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Sebab apa keguguran? kongsi lah kat sini...
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Salam n Hi,
Ni nak bertukar2 pendapat..sebab apa sekarang nie byk isu keguguran pada kehamilan pertama?? then apa yg korang buat selepas keguguran? cnthnya: urut, mkn ubat, jumpa gynea and etc..share lah pendapat korang kat sini k... |
mrs2007 penah keguguran ke? |
Pi ler berurut dah berpantang...
Pantang org keguguran ni tak sama dgn yg pas bersalin... ssb tu kena jaga sngt org yg pas keguguran ni. |
Originally posted by needa at 4-6-2009 10:52
mrs2007 penah keguguran ke?
pernah..30.01.09..first baby..tu yg nak dpt kan pengalaman n info sepa2 yg tau nie..koz till sekarang mrs masih menunggu lagi.dah tu period pun dah tak teratur..sekarang dah 42days mrs masi blm period lagi.. tapi mrs check still -ve gak... |
ada byk faktor
-keja berat
-rahim jatuh/ tak kuat
kalu senggugut konfom je preg, terus gi dr pakar utk penjagaan rapi.. biasanya dr. akan bg ubat utk kuatkan peranakan sehingga kandungan 6-7bln.. ofcoz xle keja berat.. angkat brg >3kg pun risiko. |
Originally posted by gambus at 4-6-2009 13:59
ada byk faktor
-keja berat
-rahim jatuh/ tak kuat
kalu senggugut konfom je preg, terus gi dr pakar utk penjagaan rapi.. biasanya dr. akan bg ubat utk kuatkan peranakan s ...
oh ye dulu mrs pernah lah keputihan yg amat kira dah 1/2 thn before preg tu mmg dah ok la..klau buat keja berat biasa mrs cuci kain jer lah yg berat2 nie...msk tu sure lah bediri bejam2...koz biasa nak potong itu ini mrs tak suka duduk..then, keje kat ofc nie boleh kata byk duduk dari berdiri n jalan...dah tue tangga yg mrs naik hari2 mmg tinggi...boleh kata 20 anak tangga...anggur mmg tak leh mkn ker??baru mrs tau.....
[ Last edited by mrs2007 at 4-6-2009 14:34 ] |
mrs mmg dah pegi berurut...n mrs ada gak minum jus bidadari n madu dcl lepas keguguran tue..katanya boleh bersihkan rahim n sembuhkan luka..abis sbtl mmg tak g beli lagi..bila period kali ke-2 lepas keguguran tu..mmg teruk la period mrs...sekali ngan darah2 beku lak tue..pastu senggugut lak bukan kepalang kira period yg ketiga after keguguran yg mrs tunggu...dah 42days nie..tak jgk keluar2...ari tu mrs ada appointment ngan pakar, dia scan dia kata darah dah menebal kat rahim mrs..pakar tu kata mrs tak lama lagi dah 10hari after dia ckp tu mrs masi tak period2 jgk...risau nie...... |
Originally posted by mrs2007 at 4-6-2009 02:27 PM
oh ye dulu mrs pernah lah keputihan yg amat kira dah 1/2 thn before preg tu mmg dah ok la..klau buat keja berat biasa mrs cuci kain jer lah yg berat2 nie...msk tu sure lah b ...
anggur boleh makan tp nie kandungan anggur.. |
aku penah gugur kandungan ke-3.
taktau la tahyul ke , boleh percaya ke apa ke, ceritanya abang aku dah 5 tahun kawen tak ade anak, and masa diaorg tahu aku pregnant, diaorg nak baby tu,,.. so kitaorg dah gaduh2 sikit, aku dah stress2.. then masak kandungan aku umo 3 bulan, aku gugur.....
tapi salah aku jugak kot, masa aku memula tahu aku pregnant, aku dah siap bayar duit deposit nak buat abortion, tapi later aku changed my mind. Then bila aku dah happy terima baby, dia plak nak pergi dulu... |
aku penah gugur kdungan ke-2.....
doctor yg rawat tu ckp byk sbb sebenarnya....
tapi aku sbb terlalu penat n rahim tak kuat masa tu... |
saya penah gak miscarriaged...1st pregnant bertahan dlm 9 mggu aje... yg nie apa yg saya search psal miscarriaged... pendek kata blom ada rezeki lgk nak pikir details sgt pun payah jugak...nie adalah sbb2 kenapa bole miscarriaged... just my 2 cents
What causes a miscarriage?
