wide range of rocks and soils that hold clues to p...ast water activity on Mars. Scientists identified two landing sites for the spacecraft at the opposite of Mars-the Gusev Crater, a possible former lake in a giant impact crater, and Meridiani Planum, where mineral deposits suggested Mars had a wet past.
The exciting voyages of discovery at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum have developed a new practice for doing science using virtual reality tools to program a robotic laboratory and interpret data about the chemistry, geology, and atmosphere of Mars while scientists are living on Earth.
From many compelling photographs and stories, you will learn about the scientists' personal experience in working on Mars. You will understand how using computer tools, humanity's reach now extends to another planet.
Our Distinguished Speaker:
Dr. William J. Clancey,
Chief Scientist,
Human-Centered Computing, Intelligent Systems Division,
NASA Ames research Center,
bagus...saya sarankan pelajar2 sekolah atau dari universiti tempatan menghadiri talk ini...
mungkin dapat menjawab persoalan :
1. benarkah the extraterrestrial life wujud?
2. bagaimanakan keadaan permukaan planet Marikh yang dikatakan sesuai dengan bumi?
3. apa yang menarik tentang Marikh?
bagus...saya sarankan pelajar2 sekolah atau dari universiti tempatan menghadiri talk ini...
mun ...
dauswq Post at 26-4-2011 05:33
thanks MOD
talk yang akan diadakan di UIA (Public Talk: Voyages of Scientific Discovery with the Mars Exploration Rovers ) mmg sesuai untuk semua peringkat umur kerana ianya very non technical and mudah difahami dan sangat sesuai untuk pelajar2 sekolah (rendah/menengah/kolej/universiti) dan juga orang dewasa.. speaker ini pernah membuat talk di sekolah menengah Alam Shah sebelum ini dan talk yang akan diadakan ini belum pernah dia present kat USA sebelum ini ..
untuk seminar2 yang lain lebih untuk peringkat dewasa dan sesiapa saja yang ingin mempelajari bagaimana NASA mencipta robot, dengan menggunakan programming apa (blh dipelajari juga dalam tutorial) dan menghantar ke MARS dan lain2 topik. sila rujuk http://adam.mimos.my/visit/seminar.html.
yang penting dan menarik semua seminar/talk/tuturial adalah percuma dan harap dapat ajak dan forward semua rakan2, lecturer, saudara mara datang mengikutinya. boleh lah register di sini http://adam.mimos.my/visit/registration.html.
Public Talk: "Voyages of Scientific Discovery with the Mars Exploration Rovers" Venue: Main Auditorium, IIUM
Date: Friday, June 10, 2011
Time: 8.00pm - 10.30pm
The public talk is organized in conjunction of the series of lectures on Work System Design, a method for designing more productive and efficient work places in any organisations. The method involves essentially a scientific approach to observing people at work and partnering with them to improve the work places processes, tools, and facilities.
This public presentation will focus on one of NASA's scientific mission to study Mars using the Mars Exploration Rovers, a long-term effort to explore Mars with robotic science instruments.
For over seven years, hundreds of scientists have traveled together exploring the unknown lands of Mars. Primary among the mission scientific goals of the exploration is to search for and characterize a wide range of rocks and soils that hold clues to past water activity on Mars. Scientists identified two landing sites for the spacecraft at the opposite of Mars-the Gusev Crater, a possible former lake in a giant impact crater, and Meridiani Planum, where mineral deposits suggested Mars had a wet past.
The exciting voyages of discovery at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum have developed a new practice for doing field science - a new way of studying a landscape. The innovative technology includes virtual reality tools to program a robotic laboratory and interpret data about the chemistry, geology, and atmosphere of Mars while scientists are living on Earth.
From many compelling photographs and stories, you will learn about the scientists' personal experience in working on Mars. You will understand how using computer tools, humanity's reach now extends to another planet.
The lessons from the Mars Exploration Rover missions are relevant to our life on Earth, too for developing miniature scientific instruments, methods for visualizing scientific data, and robotic tools for accessing remote or dangerous environments. At the same time, you will appreciate better how people and computer systems are quite different, how we work in synergy with our tools and each other, and why we probably need to send people to Mars if we are to answer the riddle whether life also evolved on Mars.
For over seven years, hundreds of scientists have traveled together exploring the unknown lands of Mars. Primary among the mission scientific goals of the exploration is to search for and characterize a wide range of rocks and soils that hold clues that... life on Mars existed. Scientists identified two landing sites for the spacecraft at the opposite of Mars-the Gusev Crater and the Meridiani Planum, where mineral deposits suggested Mars had a wet past, thus the possibility that life has existed on Mars.
The exciting voyages of discovery at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum have developed a new practice for doing science using virtual reality tools to program a robotic laboratory and interpret data about the chemistry, geology, and atmosphere of Mars while scientists are living on Earth.
From many compelling photographs and stories, you will learn about the scientists' personal experience in working on Mars. You will understand how using computer tools, humanity's reach now extends to another planet.
Our Distinguished Speaker:
Dr. William J. Clancey,
Chief Scientist,
Human-Centered Computing, Intelligent Systems Division,
NASA Ames research Center,
menarik benor ni...aku nak p try join le...hehe
rurouni Post at 30-4-2011 20:40
anda dialu-alukan.. memandangkan talk ni free.. hebahkan pada sesiapa yang berminat dan ingin tahu mengenai angkasa lepas atau mars, atau teknologi terkini atau cara penyelidik NASA melakukan penyelidikan dan sebagainya.. bagi pensyarah, student atau penyelidik di malaysia, masa ni lah kita cuba mendapatkan kerjasama/collaboration dan tanya apa2 kemuskilan atau penyelesaian kepada permasaalah yang belum dirungkai