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company mana buat online advertising?
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Post Last Edit by maisara_tipu at 22-4-2011 09:31
nak tanya skit.....
tau tak syarikat advertising mana yg ada buat iklan online, cth iklan nescafe, digi, dutch lady, toyota dll....pastu iklan tu kat internet..cth yg kt slalu nampak cam kat forum cari ni lah... kat header tu kan ada iklan...
pastu sape yg ada blog mesti tau adv nufnang @ advertlets... mesti iklan2 camni melalui perantaraan, xmungkin direct terus pada brand2 terbabit...
Byk advertising company buat iklan kat magazine, newspaper, Tv, Radio.... yg buat online lak, sape ye..
segala jawapan dr anda, saya benar2 hargai...TQ |
adsniaga pun ader
naper? nk tempah iklan ngn dorg? |
Hello dear sir or lady : My name is tian bao long from china , i'm selling LED trivision billboard . it is anormal trivision billboard in the day and show three different posters , but at night , the face with LED lights will stop rolling and it will become a LED colour screen ,which can show many different advertising videos , i think that we could on business together Skype robinwanpersie International QQ 345256021 Email [email protected]
welcome to Hong Hai Group
skype ID robinwanpersie international QQ 345256021
Allah bless you God bless you |
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Category: Belia & Informasi