“NINE” is a vibrant and provocative musical that follows the life of world famous film director Guido Contini (Daniel Day-Lewis) as he reaches a creative and personal crisis of epic proportion, while balancing the numerous women in his life including his wife (Marion Cotillard), his mistress (Penelope Cruz), his film star muse (Nicole Kidman), his confidant and costume designer (Judi Dench), an American fashion journalist (Kate Hudson), the whore from his youth (Fergie) and his mother (Sophia Loren). The film is directed by Rob Marshall (CHICAGO). The original 1982 Broadway production of “NINE,” with music and lyrics by Maury Yeston, won five Tony Awards including Best Musical.
Tak sabarnya aku nak tengok filem ni..Pelakon semua mantap belaka..
mentang2 thn ni 2009, byk lak filem dgn no 9. :re:
aritu district 9, pstu filem animasi '9', yg ni NINE lak.
rasa2 ada lg tak filem lain tjuk dgn no 9 kuar thn ni?
wah time kasih tempek pics
pelakon semua power kan?
aku paling tak sabar tengok Daniel Day-Lewis
lakonan dia selalunya tak menghampakan
kekure Post at 12-10-2009 17:44
aku paling x sabar nak nengok lakonan KATE HUDSON...lebih lebih dalam filem musical begini....
The upcoming musical Nine with its star-studded cast of Daniel Day-Lewis, Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz, Marion Cotillard and Dame Judi Dench is being pushed back to a wide-release on Christmas Day.
Originally the film was supposed to see a Thanksgiving weekend release, but now it will take on the Christmas box office competing with Robert Downey, Jr. in Sherlock Holmes and Meryl Streep in It's Complicated.
The Weinstein Company asserts that the later release is not because of production delays, so why the change?
It does look like a pretty glitzy, glamorous flick! More suited to the Christmas spirit perhaps?
Although the film is about a director and his affairs with multiple women, so maybe not.
Despite a weak box office opening, the Weinstein Company said that they have no plans to yank Nine from theaters. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the movie will play in 1,412 screens in the United States this coming weekend, the same number as the previous weekend.
David Glasser, an operations exec for the Weinstein Company told Reuters yesterday, "At this moment in time there has been no plan between us nor the theater chains that we deal with to cut any theaters. We are going to hold our theaters as planned. The movie is working." Nine cost an estimated $64 million to produce, but despite the hype and five Golden Globe noms, its gross domestic earnings are only hovering around $7.9 million. What went wrong?