Mental Block or Mental Fatigue
is also used to describe this inability to concentrate and think clearly
which consequently results in a lack of drive and motivation and impacts on productivity.
Mental blocks can be caused by a number of factors
but most commonly they are due to prolonged cognitive activity
(e.g. working too much .. for too long). Free Writing
Open up a blank page on your laptop (or notebook..if you prefer)
and start writing freely ..
Write whatever comes to mind ..
Yes..that includes all the nonsense stuff that crosses your mind ..
You will see that..soon enough
some ideas and helpful thoughts will start to emerge ..
These can happen at any time.
Sometimes we hit a psychological wall right in the middle of an important project ..
All of a sudden ..
we get paralyzed with the fear of failure and everything just feels overwhelming ..
p/s ..
intrusive thoughts .. not a good idea .. Aqal yang Sihat..
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