Between 50 and 70 percent of first trimester miscarriages are thought to be random events caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the fertilized egg. Most often, this means that the egg or sperm had the wrong number of chromosomes, and as a result, the fertilized egg can't develop normally.
In other cases, a miscarriage is caused by problems that occur during the delicate process of early development — for example, when an egg doesn't implant properly in the uterus or an embryo has structural defects that don't allow it to continue developing. Since most healthcare practitioners won't do a full-scale workup after a single miscarriage, it's usually impossible to tell why the pregnancy was lost. And even when a detailed evaluation is performed — say after you've had two or three consecutive miscarriages — the cause still remains unknown in about half of cases.
When the fertilized egg has chromosomal problems, you may end up with what's sometimes called a blighted ovum (now usually referred to in medical circles as an early pregnancy failure). In this case, the fertilized egg implants in the uterus and the placenta and gestational sac begin to develop, but the resulting embryo either stops developing very early or doesn't form at all. Because the placenta begins to secrete hormones, you'll get a positive pregnancy test and may have early pregnancy symptoms, but an ultrasound will show an empty gestational sac. In other cases, the embryo does develop for a little while but has abnormalities that make survival impossible, and development stops before the heart starts beating.
Once your baby has a heartbeat — usually visible on ultrasound at around 6 weeks — your odds of having a miscarriage drop significantly.
What kinds of things might put me at a higher risk for miscarriage?
Though any woman can miscarry, some are more likely to miscarry than others. Here are the most common risk factors:
• Age: Older women are more likely to conceive babies with chromosomal abnormalities, and to miscarry them as a result. In fact, 40-year-olds are about twice as likely to miscarry as 20-year-olds.
• A history of miscarriages: Women who have had two or more miscarriages in a row are more likely than other women to miscarry again.
• Certain chronic diseases or disorders: Poorly controlled diabetes, certain inherited blood clotting disorders, certain autoimmune disorders (such as antiphosphilipid syndrome or lupus), and certain hormonal disorders (such as polycystic ovary syndrome).
• Uterine or cervical problems: Having certain uterine abnormalities or a weak or abnormally short cervix (known as cervical insufficiency).
• A history of birth defects or genetic problems: Having had a child with a birth defect, or a family history (or a partner with a family history) of genetic problems.
• Certain infections: Research has shown a somewhat higher risk for miscarriage if you have listeria, mumps, rubella, measles, cytomegalovirus, parvovirus, gonorrhea, HIV, and certain other infections.
• Smoking, drinking, and using drugs: Smoking a lot, drinking too much alcohol, and using drugs like cocaine and ecstasy during pregnancy can all increase your risk for miscarriage. And some studies show an association between drinking four or more cups of coffee a day and a higher risk of miscarriage.
• Taking certain medications: Some medications have been linked to increased risk of miscarriage, so it's important to ask your caregiver about the safety of any medications you're taking even while you're trying to conceive. This goes for prescription and over-the-counter drugs, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and aspirin.
• Exposure to environmental toxins: Environmental factors that might increase your risk include lead; arsenic; some chemicals, like formaldehyde, benzene, and ethylene oxide; and large doses of radiation or anesthetic gases.
• Paternal factors: Little is known about how the father's condition may contribute to a couple's risk for miscarriage, though the risk increases with the father's age. Researchers are studying the extent to which sperm could be damaged by environmental toxins but still manage to fertilize an egg. Some studies have found a greater risk of miscarriage when the father has been exposed to mercury, lead, and some industrial chemicals and pesticides.
Your risk of miscarriage also rises with each child you bear and if you get pregnant within three months after giving birth.
skrg ni aku tgh peknen 8bln setelah keguguran 2x thn kali ke4 aku peknen...
bln januari lps aku ada jumpa doktor...doktor ni yg color vibration tu...doktor ni pandai tgk dalaman kita...
kiranya doktor ni leh scan sampai dlm bdn kita...
doktor ni ckp masa aku gugur 2x tu sbb pemakanan tak sihat...bila aku ingat blk mmg btl...
aku mkn merepek2 je...sblm peknen kali ni aku sajala mkn asid folik hari2...Alhamdulillah...kandungan aku sihat...
kalau nak ckp rahim aku tak kuat tak jugak sbb sblm aku tahu aku peknen kali ke4 ni...masa tu aku g genting hingland...
siap main luncur salji tu...mmg sakitla masa terhempas nak turun bwh tu...lps blk dr genting 2 hari...aku saja la wat pregnancy test...terkejut berok aku...aku pregnant 4 minggu...nasib baik takde apa2...
masa peknen anak sulung dulu siap wrestling ngan hubby...hubby aku angkat aku siap baling2 lak tu...
aku ngan hubby gila skit...kekadang kitorg gurau2 siap kejar dgn kayu...mak mertua aku tgk gelak je |
klu tuan rumah nk prenen lg, cuba jaga pemakanan tu... klu senggugut masa period jgn amalkan minuman bergas dan banyakkan minum air suam |
saya pernah gugur 2 x.ank sulung & ke2. mmg sedih sgt.jumpa dr pakar smua kata kdg2 x de sebab baby bila dh gugur pantang elok2. insyaallah bila jaga pemakanan dan badan kita sihat peluang nk mengandung semula cerah.tak lama lepas gugur kali ke 2, saya mengandung lg. alhamdulillah skrg dh dpt 2 org anak dh |
kite pun penah keguguran 1.1.2009... anak sulung...sedihnye tuhan je tau.. masa tu kandungan 7 minggu... mmg pantang gile2 masa tu sbb dok ngn mak mertua... 44 hari pantang dan tak brsama ngn hubby.... then pergi berurut masa dlm 30 hari pantang...
alhamdulillah skrg dah peknen dekat 6 minggu... brdoa sgt2 semoga kali ni semuanya ok....
harap2 kwn2 yg penah keguguran brsabar laa yer.. doa byk2 insyaAllah Allah akan dgr doa kite tu satu hari... |
thx kangkawan..
baru2 nie mrs pegi berurut kat sorang bidan nie...mmg terror lah dia urut..masa tu peranakan mrs mmg jatuh..ddk pun nda senang..perdiri apatah lagi..slalu nya mrs berurut ngan bidan kat kg mrs nie tp dia urut mmg kat tmpt yg kita request jer bidan yg kali nie mmg diffrent la..dia urut satu badan..dkt 2 jam gak mmg best laa...dia kasi naik peranakkan..sekarang nie mrs tgl tunggu bila mrs period..dia kata biasanya kalau dia urut ni memang serasi ngan badan mrs mmg jadi before mrs period nie.....mudah2an lah kan...AMIN.... |
i pun penah gugur masa 1st time preggy. masa tu baru je dalam 6 weeks plus. rasanye sbb i travel naik kete lama masa awal2 preggy tu. then i pun ada demam and asma jugak time tu. masa gugur tu tak buat D&C pun. masa scan doc cakap uterus dah kosong dah so tak perlu d&c. sedih sgt masa tu. hubby bawak i gi berurut 3 kali. after 4 bulan, i preggy balik. now my doter dah 2thn stgh and now i tgh preggy lagi anak kedua
[ Last edited by babymeow at 5-6-2009 16:52 ] |
korang tengok tak WHI yang dr hamit arshad jadik guest tuh...byk betul info berguna masa miscarriage...sapa2 yang nak tau lebih lanjut pegi tengok catch up tv kat
antara yang byk kes ialah ML during pregnancy......dia kata sebenornye ramai yang kategory dalam jenis nih...sebab no 1: bila ML rahim akan mengecut and contraction boleh menyebabkan mscr. no 2: sperm kadangkala bawak toksin/kuman yang boleh bunuh dia nasihatkan sapa2 yg sennag gugur tuh poser la ML sampai second trisem..katanya berkorbanlah sikit...byk lagik la dia citer..korabng gi tgklah...
lagi satu katanya...mmg ramai orang kata pemakan masa mengandung yg sebabkan mscarriage..katanya itu macam tak betul sbb langsung tak de study yang kata pemkanan punca miscarrage...wallahualam....
[ Last edited by akubest at 8-6-2009 03:55 ] |
Reply #19 akubest's post
ye ke pemakanan tak betul bkn punca miscarriage?
masa aku gugur 2x thn lps doktor ckp pemakanan tak sihat... |
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